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      2. 初三英語《Unit 5 Topic3 SectionA》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

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        初三英語《Unit 5 Topic3 SectionA》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

          Section A

        初三英語《Unit 5 Topic3 SectionA》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

          I. Teaching aims and demands

          1. Learn some new words:tail, correct, promise

          2. Learn some useful sentences:

          (1) That’s correct.

          (2) It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals.

          3. Learn the usage of connectives:

          We can go to eitherBeihaiParkorShichahaiPark.

          4. Understand dragons and Huabiao which play an important part in Chinese culture.

          Ⅱ. Teaching aids


          Step 1Review

          1. T: Now check the homework. You should join the given sentences last class with “that”, “which”, “whose”, “who” or “whom” to form attributive clauses. The first sentence, S1, please.

          S1:  The girl who lost her way last night is Mrs. Smith’s daughter.

          T: Nice work! Next, S2, please.

          S2:  I have a TV set that was made inJapan.

          T: Good. …


          T: You did a good job. Please read the five sentences again together.

          2. (出示毛主席站在天安門城樓上的`圖片,問毛主席站在哪兒?他在干什么?毛主席在天安門城樓宣告中華人民共和國成立。讓學(xué)生欣賞雄偉的天安門城樓。)

          T:  Please look at the picture. The man is giving a speech. Who is he?

          Ss: He’s Chairman Mao.

          T:  How to ask the same question using the attributive clause?

          Ss: Who is the man that is giving a speech?

          T:  Good. He was announcing the foundation of the PRC. From then on, he became the first chairman of newChina. Look at the Tian’anmen. How grand it is!

          Ss: Yes, it is.


          T:  And look at its roof, what color is it? S1.

          S3:It is yellow.

          T:  That’s correct! Because yellow was a symbol of imperial power in ancientChina.


          3. (出示雕刻著龍紋的石欄桿圖片。)

          T:  What’s this?

          S4:It’s a dragon.

          T:  Good. It’s carved on the stone.

          T:  What’s the symbol of the Chinese nation? Who knows?

          S5:It’s the dragon. It’s said that they’re powerful animals which have long tails.(教師幫助學(xué)生回答。)


          T:  Now, my class. Have you ever been toBeijingto see Tian’anmen? S6, please.

          S6:No, I haven’t.

          T:  What a pity! Tian’anmen is in front of theForbidden City. Today, let’s learn something about theForbidden City.

          Step 2Presentation

          1.T:Now, look at this picture. And listen to the tape carefully. Then answer the questions on the small blackboard.

          (1)Why do most of the buildings have yellow roofs?

          (2)What are those animals that are carved on the stones?

          (3)Is the dragon a symbol of the Chinese nation?

          T:  Listen to the tape again and then check your answers with your partner.

          T:  Well, can you tell us the answers to the questions?

          Ss: Yes.

          T:  OK, volunteers?

          2.T: Read1aand find out something that you don’t understand. Then discuss the difficulties in groups. If necessary, I will give you some help.

          play a/an ... part = play a/an ... role

          It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals. =It also plays an important role in Chinese festivals.

          Step 3Consolidation

          1. T: Now, let’s act out the dialog. I’ll divide our class into three groups. Group 1 acts as Susanna. Group 2 acts as Jane. Group 3 acts as Kangkang. OK?

          Ss: OK.

          T:  Let’s begin!

          T:  Jane and Kangkang are showing Susanna around theForbidden City.

          Group 1: …

          Group 2: …

          2. T: Please practice the dialog in groups of three. And then I’ll ask two groups to act it out in front of the class.

          Group A: …

          Group B: …

          T: Well done, everyone.

          3. T: As we know, the dragon is a symbol of the Chinese nation and there are a lot of operas, music, paintings and sayings about it inChina’s history. Now, do you want to know more about it? Please watch a cartoon about the dragon carefully and then guess what the name of the story is.

          T:  Guess! What is the name of the story?

          Ss: 《葉公好龍》。

          T:  Yes. It’s Lord Ye’s Love of Dragons. In our country, there are many people, places and things related to dragons. Now, let’s look at 1b.

          4. T: Finish 1b. Then work in groups of five and discuss something related to dragons. Then choose one student of each group to report it to the class.

          Step 4Practice

          1. T: Now, let’s watch a video about theForbidden City. Pay attention to the buildings in it. After that, I’ll ask you some questions.

          T:  Well. Are the buildings grand?

          Ss: Yes, they are.

          T:  Have you ever been there before, S1?

          S1:No, I hope to visit there some day.

          T:  Sure. You can go to either Tian’anmen Rostrum orForbidden City.

          either … or …

          Either you or I am wrong.

          Either the manager or his assistants are going to attend the meeting.

          He is either at home or at school.

          We can go to eitherBeihaiParkorShichahaiPark.

          T:  OK, my class. Do you know what the tall buildings are in front of Tian’anmen?

          Ss: They are two stone columns. T:   Yes, but they are called Huabiao in Chinese. Huabiao has a long history and there are many interesting stories about it. Today I’ll tell you one of them. It’s said that in ancientChinaa king namedYaoset up a wooden column outside his palace. People could carve their suggestions on it, andYaopromised to follow the good ones. And later, it was made of stone, and many dragons were carved on it. It’s said that it also means “See the king out and in


          2. T: Read the first 3 questions in 2b. Listen to the tape twice and try to find the answers to them.

          3. T: Listen to the tape again and read after it. Try to find out something that you don’t understand. Then discuss them with your partner.

          4. T: Well done. Next, let’s practice the conversation like this: I’m Susanna. S2 is Kangkang. S3 is Jane. Are you clear?

          Ss: Yes.

          T:  OK. Let’s begin.

          T:  OK. Please act it out in roles.

          T:  You did very well. Next, I’d like to ask some of you to retell the story about Huabiao. Who would like to have a try?

          S4:I’d like to!


          Step 5Project

          1. T: Today we have learned something about theForbidden Cityand we also know something about Huabiao and the dragons on it. Well, have you ever noticed anything special in your hometown? What’s the story about it? Collect as much information as possible and then share it with your partner.

          Ss: OK.

          2. T:   Now, I’ll ask some students to share their stories with us.

          S1:  …

          3. Homework:

          (1)Collect some sayings, songs and stories related to dragons.

          (2)Write a passage about something special in your hometown.


          The dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation.

          Section A


          tail   That’s correct.

          correct  It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals.


          promise to do sth.  He promised to help me.

          either … or …

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