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      2. 潘基文國際合作社日致辭

        時(shí)間:2020-12-21 19:07:28 致辭 我要投稿




          1844年羅虛代爾公平先鋒社在英國誕生,揭開了現(xiàn)代合作社運(yùn)動(dòng)的序幕。國際合作社聯(lián)盟于1895年在倫敦成立。1922年,國際合作社聯(lián)盟決定將每年7月的第一個(gè)星期六確定為“合作者的節(jié)日”(International Day of Cooperatives) 。1992年聯(lián)合國大會(huì)通過決議,宣布1995年7月的第一個(gè)星期六為聯(lián)合國國際合作社日,以紀(jì)念國際合作社聯(lián)盟建立100周年,并決定考慮將來每年都將此日定為聯(lián)合國國際合作社日。

          Message on International Day of Cooperatives


          5 July, 2014


          This year’s International Day of Cooperatives falls at a critical time. The United Nations is working to lay the groundwork for success on three major fronts in 2015: reaching the Millennium Development Goals; achieving a meaningful new climate agreement; and adopting a long-range agenda for inclusive sustainable development.


          Cooperative enterprises can help further these objectives. They are helping communities in both developed and developing countries to generate energy, manage water supplies and provide other basic services. Cooperatives are particularly important to agriculture, food security and rural development. In the finance sector, cooperatives serve more than 857 million people, including tens of millions who live in poverty.


          As member-owned, member-run and member-serving businesses, cooperatives can put social justice and equity at the heart of economic progress while helping to ensure that the production and provision of goods and services matches the needs and aspirations of communities.


          On this International Day of Cooperatives, let us commit to making even greater use of these arrangements to empower people and usher in a more sustainable future.



          世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification),1994年12月19日第49屆聯(lián)合國大會(huì)根據(jù)聯(lián)大第二委員會(huì)(經(jīng)濟(jì)和財(cái)政)的建議,通過了49/115號(hào)決議,從 1995年起把每年的6月17日定為“世界防治荒漠化和干旱日”,旨在進(jìn)一步提高世界各國人民對(duì)防治荒漠化重要性的認(rèn)識(shí),喚起人們防治荒漠化的責(zé)任心和緊迫感。

          Message on World Day to Combat Desertification


          17 June 2014


          “Land Belongs to the Future – Let’s Climate Proof It”


          Land degradation, caused or exacerbated by climate change, is not only a danger to livelihoods, but also a threat to peace and stability. The warning signs lie in conflict between pastoralists and subsistence farmers competing for more productive land and communities fighting over increasingly scarce water resources. We see the symptoms of insecurity in global food market volatility, internal displacement and mass migration.


          While land degradation is acutely felt in the world’s arid lands, some 80 per cent is actually occurring outside these areas. More than 1.5 billion people subsist on land that is degrading – the majority of whom are small farmers. Climate change directly threatens their productivity. In many regions, freshwater resources are declining, food-growing areas are shifting and crop yields are faltering.


          Globally, unpredictable and extreme weather is predicted to have an even greater impact on food production. With world population rising, it is urgent that we work to build the resilience of all productive land resources and the communities that depend on them. We need to manage the land sustainably, avoid further degradation, and reclaim and repair that which has been damaged. More than 2 billion hectares of land have potential for restoration and rehabilitation. We need to inspire action that will prompt the recovery of these areas.


          Recovering land that is degrading will have multiple benefits. We can avert the worst effects of climate change, produce more food and ease competition over resources. We can preserve vital ecosystem services, such as water retention, which protects us from floods or droughts. And a comprehensive and large-scale approach to land recovery can create new jobs, business opportunities and livelihoods, allowing populations to not only survive but thrive.


          The theme of this year’s World Day to Combat Desertification is “Land belongs to the future, let’s climate-proof it”. It can be done, as communities in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali have shown by recovering more than 5 million hectares of degraded land. Let us take inspiration from these and other examples and protect and nurture the land for this and future generations.



          聯(lián)合國于第63屆聯(lián)合國大會(huì)上將每年的6月8日確定為“世界海洋日”(World Ocean Day)。聯(lián)合國秘書長潘基文就此發(fā)表致辭時(shí)指出,人類活動(dòng)正在使海洋世界付出可怕的代價(jià),個(gè)人和團(tuán)體都有義務(wù)保護(hù)海洋環(huán)境,認(rèn)真管理海洋資源。 2009年聯(lián)合國將首個(gè)世界海洋日的主題確定為“我們的海洋,我們的責(zé)任”并將其日期調(diào)整到6月8日。

          Secretary-General’s Message on World Oceans Day


          8 June 2014


          “Ocean Sustainability: Together let’s ensure oceans can sustain us into the future”


          The observance of World Oceans Day this year coincides with the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Known as the “Constitution for the Oceans”, this instrument provides a comprehensive legal regime for all ocean activities and is critical to the sustainable use of the world’s seas and oceans.


