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      2. 考研英語作文:沉默的力量(The Power of Silence)

        時間:2022-08-09 20:42:58 英語作文 我要投稿

        考研英語作文:沉默的力量(The Power of Silence)

          在平日的學(xué)習(xí)、工作和生活里,大家總少不了接觸作文吧,借助作文可以提高我們的語言組織能力。還是對作文一籌莫展嗎?下面是小編幫大家整理的考研英語作文:沉默的.力量(The Power of Silence),希望對大家有所幫助。

        考研英語作文:沉默的力量(The Power of Silence)

          What did you not say yesterday? Were there things you wish you had said but held back? Did you corral certain words, certain sentences, and hold them for another opportunity? Were some thoughts pushed below the surface, allowed to be changed with time, perhaps to be forgotten forever? How many “Ilove you’s” went unsaid that would have healed an aching heart? As with sleep, you cannot store them and build a reserve to tap into at a later date. Their power, their balming effect, quickly dissipates with disuse. They work only in the moment that they were intended. Left idle, their potential is gone, the object of their delivery untouched by kindness, by tenderness.

          “I love you.” It is so simple to say. three words. There are many other opportunities to say them, but none more important and possessing more potential than now. Words can have the opposite effect if left unsaid, almost as if they were spoken as opposites. Silence can equal the opposite. “Ilove you” unsaid can become “i don’t love you” out loud. Your most tender and endearing thoughts, if not allowed to fly free from the prison of your mind, may silently tell someone that you don’t care. how many times has your silence told your partner or child that you didn’t love them? how often has an unsaid word created the opposite effect? think of all the lives that would have been changed had armies of sentences been allowed to roam free. Those who go through life cloaked in spoken endearments, wrapped and comforted in the voiced love of others, are truly blessed. The power of the spoken word is mighty. The power of silence can be mightier still.Countless millions of words have been written and spoken since the beginning of human history. A total of all the words in all the libraries of the world, past and present, and every word of every conversation, idle chatter, lecture, broadcast, and speech in history would be dwarfed by the vast legions of words left unsaid, those rendered impotent by silence. not that it is a good thing to instantly speak every thought that comes to mind: chaos would ensue. we have to be selective of our words and deliver them into the pattern of conversation where appropriate; however, it is our mental editing that isolates certain words and thoughts as unspeakable, and sentences them to die (pun intended).

          Words can change the world. They can incite, torture, kill, comfort, heal, encourage, humiliate, anger, inspire, sadden, give joy, make one laugh, and they can forever change one’s life. There are many kinds of words: “in other words,” four-letter-words, words that are read, words to make you blue; there is the spoken word, the written word, the forgotten word; we put words in someone’s mouth, and we don’t have the words to epress.... words, everywhere, and not a thought to speak. and the unsaid words.

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