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      2. 高中必修三unit4教案

        時間:2021-04-11 11:11:22 教案 我要投稿


          I 教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析



          Warming Up 部分共有兩個問題,第一個問題讓學(xué)生說出八大行星并看圖指出各個行星的名稱;第二個問題讓學(xué)生說出自己對天文學(xué)哪些方面感興趣以及天文學(xué)家所關(guān)注的方面。在高考的重壓之下,同學(xué)們都想能利用科學(xué)的學(xué)習(xí)方法做到事半功倍而且很多學(xué)生也一直做著將來能成為科學(xué)家的夢。所以,該話題會讓學(xué)生們興趣盎然,積極思考和討論此方面的內(nèi)容,從而達到熱身的目的。

          Pre-reading 部分也提出了三個問題,主要是讓學(xué)生區(qū)分宗教信仰、文化傳統(tǒng)和科學(xué)思想之間的不同?梢砸灾v故事的方式讓學(xué)生彼此之間分享一些有關(guān)宇宙和地球起源方面的傳說或故事,這樣既能激活他們的思維也能為閱讀部分打下基礎(chǔ)。

          Reading 部分描寫了地球上生命的起源和發(fā)展過程,具體寫了由于水的形成才使得地球上生命的誕生成為可能?茖W(xué)家認(rèn)為,地球上的生命最初誕生于水中。數(shù)萬年后,陸地上才長出了綠色植物,隨后出現(xiàn)了陸棲動物和水陸兩棲動物。最初的動物靠孵化繁衍后代, 再之后誕生了哺乳動物,人類也隨之誕生了。文章最后講述的現(xiàn)象發(fā)人深。篢he earth may become too hot for the lives on it.它關(guān)系到地球上生命的未來。

          Comprehending 部分通過五個練習(xí)題檢測學(xué)生對本文核心內(nèi)容的理解。練習(xí)1是對文章結(jié)構(gòu)的分析以及大意的概括;練習(xí)2通過排序的方式幫助學(xué)生弄清本文的行文線索,也就是地球上生命的起源和發(fā)展歷程;練習(xí)3提出5個小問題,考查學(xué)生的深層理解和推斷能力;練習(xí)4讓學(xué)生找出文章中出現(xiàn)的連接詞,檢查學(xué)生對文章中句型的熟悉和理解程度,同時還有助于學(xué)生在寫作方面得到提高;練習(xí)5讓學(xué)生選擇一個問題進行回答并向全班匯報,開拓學(xué)生的思維并鍛煉他們的語言表達能力。。

          Learning about Language 有詞匯和語法兩部分。第一部分練習(xí)讓學(xué)生學(xué)著去應(yīng)用課文中出現(xiàn)的詞語。第二部分是針對主語從句的練習(xí),其中第一題要求學(xué)生從課文中找出三個或更多的主語從句;第二個練習(xí)以把主語從句改寫成簡單句的形式讓學(xué)生能對此語法有深層的了解。第三個練習(xí)則以完成句子的方式要求學(xué)生更進一步的運用復(fù)合句,此部分是對表語從句進行練習(xí)。

          Using Language包括“聽力”、“閱讀”、“說和寫”三大塊。這三部分的話題都是有關(guān)科學(xué)的。聽力部分主要是介紹三位偉大的科學(xué)家。閱讀部分講了一個科幻故事。說和寫的中心話題是登月旅行中必需的工具和可能遇到的問題。該部分的設(shè)計由淺入深,層層遞進,既練習(xí)了聽力又豐富了知識,還能夠鍛煉同學(xué)們的想象力,拓展學(xué)生各方面能力。

          Summing Up 指導(dǎo)學(xué)生歸納和總結(jié)在本單元學(xué)到的知識——有用詞匯、慣用表達和語法結(jié)構(gòu)。


          1. 教學(xué)重點









          第一課時:Warming Up, Talking (Workbook) & Listening(Workbook)

          第二課時:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehension

          第三課時:Learning about Language

          第四課時:Using Language

          第五課時:Reading task & Speaking task (Workbook)

          第六課時:Listening task & Writing task (Workbook)

          IV. 教學(xué)步驟:

          Period 1

          Warming Up, Listening(Workbook)& Talking (Workbook)

          Teaching Goals:

          1. To arouse Ss’ interest in the knowledge of astronomy and science。.

          2. To develop Ss’ ability in listening and speaking.

          Teaching Procedures:

          Step 1. Leading- in

          Give Ss a few minutes to say something about science by asking the following questions.