          We have to ensure that oceans continue to meet our needs without compromising those of future generations. They regulate the planet’s climate and are a significant source of nutrition. Their surface provides essential passage for global trade, while their depths hold current and future solutions to humanity’s energy needs.


          On this World Oceans Day, let us reflect on the multiple benefits of the oceans. Let us commit to keep them healthy and productive and to use their resources peacefully, equitably and sustainably for the benefit of current and future generations.



          世界環(huán)境日為每年的6月5日,它的確立反映了世界各國人民對(duì)環(huán)境問題的認(rèn)識(shí)和態(tài)度,表達(dá)了人類對(duì)美好環(huán)境的'向往和追求。它是聯(lián)合國促進(jìn)全球環(huán)境意識(shí)、提高政府對(duì)環(huán)境問題的注意并采取行動(dòng)的主要媒介之一。 聯(lián)合國環(huán)境規(guī)劃署每年6月5日選擇一個(gè)成員國舉行“世界環(huán)境日”紀(jì)念活動(dòng),發(fā)表《環(huán)境現(xiàn)狀的年度報(bào)告書》及表彰“全球500佳”,并根據(jù)當(dāng)年的世界主要環(huán)境問題及環(huán)境熱點(diǎn),有針對(duì)性地制定“世界環(huán)境日”主題。

          Secretary-General’s Message on World Environment Day


          5 June 2014


          “Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level”


          World Environment Day 2014 falls during the International Year of Small Island Developing States, declared by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness of the special needs of this diverse coalition as part of the global discussion on how to achieve a sustainable future for all.


          The world’s small island nations, which are collectively home to more than 63 million people, are renowned as prized destinations: places of outstanding natural beauty, vibrant culture and music appreciated around the globe. While small in total, the land size of small island nations does not reflect their importance as stewards of nature’s wealth on land and sea. They play an important role in protecting the oceans and many are biodiversity hotspots, containing some of the richest reservoirs of plants and animals on the planet.

          全世界的小島嶼國家共有居民6 300多萬,都以旅游勝地而著名:自然景觀奇美,文化和音樂生機(jī)勃勃,令全球?yàn)橹畠A倒。小島嶼國家雖然地域狹小,然物華天寶,海陸奇珍薈萃,重要性不言自明。他們在保護(hù)海洋方面發(fā)揮重要作用,其中許多是生物多樣性熱點(diǎn)地區(qū),所藏動(dòng)植物品類繁盛。

          Despite these assets, Small Island Developing States face numerous challenges. For a significant number, their remoteness affects their ability to be part of the global supply chain, increases import costs – especially for energy – and limits their competitiveness in the tourist industry. Many are increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change – from devastating storms to the threat of sea level rise.


          Small Island Developing States have contributed little to climate change. Their combined annual output of greenhouse gases is less than one per cent of total global emissions, but their position on the front lines has projected many to the fore in negotiations for a universal new legal climate agreement in 2015. Others are leaders in disaster preparedness and prevention or are working to achieve climate neutrality through the use of renewable energy and other approaches.


          Small island nations share a common understanding that we need to set our planet on a sustainable path. This demands the engagement of all sectors of society in all countries. On World Environment Day, millions of individuals, community groups and businesses from around the world take part in local projects – from clean up campaigns to art exhibits to tree-planting drives. This year, I urge everyone to think about the plight of Small Island Developing States and to take inspiration from their efforts to address climate change, strengthen resilience and work for a sustainable future. Raise your voice, not the sea level. Planet Earth is our shared island. Let us join forces to protect it.




          Message on International Day to End Obstetric Fistula


          23 May 2014


          It is an appalling fact that in our world of modern medical advances, nearly 800 women still die from pregnancy-related complications each day, and for every woman who dies, almost 20 more are injured or disabled with severe or life-shattering, long-term conditions such as obstetric fistula.


          This International Day to End Obstetric Fistula is an opportunity to sound the alarm on this tragedy so that we may galvanize action to end it. Progress is possible. Over the past dozen years, some 47,000 women and girls have received surgical treatment supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).


          Registering and tracking each woman and girl with fistula can help ensure that more individuals receive treatment, survivors stay healthy and their future babies thrive. The Every Woman Every Child initiative can help advance progress by mobilizing partners to support all those who need help.


