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      2. 中國英語作文

        時間:2021-07-13 18:55:46 其他類英語作文 我要投稿




        中國英語作文 篇1

          When you ask a foreign what’s his impression about Chinese, he will say Chinese people are friendly and kind, but if you ask his impression about Chinese people when they are meeting in social occasion, he will answer you with the drink. It is a tradition for Chinese people that when they invite friends, they must prepare a lot of wine, the guests need to be drunk, because it means the hosts do a good job on treating their friends.

          Wine culture in China is very popular, it reflects on the business communication, too. When people need to deal with the business, they like to book a table in the hotel, and talk about the business work while they are having dinner. The inevitable thing is to drink, the boss like to watch the young employees to drink, when the boss is happy, the business is done. Chinese social communication is not in the best way, but there is no way to change.

        中國英語作文 篇2

          中國的電影市場一直在髙速發(fā)展,但是國產(chǎn)的動畫業(yè)(animation industry)卻不盡如人意。去年有33部動畫電影發(fā)行,但沒有一部票房(box office)喜人。原因有以下幾點:一是投入少。一部好萊塢動畫電影在放映和電影特技上的.花費要超過其一半的預算。但在中國,這些通常只占10%.二是故事情節(jié)單一。目前中國很難有超過1億票房的動畫電影。內(nèi)部人士稱電影情節(jié)無趣是票房過低的罪魁禍首。此外,薪酬較低,要找一個好編劇(scriptwriter)也很困難。


          China‘s film market has been developing at a highspeed,but China’s animation industry is not to oursatisfaction.Last year,33 animation films werereleased,none of which did well at the box office.The reasons are as follows:firstly,the lowinvestment.A Hollywood animation film spends more than half of its budget on screening andspecial effects, which,however,in China,usually accounts for only 10%. Secondly,the tediousplot.Currently,few animation films in China can achieve more than 0.1 billion yuan at thebox office.According to the insiders,boring plot is the main reason for low box office.Besides,its hard to find a good scriptwriter with low payment.

          1.一直在高速發(fā)展:“一直”可用現(xiàn)在完成時表達,故譯為have been developing at a tremendous speed.

          2.不盡如人意:即“不能令人滿意”,可譯為not to our satisfaction.反之,“令人滿意”則譯為to one‘s satisfaction.

          3.票房:固定譯法為box office.

          4.投入少:即“低投資”,可譯為low investment.

          5.放映和電影特技:可譯為screening and special effects.

          6.罪魁禍首:即“主要原因”,可譯為main reason.

        中國英語作文 篇3

          as time develops, there are many large changing happening in people ‘s lives .

          being like other west countries, private cars begin to be very popular in our country certainly, there must be many things following with it. maybe it is good for our society,or maybe it is harmful.

          now, i’d like to announce some not mature opinions. in our lives,especially in this century, time becomes more and more important buses seem to be more bulky than the private cars. we can go anywhere which we like immediately in our own car. but, if you come to wait for a bus, it will take your much time, and it’s more likely to be no seats. in this hand, you must choice the convenient way to buy a private car for yourself.

          but do you ever think the harms for the society. i will bring you some eamples. when the time develops that time that everyone has their own car, all the roads will be filled up by the cars. and there isn’t place for you to remove. what will be performed in the earth is obvious. this is not in the least. when the car is flooding, the waste gas will be ehausted everywhere, so that the air we are living in will be polluted seriously.

          are you agree with my opinions. now, i’d like to make you some place to think over what i said about the private cars.

        中國英語作文 篇4

          Like many people in the UK, the team at BBC Learning English have been shocked and saddened by news of the earthquake in Sichuan province. We would like to extend our condolences to those affected by this terrible natural disaster. Below is a special report on the earthquake and the rescue operations taking place.

          和在英國的很多人一樣,BBC 英語教學組的全體成員對五月十二號發(fā)生在四川省的地震消息感到震驚和悲痛,中國汶川大地震(China Wenchuan earthquake)作文。在這里我們對受害者表示最深切的哀悼,向那些受地震影響的人們深表同情。下面是對這次地震和地震營救行動的一篇特別報道。

          Rescue efforts are underway in China’s Sichuan province following Monday’s devastating earthquake 災難性的地震, which measured 7.9 on the Richter Scale 里氏震級.

          According to Xinhua news agency, nearly 15,000 people have died in the disaster, with as many as 24,000 more trapped under rubble 碎石,碎磚 from collapsing buildings and another 14,000 declared missing 申報失蹤.

          Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has visited the area to personally oversee relief work (抗震)救災工作, and is flying to the epicentre 震中 of the earthquake today.

          Chinese troops have been mobilised 調(diào)動 to carry out rescue operations and emergency aid 緊急救護 has been air-dropped 空降 into areas that have been cut off by the disaster.

          Bad weather has hampered 阻礙 relief efforts and in some cases rescuers have had to trek into the disaster area 受災地區(qū) by foot and search for trapped survivors 生還者 by hand as roads have been blocked by debris 瓦礫碎片.

          Some residents of the provincial capital 首府 Chengdu have chosen to sleep in tents and government shelters for fear of aftershocks 余震 causing more damage.

          One witness in Chengdu told the BBC the city’s population is helping the relief work by donating 捐獻 food and water for those affected in the surrounding countryside.

          Financial aid 經(jīng)濟救助 has been pouring in 大量涌進 from all over China, with the Chinese government pledging hundreds of millions of dollars. Substantial donations from other countries and humanitarian organisations have also been pledged 承諾,給予(援助).

          Although full casualty figures 傷亡數(shù)字 are not yet certain, it is clear that Monday’s earthquake is the worst to strike China since the Tangshan earthquake of 1976.












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