          (1.)Who is the first man in space,do you know?

          (2.)Which spaceship did Yang Liwei take to space?

         。3.)Do you want to go to space if you are given a chance?

          Step 2. Warming Up

          Purpose: To introduce the topic of this unit to Ss in the form of asking questions and discussion.

          Ask some Ss the questions first and then get Ss to discuss with each other. If time permits, have one or two groups present their answers to the whole class.

          (1) How many subjects are we studying now?

         。2)Do you have some scientific studying methods to learn them well?

          (3) As you see, a large number of students want to become scientists in the future. But what kind of qualities and skills do we need to be real scientists?

          Step 3. Talking (Workbook)

          1. Divide Ss into six groups, and ask them to talk about the request of Talking on P62 and answer the following questions. Different students will give different answers. Make notes of some valuable information and make a conclusion at last.

          (1) What necessary instructions should new space travelers make?

          (2) Can you make a list of them?

          2. Show Ss some beautiful pictures of the university and say, “Now look at the pictures. How beautiful the Universe is! It is also full of mysteries. Have you ever dreamed of flying to the space like Yang Liwei to unlock the mysteries of the universe? If you could, what things should you pay attention to?”

          3. Encourage Ss to give as much information as possible. After the discussion, write down some key words and important expressions on the blackboard to help Ss to have the sense of traveling in space .


          Before making a trip into space, we’d better make full preparations, such as : collecting as much information about the space as possible; checking whether you have got the proper spacesuits or not; making sure of all the safety rules; not leaving the spaceship alone unless the space guide tells you to; paying attention to recording some important time during the space traveling and so on.

          Step 3. Listening (Workbook)

          Purpose: To develop Ss’ listening ability.

          To gain some experience of traveling in space

          1. Get Ss to look through the exercises before giving them the listening material. At the same time remind them of the new and key words: astronaut, experience, instruments, pilot, air force, rocket.

          2. Ask Ss to look through the questions of the first part and listen to the tape carefully. Play the tape twice. For the first time, just ask Ss to listen for the gist. For the second time, ask Ss to prepare to do the exercises. If time permits, play again in order to give the class a chance to check or complete their exercises.

          Period 2 Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending

          Teaching Goals:

          1. To enable Ss to better understand the theory about the origin of the universe and life on the earth — the “big band” theory.

          2. To enable Ss to concern about the future of life on the earth.

          Step 1. Pre-reading

          Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about some relative information about the universe.

          1. Show some pictures to the class and encourage Ss to say some information about how life began on the earth. They can say some relative legends, folk tales or scientific theories about the topic.

          The solar system is made up of the sun and the objects that orbit it.

          The earth’s atmosphere

          For reference:

          Some ideas about the beginning of the universe:

          ● Pan Gu turns into a myriad of (各種) things    盤古化生萬物

          ● Pan Gu separates the sky from the earth    盤古開天地

          ● Nu Wa makes men 女媧造人

          Conclusion and Leading-in:

          But these ideas are all not the correct and scientific ideas. Do you know the scientific idea of the development of the life on the earth? Then we’d better come to the text.

          Step 2. Fast reading

          Purpose: To get the gist of the passage.

          To correctly understand some information given in the text.

          1. Ask Ss to read the text quickly and try to get the main idea of the text.

          Suggested Answer:

          The main idea of the text is the title — How life began on the earth.

          2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions of Ex1 on P27. And then let them check the answers in pairs.

          Step 3. Intensive reading

          Purpose: to get the students to learn the details of the text.

          (1) Answer the questions:

          When did the “Big Bang” happen?

          What form was the earth the “Big Bang”?

          What made up the earth’s atmosphere after the earth exploded?

          How did water come into being on the earth?

          What was important to the development of fish?

          What made possible the rise of mammals on the earth?

          Why are mammals different from all life forms in the past?

         。2)Fill in the chart about the order of development of life.

          Suggested Answers:

         、 Small plants in water   ② Shellfish and all sorts of fish     ③ Green plants on land

          ④ Insects(on land)   ⑤ Amphibians(on land and in water)   ⑥ forests  ⑦ reptiles(on land)

         、 dinosaurs(on land)   ⑨ mammals(on land)   ⑩ human beings

          Period 3 Learning about Language

          Teaching Goals:

          1. To get Ss to know how to use new words and phrases.

          2. To help Ss to master some new words and expressions.

          3. To get Ss to have the knowledge of this grammar point: noun clauses as the subject

          Teaching Procedures:

          Step 1. Consolidation

          Purpose: To consolidate the words and phrases in the text.