          Addressing obstetric fistula is more than a matter of health; it is a human rights imperative. This condition is one of the most devastating consequences of neglected childbirth and a stark reflection of inequality at its worst. Although fistula is now virtually unheard of in industrialized countries, it continues to afflict the most impoverished women and adolescent girls in many developing countries. If left untreated, it can contribute to social isolation and depression and lead to chronic medical problems, even the loss of the child


          Fistula is fully preventable when all women and girls have access to high-quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, especially family planning, maternal health care and emergency obstetric care.


          On this International Day, I call on partners to support the UNFPA-led global Campaign to End Fistula. Let us join forces to eliminate this global social injustice.




          Message on International Day of UN Peacekeepers


          29 May 2014


          United Nations peacekeeping has a long and proud history, with more than one million peacekeepers having served in more than 70 operations on four continents since its establishment in 1948. Looking to the future, we can be confident that as new challenges emerge, United Nations peacekeeping will evolve to meet them.


          Today, more than 116,000 UN personnel from more than 120 countries serve in 16 peacekeeping operations. At great personal risk, these military, police and civilian personnel help stabilize communities, protect civilians, promote the rule of law and advance human rights. Last year, 106 Peacekeepers perished carrying out their duty under the UN flag, bringing the total number of lives lost in the history of peacekeeping to more than 3,200. We mourn the passing of every one of these courageous individuals. We grieve with their friends and families and we recommit ourselves to ensure that their contributions to the cause of peace will never be forgotten.


          United Nations peacekeeping is modernizing to ensure that it can tackle tomorrow’s peace and security challenges. It is deploying new technologies such as unarmed, unmanned aerial vehicles, refining its practices to better protect civilians, and boosting the representation of women among its ranks while strengthening its partnerships with regional organizations. The United Nations is improving logistics and administrative practices, strengthening infrastructure and taking other steps to harness the power of our personnel. Our goal is to ensure that peacekeeping is a cost effective, valuable investment that brings enormous benefits and, above all, saves lives.


          Over the past year, the Security Council has established two peacekeeping operations – in Mali and the Central African Republic – again highlighting its trust in UN peacekeepers to take on tough challenges. The UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo helped the Government defeat the M23 rebels that had preyed upon civilians in the country’s East. In South Sudan, for the first time in UN peace-keeping history, our peacekeepers systematically opened the gates of their bases to tens of thousands of civilians, saving their lives and protecting them from either government or opposition forces. In an historic breakthrough, a woman was named the first female Force Commander of a UN peacekeeping operation.


          Earlier this month, the Security Council established the “Captain Mbaye Diagne Medal”, named after an unarmed Senegalese peacekeeper who lost his own life after saving as many as a thousand people during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. This medal will honour UN personnel who demonstrate exceptional courage. Let us all commit to following the selfless example of Mbaye Diagne and other fallen heroes, as we work together to help our blue helmets be a force for peace, a force for change, and a force for the future.




          Message on the International Day for Biological Diversity


          New York, 22 May 2014


          This year’s International Day for Biological Diversity falls in the International Year of Small Island Developing States and is being observed under the theme of “Island Diversity”.


          For some 600 million island-dwellers—nearly one-tenth of the world’s population and representing one in three United Nations Member States—biodiversity is integral to their subsistence, income, well-being and cultural identity.


          Half the world’s marine resources lie in island waters. Biodiversity-based industries such as tourism and fisheries account for more than half the gross domestic product of small island developing states. Coral reefs alone provide an estimated $375 billion annual return in goods and services. Many island species on land and sea are found nowhere else on Earth. Legacies of a unique evolutionary heritage, they hold the promise of future discoveries—from medicines and foods to biofuels.


          Yet, reflecting a global pattern, island biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate in the face of growing risks. Rising sea levels caused by climate change, ocean acidification, invasive alien species, overfishing, pollution and ill-considered development are taking a heavy toll. Many species face the prospect of extinction. People’s livelihoods and national economies are suffering.


          The process to define a post-2015 development agenda and the Third Conference on Small Island Developing States in Samoa in September of this year both offer opportunities to attend to the unique needs of small island developing states and reverse the global decline in biodiversity. Because of their vulnerability, small island developing states are demonstrating a growing understanding of the links between healthy ecosystems and human well-being. Many have made local, national and regional commitments to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity, including through ratifying important instruments such as the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization. I call on all countries around the world to follow suit and ratify the Protocol without delay.


          Around the world, many innovative partnerships are being forged to preserve marine and coastal resources, enhance resilience to climate change and develop sustainable tourism, fisheries and other industries. On this International Day, let us commit to adopting, adapting and scaling up best practices so we can protect fragile ecosystems for the benefit of all the islanders—and indeed people everywhere—who depend on them.













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