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      2. 格林童話故事第:牛皮靴The boots of buffalo-leat

        時(shí)間:2020-10-19 16:16:10 童話 我要投稿

        格林童話故事第192篇:牛皮靴The boots of buffalo-leather


        格林童話故事第192篇:牛皮靴The boots of buffalo-leather

          勇敢的士兵,無(wú)所畏懼。 有這樣一個(gè)退役士兵,他無(wú)一技之長(zhǎng),不能營(yíng)生,只好四處流浪,靠乞討過(guò)活。 他身披一件雨衣,足蹬一雙服役時(shí)留下的牛皮靴。 一天,他正漫無(wú)目的地走著,徑直穿過(guò)了開闊的田野,走進(jìn)了一片森林。 他不知自己在哪里,只見(jiàn)一根伐倒的樹上坐著個(gè)人,他穿得很好,披著件綠色獵衣。 士兵友好地和他握了握手,在他身邊的草地坐下,伸直了腿。 "你的靴子做工很精細(xì)呀,"他對(duì)獵人說(shuō),"如果你像我一樣到處流浪,它們很快就會(huì)磨爛的。瞧我的靴子,牛皮做的,早就穿破了,可穿著它們,我可以克服任何艱難險(xiǎn)阻。"過(guò)了一會(huì)兒,士兵站起來(lái)說(shuō):"我得走了,肚子餓得咕咕叫。靚靴兄弟,你知道這路通向哪兒?jiǎn)?""我也不知道,"獵人回答說(shuō),"我在森林里迷了路。""哦,原來(lái)你和我一樣遇到麻煩了,"士兵說(shuō),"同病相憐嘛!讓我們?cè)谝黄鹜酃矟?jì),找條出路吧!"獵人笑著答應(yīng)了。 他們一起往前走啊走,直到夜幕降臨。 "我們還沒(méi)有走出森林,"士兵說(shuō),"你看,遠(yuǎn)處有燈光,也許我們能在那弄到點(diǎn)吃的。"到了那兒,他發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)石屋,敲了敲門,一位老婦人打開了門。 "老婆婆,我們能在您這兒住一夜嗎?"士兵說(shuō),"我們的肚子空如皮囊,能給我們點(diǎn)吃的嗎?""你們不能在這兒久留,"老婦人回答說(shuō),"這可是個(gè)強(qiáng)盜窩,你們要是聰明的話,最好趁他們沒(méi)回來(lái)前離開,不然你們連命都會(huì)丟了。""事情不會(huì)那么糟的,"士兵說(shuō),"我整整兩天沒(méi)吃東西了,在這兒?jiǎn)拭驮谏种谢罨铕I死有什么區(qū)別?我要進(jìn)來(lái)。"獵人不肯進(jìn)去,士兵拽著他的袖子把他拖進(jìn)了門。 "來(lái)吧,好兄弟,我們不會(huì)那么快就去見(jiàn)上帝的。"老婦人可憐他們說(shuō):"你們躲到爐子后面去,如果有他們吃剩下東西,我會(huì)趁他們睡覺(jué)的時(shí)候偷偷拿給你們吃。"士兵和獵人剛剛在角落里坐好,十二個(gè)強(qiáng)盜便沖了進(jìn)來(lái),坐到已擺好的桌子旁,吼著要東西吃。

          老婦人端來(lái)了大碟大碟的烤肉,強(qiáng)盜們盡情地享受著,大吃特吃。 士兵聞到了肉香時(shí)對(duì)獵人說(shuō):"我耐不住了,我要坐到桌子旁和他們一塊吃。""你會(huì)招來(lái)殺生之禍的。"獵人一邊說(shuō),一邊把士兵拉回去,但士兵卻開始大聲咳嗽。 強(qiáng)盜們聽(tīng)到了聲音,扔下手中的刀叉,跳了起來(lái),發(fā)現(xiàn)了躲在了爐子后的陌生人,便大叫:"哈哈,先生們,你們躲在墻腳下干什么?是誰(shuí)派你們來(lái)當(dāng)探子的?等著瞧吧,等到了枯枝上看你們?cè)趺达w。""請(qǐng)你說(shuō)話客氣點(diǎn),"士兵說(shuō),"我餓死了,讓我吃點(diǎn)東西,到時(shí)你們?cè)鯓犹幹梦叶夹小?quot;強(qiáng)盜們個(gè)個(gè)給愣住了,只聽(tīng)強(qiáng)盜頭子說(shuō):"看來(lái)你這小子一點(diǎn)不害怕,那好,就給你點(diǎn)吃的,吃完后你就得死。""等著瞧,'士兵說(shuō)著就坐到桌子邊,毫無(wú)懼色地吃起烤肉來(lái)。"靚靴兄弟,過(guò)來(lái)吃呀! "他對(duì)獵人喊道,"你準(zhǔn)和我一樣餓壞了,快來(lái),沒(méi)有比這烤肉更好吃的了。 "獵人不肯吃。強(qiáng)盜們都吃驚地望著士兵說(shuō):"這個(gè)無(wú)賴真不講客氣。 "過(guò)了一會(huì)兒,士兵說(shuō):"我吃飽了,再給我點(diǎn)喝的。 "強(qiáng)盜頭子那天心情好,滿足了士兵的要求,對(duì)老婦人叫道:"從地窖里拿瓶酒來(lái),要最好的。 "士兵"砰"地一聲打開酒瓶,走到獵人的跟前說(shuō):"注意,兄弟,你會(huì)有意外的發(fā)現(xiàn),來(lái),為大伙的健康干杯。 "然后,他一邊把酒瓶子在強(qiáng)盜頭上揮舞,一邊喊著:"祝你們長(zhǎng)命百歲! 張開嘴,舉起你們的右手。 "接著,他盡情地喝了一口。話音剛落,強(qiáng)盜們都像石頭一樣一動(dòng)不動(dòng)了,嘴巴張著,右手舉在空中。獵人勸士兵說(shuō):"我知道你還會(huì)別的把戲,可我們現(xiàn)在回家吧! ""哦,親愛(ài)的兄弟,那樣我們撤得太早了,既然打了勝戰(zhàn),就要戰(zhàn)利品! 那些家伙坐得很死,張著驚訝的大嘴,沒(méi)有我的允許他們是不能動(dòng)的。 來(lái),先吃飽喝足吧! "老婦人拿來(lái)一瓶最好的'酒,士兵一直吃了足夠三天的東西才動(dòng)身。天亮了,士兵說(shuō):"該撤走了,我們問(wèn)問(wèn)老婆婆,讓她指條到城堡的最近的路。 "