          1. Ask Ss to work in groups and read the text again, and then finish Ex1 and Ex2 on P28 and check the answers in groups.

          2. Ask Ss to keep the words they filled in Ex1 in heart.

          3. Ask Ss to finish Ex3 and then let them check each other’s answers.

          Step 2. Grammar

          Purpose: To get Ss to recognize noun clauses as the subject and to make sure that they can do some simple exercises.

          1. Divide Ss into four groups and ask them to finish Ex1 of Discovering Useful Structures on P29. And then let them draw a conclusion about the grammar point. See which group understand it best and have a member of the group present before the class.

          2. After the presentation, explain the grammar point for Ss.

          3.Let Ss complete Ex2 on page 29 after learning the grammar.

          Purpose: To get Ss to understand the usage of noun clauses as the subject.

          (1) 主語從句的語序


          What surprised me most was that the little girl could play the violin so well.


          How he was successful is still a puzzle.


          (2) 連接詞的選用

          ① that和what的選用


          What he wants is a book.  他想要的是一本書。

          That light travels in straight lines is known to all. 眾所周知,光線沿直線運行。

         、 if和whether的'選用


          Whether we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.


         、 其它連接代詞和副詞的選用

          根據(jù)主語從句的具體意義,正確的選擇who, which, when, where, why, how等連接詞,這些連接詞既有疑問含義,又起連接作用,同時在從句中充當(dāng)各種成分。如:

          When we shall hold our sports meet is not decided.


          Who broke the glass yesterday is not clear.


          Which car you will choose to buy makes no difference.


         、躻hatever / whoever的功用

          whatever, whoever在主語從句中不含疑問意義。它引導(dǎo)主語從句,并在從句中作主語、賓語、表語等。whatever = anything that; whoever = anyone who。要注意和whatever,whoever引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句的區(qū)別。如:

          Whoever breaks the law should be punished. (主語從句)(=Anyone who breaks the law should be punished. )

          Whoever breaks the law, he should be punished. (讓步狀語從句)(=No matter who breaks the law, he should be punished.)

          (3) it構(gòu)成的主語從句

         、 由連詞that引導(dǎo)的主語從句,在大多數(shù)情況下會放到句子的后面,而用代詞it作形式主語。如:

          It is well-known that the earth moves around the sun.



          It was reported that the US was under the terrorist attack. (主語從句,有that,無逗號)

          As was reported, the US was under the terrorist attack. (定語從句,無that,有逗號)

         、 常見用it作形式主語的復(fù)合句結(jié)構(gòu)

          ◆ It is a fact (a good idea / a pity / a shame / no wonder / good news…)that…如:

          It’s a pity that you missed the film.


          ◆ It is necessary (clear / true / strange/ important /wonderful / possible / likely…)that…


          It is necessary that you (should)master the computer.


          It is important that a student learn English well.


          It’s clear that they badly need help.


          It is likely that a hurricane will arrive soon.


          ◆ It is reported (well-known / hoped / thought / expected /said /believed/decided /suggested /order-ed…)that…如:

          It is said that he was killed in the earthquake. 據(jù)說他在地震中喪生了。

          ◆ It seems (happened / appears / doesn’t matter / makes no difference / …)that …如:

          It seems that they will win the game.


          It makes no difference whether he will attend the meeting or not.


          (4) 主語從句不可位于句首的五種情況:

          ① if 引導(dǎo)的主語從句不可居于復(fù)合句句首。

         、 It is said /reported…結(jié)構(gòu)中的主語從句不可提前。例如:

          It is said that President Jiang will visit our school next week. √

          That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said. ×

         、 It happens/occurs…結(jié)構(gòu)中的主語從句不可提前。例如:

          It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. √

          That he failed in the examination occurred to him. ×

         、 It doesn’t matter how/whether …結(jié)構(gòu)中的主語從句不可提前。例如:

          It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not. √

          Whether he is wrong or not doesn’t matter. ×

         、 含主語從句的復(fù)合句是疑問句時,主語從句不可提前。例如:

          Is it likely that it will rain in the evening? √

          Is that will rain in the evening likely? ×

          3. Practice

          Purpose: to get the students to have the knowledge of the grammar through exercise.

