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      2. 狀語從句的專項練習題及答案參考

        時間:2024-01-04 11:17:18 博耿 試題 我要投稿
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          1. Mr Smith has a habit of taking a shower_______ he has breakfast.

          A. though

          B. before

          C. because

          D. since

          2._______ it is often cold in the mountains, you need to wear warm clothes.

          A. Though

          B. Unless

          C. As

          D. until

          3.You will see many aunts dancing together on the square if it_______in the evening.

          A. doesnt rain

          B. rains

          C. will rain

          D. wont rain

          4. ______my cousin is very young, ______ she can help with the housework.

          A. Once: /

          B. Though, but

          C. Although; /

          5. Kates dad is getting old. She will go back home to see him______ it is convenient.

          A. because

          B. whenever

          C. although


          6. We didnt enjoy the day______the weather was so bad.

          A. because

          B. though

          C. unless


          7. Miss Lin has taught us English______we came to this school.

          A. for

          B. since

          C. before

          D. when

          8. One important aim of our school is to prepare us for the future______ we can face all the challenges with confidence.

          A. so far

          B. so that

          C. even if

          D. if only

          9. The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier______ we take action to protect them.

          A. since

          B. if

          C. until

          D. unless

          10. You can use English or Chinese______ you travel in Singapore.

          A. whether

          B. whatever

          C. where

          D. if

          11. Grace is going to give much money to charity, ______ she is not rich enough.

          A. if

          B. unless


          D. though

          12. Jim has been in the factory for two years______he graduated.

          A. when

          B. since

          C.as soon as


          13. Youd better make a good plan______you take a holiday.

          A. before

          B. during

          C. until

          D. after

          14. She raised her voice______everyone in the room could hear her.

          A. so that

          B. as soon as

          C. no matter

          D. even though

          15. He will come here right away ______he hears the news.

          A. so

          B. as soon as

          C. because

          D. though

          16______I got off the bus, I saw him standing there.

          A. While

          B. When

          C. If

          D. Because

          17. Its quite common in Britain to say "Thank you" to the drivers______ people get off the bus.

          A. before

          B. since

          C. until

          D. unless

          18. Her little sister is______young______she cant dress herself.

          A. too; to

          B. so; that

          C. such; that

          D. very; that

          19.-Did you call Sara back?

          -I didnt need to, ______well have a meeting together tonight.

          A. though

          B. unless

          C. because

          D. if

          20. Li Lei knew little about the film______he saw it yesterday afternoon.

          A. if

          B. since

          C. until

          D. because

          1.B 題意:史密斯先生 習慣在早飯之前洗個澡。Before“在……之前”符合題意。though“盡管,雖然”;because“因為”;since“自從以來”。

          2.C 題意:由于山里經常很冷,你需要穿些保暖的衣服。as 在此意為“因為”,引導原因狀語從句。though“盡管”;unless“除非,如果不……”:until“直到”

          3. A題意:如果晚上不下雨,你會看到許生大媽聚在廣場上跳舞。主句用一般將來時,if引導的條件狀語從句用一般現在時表示將來,排除C、D兩項;根據常識可知,應該是不下雨的時候在廣場上跳舞,故選 A。

          4.C 題意:盡管我表妹很小,但她可以幫著做家務。although 和 though 都表示“盡管”,引導讓步狀語從句,但不與 but 連用,故選 C。once"一旦”。

          5.B 題意:凱特的爸爸漸漸老了。只要方便她就回家香望他。whenever“任何時候”,符合題意。because“因為”although“盡管”:unless-除非……,如果不



          8.B 題意:我們學校的一個重要目標就是使我們為將來做好準各,以便我們能充滿信心地迎接所有挑戰。從句表示目的,故用 so that“以便”引導。So far“到目前為止”,不用于引導從句,

          even if“即使”,引導讓步狀語從句:if only要是…就好了”,引導虛擬條件狀語從句。

          9.D 題意:如果我們不采取行動保護這此河流,它們會變得越來越臟。wnless “除非……,如果不…”,符合題意。since"自以…以來”,if“如果”,untill“直到”,

          10. D 題意:如果你在新加坡旅游,你可以說英語或漢語。if如果”,引導條件狀語從句,符合題意。whether“是否”,引導賓語從句:whatever“無論什么”,引導名詞性從句或讓步狀語從


          11. D 題意:格雷斯打算給慈善機構捐一大筆錢,盡管她也不是很富有。由much money 和 not richenough 可知,表示讓步關系的though“盡管”符合題意。if“如果”,unless“除非,如果


          12. B 題意:吉姆自從畢業后在這個工廠已經兩年了。since 引導時間狀語從句,意為“自從以來”,主句常用現在完成時,符合題意。其他三項引導時間狀語從句時,主句一般不用現在完成時

          13.A 題意:你最好在度假之前先制訂一個好的計劃。before“在……之前”,符合題意。during“在期間”;until直到”;after“在之后”

          14 A 題意:她提高聲音,以便房間里的每個人都能聽到她講話。So that 意為“以便”,引導目的狀語從句,符合題意。as soon as

          一…就…;no matter “無論”,后面需接連接詞;eventhough“即使”

          15 B 題意:他一聽到這個消息就會立刻來這里。as soon as"


          16.B 題意:我下車的時候看到他站在那里。when 和 while 都表示“當…時候”;when 引導的從句的謂語可以是延續性動詞,也可以是非延線性動詞,while 引導的從句謂語必須是延續性

          動詞,故選 B。if“如果”;because“因為”

          17. A 題意:人們下車之前對司機說“謝謝”在英國很常見。before“在之前”,符合題意。since“自從…以來”;until“直到”;unless“除非,如果不…”

          18.B 題意:她妹妹很小,不能自己穿衣服。so.. that. ..意為“如此以至于”,引導結果狀語從句,符合題意。too. .. to. ..意為“太不能”,to后面跟動詞原形;such 修飾的中心詞是名詞;very 不與 that 搭配使用。


          20. C 題意:李雷直到昨天下午看了才知道這個電影。主句中的否定詞 little 起到了not 的作用,與until一起構成 not. .. until..:,意為“直到……才”












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