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      2. 英語課教學設(shè)計

        時間:2021-06-11 17:54:59 教學設(shè)計 我要投稿






          本課是初中英語新目標七年級上冊Unit 3的鞏固練習課,一節(jié)英語課教學設(shè)計。通過本單元新授課的學習,學生們已基本把握了對人的外貌的描述;學會了談?wù)撋砀、體重、發(fā)型、面部特征及著裝特點;能夠簡單地表達自己的觀點或好惡。但大部分學生不能系統(tǒng)的將本單元的知識內(nèi)容與技能整合;學生對本單元"知識建構(gòu)"的熟悉還不夠完善,綜合能力還有待進步。因此,本節(jié)課將立足于此,進一步鞏固所學內(nèi)容,利用聽說讀寫多種練習方式,結(jié)合以前所學內(nèi)容,包括年齡,職業(yè),愛好等,使學生能夠流利地對自己和別人進行更具體詳盡的先容。為此,我設(shè)計了幾個既科學又有趣的任務(wù)與活動,充分調(diào)動學生的積極性,激發(fā)其學英語的愛好,發(fā)揮其主體性地位,讓學生在真實的語境中習得英語,運用英語。這樣既切合了"learn by doing"的教學理念,又達到了"學以致用"的教學目的。


          1.Review the vocabulary and patterns of describing people's looks.

          (long hair/short hair;straight hair/curly hair;tall/short;heavy/thin;medium height/build…)

          2.Have the students try to talk more about people.



          Step 1Leading-in Begin the class with apiece of music named"掀起你的蓋頭來".Then have one student sing the song for class.According to the song,let the students imagine what the girl in the song looks like.Show the Teaching Aims--Let's go on talking about people's looks.


          Step 2Revision(Show pictures of famous actors and students in class.Using the pictures,the students practice the vocabulary and patterns in this unit.)

          Show pictures of Yao Ming,Pan Changjiang and Zhou Jielun to review"tall/short/medium height"like this:

          Teacher:What does Yao Ming look like?

          Student:He is tall.

          Show pictures of the students who wears glasses/has abeard/in ared coat.to review the following patterns.

          Teacher:What does she look like?

          Student:She wears glasses.


          Step 3Presentation(Section A;3a)

          1.Listen to the descriptions of the four classmates.Match them with the pictures.

          2.Have the students read the passages carefully and try to recite them.

          3.Sum-up--How do we describe aperson after reading the four passages of"Part 3a".

          (Answer:We can talk about aperson's hair/build/height/clothes/beard/hobby.)


          Step 4Guessing game 1.Have one student as avolunteer come to the front of the classroom.Make sure he can't see the picture showed on the screen.

          2.Show apicture and let the volunteer guess who is it.Others can help him by describing the person in the picture.

          3.Change volunteers.The one who can guess it quickly will be the winner.

          Show apicture of Jet Lee.You can describe him like this:

          He is afamous actor.

          He has short straight black hair.

          He is alittle bit short.

          He can do Chinese kung fu.

          His movie,Shaolin Temple,is very popular.

          (Supllied:pictures of astudent and ateacher in our class/Yao Ming/Li Yong/Xiao Shenyang)


          Step 5Model show(Groupwork)

          1.Work in agroup of four;Choose one student as amodel;Others help the model to make up himimmolation/herself.

          2.Students describe the model;They can write down what they want to say;and choose aspeaker to show their descriptions of the model.

          3.Both the model and the speaker come to the front of the classroom.One walks as amodel;the other describes.


          Step 6Writing/Homework Imagine what you will look like when you are 30 years old.Try to write the description of yourself.



          本課基本達到了預期的"鞏固訓練"的目標,學生積極性高,參與面廣,學習效果很好,教案《一節(jié)英語課教學設(shè)計》。美中不足--溫習環(huán)節(jié)有些拖沓,難易度層次不清;Model show環(huán)節(jié),放得開,沒收攏。











          1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>