          (1) Ask Ss to find which of the following sentences are subject clauses.

          What he wants is a book.

          It is so nice that we can learn this grammar point together.

          I’m so glad that I can make friends with you.

          This is why he did it.

          Do you agree to the suggestion that we (should) have a trip in Tibet?

          That he wants a book is certain.

          I suggested just now we (should) take part in this competition.

          Whether you like him or not doesn’t matter too much.

          He doesn’t know whether you can sing it well.

          The problem is whether you can sing it well.

          The problem whether it is right or wrong has not been decided.

          Please tell me who your monitor is.

          Suggested Answers:

          主語從句是: ① ② ⑥ ⑧, 賓語從句為: ③ ⑦ ⑨ (12),而④ ⑩為表語從句,⑤ (11)為同位語從句。

          (2) Ask Ss to choose the best answers to the following sentences.

         、 ________ makes mistakes must correct them.

          A. What  B. That  C. Whoever  D. Whatever

         、 It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey.

          A. while  B. that  C. if  D. for

         、 When and why he came here ________ yet.

          A. is not known  B. are not known   C. has not known  D. have not been known

          ④ _____ surprised me most was ____ such a little boy of seven could play the violin so                   well.     A. That...what  B. What...that   C. That...which  D. What...which

          The subject of "What is interesting is that I do not even know him." is_______.

          A. what    B. interesting   C. What is interesting    D. I

          What a pity _____is _____you didn’t arrive by daylight.

          A. there, because        B. it, that        C. he, when              D. that, for

         、        is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

          A. There         B. This         C. That          D. It

          It is important that ______ our education in all available ways.

          A. we must develop  B. we shall develop C. we would develop   D. we should develop

          It is necessary that ______ by the end of the week.

          A. we got everything ready         B. we have got everything ready

          C. We get everything ready         D. we must get everything ready

          It was natural that _______.

          A. my pictures would surprise them       B. my pictures surprised them

          C. my pictures should surprise them       D. my pictures would have surprised them

          11. __________we can’t get seems better than _______we have.

          A. What; what  B. What; that  C. That; that  D. That; what

          12. ___________we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

          A. If     B. Whether    C. That    D. Where

          13. It worried her a bit ________her hair was turning grey.

          A. while     B. that    C. if    D. for

          14. — I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

          —Is that ______you had a few days off.

          A. why    B. when   C. what    D. where

          15. It was a matter of _______ would take the position.

          A. who   B. whoever  C. whom    D. whomever

          16. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ________ he or she wants.

          A. however    B. whatever   C. whichever   D. whenever

          17. ________you don’t like him is none of my business.

          A. What    B. Who   C. That    D. Whether

          18. You can’t imagine ________ when they received these nice Christmas presents.

          A. how they were excited    B. how excited they were

          C. how excited were they    D. they were how excited

          19. There is no doubt ________.

          A. that Mr. Hansen is in good health     B. whether is Mr. Hansen healthy

          C. if Mr. Hansen's health was returning   D. whether Mr. Hansen in health

          Suggested Answers:

         、佟 CBABC     ⑥~⑩ BDDCC

          11~15 ABBAA  16~19 BCBA

          Step 3. Homework

          1. Ask Ss to review the new words and phrases.

          2. Ask Ss to learn the rules of noun clauses as the subject by heart.

          Period 4 Using Language

          Teaching Goals:

          1. To improve Ss’ listening ability.

          2. To ensure Ss have really grasped the important words and phrases of the unit.

          Teaching Procedures:

          Step 1. Listening

          Purpose: To help Ss improve the listening ability.

          1. Pre-listening

          (1) Ask Ss to look at the photos of the three great scientists on P30 and say something about them. Then ask them the following questions.

         、 Do you know about some background knowledge of these three great scientists ?

         、 Can you say something about them?

          (2) Ask Ss to look through Ex1 and Ex2 on P30 and get fully prepared for listening to the tape.

          2. Listening

          (1) Ask Ss to listen to the tape and finish Ex1 on P30.

          (2) Play the tape again and ask Ss to check the answers in pairs.

          (3) Ask Ss to listen to the tape for the third time and finish Ex2 on P30. Then have some of them explain their answers.

