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      2. 格林童話故事第:井邊的牧鵝女The goose-girl at the

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        格林童話故事第173篇:井邊的牧鵝女The goose-girl at the well


        格林童話故事第173篇:井邊的牧鵝女The goose-girl at the well

          從前有一個(gè)老婆婆,她和一群鵝住在大山之間的荒野里,荒野的四周環(huán)繞著一片大森林。 每天清晨,老婆婆都要拄著拐杖,顫顫巍巍地走到森林中去,她在那兒不停地忙著,別人真無(wú)法相信她這么大的年紀(jì)了還能做這么多事:她要替自己的鵝打草,用手采摘野果,還要把所有的這些東西背回家去。 別人一定以為這么重的東西一定會(huì)把她壓倒在地,可是她卻總是能夠把它們?nèi)急郴厝ァ?如果她碰到別人,她都會(huì)十分和藹地向他打招呼:"你好呀,親愛的老鄉(xiāng),今天天氣可真不錯(cuò)哩。是的,你看見我拖著這么多草準(zhǔn)會(huì)吃驚,可是每個(gè)人都得背起他自己的負(fù)擔(dān)啊。"不過(guò),人們寧可繞彎路也還是不愿遇見她。 如果一位父親帶著他的兒子從她身邊經(jīng)過(guò),他便會(huì)悄悄地對(duì)兒子說(shuō):"小心這個(gè)老太婆,她是一個(gè)非常狡猾的女巫。"

          一天早晨,一個(gè)英俊的少年在林中漫步。 清晨的森林,陽(yáng)光明媚,鳥兒歡唱,陣陣涼風(fēng)輕拂著樹葉,此時(shí)的少年心情舒暢極了。 就在這時(shí),他突然看見了那個(gè)老太婆,她正跪在地上用鐮刀割草哩。 她已經(jīng)割了一大捆草,她的身旁還放著兩個(gè)裝滿了野梨和蘋果的籃子。 "嗨,老太太,"少年說(shuō),"你一個(gè)人怎么搬得動(dòng)這么多東西呢?""我不搬不行啊,親愛的先生,"她回答道,"有錢人家的少爺不用干這個(gè)。可是有句俗語(yǔ)說(shuō)得好:'別東張西望,你的背像彎弓一樣。'"

