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      2. 格林童話故事第:池中水妖The nix of the mill-pond

        時間:2020-10-19 09:19:55 童話 我要投稿

        格林童話故事第175篇:池中水妖The nix of the mill-pond


        格林童話故事第175篇:池中水妖The nix of the mill-pond

          從前,有位磨坊主和妻子生活在一塊,生活十分富足。 他們有錢有地,光景一年好似一年。 但不幸的事情突然來了,他的財富變得一年少似一年,最后那磨坊主連自己的磨坊幾乎都不能維持了。 他悲痛萬分,每天干完活躺在床上,總是輾轉(zhuǎn)反側(cè),夜不能寐。 一天早晨,天不亮他就起床出了門,心想這樣心情可能會好些。 等他跨上水壩,太陽還剛剛升上地平線,突然他聽到水中有潺潺之聲,他回頭一看,發(fā)現(xiàn)水中緩緩地冒出個美女。 她用纖纖的玉手將一頭長長的秀發(fā)理在兩肩旁,遮住了整個身軀。 磨坊主馬上意識到她就是水池中的水妖了,情急之中他不知該留還是該走了。 只聽水妖柔柔地呼喚著他的名字,問他為何如此悶悶不樂,聲音十分悅耳。 起初磨坊主給嚇怕了,但當(dāng)他聽到美女說話如此溫柔可愛時,便趕緊定了定神,告訴她自己過去的生活如何富足,現(xiàn)在生活如何貧困潦倒、百般的無奈。 "別著急,"水妖說,"我會讓你過比以前更富足、更幸福的,但你必須答應(yīng)把家中新降生的小東西給我。""那除了小貓小狗之類還會有什么別的東西呢?"磨坊主心想,于是他答應(yīng)了她的要求。 聽完這話,水妖沉了下去,他也樂顛顛地跑回作坊,心存安慰,神情格外舒暢。 但他剛跨進門就見女仆跑出房子尖叫著向他道喜,說夫人剛生下個男嬰。 真是如五雷轟頂一般,磨坊主站在那兒,呆若木雞,他意識到那狡猾的水妖早就知道這一點,而且還欺騙了他。 他聳拉著腦袋,走到妻子床前,妻子對他說:"給你生了個胖小子,難道你還不開心嗎?"他告訴她災(zāi)難已降臨到他頭上,接著便把許諾的'事一五一十地說了。 "財富對我來說有什么用呢?"他又說,"如果失去了孩子,我該怎么辦?"就是那些前來道賀的親朋好友們也不知該說什么好。 這以后磨坊主確實時來運轉(zhuǎn)了,他所做的交易都兌了現(xiàn)。 似乎一夜之間柜里自行裝滿了錢幣,壁櫥里的錢也都積得滿滿的。 不久他的財富就大大超過了從前。 但是他卻不能高興起來,因為他和水妖之間的交易讓他傷透了腦筋。 每當(dāng)他走過池邊,總擔(dān)心女妖會從水中冒出來討債,他也從不讓孩子一個人走近水邊,"記住,"他告誡孩子,"如果你碰到水,水里就會伸出一只手來抓住你,把你拖下水去。"但年復(fù)一年水妖沒再現(xiàn)身,磨坊主心中的一塊石頭總算放了下來。 男孩長大成人了,在一名獵戶手下當(dāng)徒弟。 當(dāng)他學(xué)會了十八般武藝,成為一名出色的獵手時,村長便讓他為村里服務(wù)。 村里有位美麗的姑娘深為獵手鐘愛,村長知道這一切時便給了他一間小屋,讓兩人終于結(jié)成百年之好,他們婚后過得幸福安樂,相親也相愛。

          一天獵手正追趕一只雄鹿,當(dāng)雄鹿從森林處拐進一片曠野后,他迅速追了上去,射死了它。 但他卻沒注意到自己竟站在了水池邊。 他把鹿開膛破肚后,走到水邊想洗洗那雙沾滿鮮血的手。 不料一沾水,水妖便突然從水中鉆了出來,面帶笑容,用她那濕淋淋的雙手抱住獵手,跌入水中,浪花傾刻淹沒了他。 時至黃昏,獵手還沒回家,妻子焦急萬分,便出去找他。 因為丈夫曾一再說過要防范水妖的誘惑,不敢斗膽到池邊去。 她馬上明白發(fā)生了什么事情,于是便趕緊跑到水邊。 當(dāng)她看到丈夫留在岸邊的獵袋時,她證實了自己的猜疑。 此刻她悲痛欲絕,芳心欲碎,一遍遍呼喚著愛人的名字,但聽不到回音。 她又跑到水池的對岸去叫喚,口中咒罵著水妖,但仍然沒有人應(yīng)聲。 水面平靜,只有初升的新月目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地注視著她,這可憐的女人沒有離開水池,她一刻不停地圍著水池跑,跑了一圈又一圈,時而默不作聲,時而低泣。 最后她筋疲力竭,倒在地上睡著了,不久便進入了夢鄉(xiāng)。