          Step 2. Reading

          Purpose : To get Ss to know about human being’s feelings of visiting the moon.

          1. Fast reading

          Ask Ss to look through the text quickly and choose the best answer to the following question.

          The passage is mainly about ____?

          A. introduction of the moon            B. the gravity that I felt on my way to the moon

          C. my visit to the moon                D. my friend Yanping, an astronomer

          Suggested Answer:   C.

          2. Intensive reading

          Ask Ss to read the text carefully and finish the following exercises.

          (1) According to the text, we know that the force of the gravity would change _____ times.

          A. 2         B. 3        C. 4         D. 5

          (2) When did the author feel strongest of the gravity of the earth?

          A. On the moon.                    B. On the half way to the moon.

          C. At the very beginning              D. On their leaving from the moon

          (3) What causes the writer to feel that he becomes weightless on the moon?

          A. Spaceship   B. Gravity   C. His friend    D. His Good feelings of the moon

          (4) From the text we can know if a man grows up on the moon, _____.

          A. he will grow taller than on the earth        B. he will grow shorter than on the earth

          C. he will become fatter                    D. he will become weightless

          Suggested Answers:   (1) B  (2) C  (3) B  (4) A

          Step 3. Speaking and writing

          Purpose: To get Ss to learn how to prepare a list of things used for going to the moon.

          To practice the writing ability of Ss.

          1. Divide the whole class into 6 groups. Let Ss discuss with their group members what they might need to go to the moon. Meanwhile, ask one student of each group to write down the important parts of their discussion.

          2. After the discussion Ss have had some knowledge of the things they would need if they were going to the moon. Get them to describe the three ways in which gravity changed for Li Yanping and how his weight changed..

          3. Then Ss to write a short passage explaining three problems they might meet on the moon as well as the solutions to these difficulties. Before writing, they can have a discussion.

          Step 4. Consolidation

          1. Ask Ss to finish Ex2 and Ex3 on P63~P64 and let them check the answers together.

          2. Ask Ss to finish the following exercises.

          (1) Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the given information.

         、 The scientific study of the stars is called a______________.

         、 Eating too much during the Spring Festival can do great h_______ to our health.

         、 The patient’s health is g___________ improving with the help of the doctor.

         、 The mixture of gases that surround the earth is called a_____________.

         、 People can find lots of v___________ scenes in some American films.

         、 Hearing the exciting story, almost everyone in the room _____________(爆發(fā)) with laughter.

         、 The forest __________(延伸) as far as the river bank.

         、 The wife was much ____________ (失望的) at her husband’s absence.

         、 Marx was _________ (強迫) to leave his motherland for political reasons.

         、 There is much dust __________ (漂浮) in the air.

          Suggested Answers: ① astronomy  ② harm  ③ gradually  ④ atmosphere  ⑤ violent ⑥exploded  ⑦ spreads  ⑧ disappointed  ⑨ forced  ⑩ floating

          (2) Finish the following sentences according to the Chinese.

          ① ______________________________________ (使我苦惱的) is that I haven't heard from him recently.

         、 Do not read books in the poor light as it is _____________________ (對你的眼睛有害).

          ③ _____________________ (隨著時間的推移), we are getting better with each other.

         、 _____________________________________________ (我過去在工廠工作了十年) has a great and active effect on my life.

         、 Please try to come back early _______________________________. (既然一切都安排好了)

          Suggested Answers:

         、 What makes me upset / annoyed     ② harmful to your eyes  ③ As time goes by  ④ That once I worked in a factory for ten years  ⑤ now that everything has been arranged

          (3) Choose the best answer to the following sentences.

         、 The Americans are eating _____ vegetables today as they did before.

          A. more than twice                        B. more than twice as many

          C. twice over as many                     D. over twice as much

          ② If you always work so hard like this, you will ____ sooner or later..

          A. break up         B. break out           C break down          D. break in

         、 — Will you go out for shopping this Sunday?

          — Well, ___________.

          A. I would like to go.    B. it all depends   C. I have a lot of work to do     D. certainly not

         、 Beyond _____ stars the astronaut saw nothing but _____ space.

          A. the; /              B. /; the              C. /; /            D. the; the

         、 _____ you have got a chance, you might as well make use of it.