          "你愿意幫幫我嗎?"老太婆看到少年還站著沒(méi)走,便問(wèn)道,"你的背還是直直的,腿腳還很利落,干這個(gè)并不難。再說(shuō)我家離這兒并不太遠(yuǎn),就在這座山后面的荒原上,很快就能走到。"這時(shí)少年對(duì)這個(gè)老太婆充滿了同情,便說(shuō):"雖然我的父親不是農(nóng)民而是一位富有的伯爵,可是為了讓你看看并不是只有農(nóng)民才能干重活兒,我愿意幫你把這些東西背回去。""如果是這樣的話,那我太高興了,"她說(shuō),"你得走上一小時(shí),可這對(duì)你又算得了什么呢?對(duì)了,那邊的梨子和蘋果你也得背上。"年輕的伯爵聽說(shuō)要走上一小時(shí)的路,變得有些猶豫了。 可是老太婆并不放過(guò)他,而是馬上把草捆放在了他的背上,再把兩只籃子挎在他的手腕上。 "你瞧,這不是挺輕松的嗎?"她說(shuō)。 "不,并不輕松。"小伯爵愁容滿面地說(shuō)道,"這些草捆在背上非常沉,好像里面盡是裝的大石頭。蘋果和梨子也重得像灌了鉛一樣,我被壓得都快要憋不過(guò)氣來(lái)了。"他很想把東西全都放下,可是老太婆不讓他這么干。 "瞧,"她嘲諷地說(shuō)道,"你這位年輕的先生連我這個(gè)老太婆經(jīng)常搬的東西都搬不動(dòng)。你說(shuō)起漂亮話來(lái)倒是蠻厲害的,真要干起來(lái)的時(shí)候卻想逃之夭夭,你還站在那兒干嘛呢?"她繼續(xù)說(shuō)道,"走吧,快抬腿!沒(méi)有人會(huì)替你背的。"只要走的是平路,年輕人還頂?shù)米,可是?dāng)他們來(lái)到山前,不得不往上爬,而腳下的石頭又一個(gè)個(gè)像是活了似的往下滾的時(shí)候,他就吃不消了。 只見他不僅額頭上掛著一顆顆的汗珠兒,身上也是汗流浹背的,讓他覺(jué)得一會(huì)兒冷,一會(huì)兒熱。 "老婆婆,"他說(shuō),"我不行了,想休息休息。""不行!"老太婆回答說(shuō),"我們到了以后,你才可以休息,現(xiàn)在你還得往前走。誰(shuí)知道你打的是什么主意呢?""老太婆,你好不講理!"小伯爵說(shuō)著就想放下背上的草捆,可他是白費(fèi)心機(jī),因?yàn)槟莻(gè)包袱牢牢地掛在了他的背上,像是長(zhǎng)在了他身上一樣。 他急得轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)來(lái),又轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)去,可是怎么也擺脫不掉。 見此情形,老太婆高興得哈哈大笑,在那兒拄著拐棍亂蹦亂跳。 "別生氣,親愛的先生,"她說(shuō),"你的臉紅得像一只火雞。耐心一點(diǎn)背你的包袱吧,到家后我會(huì)多多給你賞錢的。"小伯爵無(wú)可奈何,只好認(rèn)命,耐著性子跟在老太婆的身后慢慢地走著。 老太婆好像變得越來(lái)越矯健,而他的負(fù)荷卻變得越來(lái)越沉重。 突然,她往上一跳,跳到草捆上坐了下來(lái)。 雖然她骨瘦如柴,卻比那種最胖的鄉(xiāng)下姑娘還要重。 年輕人兩膝打顫,可是他要是不往前走,老太婆便會(huì)用樹枝和麻桿抽打他的腿。 他就這么氣喘噓噓地爬上了山,終于到了老太婆的家,這時(shí)他累得差不多快要倒下去了。 那些鵝一看見老太婆便豎起它們的翅膀,伸長(zhǎng)脖子嘎嘎嘎地朝她跑了過(guò)來(lái)。 一個(gè)婦人手里拿著一根樹枝,跟在那群鵝的后面走了過(guò)來(lái)。 她又高又壯,丑得像個(gè)母夜叉。 "媽媽,"她對(duì)老太婆說(shuō),"怎么啦,你怎么才回來(lái)?""沒(méi)什么,我的女兒,"老太婆回答說(shuō),"我沒(méi)遇到什么壞事,恰恰相反,這位好心的先生幫我把東西背回來(lái)了哩。當(dāng)我走累了,他還連我也一起背了上來(lái)。這段路對(duì)我們來(lái)說(shuō)根本不算遠(yuǎn),我們一路上非常高興,還一直鬧著玩兒吶。"終于,老太婆走了過(guò)來(lái),從年輕人的背上把草捆取了下來(lái),并接過(guò)他手腕上的籃子,非常和藹地看著他說(shuō),"現(xiàn)在你坐到門口的長(zhǎng)凳上去好好休息一下吧。你應(yīng)該得到的那一份報(bào)酬,我是不會(huì)少你的。"然后她對(duì)牧鵝女說(shuō),"我的女兒,你進(jìn)屋去,你不適合同一位年輕的先生單獨(dú)待在一起。咱們不應(yīng)該火上澆油,否則他會(huì)愛上你的。"伯爵聽了哭笑不得,心想:"這樣一個(gè)活寶,哪怕她再年輕三十歲,也打動(dòng)不了我的心。"這時(shí),只見那老太婆像撫摸自己的孩子一樣撫摸著她的那群鵝,隨后便同女兒一道進(jìn)屋去了。 于是,少年便在野蘋果樹下的一條長(zhǎng)凳上躺了下來(lái)。 山上的空氣清新宜人,周圍是一大片綠色的草地,草地上開滿了櫻草、野麝香和各色各樣的花兒;一條清清的小溪從草地間流過(guò),水面上波光鱗鱗;那些白白的鵝,有的在水中漫步,有的在水中嬉戲玩耍。 "這兒可真美啊!"少年說(shuō)道,"可是我累得連眼皮都抬不起來(lái)了,我得先睡一會(huì)兒才行。但可千萬(wàn)別起風(fēng)呀,因?yàn)轱L(fēng)兒一定會(huì)把我這雙軟得像火絨似的腿給吹跑的。"

          剛剛睡著不一會(huì)兒,那老太婆就走了過(guò)來(lái)把他搖醒說(shuō):"起來(lái),你不能留在這兒。是的,我把你累壞了,可是你不還是活得好好的嗎?我現(xiàn)在就把你應(yīng)得的報(bào)酬給你。金銀財(cái)寶你不需要 ,我要給你一件別的東西。 "說(shuō)著,她便把一只用一整塊綠寶石雕刻而成的精制的小匣子放到了他的手中。然后又接著說(shuō):"好好保管它,它會(huì)給你帶來(lái)幸福的。 "伯爵一聽自己可以走了,便高興得跳了起來(lái),這時(shí)他人也清醒了,精神也好了,于是謝了那個(gè)老太婆便頭也不回地朝山下走去,身后傳來(lái)鵝群陣陣歡快的叫聲。

          小伯爵在荒野里轉(zhuǎn)了三天才找到出去的路。 這時(shí),他來(lái)到一個(gè)陌生的地方,因?yàn)楫?dāng)?shù)貨](méi)有人認(rèn)識(shí)他,人們便把他帶到了王宮里。 來(lái)到王宮,只見國(guó)王和他的王后正端坐在高高的寶座上。 于是他單膝跪地,從口袋里把綠寶石小匣子掏了出來(lái),呈送給王后。 只見那王后還沒(méi)等打開小匣子就昏倒在地了,國(guó)王的侍衛(wèi)于是便把少年抓了起來(lái),要把他送進(jìn)牢房。 這時(shí)王后睜開眼睛并命令侍衛(wèi)把他給放了,然后她讓所有的人都退下,因?yàn)樗托〔魡为?dú)談?wù)劇?/p>

