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      2. 情人節(jié)英語作文300字

        時間:2023-07-28 19:10:02 志升 節(jié)日類英語作文 我要投稿
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          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 1

          Valentine’sDay is on the February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries aroundthe world, although it remains a working day in most of them. After New YearsDay, it is the most celebrated holiday around the world. It’s a holiday forlovers or couples. This is a festival of love and romance, as well as flowers,chocolates, greeting cards. On that day, there are many activities for couplesto celebrate, showing their love to mate. Gift exchanging is the most common. Inrecent years, February 14 become much more popular than before, although thereis another Valentine’s Day in China. Besides, there are many people choose thatday to propose marriage or get married. In short, it’s a day of love.


          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 2

          the Valentines Day the Valentines Day is a historical festival for loving people in western country.Today,well talk about different attitudes about the Valentines Day. Some people think it good because in this festival the relationship between the loves or the couples can be better.Meanwhile,it is also a good chance for young people to relax.However,others consider it not for security and economy.They regard the Valentines Day as a machine running by money,and they are very care about they safety because too many people will attend this feast. From my pespective,I think the Valentines Day is worth spending with ones lover,its because that the Valentines Day isnt a symbol of using money,but of a day that boys and girls who love each other can be together doing something romantic. Totally,I hope all of you will have your own the Valentines Day

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 3

          Qixi Festival, originating in China, is the earliest love festival in the world. Among the many folk customs of Qixi Festival, some gradually disappear, but a considerable part of it has been continued by people.

          In some Asian countries influenced by Chinese culture, such as Japan, Korean Peninsula, Vietnam and so on, there is also a tradition of celebrating the Double Seventh Festival. On May 20, 2006, Qixi Festival was listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list by the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China.

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 4

          Here are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentines Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.

          Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailers daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.

          Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was oftenasocialgatheringoraball. oposemarriageorgetmarried. Inshort,it’sadayoflove.

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 5

          Its in the winter holiday, February 14th, my girlfriend and I had a romantic Valentines day. After meeting her with a friend, we had meal together in Pinghu steakshop. then, we went into the park and enjoyed the scenery with talking and laughing, felt very happy. Then we went to the drink bar having some milktea. Time flies, the sky turned to be black before we noticed. At last, I sent my girlfriend home, and then I went back alone. What a happy day, many thanks to my friend and my girlfriend.

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 6

          Its in the winter holiday, February 14th, my girlfriend and I had a romantic Valentines day. After meeting her with a friend, we had meal together in Pinghu steakshop.

          then, we went into the park and enjoyed the scenery with talking and laughing, felt very happy. Then we went to the drink bar having some milktea.

          Time flies, the sky turned to be black before we noticed. At last, I sent my girlfriend home, and then I went back alone. What a happy day, many thanks to my friend and my girlfriend.




          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 7

          Romantic Valentines day

          February 14 is the winter holiday, my girlfriend and I had a romantic valentine’s day.

          That day, I had a steak with my friends and my lover in pinghu. Then, we went into the park, laughing and enjoying the scenery, feel very happy.

          Then we went to the drink bar and drank some milk tea. How time flies! It’s getting dark before you know it.

          Finally, I sent my girlfriend home, and then I went home alone. What a happy day, thanks to my friends and girlfriend.

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 8

          The story about Valentine‘s Day.

          There is a touching story about Valentine‘s Day from Europe. However, it is in honor of the great brother Valentine.

          Long long ago, the tyrant Claudius was in chare of Roman. His tyranny made all the people angry and indignant. Not only lost people their home, but also wars were broken everywhere. What a worse, all the men must join in the army so that increase power. When the news was spread, every couple was forced to separate. Even if lovers must damage the marriage contract. This was more than people could bear. However, tyranny could not stop loving and love moved Valentine. In order to finished lovers’ dream, he helped them to hold weddings. Unluckily, Claudius heard it and he decided to sentence Valentine to dead on Feb.14th.

          移民美國后,相信很多移民者都對美國的節(jié)日有很大的興趣,也曾有人咨詢過移民專家,美國人過情人節(jié)嘛?回答當然是肯定的。美國人怎樣過情人節(jié)?最傳統(tǒng)和流行的做法是給愛的人送鮮花送巧克力,或者一定要提前預定餐廳座位,吃一頓浪漫晚餐。 美國人并不認為上了年紀的人就沒有必要過情人節(jié),在美國,情人節(jié)可不是年輕人的專利,而是所有年齡段的情人節(jié)。另外,還有人總是錯誤的.以為,情人節(jié)是屬于未婚思維情人間節(jié)日。



          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 9

          The festival has its origin from a romantic tragedy. As the story goes, once there was a cowherd, Niulang, who lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law. But she disliked and abused him, and the boy was forced to leave home with only an old cow for company. The cow, however, was a former god who had violated imperial rules and was sent to earth in bovine form.