          A. After             B. Although           C. As soon as           D. Now that

          Suggested Answers: ① B   ② C   ③ B  ④ A  ⑤ D

          Step 5. Homework

          1. Ask Ss to use the words and phrases learned in this unit to write a short passage about their own opinions on traveling to space.

          2. Ask Ss to preview the next period.

          Period 5 &6 Reading task (Workbook),

          Speaking task (Workbook), Listening task (Workbook) & Writing task (Workbook)

          Teaching Goals:

          1. To enlarge Ss’ vision of space travel

          2. To let Ss get more knowledge about science and technology.

          3. To improve Ss’ ability in listening and writing.

          4. To let Ss know more about space travel.

          Teaching Procedures:

          Step 1. Reading task (Workbook)

          1. Fast reading

          Ask Ss to read the text quickly and silently and answer the following question

          What is the text mainly about?

          Suggested Answers:

          It is mainly about what happened and what they saw round the “black hole”.

          2. Intensive reading

          (1) Ask Ss to read the text carefully and explain what the “black hole” is according to the text. Then have them write it down.

          (2) Ask Ss to read the form on P67 and which of the old ideas about the “black hole” is wrong.

          Suggested Answers:

          The fifth old idea is wrong, because objects can be thrown far from the “black hole” by the energy in the “black hole”. Other old ideas are right.

          (3) Ask Ss to improve their writings about the “black hole” according to the form on P67 and choose some Ss to read old their writings.

          Step 2. Speaking task (Workbook)

          1. Divide Ss into three groups and ask each group to think of a question which they want to ask Li Yanping most. Then write the three questions three groups have presented on the blackboard.

          Possible questions:

          Can we see “black holes” with our eyes?

          If you can't see a "black hole", how did you know you had got close to it?

          Have our scientists found out whether "black holes" will do harm to the human beings or not?

          What will happened if we get close to a “black hole”?

          What was the most unexpected thing you found out about “black holes”?

          What was the most frightening thing that happened to you on this journey?

          Possible answers:

          No, we can't.

          You only know you are close to a black hole by seeing things disappear into what appears to be an empty space. The black hole can't be seen.

          So far we haven't found out they can cause damage to the earth or human beings.

          All objects must go into the "black hole" when they are caught by its gravity.

          The most unexpected thing is that the "black holes" threw out material as well as swallowing objects.

          The most frightening experience : when the gravity of the "black hole" was pulling us slowly into its "mouth", and then the spaceship moved around the hole and began to go faster and faster into it; I was terrified because I thought we would be swallowed by the "hole".

          2. Ask Ss to read the three questions of Speaking task on P67 and discuss all the six questions.

          3. Ask Ss to work in pairs and make an interview. One student asks the questions and the other answers. Then change roles. They can begin the dialogue like this.

          S1: Good morning, Mr Li.

          S2: Good morning.

          S1: Since you like this job, would you mind me answering some questions?

          S2: Of course not. Just go ahead.

          S1: What was the most unexpected thing you found out about “Black holes”?

          4. Choose some pairs to present their interviews before the class.

          Step 3. Listening task (Workbook)

          1. Pre-reading

          Ask Ss to discuss the following questions.

          (1) If you are a reporter, how will you interview a famous astronomer?

          (2) What kind of questions will you ask him?

          (3) Do you want to experience the astronaut's life in space?

          2. Listening

          (1) Ask Ss to read Ex2 of Listening task on P65 and then play the tape and let them finish Ex1.

          (2) Ask Ss to read Ex2 of Listening task on P65 and make sure they know about the different parts of the spacesuit. Play the tape again and ask Ss to finish Ex2.

          (3) Play the tape fro the third time and ask Ss to check their answers to Ex1 and Ex2 in pairs.

          Step 4. Writing task (Workbook)

          1. Ask Ss to discuss the following questions.

          (1) If you can travel in space, which star or planet do you want to explore?

          (2) What will see during your space travel?

          (3) If possible, do you want to approach the “black hole”?

          (4) How will you feel in space?

          2. Ask Ss to write an article to tell about their ideas and hopes for space travel. They can make most of their imagination. Remind them to make a main heading and smaller heading. They can refer to the passage on P68.

          3. Ask some Ss to present their writings to the class.

          Step 5. Homework

          1. Ask Ss to write down their interviews on their notebook..

          2. Ask Ss to surf the Internet to find some information about the “black hole”.

          Ask Ss to review this unit and preview the next unit.










        高中必修二離騷 課件09-04


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