          眾人退下之后,只見王后傷心地哭了起來(lái):"我雖然有享受不盡的榮華富貴,可是那又有什么用呢?我的生活里充滿了憂愁和痛苦。我本來(lái)有三個(gè)女兒,其中最小的那個(gè)女兒最美麗,大家都說(shuō)她美得像個(gè)天仙:她的皮膚像雪一樣白,她的面龐像花兒一樣?jì)善G,她的滿頭金發(fā)像陽(yáng)光一樣燦爛;她哭泣的時(shí)候,從眼睛里流下來(lái)的眼淚是一顆顆晶瑩美麗的珍珠和寶石。她十五歲那年,國(guó)王把三個(gè)女兒全都叫到他的面前,你絕對(duì)想像不到當(dāng)她像初升的太陽(yáng)一般光彩照人地走進(jìn)來(lái)時(shí),在場(chǎng)的那些大臣們有多驚異!這時(shí),國(guó)王問(wèn)她們說(shuō),孩子們,我不知道自己什么時(shí)候會(huì)離你們而去,所以我要在今天決定你們每一個(gè)人在我死后能夠得到些什么。你們?nèi)齻(gè)都很愛我,但其中最愛我的那個(gè)卻應(yīng)得到最好的東西。三個(gè)女兒都說(shuō)自己最愛他。于是國(guó)王就問(wèn),'你們能告訴我,你們是怎樣愛我的嗎?這樣,我就知道你們是不是真心愛我了。'于是大女兒說(shuō),'我愛父親就像愛最甜的甜點(diǎn)心。'接著,二女兒說(shuō),'我愛父親就像愛我最漂亮的衣服。'可是最小的女兒卻沉默不語(yǔ),國(guó)王便問(wèn)她,'你呢,我最親愛的孩子,你是怎樣愛我的呢?''我不知道,'她回答說(shuō),'沒(méi)有任何東西能與我對(duì)你的愛相比。'可國(guó)王卻堅(jiān)持要她說(shuō),于是她終于說(shuō)道,'您知道,沒(méi)有鹽,再好的美味佳肴我也不喜歡。所以,我愛父親就像愛鹽一樣。'國(guó)王聽了,非常生氣地說(shuō),'既然你像愛鹽一樣愛我,那我就用鹽來(lái)回報(bào)你對(duì)我的愛好了。'就這樣,他把自己的王國(guó)分給了兩個(gè)大女兒,卻讓侍從將一袋鹽捆在小女兒身上,并命令他們把她扔到荒蕪人煙的大森林里去。我們?nèi)继嫠笄,可是?guó)王還是沒(méi)有回心轉(zhuǎn)意。"王后哭著繼續(xù)說(shuō)道:"當(dāng)小女兒不得不離開我們的時(shí)候,她哭得真?zhèn)陌?整條路上都灑滿了她的珍珠眼淚。沒(méi)過(guò)多久,國(guó)王因自己這么嚴(yán)厲地懲罰了小女兒而深感后悔,便派人到森林中去尋找那可憐的孩子,可是找遍了整個(gè)大森林還是沒(méi)有見到她的蹤影。后來(lái)我只要一想到她有可能被野獸吃掉了,我就會(huì)傷心得不能自已。有時(shí)我又安慰自己,認(rèn)為她也許還活著,要么藏在哪個(gè)山洞里了,要么被什么好心人收養(yǎng)了?墒牵(dāng)我看到你給我的綠寶石小匣子,看見上面鑲嵌著一顆珍珠,且它的形狀和從我女兒眼睛里掉出來(lái)的珍珠眼淚一模一樣的時(shí)候,你說(shuō)我有多激動(dòng)啊!你一定要告訴我,你是如何得到這顆珍珠的。"于是小伯爵便告訴她自己是從一個(gè)住在大森林中的老太婆那兒得到的。 國(guó)王和王后聽了之后,便決定去尋找那個(gè)老太婆,因?yàn)樗麄冋J(rèn)為她一定知道小公主的下落。

          卻說(shuō)那個(gè)老太婆此時(shí)正坐在家里的紡車邊紡紗織布,此時(shí)天已經(jīng)黑了下來(lái),她腳邊的爐子里燃著的一塊木炭發(fā)出了微弱的亮光。 這時(shí),從遠(yuǎn)處突然傳來(lái)一陣嘎嘎嘎的聲音,原來(lái)是她的鵝群從草地上回來(lái)了 ,不一會(huì)兒,她的女兒也回來(lái)了。 可是老太婆卻沒(méi)怎么搭理她,只是對(duì)她點(diǎn)頭示了意。 于是女兒便坐到她的身邊,從她手中接過(guò)紡錘,像個(gè)年輕的姑娘一般靈巧地紡起線來(lái)。 她們就這樣默默地干了兩個(gè)小時(shí),誰(shuí)都沒(méi)說(shuō)一句話。 這時(shí),她們聽到有什么東西在窗外叫著,還看到有兩只眼睛在忽閃忽閃地往里瞅著。 原來(lái)那是一只老貓頭鷹在咕咕咕地叫哩。 于是老太婆抬頭看了看天,然后說(shuō):


