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      2. 格林童話故事第:七只烏鴉The seven ravens

        時(shí)間:2020-10-15 09:45:15 童話 我要投稿

        格林童話故事第25篇:七只烏鴉The seven ravens


        格林童話故事第25篇:七只烏鴉The seven ravens

          據(jù)傳說,以前有一戶人家,父母生了八個(gè)孩子,其中七個(gè)是兒子,最小的一個(gè)是女兒。 這個(gè)女兒生下來以后,盡管非常漂亮可愛,但她太纖弱太瘦小,他們認(rèn)為她可能活不下來,決定馬上給她施行洗禮。

          父親派了一個(gè)兒子要他趕快到井里去打點(diǎn)水來,其他六個(gè)一看,也一窩蜂似地跟了去,每一個(gè)都爭先恐后地要第一個(gè)汲水,你爭我奪之中,他們把大水罐給掉到井里去了。 這一下,他們可就傻眼了,你看看我,我看看你,癡呆呆地站在井邊不知如何是好,都不敢回屋里去。 此時(shí),父親正心急火燎的地等著他們把水提來,見他們?nèi)チ撕芫眠沒有回來,就說道:"他們一定是鬧著玩把這事給忘了。"他左等右等仍不見他們回來,氣得大罵起來,說他們都該變成烏鴉。 話音剛落就聽見頭上一陣呱呱的叫聲傳來,他抬頭一看,發(fā)現(xiàn)有七只煤炭一樣的黑色烏鴉正在上面盤旋著。 看到自己的氣話變成了現(xiàn)實(shí),他后悔了,不知道該怎么辦才好。 他失去了七個(gè)兒子,心里非常悲傷,好在小女兒在接受洗禮之后一天比一天強(qiáng)壯起來,而且越長越漂亮了,總算對(duì)他這個(gè)父親有了一點(diǎn)安慰。

          女兒慢慢長大了,她一直不知道自己曾經(jīng)有過七個(gè)哥哥,爸爸和媽媽都很小心,從來不在她面前提起。 終于有一天,她偶然聽到人們談起有關(guān)她的事情,他們說:"她的的確確很漂亮,但可惜的'是她的七個(gè)哥哥卻因?yàn)樗木壒识獾讲恍摇?quot;她聽到這些后非常傷心,就去問自己的父母她是不是有哥哥,他們到底怎么樣了。 父母親不好再對(duì)她隱瞞事情的真象。 為了安慰她,他們說這一切都是上帝的意愿,她的出生降臨都是上帝的安排,她是無罪的。 但小姑娘仍然為此吃不下飯,睡不好覺,天天傷痛不已,她暗下決心,一定要想方設(shè)法把自己的七個(gè)哥哥找回來。 有一天,她從家里偷偷地跑了出去,來到外面廣闊的世界,到處尋訪自己的哥哥。 她想:無論他們到了什么地方,她不惜自己的生命,也要讓他們恢復(fù)本來面目,獲得做人的自由!

          出門的時(shí)候,她只帶了爸爸媽媽以前送給她的一只小戒指,加上一塊用來充饑的長條面包和一壺用來解渴的水,一張疲倦時(shí)用來休息的小凳子。 她走啊,找啊 ,不停地尋訪著,一直找到遙遠(yuǎn)的天邊,來到太陽面前。 但太陽太熱太兇猛了,她急忙跑開,又來到月亮面前。 可月亮又太寒冷太冷酷,還說道:"我聞到人肉和血腥味了!"她趕緊又跑到了星星那里。 星星對(duì)她很友好,很和氣,每顆星都坐在他們自己的小凳子上。 當(dāng)啟明星站起來往上飛時(shí),他給了小姑娘一片小木塊,說道:"如果你沒有這片小木塊,就不能打開玻璃山上那座城堡的門。你的哥哥正是住在那座城堡里。"小妹妹接過小木塊,把它用布包好,告別星星,起程又繼續(xù)尋找她的哥哥去了。

          經(jīng)過艱苦跋涉,她終于找到了玻璃山。 來到城門前一看,門是鎖著的,她拿出布包解開,發(fā)現(xiàn)里面的小木塊不見了,不知是什么時(shí)候自己把好心的啟明星送的禮物失落了。 怎么辦呢? 她要救哥哥,可又沒有了玻璃山城堡的鑰匙。 這位堅(jiān)定忠實(shí)的小妹妹一咬牙,從口袋里掏出一把小刀把自己的小指頭切了下來,那指頭的大小正好和失落的木塊相同,她將指頭插進(jìn)門上的鎖孔,門被打開了。

          她走進(jìn)城堡,迎面遇到了一個(gè)小矮人,他問道:"你來找什么呀?"小妹妹回答說:"我來找那七只烏鴉,他們是我的哥哥。"小矮人說道:"我的主人不在家,如果你非要等他們回來的話,就請進(jìn)來吧。"這時(shí),小矮人正在為烏鴉們準(zhǔn)備晚餐,他在桌子上擺了七個(gè)盤子,在盤子里放好食物,又端來七杯水放在盤子旁邊。 小妹妹把每個(gè)盤子里的東西都吃了一小塊,把每個(gè)小杯子里的水也喝了一小口,又將她隨身帶來的小戒指放進(jìn)了最后一只杯子中。

          忽然,她聽到空中傳來了翅膀拍擊的聲音和呱呱的叫聲,小矮人馬上說道:"我的主人們回來了。"她連忙躲到門后面,想聽聽他們會(huì)說些什么。 七只烏鴉一進(jìn)來,就急于找自己的盤子和杯子想要吃東西喝水 ,他們一個(gè)接一個(gè)的叫道:"誰吃了我盤子里的東西?誰把我杯子里的水喝了一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)?

