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      2. 高一英語必修四unit1課件

        時間:2021-07-11 10:56:47 課件 我要投稿
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          Period 1Reading


          The General Idea of This Period

          This period includes Warming up,Reading and Comprehending of the Reading.It introduces a day of Jane Goodall and her colleagues in the forests,observing the chimps.After reading the passage the students can know about Jane Goodall’s working methods,her great achievements and her attitude towards wild animals.Reading the passage,the students can also learn some reading strategies such as predicting,skimming and drawing conclusions.

          Teaching Important Points

          Help he students to comprehend the story of Jane Goodall’s protecting the African wildlife.

          Get the students to learn from Jane Goodall’s story and come to the idea that great personality is of importance to one’s success.

          Learn and master some important words,phrases and sentence patterns in this period.

          Teaching Difficult Points

          Get the students to comprehend the story and understand what Jane Goodall has done to gain the achievements.

          Get the students to believe that one’s personality as well as luck and ability is important to one’s success.

          Teaching Methods

          Predicting to guess the content of the passage.

          Skimming to get the general idea of the text.

          Scanning to get detailed information and get to understand the passage better.

          Task-based activities to get the students to comprehend the passage and be able to debate about whether women can do a better job than men.

          Teaching Aids

          A tape recorder

          A multimedia computer

          Three Dimensional Teaching Aims

          Knowledge and Skills

          Enable the students to comprehend the story of Jane Goodall’s protecting the African wildlife.

          Enable the students to learn from Jane Goodall to treat animals in a human way and come to the idea that great personality is of importance to one’s success.

          Learn some useful words and expressions:achieve,achievement,condition,welfare,connection,behave,behavior,worthwhile,specialist,observe,observation argue,inspire,support,devote ... to,etc.

          Learn some sentence patterns:

          Watching a family wake up is our first activity of the day.

          Only after her mother came to help her for the first months was she allowed to begin her project.

          Process and Strategies

          Group work to encourage the students to participate in class activities.

          Fast reading to make the students get the main idea of the passage.

          Feelings and Value

          For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.People will do something that can satisfy their feelings and make a better world.

          Teaching Procedures

          Step 1 Lead-in

          1.Greet the students.

          T:Good morning/ afternoon,boys and girls!

          Ss:Good morning/ afternoon,Miss./Mr.liu..

          2.Introduce the topic of great women.

          1)Show some pictures of women for the students to guess who they are and tell whether they are great women or not.

          T:Do you have idols?Now I would like to show you some pictures of women to see whether they are your idols and try to tell me whether they are great women.

          Show some pictures of some famous people.

          The students might be very excited to see the pictures.They will tell their names and the reasons why they are so famous.But they will have the same point of view that they are famous and important but they are not great women.

          2) Get the students to have a discussion about the qualities needed to be a great woman.

          T:Although they are so famous and important in a certain field,they are not great women.So what do you think is needed in order to be a great woman?

          (Give the students two minutes to discuss in pairs.)

          T:Now what do you think is needed in order to be a great woman?Who would like to share the opinions with us?

          S:Let me have a try. In my opinion,a great woman should be intelligent and hard-working,otherwise she will not achieve her goals.

          S:I think a great woman should be determined and consistent.Because sometimes she might come across a lot of difficulties before her idea and invention are accepted by the public or other specialists.If she can’t stick to her opinion,she may fail in achieving her goals.

          S:According to me,I think a great woman should be modest and responsible.I don’t think an arrogant and irresponsible woman will become a great woman.

          Other students add their opinions.

          T:I agree with all of you.But in my opinion,most importantly a great woman should be unselfish and willing to sacrifice.Otherwise they will not overcome different difficulties and make great contributions to humans and our society.Do you think so?


          3) Talk about great women.

          T:Now can you name some famous women?

          S:I think Madam Curie is a great woman.She discovered radium(鐳)with her husband and made great contributions to the field of science and also our society.She won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry and Physics.

          T:Good.Who else would like to express your idea?

          S:I think Mother Teresa is a great woman.She worked in India to help the poor,took care of the disabled people and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

          (Some other students express their opinions.)

          T:Now I would like to show you some more pictures to see whether you know them and their achievements.

         。╳arming up)

          (Get the students to read the information of the six women together.)

          Step 2 Predicting

          Get the Ss to read the title and predict the main content of the passage.

          T:Today we are going to learn about one of the great women. Before that I would like to show you some pictures on P2.

          T:What can you see in the picture?

          Ss:A woman and an animal.

          T:Who is the woman?

          Ss:Jane Goodall.

          T:What is the animal?

          Ss:It’s a chimp.

          T:What is she doing?

          Ss:She is kissing the chimp.

          T:If you meet a chimp in the forest,will you do that like Jane Goodall?



          Step 3Skimming to get the general idea

          Get the Ss to read the passage and find the answers to the four questions (two minutes) and try to sum up the general idea of the passage.

          S:1.Jane Goodall is the protector.  T:Now who can answer the first question?Who is the protector?

          T:Good.What about the second one?What animals were observed?

          S:2.Chimps were observed.

          T:The third one?When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gombe? How old was she?

          S:3.She arrived in Gombe in 1960 when she was 26.

          T:Very good.And the last one?

          S:4.Her purpose was to help the rest of the world to understand and respect the life of the chimps.

          T:Good job.What about the general idea?

          S:The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodle worked with chimps in their environment and helped people understand and respect the life of these animals.

          T:Wonderful job.So did you get the right prediction?


          Step 4 Main ideas

          Get the students to read the whole passage and sum up the main idea of each paragraph.At the same time,instruct them the way of finding or summing up the main idea.

          T:Now we have a rough idea about the passage.How will the writer introduce Jane Goodall’s story to us?How will she organize the passage?I would like you to read the story carefully and sum up the main idea of each paragraph.How can we sum up the main idea easily?

          S:Try to see whether there are any topic sentences,which are usually at the beginning or the end of a paragraph.If there are not any topic sentences,try to sum up the main idea according to the content of the paragraph.

          T:Good.Now read the passage and try to find out the main ideas.

          (after 4 minutes)

          T:How many paragraphs are there in the passage?


          T:What are the main ideas of them?

          S:1.The first paragraph is about a day in the Combe National Park.

          S:2.The second paragraph tells us Jane’s way to study chimps and her achievements.

          S:3.The third paragraph tells us her attitude to the animals.

          S:4.The last paragraph is a short summary of the whole passage,telling us that she has achieved everything she wanted to do.

          T:Wonderful job.

          Step 5 Scanning

          Get the students to read the whole passage to get some detailed information.

          T:Now we have formed an overview of the whole passage.Next I would like you to read and get more information about Jane Goodall.Please try to find out the answers to the following questions.If there are some sentences that you cannot understand,put them down and we shall solve your problems later.

          T:(four minutes later) Now who can answer the questions?

          S:1.They watched the chimps wake up in the morning in the forest.

          S:2.She suggested the chimps should be left in the wild.

          S:3.She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat,how chimps communicate with each other and worked out their social system.

          (Not all the students can find the answer to the third question,or some of them can only find part of the answers.The teacher should instruct them the way of finding them accurately.First get them to find the possible sentences where the answer lies—“For example,one thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat...She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system.” Remind them to pay attention to the transitional words like“one thing”,“also” and “and”.)











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