          于是,姑娘便走了出去。 她到底要去哪兒呢? 只見她穿過(guò)草地然后繼續(xù)朝前走去,一直走進(jìn)山谷,最后她來(lái)到了三棵老橡樹旁的井邊。 這時(shí),圓圓的月亮已經(jīng)悄悄地爬上了山頂,皎潔的月光照在山谷里,一切都是那么明亮,仿佛針兒掉在地上也能找到。 只見她取下臉上的面皮,把頭低下在井邊洗了起來(lái)。 洗完臉后,她又把那張面皮浸到水里,然后再在草地上鋪平?jīng)龈伞?可是你絕對(duì)想像不到這個(gè)月光下的女孩是什么樣子! 只見她那頭花白的假辮子掉了下來(lái),一頭金發(fā)像陽(yáng)光一樣披散在肩頭,仿佛像一件外套似的蓋住了她的整個(gè)身軀。 她的兩只眼睛像夜空中的星星一樣晶瑩剔透,嬌嫩的雙頰恰似那盛開的花兒。

          可是美麗的少女卻十分憂傷,她坐到地上,傷心地哭了起來(lái),淚珠一顆顆地落到披散的頭發(fā)間。 她就這樣坐了很久,突然 ,附近的樹林里發(fā)出了一陣沙沙的聲音,她像一頭聽到獵人槍聲的小鹿似的從地上一躍而起。 這時(shí),月亮被一團(tuán)星云遮住了,一眨眼,那姑娘又重新套上了她的面皮和假發(fā),像一盞被風(fēng)吹滅了的燈一樣驟然消逝在樹林之中。

          姑娘像一片白楊樹葉似的全身顫慄著跑回了家。 那老太婆這時(shí)正站在門邊,姑娘想把發(fā)生的事情告訴她,可是她卻笑著說(shuō):"我已經(jīng)全知道了。"老太婆把姑娘帶進(jìn)屋里,然后在火爐里再加上了一塊木頭,可是她卻沒(méi)有坐到紡車前去,而是拿來(lái)一把掃帚,開始打掃屋子。 "一切都要弄得干干凈凈的才行。"她對(duì)姑娘說(shuō)道。 "可是,媽媽,"姑娘說(shuō),"你為什么這么晚才開始干呢?你怎么啦?""你知不知道現(xiàn)在是幾點(diǎn)鐘?"老太婆問(wèn)道。 "還沒(méi)到午夜,"姑娘回答說(shuō),"可是已經(jīng)過(guò)了十一點(diǎn)了。""你不記得了嗎?你就是三年前的今天到我這兒來(lái)的呀!"老太婆繼續(xù)說(shuō)道,"你在我這兒的時(shí)間已經(jīng)夠久的了,你不能再待在這兒了。"姑娘吃了一驚,問(wèn):"唉,親愛的媽媽,你難道想趕我走嗎?你叫我去哪兒呢?我既沒(méi)有朋友,也沒(méi)有了家,我能上哪兒去呢?凡是你叫我做的活兒我都做了,你也對(duì)我挺滿意,別趕我走吧!"老太婆不愿告訴她真正的原因,只是說(shuō):"我不再待在這兒了,可我搬走的時(shí)候,要把這兒打掃得干干凈凈的,所以不要妨礙我干活,你也不用擔(dān)心,你會(huì)找到住處的。而且我將要給你的報(bào)酬你也會(huì)很滿意的。""可是請(qǐng)你告訴我,到底會(huì)發(fā)生什么事呢?"姑娘繼續(xù)問(wèn)道。 "我再對(duì)你說(shuō)一遍,不要妨礙我干活。不要再問(wèn)了,回你的房間去,把臉上的面皮取下來(lái),再穿上你當(dāng)初來(lái)我這兒時(shí)穿的那件絲綢衣服,然后呆在你自己的房間里,直到我叫你出來(lái)為止。"

          卻說(shuō)國(guó)王和王后以及小伯爵一起出了王宮,準(zhǔn)備到荒野上去找那個(gè)老太婆。 夜里,小伯爵在森林里掉了隊(duì),只好一個(gè)人繼續(xù)朝前走。 第二天,他才找到了那條上山的路,便不停地朝前趕路,一直走到天黑才爬到一棵樹上,準(zhǔn)備在那兒過(guò)夜。 當(dāng)月亮出來(lái)的時(shí)候,他發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)人影從山上走了下來(lái),雖然這人的手里沒(méi)有拿鞭子,可是他卻一眼認(rèn)出這個(gè)人就是那個(gè)牧鵝女。 "呀,"他差點(diǎn)失聲叫了出來(lái),"是她,我剛剛才從一個(gè)巫婆的魔掌中逃出來(lái),莫非現(xiàn)在又要落入另一個(gè)巫婆的魔掌?"可是,當(dāng)他看到牧鵝女走到井邊取下面皮,一頭金色的長(zhǎng)發(fā)披散在肩上的時(shí)候,他大吃了一驚,因?yàn)樗簧矝](méi)見過(guò)像她那么美麗的女孩。 他大氣都不敢出,卻竭力伸長(zhǎng)脖子,目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地盯著這個(gè)美麗的姑娘。 也許是因?yàn)樗纳眢w太往前傾,或是別的什么原因,'喀嚓'一聲,一根樹枝突然斷了下來(lái)。 就在這時(shí),只見姑娘飛快地套上面皮和假發(fā),像小鹿似的跳了起來(lái),在月亮被烏云遮住的一剎那,姑娘就在他的眼皮底下消失了。