          呱呱呱! 呱呱呱!


          這一定是人的嘴巴。 "

          第七只烏鴉喝完水,發(fā)現(xiàn)杯子里有一只戒指,他仔細(xì)一瞧,認(rèn)出了這是他們父母親的東西,就說道:"噯!我們的小妹妹來了!我們就會(huì)得救了。"小妹妹聽到這里,馬上跑了出來。 她一露面,七只烏鴉立即都恢復(fù)了他們的人形。 他們互相緊緊擁抱,親吻,一起高高興興地回到了他們的爸爸媽媽的身邊。



          The seven ravens

          There was once a man who had seven sons, and still he had no daughter, however much he wished for one. At length his wife again gave him hope of a child, and when it came into the world it was a girl. The joy was great, but the child was sickly and small, and had to be privately baptized on account of its weakness. The father sent one of the boys in haste to the spring to fetch water for the baptism. The other six went with him, and as each of them wanted to be first to fill it, the jug fell into the well. There they stood and did not know what to do, and none of them dared to go home. As they still did not return, the father grew impatient, and said, "They have certainly forgotten it for some game, the wicked boys!" He became afraid that the girl would have to die without being baptized, and in his anger cried, "I wish the boys were all turned into ravens." Hardly was the word spoken before he heard a whirring of wings over his head in the air, looked up and saw seven coal-black ravens flying away.

          The parents could not recall the curse, and however sad they were at the loss of their seven sons, they still to some extent comforted themselves with their dear little daughter, who soon grew strong and every day became more beautiful. For a long time she did not know that she had had brothers, for her parents were careful not to mention them before her, but one day she accidentally heard some people saying of herself, "that the girl was certainly beautiful, but that in reality she was to blame for the misfortune which had befallen her seven brothers." Then she was much troubled, and went to her father and mother and asked if it was true that she had had brothers, and what had become of them? The parents now dared keep the secret no longer, but said that what had befallen her brothers was the will of Heaven, and that her birth had only been the innocent cause. But the maiden took it to heart daily, and thought she must deliver her brothers. She had no rest or peace until she set out secretly, and went forth into the wide world to trace out her brothers and set them free, let it cost what it might. She took nothing with her but a little ring belonging to her parents as a keepsake, a loaf of bread against hunger, a little pitcher of water against thirst, and a little chair as a provision against weariness.

          And now she went continually onwards, far, far to the very end of the world. Then she came to the sun, but it was too hot and terrible, and devoured little children. Hastily she ran away, and ran to the moon, but it was far too cold, and also awful and malicious, and when it saw the child, it said, "I smell, I smell the flesh of men." On this she ran swiftly away, and came to the stars, which were kind and good to her, and each of them sat on its own particular little chair. But the morning star arose, and gave her the drumstick of a chicken, and said, "If you thou hast not that drumstick thou canst not open the Glass mountain, and in the Glass mountain are thy brothers."

          The maiden took the drumstick, wrapped it carefully in a cloth, and went onwards again until she came to the Glass mountain. The door was shut, and she thought she would take out the drumstick; but when she undid the cloth, it was empty, and she had lost the good star's present. What was she now to do? She wished to rescue her brothers, and had no key to the Glass mountain. The good sister took a knife, cut off one of her little fingers, put it in the door, and succeeded in opening it. When she had gone inside, a little dwarf came to meet her, who said, "My child, what are you looking for?" - "I am looking for my brothers, the seven ravens," she replied. The dwarf said, "The lord ravens are not at home, but if you will wait here until they come, step in." Thereupon the little dwarf carried the ravens' dinner in, on seven little plates, and in seven little glasses, and the little sister ate a morsel from each plate, and from each little glass she took a sip, but in the last little glass she dropped the ring which she had brought away with her.

          Suddenly she heard a whirring of wings and a rushing through the air, and then the little dwarf said, "Now the lord ravens are flying home." Then they came, and wanted to eat and drink, and looked for their little plates and glasses. Then said one after the other, "Who has eaten something from my plate? Who has drunk out of my little glass? It was a human mouth." And when the seventh came to the bottom of the glass, the ring rolled against his mouth. Then he looked at it, and saw that it was a ring belonging to his father and mother, and said, "God grant that our sister may be here, and then we shall be free." When the maiden, who was standing behind the door watching, heard that wish, she came forth, and on this all the ravens were restored to their human form again. And they embraced and kissed each other, and went joyfully home.

        【格林童話故事第25篇:七只烏鴉The seven ravens】相關(guān)文章:











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