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      2. 牛津小學英語Unit7《It’slate》教案

        時間:2021-06-17 13:30:57 教案 我要投稿


          一. 教學目標:


          1. 能聽得懂,會說,會讀和會拼寫單詞和句型:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten . What’s the time ? It’s …

          2. 能聽得懂,會說和會讀日常交際用語: It’s late. What time do you…? I …at…/At…

          3. 通過歌曲,對話等多種形式,激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣。

          二. 教學重,難點:

          1. 能掌握數(shù)字1—100。

          2.會運用句型What time do you...? I...at.../At...進行交際。

          三. 教學用具:


          四. 教學過程:

          Step 1 Free talk

          Step 2 Sing a song (多媒體)

          Step 3 Revision

          1. Ask and answer (設(shè)學生遲到情景)

          Teach : late -----I’m/You’re/She’s/He’s…late .

          2. Revise some phrases .

          Chant: Get up, get up, I get up.

          Go to school, go to school, I go to school.

          Have lunch, have lunch, I have lunch.

          Go home, go home, I go home.

          Watch TV, watch TV, I watch TV.

          Go to bed, go to bed, I go to bed.

          Step 4 Presentation

          一 .Teach numbers:

          .(多媒體呈現(xiàn)動物) 1. Count 1----20. (數(shù)字單詞呈現(xiàn))

          2.(跑來一只)Teach “ twenty-one” (出示23, 25,28)

          (多媒體呈現(xiàn)30,40只動物)3.Teach “thirty , forty” (出示36,37,42, 49)


          4. 出示數(shù)字:50 60 70 80 90 100 (a hundred)

          5 Numbers: 6 10

          8 35 (由滴答 “ :” 加入)

          2 40

          4 15 (由數(shù)字過渡到時間)

          二.Teach the sentences:

          (課件鐘) 1. Ask and answer : What’s the time, please? It’s …

          The way : T----Ss/Ss—T/S1---S2---S3…

          2. Practice into pairs.

          3.Teach “I…at/At…” T: I get up at 6:00.

          Teach “at ” at 6:07/ 4:45/ 11:32/ 8:55 (Read from one by one )

          At6:30----I get up at 6:30 .(S1---S2----S3----S4…)

          4.Teach “ What time do you get up ?I get up at …”

          (1) The way : Ask and answer . (2) Practice into pairs .

          5. Teach “ breakfast-----have breakfast” (課件出現(xiàn)鐘,早餐,人物)

          The way : break—break---breakfast.  have breakfast, have breakfast ,

          It’s time to have breakfast. (以你拍一,我拍一形式出現(xiàn))

          (1)What time do you have breakfast ? I have breakfast at…

          The way : Ask and answer .

          (2) Practice .

          6: T: Do you want to know other friends’ situation? Let’s ask them loudly:

          (多媒體呈現(xiàn)六位學生) Ss ask , then listen .

          get up 6:20have breakfast …What time do you go to school ?


          have lunch

          Chant : What time do you …? I …at … (先跟說后跟音樂說)

          Step 5 Introduction

          Show the teacher’s situation. (The way : Ask and answer )

          Step 6 Do a survey

          Ask some students to ask and answer .


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