          她剛逃走,他便從樹上飛快地跳了下來(lái),緊跟在她身后。 沒(méi)多久,他便看見夜色中有兩個(gè)人影穿過(guò)草地,原來(lái)那是國(guó)王和王后。 他們遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)地看見了老太婆屋里的亮光 ,便朝著這邊走了過(guò)來(lái)。 這時(shí),伯爵上前把他在井邊見到的怪事告訴了他們,他們很快就確認(rèn)那一定是他們失蹤多年的女兒。 于是他們就興高采烈地朝前走,很快便到了那個(gè)有亮光的小屋前。 只見那些鵝蹲成一圈,腦袋全都插進(jìn)它們的翅膀里在睡覺(jué)哩。 他們?nèi)顺皯衾锟慈ィ灰娔抢咸乓粋(gè)人正坐在屋里紡線,又點(diǎn)了點(diǎn)頭,卻沒(méi)有回頭看。 屋子里打掃得干干凈凈,仿佛這兒住的全都是些腳上不會(huì)粘上灰塵的小霧人似的。 他們看了好一會(huì)兒,卻沒(méi)看見那個(gè)姑娘。 于是他們鼓足勇氣,輕輕地敲了敲窗戶。 這時(shí),那個(gè)好像是一直在等著他們的老太婆站了起來(lái),非常和藹地說(shuō):"只管進(jìn)來(lái)好了,我早就知道你們來(lái)了。"于是,他們走了進(jìn)去,那老太婆又說(shuō):"要是你們?nèi)昵安话炎约荷屏伎蓯鄣暮⒆于s出家門,那今天也不用走這么遠(yuǎn)的路了。只是她在這兒對(duì)她也沒(méi)什么壞處,因?yàn)槿陙?lái),她只管放鵝,因此她那小小的心靈并沒(méi)受到什么創(chuàng)傷,倒是你們卻一直生活在焦慮不安之中,得到了應(yīng)有的懲罰。"說(shuō)完,她便走到另一扇門前,大聲說(shuō):"出來(lái)吧,我的女兒。"這時(shí),門兒打開了,從里面走出來(lái)一位身著袍子的美麗姑娘。 只見她一頭金發(fā)披散在肩頭,兩只眼睛撲閃撲閃的,恰似一位下凡的仙女。

          她朝著自己的父母走去,摟住他們不停地親吻著,大家全都高興得哭了起來(lái)。 這時(shí),姑娘看見了站在他們身旁的這位年輕的伯爵,她的臉兒就像原野上那羞答答地綻開著的玫瑰。 這時(shí),國(guó)王說(shuō):"親愛的孩子,我的王國(guó)已經(jīng)給了你的兩個(gè)姐姐,我該拿什么送給你呢?""她什么都不需要,"老太婆說(shuō)道,"我要把她為你們流的眼淚還給她,那全是一顆顆比從海里采擷出來(lái)的珍珠還要美、比你的整個(gè)王國(guó)還更珍貴的寶貝。還有,我要把這間小屋留給她,作為她在這兒放鵝的報(bào)酬。"話音剛落,那個(gè)老太婆便在他們面前消失了。 這時(shí),他們聽見四周的墻壁正在嘎嘎作,轉(zhuǎn)頭一看,原來(lái)這間小屋已變成了一座華麗的宮殿,御膳桌也已擺好,還有許多仆人正在忙著上菜哩!

          故事到這兒還沒(méi)完,可是給我講這個(gè)故事的祖母已經(jīng)記不清楚后面的情節(jié)了。 可我總認(rèn)為,美麗的公主一定和伯爵結(jié)了婚,他們一定住在那座宮殿里,過(guò)著美滿幸福的生活,一直到老。 而當(dāng)初在小屋前飼養(yǎng)的那群小白鵝,是否是那些被老太太收養(yǎng)的少女--她們現(xiàn)在有沒(méi)有恢復(fù)人形,并留在年輕的王后身邊當(dāng)侍女,我都不清楚,可是我想一定是這樣的。 不過(guò)有一點(diǎn)是確信無(wú)疑的,那就是那個(gè)老太太不是人們所說(shuō)的老巫婆,而是一位好心腸的女術(shù)士,并且讓公主一生下來(lái),哭出來(lái)的就不是眼淚,而是一顆顆珍珠的人,也多半是這位老太太。



          The goose-girl at the well

          There was once upon a time a very old woman, who lived with he flock of geese in a waste place among the mountains, and there had a little house. The waste was surrounded by a large forest, and every morning the old woman took her crutch and hobbled into it. There, however, the dame was quite active, more so than any one would have thought, considering her age, and collected grass for her geese, picked all the wild fruit she could reach, and carried everything home on her back. Any one would have thought that the heavy load would have weighed her to the ground, but she always brought it safely home. If any one met her, she greeted him quite courteously. "Good day, dear countryman, it is a fine day. Ah! you wonder that I should drag grass about, but every one must take his burthen on his back." Nevertheless, people did not like to meet her if they could help it, and took by preference a round-about way, and when a father with his boys passed her, he whispered to them, "Beware of the old woman. She has claws beneath her gloves; she is a witch."