          她夢見自己正在一大堆頑石間焦急地向上攀登,荊棘絆住了她的腳,雨點打在她的臉上,風(fēng)把她的頭發(fā)吹得七零八落,當(dāng)她到達山頂時,展現(xiàn)在眼前的是一副從未見過的畫面:天空碧藍,空氣新鮮,坡度平緩。 一間精致小巧的農(nóng)舍在一片綠草地上,周圍長滿了各色的花朵。 她走上前去把門打開,發(fā)現(xiàn)里面坐著一位白發(fā)蒼蒼的老婆婆,正熱情地跟她打招呼。 就在這時,可憐的女人醒了,天剛破曉,她馬上按昨夜夢里見到的去做,不辭辛苦地爬上山頂,果真見到了和夢中完全一樣的景色。 老婆婆接待了她,給她指定一張椅子坐下。 "你一定是遇到了麻煩,"她說,"否則你不會找到我這偏僻寒舍來的。"可憐的女人一把眼淚一把鼻涕地把事情的原委都說了。 "開心點,"老婆婆說,"我會幫你的。這里有一把金梳。等滿月升起時,你就到池邊去,坐在池邊,用這把梳子梳理你那烏黑的秀發(fā)。梳完后再把它放在岸邊,看看會發(fā)生什么事。"女人回了家,但時間距離滿月還早得很。 最后她終于等到了滿月升起,趕緊跑去池邊,坐在岸邊,用金梳梳發(fā),然后再把它放在水邊。 不久水里就翻起了萬千波濤,浪濤打到岸邊,把金梳給卷走了。 還沒等金梳沉底,水面突然分開,露出了獵手的腦袋。 獵手沒說話,只是憂郁地看著他的妻子。 同時,又一個浪濤打過來,他的腦袋被淹沒了。 傾刻一切都消失了,水面平靜如初,唯有滿月倒映在其中。

          女人滿懷悲痛地走回家中,但她又夢見了那位村舍里的老婆婆。 第二天早晨,她又去老婆婆那兒訴苦。 老人給了她一只金笛說:"等到滿月升起時,用這只笛子吹出一曲優(yōu)美的曲子,吹完后再把笛子放在沙灘上看看會怎么樣。"女人照著她說的話去做了。 笛子剛放到沙地上就聽見水里有一陣響動 ,一個浪濤打來把笛子卷走了。 水路立刻分開,露出了獵手的頭和半個身子,他伸出手臂想要擁抱她,但又一個浪頭打過來把他給淹沒了。 "啊,她是怎么幫我的?"女人叫道,"為什么讓我看到他又要失去他啊!"她又絕望了,但夢又把她引到了老婆婆的面前,這回老人給了她一只金紡輪,并安慰她說:"這一切并沒有完,等滿月升起時,拿這只紡輪坐到岸邊,把這卷線紡?fù),再把紡輪放在岸邊,看看會發(fā)生什么事情。"女人完全照著她的話去做了。 當(dāng)滿月升起時,她拿著紡輪坐到岸邊,一刻不停地紡啊紡,直到亞麻線用完,水池上滿是紡好的線。 同樣的事情又出現(xiàn)了,只見一個浪頭打來,把紡輪卷走了,很快,獵手頭和整個身體都從水中脫水而出,呈現(xiàn)在女人面前。 獵人趕緊跳到岸邊,抓起妻子的手就逃。 但沒等他們走出多遠,就聽到池水一片喧嘩,池水立刻漫及整個曠野。 兩人立刻意識到死亡的危險,嚇呆了的女人乞求老婆婆暗中相助。 過了一會兒,他倆便變了形,一個成了蛤蟆,一個成了青蛙。 洪水吞沒了他們但沒能毀滅他們,只是把他們沖散,帶到老遠的地方去了。

          水退了,他們又踏上干地,重現(xiàn)人形,但彼此都不知對方在那里。 他們發(fā)現(xiàn)自己身處陌生人中間,那些人都不知自己的家鄉(xiāng)在何方。 他們面前只有高山低谷,為了活命,他們不得不去放羊。 多年過后,他們?nèi)砸恢壁s著羊群穿行森林草地,無處可托相思,無可可托牽掛。

