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      2. 英語四級考試題目翻譯

        時間:2024-10-11 17:14:32 資格考試 我要投稿
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          農(nóng)歷(the lunar calendar)起源于數(shù)千年前的中國,根據(jù)太陽和月亮的運(yùn)行規(guī)律制定。長期以來農(nóng)歷在農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)和人們?nèi)粘I钪邪l(fā)揮著重要作用。古人依據(jù)農(nóng)歷記錄日期,安排農(nóng)活,以便最 有效地利用自然資源和氣候條件,提者農(nóng)作物的產(chǎn)量和質(zhì)量。中國的春節(jié)、中秋節(jié)等傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日的`日期都基于農(nóng)歷。農(nóng)歷是中國傳統(tǒng)文化的重要組成部分,當(dāng)今依然廣為使用。

          The lunar calendar,which originated from China thousandsof years ago,was set by themoving law of the sun and themoon.For a long period of time,such a calenda has playeda very important role inagricultural production and peoplesdaily life.Ancient Chinese arranged their farm work by thedate of the lunar calendar to make the best use of natural re-sources and climate and improve the quality and yield ofcrops.Traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festi-val and the Mid-autumn Festival are based on the lunar cal-endar.It is a significant part of traditionalChinese culturewhich is still widely used today.




          ""Siheyuan"" is a traditional residential building in China, characterized by houses built around a courtyard, enclosing the courtyard in the middle. Siheyuan is usually warm in winter and cool in summer, with a comfortable environment, especially suitable for large families to live in. There are various types of Siheyuan in different parts of China, among which the Siheyuan in Beijing is the most typical. Today, with the development of modern cities, traditional Siheyuan has gradually decreased, but due to its unique architectural style, Siheyuan has important significance for the inheritance of Chinese culture and the study of Chinese history.




          The Chinese character fu,one of the mostcommonly usedauspicious symbolsin traditional Chinese culture,signifieshappiness and good luck.People oftenwrite a large fu onred paper,hoping for family prosperity,social stability,andnational prosperity.Pasting fu during the Spring Festival is along-established custom.To celebrate the Chinese NewYear,every household paste fu on their doors or walls to ex-press their expectations for a happy life.People sometimespaste it upside down,indicating that happiness has arrived.




          Since the reform and opening-up,Chinese diet has undergone significant changes.In the past when the economy was backward,food was so short in both kinds and amount that people were only concerned about whether they had enough to eat.Today,as the Chinese economy develops rapidly,food is not only more diverse but also much better in quality.With the improvement of living conditions,people have higher demand for food,paying more attention to food nutrition.Therefore,low-fat,low-sugar and organic foods that are launched into the market enjoy great popularity among people.



          中國政府十分重視人民的健康飲食。通過大力提倡健康飲食,人們對合理營養(yǎng)增進(jìn)健康的重要性有了更加深刻的.認(rèn)識。 “吃的安全,吃的營養(yǎng),吃得健康”是人民對美好生活的基本需求,是提升人民幸福感的必然要求,也為食品產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展提供了新機(jī)遇目前,各級政府都在采取多種措施,推進(jìn)健康中國的建設(shè)。

          The Chinese Government attaches great importance to a healthy diet for its people.With its vigorous advocation,the Chinese people have gained a deeper understanding of the important role of proper nutrition in health improvement.""Eating safely,nutritiously and healthily""is the peoples basic demand for a good life,an in evitable requirement inenhancing peoples sense of well-being,and also creation of new opportunities for the development of the food indus-try.At present,governments at all levels are taking various measures to promote the construction of a healthy China.



          改革開放以來,中國人民生活水平不斷提高,這在人們的飲食(diet)變化上得到充分體現(xiàn)。如今,人們不再滿足于吃得飽,而是追求吃得更加安全、更加營養(yǎng)、更加健康,食物也愈來愈豐富多樣,不再限于本地的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品。物流業(yè)(logistics industry)的發(fā)展使人們很容易品嘗到全國各地的特產(chǎn)。毫無疑問,學(xué)食品質(zhì)量與飲食結(jié)構(gòu)的.改善為增進(jìn)人們健康提供了有力的保障。

          Since the reform and opening-up,the living standard of the Chinese people has been on continuous improve-ment,which is fully reflected in the change of peoplesdiet.Today,people are no longer satisfied with whether they have enough to eat,but seek to eat more safely,more nutritiously and more healthily.Whats more,food becomes more diverse and is not limited to local produce.The development of the logistics industry makes it easy for people to taste local specialties from all over the country.Doubtlessly,the improvement of food quality and diet structure provides a strong guarantee for the promotion of peoples health.

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