          One morning, a handsome young man was going through the forest. The sun shone bright, the birds sang, a cool breeze crept through the leaves, and he was full of joy and gladness. He had as yet met no one, when he suddenly perceived the old witch kneeling on the ground cutting grass with a sickle. She had already thrust a whole load into her cloth, and near it stood two baskets, which were filled with wild apples and pears. "But, good little mother," said he, "how canst thou carry all that away?" - "I must carry it, dear sir," answered she, "rich folk's children have no need to do such things, but with the peasant folk the saying goes,

          Don't look behind you,

          You will only see how crooked your back is!"

          "Will you help me?" she said, as he remained standing by her. "You have still a straight back and young legs, it would be a trifle to you. Besides, my house is not so very far from here, it stands there on the heath behind the hill. How soon you would bound up thither." The young man took compassion on the old woman. "My father is certainly no peasant," replied he, "but a rich count; nevertheless, that you may see that it is not only peasants who can carry things, I will take your bundle." If you will try it," said she, "I shall be very glad. You will certainly have to walk for an hour, but what will that signify to you; only you must carry the apples and pears as well?" It now seemed to the young man just a little serious, when he heard of an hour's walk, but the old woman would not let him off, packed the bundle on his back, and hung the two baskets on his arm. "See, it is quite light," said she. "No, it is not light," answered the count, and pulled a rueful face. "Verily, the bundle weighs as heavily as if it were full of cobble stones, and the apples and pears are as heavy as lead! I can scarcely breathe." He had a mind to put everything down again, but the old woman would not allow it. "Just look," said she mockingly, "the young gentleman will not carry what I, an old woman, have so often dragged along. You are ready with fine words, but when it comes to be earnest, you want to take to your heels. Why are you standing loitering there?" she continued. "Step out. No one will take the bundle off again." As long as he walked on level ground, it was still bearable, but when they came to the hill and had to climb, and the stones rolled down under his feet as if they were alive, it was beyond his strength. The drops of perspiration stood on his forehead, and ran, hot and cold, down his back. "Dame," said he, "I can go no farther. I want to rest a little." - "Not here," answered the old woman, "when we have arrived at our journey's end, you can rest; but now you must go forward. Who knows what good it may do you?" - "Old woman, thou art becoming shameless!" said the count, and tried to throw off the bundle, but he laboured in vain; it stuck as fast to his back as if it grew there. He turned and twisted, but he could not get rid of it. The old woman laughed at this, and sprang about quite delighted on her crutch. "Don't get angry, dear sir," said she, "you are growing as red in the face as a turkey-cock! Carry your bundle patiently. I will give you a good present when we get home." What could he do. He was obliged to submit to his fate, and crawl along patiently behind the old woman. She seemed to grow more and more nimble, and his burden still heavier. All at once she made a spring, jumped on to the bundle and seated herself on the top of it; and however withered she might be, she was yet heavier than the stoutest country lass. The youth's knees trembled, but when he did not go on, the old woman hit him about the legs with a switch and with stinging-nettles. Groaning continually, he climbed the mountain, and at length reached the old woman's house, when he was just about to drop. When the geese perceived the old woman, they flapped their wings, stretched out their necks, ran to meet her, cackling all the while. Behind the flock walked, stick in hand, an old wench, strong and big, but ugly as night. "Good mother," said she to the old woman, "has anything happened to you, you have stayed away so long?" - "By no means, my dear daughter," answered she, I have met with nothing bad, but, on the contrary, with this kind gentleman, who has carried my burthen for me; only think, he even took me on his back when I was tired. The way, too, has not seemed long to us; we have been merry, and have been cracking jokes with each other all the time." At last the old woman slid down, took the bundle off the young man's back, and the baskets from his arm, looked at him quite kindly, and said, "Now seat yourself on the bench before the door, and rest. You have fairly earned your wages, and they shall not be wanting." Then she said to the goose-girl, "Go into the house, my dear daughter, it is not becoming for thee to be alone with a young gentleman; one must not pour oil on to the fire, he might fall in love with thee." The count knew not whether to laugh or to cry. "Such a sweetheart as that," thought he, "could not touch my heart, even if she were thirty years younger." In the meantime the old woman stroked and fondled her geese as if they were children, and then went into the house with her daughter. The youth lay down on the bench, under a wild apple-tree. The air was warm and mild; on all sides stretched a green meadow, which was set with cowslips, wild thyme, and a thousand other flowers; through the midst of it rippled a clear brook on which the sun sparkled, and the white geese went walking backwards and forwards, or paddled in the water. "It is quite delightful here," said he, "but I am so tired that I cannot keep my eyes open; I will sleep a little. If only a gust of wind does not come and blow my legs off my body, for they are as rotten as tinder."