          春天來臨了,一天他們都出去放羊,可能是命運的安排,他倆走得越來越近了,在峽谷中相遇了,但互不認識。 但是他們高興,因為他們不再孤獨了。 他們因此每天都把羊趕到一個地方,說話不多,但彼此心存慰藉。 一天傍晚當(dāng)滿月升起時,羊兒也睡著了,牧羊人從袋中抽出一支短笛,吹出一支優(yōu)美而略帶傷感的曲子,等他吹完,他發(fā)現(xiàn)牧羊女正在悲傷地哭泣。 "你哭什么?"他問。 "啊!"她回答說,"當(dāng)我最后一次吹起這根笛子時,天空升起滿月,水中露出我愛人的腦袋。"他看著她,仿佛覺得他眼睛上的一層眼罩立刻脫落,他認出了她,同時她也看了看他,月亮正照在他的臉上,她也認出了他。 他們相互擁抱著,親吻著,誰都無需再問他們是否幸福了。



          The nix of the mill-pond

          There was once upon a time a miller who lived with his wife in great contentment. They had money and land, and their prosperity increased year by year more and more. But ill-luck comes like a thief in the night, as their wealth had increased so did it again decrease, year by year, and at last the miller could hardly call the mill in which he lived, his own. He was in great distress, and when he lay down after his day's work, found no rest, but tossed about in his bed, full of care. One morning he rose before daybreak and went out into the open air, thinking that perhaps there his heart might become lighter. As he was stepping over the mill-dam the first sunbeam was just breaking forth, and he heard a rippling sound in the pond. He turned round and perceived a beautiful woman, rising slowly out of the water. Her long hair, which she was holding off her shoulders with her soft hands, fell down on both sides, and covered her white body. He soon saw that she was the Nix of the Mill-pond, and in his fright did not know whether he should run away or stay where he was. But the nix made her sweet voice heard, called him by his name, and asked him why he was so sad? The miller was at first struck dumb, but when he heard her speak so kindly, he took heart, and told her how he had formerly lived in wealth and happiness, but that now he was so poor that he did not know what to do. "Be easy," answered the nix, "I will make thee richer and happier than thou hast ever been before, only thou must promise to give me the young thing which has just been born in thy house." - "What else can that be," thought the miller, "but a young puppy or kitten?" and he promised her what she desired. The nix descended into the water again, and he hurried back to his mill, consoled and in good spirits. He had not yet reached it, when the maid-servant came out of the house, and cried to him to rejoice, for his wife had given birth to a little boy. The miller stood as if struck by lightning; he saw very well that the cunning nix had been aware of it, and had cheated him. Hanging his head, he went up to his wife's bedside and when she said, "Why dost thou not rejoice over the fine boy?" he told her what had befallen him, and what kind of a promise he had given to the nix. "Of what use to me are riches and prosperity?" he added, "if I am to lose my child; but what can I do?" Even the relations, who had come thither to wish them joy, did not know what to say. In the meantime prosperity again returned to the miller's house. All that he undertook succeeded, it was as if presses and coffers filled themselves of their own accord, and as if money multiplied nightly in the cupboards. It was not long before his wealth was greater than it had ever been before. But he could not rejoice over it untroubled, for the bargain which he had made with the nix tormented his soul. Whenever he passed the mill-pond, he feared she might ascend and remind him of his debt. He never let the boy himself go near the water. "Beware," he said to him, "if thou dost but touch the water, a hand will rise, seize thee, and draw thee down." But as year after year went by and the nix did not show herself again, the miller began to feel at ease. The boy grew up to be a youth and was apprenticed to a huntsman. When he had learnt everything, and had become an excellent huntsman, the lord of the village took him into his service. In the village lived a beautiful and true-hearted maiden, who pleased the huntsman, and when his master perceived that, he gave him a little house, the two were married, lived peacefully and happily, and loved each other with all their hearts.

