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      2. 小學(xué)四年級英語作文my hometown

        時間:2021-08-15 14:39:13 四年級英語作文 我要投稿

        小學(xué)四年級英語作文my hometown

          我贊美我的家鄉(xiāng)美景,因為在我眼里多美的家鄉(xiāng),一個親切的詞;家鄉(xiāng),一個溫暖的家;家鄉(xiāng),一個優(yōu)雅的地方。地方。也及不上家的溫暖。 我的家鄉(xiāng)四面彬都是綠油油的景田野,人們天天都忙得不可開交。田野里,一到春天,到處都是高大的大棚鐵架,像一座小部落;夏天,大棚的塑料一取,里面全是綠油油的瓜枝和金燦燦的甜瓜;秋天,村子里飄著成熟地氣息,望去田野一片金黃,村子人人都笑開了花;冬天,大雪紛飛,為村子穿上了一件雪白棉襖。田野,更是一片美景,雪花落在景田野上,田野顯得分外美麗遼闊。

        小學(xué)四年級英語作文my hometown

          I praise my hometown beauty, because in the eyes of my beautiful hometown, a kind word; home, a warm home; home, an elegant place. Place. And the warmth of the family. My hometown four bin is green landscape field, people are busy every day. In the field, in the spring, everywhere is a tall canopy frame, like a small tribe; in summer, the plastic greenhouse, which is full of lush fruit branches and golden muskmelon; autumn, the village with a mature atmosphere, look to a golden field, village everyone laugh flowers; winter, snow village, wearing a white jacket. The field, is a piece of scenery, snow fell on the king of wild, appears particularly beautiful vast fields.


          My hometown has four different scenery, with my heart. Let I immersed in the beautiful scenery of the four seasons of a year. It is "early know growing up in happiness".


          I love my hometown, because of its beautiful scenery intoxicated me, because it gave birth to me. Because of my education.


          I love my hometown, it is a fertile ground for educating people, educating people is a piece of pure land; it has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty as unique in my heart.

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