          When he had slept a little while, the old woman came and shook him till he awoke. "Sit up," said she, "thou canst not stay here; I have certainly treated thee hardly, still it has not cost thee thy life. Of money and land thou hast no need, here is something else for thee." Thereupon she thrust a little book into his hand, which was cut out of a single emerald. "Take great care of it," said she, "it will bring thee good fortune." The count sprang up, and as he felt that he was quite fresh, and had recovered his vigor, he thanked the old woman for her present, and set off without even once looking back at the beautiful daughter. When he was already some way off, he still heard in the distance the noisy cry of the geese.

          For three days the count had to wander in the wilderness before he could find his way out. He then reached a large town, and as no one knew him, he was led into the royal palace, where the King and Queen were sitting on their throne. The count fell on one knee, drew the emerald book out of his pocket, and laid it at the Queen's feet. She bade him rise and hand her the little book. Hardly, however, had she opened it, and looked therein, than she fell as if dead to the ground. The count was seized by the King's servants, and was being led to prison, when the Queen opened her eyes, and ordered them to release him, and every one was to go out, as she wished to speak with him in private.

          When the Queen was alone, she began to weep bitterly, and said, "Of what use to me are the splendours and honours with which I am surrounded; every morning I awake in pain and sorrow. I had three daughters, the youngest of whom was so beautiful that the whole world looked on her as a wonder. She was as white as snow, as rosy as apple-blossom, and her hair as radiant as sun-beams. When she cried, not tears fell from her eyes, but pearls and jewels only. When she was fifteen years old, the King summoned all three sisters to come before his throne. You should have seen how all the people gazed when the youngest entered, it was just as if the sun were rising! Then the King spoke, 'My daughters, I know not when my last day may arrive; I will to-day decide what each shall receive at my death. You all love me, but the one of you who loves me best, shall fare the best.' Each of them said she loved him best. 'Can you not express to me,' said the King, 'how much you do love me, and thus I shall see what you mean?' The eldest spoke, 'I love my father as dearly as the sweetest sugar.' The second, 'I love my father as dearly as my prettiest dress.' But the youngest was silent. Then the father said, 'And thou, my dearest child, how much dost thou love me?' - 'I do not know, and can compare my love with nothing.' But her father insisted that she should name something. So she said at last, 'The best food does not please me without salt, therefore I love my father like salt.' When the King heard that, he fell into a passion, and said, 'If thou lovest me like salt, thy love shall also be repaid thee with salt.' Then he divided the kingdom between the two elder, but caused a sack of salt to be bound on the back of the youngest, and two servants had to lead her forth into the wild forest. We all begged and prayed for her," said the Queen, "but the King's anger was not to be appeased. How she cried when she had to leave us! The whole road was strewn with the pearls which flowed from her eyes. The King soon afterwards repented of his great severity, and had the whole forest searched for the poor child, but no one could find her. When I think that the wild beasts have devoured her, I know not how to contain myself for sorrow; many a time I console myself with the hope that she is still alive, and may have hidden herself in a cave, or has found shelter with compassionate people. But picture to yourself, when I opened your little emerald book, a pearl lay therein, of exactly the same kind as those which used to fall from my daughter's eyes; and then you can also imagine how the sight of it stirred my heart. You must tell me how you came by that pearl." The count told her that he had received it from the old woman in the forest, who had appeared very strange to him, and must be a witch, but he had neither seen nor hear anything of the Queen's child. The King and the Queen resolved to seek out the old woman. They thought that there where the pearl had been, they would obtain news of their daughter.

          The old woman was sitting in that lonely place at her spinning-wheel, spinning. It was already dusk, and a log which was burning on the hearth gave a scanty light. All at once there was a noise outside, the geese were coming home from the pasture, and uttering their hoarse cries. Soon afterwards the daughter also entered. But the old woman scarcely thanked her, and only shook her head a little. The daughter sat down beside her, took her spinning-wheel, and twisted the threads as nimbly as a young girl. Thus they both sat for two hours, and exchanged never a word. At last something rustled at the window, and two fiery eyes peered in. It was an old night-owl, which cried, "Uhu!" three times. The old woman looked up just a little, then she said, "Now, my little daughter, it is time for thee to go out and do thy work."

          She rose and went out, and where did she go? Over the meadows ever onward into the valley. At last she came to a well, with three old oak-trees standing beside it; meanwhile the moon had risen large and round over the mountain, and it was so light that one could have found a needle. She removed a skin which covered her face, then bent down to the well, and began to wash herself. When she had finished, she dipped the skin also in the water, and then laid it on the meadow, so that it should bleach in the moonlight, and dry again. But how the maiden was changed! Such a change as that was never seen before! When the gray mask fell off, her golden hair broke forth like sunbeams, and spread about like a mantle over her whole form. Her eyes shone out as brightly as the stars in heaven, and her cheeks bloomed a soft red like apple-blossom.

          But the fair maiden was sad. She sat down and wept bitterly. One tear after another forced itself out of her eyes, and rolled through her long hair to the ground. There she sat, and would have remained sitting a long time, if there had not been a rustling and cracking in the boughs of the neighbouring tree. She sprang up like a roe which has been overtaken by the shot of the hunter. Just then the moon was obscured by a dark cloud, and in an instant the maiden had put on the old skin and vanished, like a light blown out by the wind.