          到了城里,士兵跟他的老伙伴們說(shuō):"在森林里我發(fā)現(xiàn)了一窩強(qiáng)盜,跟我來(lái),我們一起去把他們端掉。"士兵叫伙伴們把強(qiáng)盜包圍起來(lái),然后拿起了酒瓶,喝了一大口,在他們頭上揮舞,喊道:"祝你們長(zhǎng)命百歲!"眨眼間,他們都重新獲得了活動(dòng)的能力,但都被摔在地上用繩子捆上了手腳。 接著士兵把強(qiáng)盜全像扔麻袋一樣扔到了板車上,說(shuō):"現(xiàn)在把他們押到監(jiān)牢里去。"獵人把其中的一個(gè)士兵叫到一邊,給了他另一個(gè)任務(wù)。

          "靚靴兄弟,"士兵說(shuō),"我們幸運(yùn)地抓了敵人,而且也已吃飽,現(xiàn)在我們只要像落伍的士兵一樣跟在后面就行。"當(dāng)他們快到城堡時(shí) ,士兵看到一大群人擁到城門口,歡呼雀躍,還當(dāng)空揮舞著綠色的枝條。 接著,整個(gè)禁衛(wèi)軍向他們走過(guò)來(lái)。 "這是怎么回事?"他驚訝地問(wèn)獵人。 "你難道不知道?"獵人回答說(shuō),"國(guó)王已很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間不在城堡里,他今天要回來(lái),每個(gè)人都來(lái)迎接他。""但是國(guó)王在哪里?"獵人回答說(shuō):"近在眼前!"然后他解開獵衣,露出了里面的黃袍。 士兵驚恐地跪在地上,乞求國(guó)王饒恕自己的無(wú)知,把國(guó)王當(dāng)成了和自己一樣的貧民百姓,竟敢那樣不敬地稱呼國(guó)王。 可是國(guó)王握著士兵的手說(shuō):"你是名勇士,我會(huì)照顧你,如果你什么時(shí)候想吃在強(qiáng)盜那兒吃過(guò)的烤肉,盡管到我的御膳房來(lái),不過(guò),若要喝祝壽酒,可得證得我的同意。"



          The boots of buffalo-leather

          A soldier who is afraid of nothing, troubles himself about nothing. One of this kind had received his discharge, and as he had learnt no trade and could earn nothing, he travelled about and begged alms of kind people. He had an old waterproof on his back, and a pair of riding-boots of buffalo-leather which were still left to him. One day he was walking he knew not where, straight out into the open country, and at length came to a forest. He did not know where he was, but saw sitting on the trunk of a tree, which had been cut down, a man who was well dressed and wore a green shooting-coat. The soldier shook hands with him, sat down on the grass by his side, and stretched out his legs. "I see thou hast good boots on, which are well blacked," said he to the huntsman; "but if thou hadst to travel about as I have, they would not last long. Look at mine, they are of buffalo-leather, and have been worn for a long time, but in them I can go through thick and thin." After a while the soldier got up and said, "I can stay no longer, hunger drives me onwards; but, Brother Bright-boots, where does this road lead to?" - "I don't know that myself," answered the huntsman, "I have lost my way in the forest." - "Then thou art in the same plight as I," said the soldier; "birds of a feather flock together, let us remain together, and seek our way."