          One day the huntsman was chasing a roe; and when the animal turned aside from the forest into the open country, he pursued it and at last shot it. He did not notice that he was now in the neighbourhood of the dangerous mill-pond, and went, after he had disembowelled the stag, to the water, in order to wash his blood-stained hands. Scarcely, however, had he dipped them in than the nix ascended, smilingly wound her dripping arms around him, and drew him quickly down under the waves, which closed over him. When it was evening, and the huntsman did not return home, his wife became alarmed. She went out to seek him, and as he had often told her that he had to be on his guard against the snares of the nix, and dared not venture into the neighbourhood of the mill-pond, she already suspected what had happened. She hastened to the water, and when she found his hunting-pouch lying on the shore, she could no longer have any doubt of the misfortune. Lamenting her sorrow, and wringing her hands, she called on her beloved by name, but in vain. She hurried across to the other side of the pond, and called him anew; she reviled the nix with harsh words, but no answer followed. The surface of the water remained calm, only the crescent moon stared steadily back at her. The poor woman did not leave the pond. With hasty steps, she paced round and round it, without resting a moment, sometimes in silence, sometimes uttering a loud cry, sometimes softly sobbing. At last her strength came to an end, she sank down to the ground and fell into a heavy sleep. Presently a dream took possession of her. She was anxiously climbing upwards between great masses of rock; thorns and briars caught her feet, the rain beat in her face, and the wind tossed her long hair about. When she had reached the summit, quite a different sight presented itself to her; the sky was blue, the air soft, the ground sloped gently downwards, and on a green meadow, gay with flowers of every colour, stood a pretty cottage. She went up to it and opened the door; there sat an old woman with white hair, who beckoned to her kindly. At that very moment, the poor woman awoke, day had already dawned, and she at once resolved to act in accordance with her dream. She laboriously climbed the mountain; everything was exactly as she had seen it in the night. The old woman received her kindly, and pointed out a chair on which she might sit. "Thou must have met with a misfortune," she said, "since thou hast sought out my lonely cottage." With tears, the woman related what had befallen her. "Be comforted," said the old woman, "I will help thee. Here is a golden comb for thee. Tarry till the full moon has risen, then go to the mill-pond, seat thyself on the shore, and comb thy long black hair with this comb. When thou hast done, lay it down on the bank, and thou wilt see what will happen." The woman returned home, but the time till the full moon came, passed slowly. At last the shining disc appeared in the heavens, then she went out to the mill-pond, sat down and combed her long black hair with the golden comb, and when she had finished, she laid it down at the water's edge. It was not long before there was a movement in the depths, a wave rose, rolled to the shore, and bore the comb away with it. In not more than the time necessary for the comb to sink to the bottom, the surface of the water parted, and the head of the huntsman arose. He did not speak, but looked at his wife with sorrowful glances. At the same instant, a second wave came rushing up, and covered the man's head. All had vanished, the mill-pond lay peaceful as before, and nothing but the face of the full moon shone on it. Full of sorrow, the woman went back, but again the dream showed her the cottage of the old woman. Next morning she again set out and complained of her woes to the wise woman. The old woman gave her a golden flute, and said, "Tarry till the full moon comes again, then take this flute; play a beautiful air on it, and when thou hast finished, lay it on the sand; then thou wilt see what will happen." The wife did as the old woman told her. No sooner was the flute lying on the sand than there was a stirring in the depths, and a wave rushed up and bore the flute away with it. Immediately afterwards the water parted, and not only the head of the man, but half of his body also arose. He stretched out his arms longingly towards her, but a second wave came up, covered him, and drew him down again. "Alas, what does it profit me?" said the unhappy woman, "that I should see my beloved, only to lose him again!" Despair filled her heart anew, but the dream led her a third time to the house of the old woman. She set out, and the wise woman gave her a golden spinning-wheel, consoled her and said, "All is not yet fulfilled, tarry until the time of the full moon, then take the spinning-wheel, seat thyself on the shore, and spin the spool full, and when thou hast done that, place the spinning-wheel near the water, and thou wilt see what will happen." The woman obeyed all she said exactly; as soon as the full moon showed itself, she carried the golden spinning-wheel to the shore, and span industriously until the flax came to an end, and the spool was quite filled with the threads. No sooner was the wheel standing on the shore than there was a more violent movement than before in the depths of the pond, and a mighty wave rushed up, and bore the wheel away with it. Immediately the head and the whole body of the man rose into the air, in a water-spout. He quickly sprang to the shore, caught his wife by the hand and fled. But they had scarcely gone a very little distance, when the whole pond rose with a frightful roar, and streamed out over the open country. The fugitives already saw death before their eyes, when the woman in her terror implored the help of the old woman, and in an instant they were transformed, she into a toad, he into a frog. The flood which had overtaken them could not destroy them, but it tore them apart and carried them far away. When the water had dispersed and they both touched dry land again, they regained their human form, but neither knew where the other was; they found themselves among strange people, who did not know their native land. High mountains and deep valleys lay between them. In order to keep themselves alive, they were both obliged to tend sheep. For many long years they drove their flocks through field and forest and were full of sorrow and longing. When spring had once more broken forth on the earth, they both went out one day with their flocks, and as chance would have it, they drew near each other. They met in a valley, but did not recognize each other; yet they rejoiced that they were no longer so lonely. Henceforth they each day drove their flocks to the same place; they did not speak much, but they felt comforted. One evening when the full moon was shining in the sky, and the sheep were already at rest, the shepherd pulled the flute out of his pocket, and played on it a beautiful but sorrowful air. When he had finished he saw that the shepherdess was weeping bitterly. "Why art thou weeping?" he asked. "Alas," answered she, "thus shone the full moon when I played this air on the flute for the last time, and the head of my beloved rose out of the water." He looked at her, and it seemed as if a veil fell from his eyes, and he recognized his dear wife, and when she looked at him, and the moon shone in his face she knew him also. They embraced and kissed each other, and no one need ask if they were happy.

        【格林童話故事第175篇:池中水妖The nix of the mill-pond】相關(guān)文章:











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