          She ran back home, trembling like an aspen-leaf. The old woman was standing on the threshold, and the girl was about to relate what had befallen her, but the old woman laughed kindly, and said, "I already know all." She led her into the room and lighted a new log. She did not, however, sit down to her spinning again, but fetched a broom and began to sweep and scour, "All must be clean and sweet," she said to the girl. "But, mother," said the maiden, "why do you begin work at so late an hour? What do you expect?" - "Dost thou know then what time it is?" asked the old woman. "Not yet midnight," answered the maiden, "but already past eleven o'clock." - "Dost thou not remember," continued the old woman, "that it is three years to-day since thou camest to me? Thy time is up, we can no longer remain together." The girl was terrified, and said, "Alas! dear mother, will you cast me off? Where shall I go? I have no friends, and no home to which I can go. I have always done as you bade me, and you have always been satisfied with me; do not send me away." The old woman would not tell the maiden what lay before her. "My stay here is over," she said to her, "but when I depart, house and parlour must be clean: therefore do not hinder me in my work. Have no care for thyself, thou shalt find a roof to shelter thee, and the wages which I will give thee shall also content thee." - "But tell me what is about to happen," the maiden continued to entreat. "I tell thee again, do not hinder me in my work. Do not say a word more, go to thy chamber, take the skin off thy face, and put on the silken gown which thou hadst on when thou camest to me, and then wait in thy chamber until I call thee."

          But I must once more tell of the King and Queen, who had journeyed forth with the count in order to seek out the old woman in the wilderness. The count had strayed away from them in the wood by night, and had to walk onwards alone. Next day it seemed to him that he was on the right track. He still went forward, until darkness came on, then he climbed a tree, intending to pass the night there, for he feared that he might lose his way. When the moon illumined the surrounding country he perceived a figure coming down the mountain. She had no stick in her hand, but yet he could see that it was the goose-girl, whom he had seen before in the house of the old woman. "Oho," cried he, "there she comes, and if I once get hold of one of the witches, the other shall not escape me!" But how astonished he was, when she went to the well, took off the skin and washed herself, when her golden hair fell down all about her, and she was more beautiful than any one whom he had ever seen in the whole world. He hardly dared to breathe, but stretched his head as far forward through the leaves as he dared, and stared at her. Either he bent over too far, or whatever the cause might be, the bough suddenly cracked, and that very moment the maiden slipped into the skin, sprang away like a roe, and as the moon was suddenly covered, disappeared from his eyes.

          Hardly had she disappeared, before the count descended from the tree, and hastened after her with nimble steps. He had not been gone long before he saw, in the twilight, two figures coming over the meadow. It was the King and Queen, who had perceived from a distance the light shining in the old woman's little house, and were going to it. The count told them what wonderful things he had seen by the well, and they did not doubt that it had been their lost daughter. They walked onwards full of joy, and soon came to the little house. The geese were sitting all round it, and had thrust their heads under their wings and were sleeping, and not one of them moved. The King and Queen looked in at the window, the old woman was sitting there quite quietly spinning, nodding her head and never looking round. The room was perfectly clean, as if the little mist men, who carry no dust on their feet, lived there. Their daughter, however, they did not see. They gazed at all this for a long time, at last they took heart, and knocked softly at the window. The old woman appeared to have been expecting them; she rose, and called out quite kindly, "Come in, I know you already." When they had entered the room, the old woman said, "You might have spared yourself the long walk, if you had not three years ago unjustly driven away your child, who is so good and lovable. No harm has come to her; for three years she has had to tend the geese; with them she has learnt no evil, but has preserved her purity of heart. You, however, have been sufficiently punished by the misery in which you have lived." Then she went to the chamber and called, "Come out, my little daughter." Thereupon the door opened, and the princess stepped out in her silken garments, with her golden hair and her shining eyes, and it was as if an angel from heaven had entered.

          She went up to her father and mother, fell on their necks and kissed them; there was no help for it, they all had to weep for joy. The young count stood near them, and when she perceived him she became as red in the face as a moss-rose, she herself did not know why. The King said, "My dear child, I have given away my kingdom, what shall I give thee?" - "She needs nothing," said the old woman. "I give her the tears that she has wept on your account; they are precious pearls, finer than those that are found in the sea, and worth more than your whole kingdom, and I give her my little house as payment for her services." When the old woman had said that, she disappeared from their sight. The walls rattled a little, and when the King and Queen looked round, the little house had changed into a splendid palace, a royal table had been spread, and the servants were running hither and thither.

          The story goes still further, but my grandmother, who related it to me, had partly lost her memory, and had forgotten the rest. I shall always believe that the beautiful princess married the count, and that they remained together in the palace, and lived there in all happiness so long as God willed it. Whether the snow-white geese, which were kept near the little hut, were verily young maidens (no one need take offence), whom the old woman had taken under her protection, and whether they now received their human form again, and stayed as handmaids to the young Queen, I do not exactly know, but I suspect it. This much is certain, that the old woman was no witch, as people thought, but a wise woman, who meant well. Very likely it was she who, at the princess's birth, gave her the gift of weeping pearls instead of tears. That does not happen now-a-days, or else the poor would soon become rich.

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