          The huntsman smiled a little, and they walked on further and further, until night fell. "We do not get out of the forest," said the soldier, "but there in the distance I see a light shining, which will help us to something to eat." They found a stone house, knocked at the door, and an old woman opened it. "We are looking for quarters for the night," said the soldier, "and some lining for our stomachs, for mine is as empty as an old knapsack." - "You cannot stay here," answered the old woman; "this is a robber's house, and you would do wisely to get away before they come home, or you will be lost." - "It won't be so bad as that," answered the soldier, "I have not had a mouthful for two days, and whether I am murdered here or die of hunger in the forest is all the same to me. I shall go in." The huntsman would not follow, but the soldier drew him in with him by the sleeve. "Come, my dear brother, we shall not come to an end so quickly as that!" The old woman had pity on them and said, "Creep in here behind the stove, and if they leave anything, I will give it to you on the sly when they are asleep." Scarcely were they in the corner before twelve robbers came bursting in, seated themselves at the table which was already laid, and vehemently demanded some food. The old woman brought in some great dishes of roast meat, and the robbers enjoyed that thoroughly. When the smell of the food ascended the nostrils of the soldier, he said to the huntsman, "I cannot hold out any longer, I shall seat myself at the table, and eat with them." thou wilt bring us to destruction," said the huntsman, and held him back by the arm. But the soldier began to cough loudly. When the robbers heard that, they threw away their knives and forks, leapt up, and discovered the two who were behind the stove. "Aha, gentlemen, are you in the corner?" cried they, "What are you doing here? Have you been sent as spies? Wait a while, and you shall learn how to fly on a dry bough." - "But do be civil," said the soldier, "I am hungry, give me something to eat, and then you can do what you like with me." The robbers were astonished, and the captain said, "I see that thou hast no fear; well, thou shalt have some food, but after that thou must die." - "We shall see," said the soldier, and seated himself at the table, and began to cut away valiantly at the roast meat. "Brother Brightboots, come and eat," cried he to the huntsman; "thou must be as hungry as I am, and cannot have better roast meat at home," but the huntsman would not eat. The robbers looked at the soldier in astonishment, and said, "The rascal uses no ceremony." After a while he said, "I have had enough food, now get me something good to drink." The captain was in the mood to humour him in this also, and called to the old woman, "Bring a bottle out of the cellar, and mind it be of the best." The soldier drew the cork out with a loud noise, and then went with the bottle to the huntsman and said, "Pay attention, brother, and thou shalt see something that will surprise thee; I am now going to drink the health of the whole clan." Then he brandished the bottle over the heads of the robbers, and cried, "Long life to you all, but with your mouths open and your right hands lifted up," and then he drank a hearty draught. Scarcely were the words said than they all sat motionless as if made of stone, and their mouths were open and their right hands stretched up in the air. The huntsman said to the soldier, "I see that thou art acquainted with tricks of another kind, but now come and let us go home." - "Oho, my dear brother, but that would be marching away far too soon; we have conquered the enemy, and must first take the booty. Those men there are sitting fast, and are opening their mouths with astonishment, but they will not be allowed to move until I permit them. Come, eat and drink." The old woman had to bring another bottle of the best wine, and the soldier would not stir until he had eaten enough to last for three days. At last when day came, he said, "Now it is time to strike our tents, and that our march may be a short one, the old woman shall show us the nearest way to the town." When they had arrived there, he went to his old comrades, and said, "Out in the forest I have found a nest full of gallows' birds, come with me and we will take it." The soldier led them, and said to the huntsman, "Thou must go back again with me to see how they shake when we seize them by the feet." He placed the men round about the robbers, and then he took the bottle, drank a mouthful, brandished it above them, and cried, "Live again." Instantly they all regained the power of movement, but were thrown down and bound hand and foot with cords. Then the soldier ordered them to be thrown into a cart as if they had been so many sacks, and said, "Now drive them straight to prison." The huntsman, however, took one of the men aside and gave him another commission besides. "Brother Bright-boots," said the soldier, "we have safely routed the enemy and been well fed, now we will quietly walk behind them as if we were stragglers!" When they approached the town, the soldier saw a crowd of people pouring through the gate of the town who were raising loud cries of joy, and waving green boughs in the air. Then he saw that the entire body-guard was coming up. "What can this mean?" said he to the huntsman. "Dost thou not know?" he replied, "that the King has for a long time been absent from his kingdom, and that to-day he is returning, and every one is going to meet him." - "But where is the King?" said the soldier, "I do not see him." - "Here he is," answered the huntsman, "I am the King, and have announced my arrival." Then he opened his hunting-coat, and his royal garments were visible. The soldier was alarmed, and fell on his knees and begged him to forgive him for having in his ignorance treated him as an equal, and spoken to him by such a name. But the King shook hands with him, and said, "Thou art a brave soldier, and hast saved my life. Thou shalt never again be in want, I will take care of thee. And if ever thou wouldst like to eat a piece of roast meat, as good as that in the robber's house, come to the royal kitchen. But if thou wouldst drink a health, thou must first ask my permission."

        【格林童話故事第192篇:牛皮靴The boots of buffalo-leather】相關(guān)文章:











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