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      2. 中學(xué)英語練習(xí)試題及答案

        時間:2022-09-24 13:20:09 試題 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦




          1. Let John__________ milk and bread for breakfast himself. He’s ten years old now.

          A. buy B. buys C. bought D. is buying

          2. Tommy __________to the flash show last Sunday. He was very happy.

          A. has invited B. was invited C. was inviting D. invited

          3. Unless it__________ , we’ll visit Shanghai Wild Animal Park this weekend.

          A. rains B. will rain C. hasn’t rained D. is raining

          4. Though the PSP__________him about ¥1200, he doesn’t think it is expensive.

          A. took B. spent C. paid D. cost

          5. I can’t __________the maths problem within an hour. It’s very difficult.

          A. take out B. work out C. put out D. look out

          6. Could you tell me what time __________go to visit the Disney World this Saturday morning?

          A. will they B. they will C. would they D. they would

          7. China provided good service during the 29th Olympic Games. In this sentence, “provided” means __________ .

          A. offered B. proved C. suggested D. promised

          8. For the time being, we still have a lot to do to welcome the World Expo 2010. The underlined part means __________ .

          A. In this way B. Now and then C. At present D. In return

          9. --- Shall we make a pizza by ourselves instead of buying one?

          --- __________ .

          A. The same to you. B. Don’t worry.

          C. That’s a good idea. D. So did I.

          10. --- I have got the first prize for the English reading test. How happy I am!

          --- __________ .

          A. Never mind. B. Thank you. C. That’s all right. D. You deserved to win.


          1. Please read the book __________ (緩慢地).

          2. Teenagers should know something about the__________(危險) of smoking.

          3. One __________(手指) cannot lift a small stone.

          4. Tom __________(更喜歡) to surf the Internet.

          5. We should __________ (將…視為) problems as challenges.



          ABADB BACCD

          1.let sb. Do sth 讓某人做某事

          同樣用法的還有:make sb do sth have sb do sth you'd better do sth

          2.tommy 肯定是被邀請去參加,所以是被動語態(tài),文中出現(xiàn)last Sunday 這是過去時標志詞,所以是被動語態(tài)+過去時

          3.本題考察條件狀語從句的主將從現(xiàn)用法,unless等于if not,引導(dǎo)從句表達將來的概念,用一般現(xiàn)在時


          5.Take out 清楚 work out解決 put out熄滅 look out 小心……題中應(yīng)該是解決數(shù)學(xué)問題


          賓語從句,從句要用陳述句語序,而且是將來時,could you……委婉語氣不是過去時




          10.D 項的意思是 你理應(yīng)獲勝


          1. slowly 2. dangers 3. finger 4. prefers 5. regard












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