          One day the cow led Niulang to a lake where fairies took a bath on earth. Among them was Zhinu, the most beautiful fairy and a skilled seamstress.

          The two fell in love at first sight and were soon married. They had a son and daughter and their happy life was held up as an example for hundreds of years in China.

          Yet in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Deity in Taoism, marriage between a mortal and fairy was strictly forbidden. He sent the empress to fetch Zhinu.

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 10

          St. Valentines Day is an informal observance of a lovers holiday. Today, the observance has no connection with the many legendary St. Valentines, and holds no religious significance.

          The day is observed with exchanges of love notes and cards, and other tokens of affection, called valentines. The symbols of the heart and Cupid are common in cards, decorations of store windows, candies and other paraphernalia.

          Traditional valentines were frillysweet, and tender affairs made of red and white paper and lace with cutoutsand cupids. The custom of sending cards, giving candy, and other such tokens has caught a great deal of commercial enthusiasm.

          Many stores, for instance, decorateseasonally, or a according to calendar holidays. Valentines Day is the first excuse for splashy valentine theme dominates stationery stores, candy stores, confectioneries, and quite often drug stores where cards and candy are sold.

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 11

          There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine‘s Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.

          Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer‘s daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it From Your Valentine. Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 12

          the Valentines Day the Valentines Day is a historical festival for loving people in western country。Today,well talk about different attitudes about the Valentines Day。 Some people think it good because in this festival the relationship between the loves or the couples can be better。Meanwhile,it is also a good chance for young people to relax。However,others consider it not for security and economy。They regard the Valentines Day as a machine running by money,and they are very care about they safety because too many people will attend this feast。 From my pespective,I think the Valentines Day is worth spending with ones lover,its because that the Valentines Day isnt a symbol of using money,but of a day that boys and girls who love each other can be together doing something romantic。 Totally,I hope all of you will have your own the Valentines Day

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 13

          Today is March 14ththat isWhiteValentines Day Gradually, "white" represents hope and happiness, which is blessingto lovers White Valentines Day is popular in Japan, Taiwan and other regions.

          There are big differences in giving gifts between those twoValentinesday: in Chinese mainland, England, America and Canada, the boy will send a giftto the girl on February 14th, Valentines day In Japan and Taiwan, the situation is opposite And the male will returngifts and tells the girl his love on March 14th In some places of Asia, the young peoplewill celebrate this festival, too.

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 14

          Seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, commonly known as "the Tanabata", it is the traditional Chinese folk "Gregorian calendar day. Recently, also somebody called it "the Chinese valentines day".

          According to legend, the world the cowherd and heaven vega after marriage, male plow female weave, loves each other, having children, very happy. However, when the emperor known as earth, smell vega flew into a rage. On July 7th, "the heavenly queen" serve the decree with heavenly generals will, caught vega. The grief-stricken cowboy with the help of celestial cattle, carrying a pair of children with anecdotes overtook days. See will overtake, was the heavenly queen mother pulled out of gold zan row, his feet immediately appear a surfy tianhe. The GanChang grieved vega and cowherd a in hexi, one in hedong om seaborne qi. Crying touched magpies swamp countless magpie fly to the tianhe, put up a bridge in the cowherd and finally can meet on the Milky Way. The heavenly queen had no alterna

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 15

          There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine‘s Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.

          關于情人節(jié)的起源有許多種說法。有關人士認為情人節(jié)是一個名叫桑特 瓦倫丁的人士發(fā)起的。他是羅馬人,因為拒絕放棄基督教而于公元前269年2月14日慘遭殺害,這一天也正好是全城盛行彩票抽獎的日子。

          Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer‘s daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it From Your Valentine. Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.

          而另外一種說法更具有傳奇色彩,相傳桑特 瓦倫丁曾留下一本日記給了獄卒的女兒,署名為“你的情人”,據說這名獄卒的.女兒就是桑特 瓦倫丁的情人。還有其它的說法也頗為有趣。比如說有人認為在克勞迪亞斯君王統(tǒng)治時期,桑特 瓦侖丁曾經是一名神父,因為公然挑戰(zhàn)克勞迪亞斯君王的權威身陷囹圄。所以公元前496年羅馬教皇格萊西亞斯特意將2月14日作為一個特別的日子以紀念桑特 瓦倫丁。

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 16

          On the first day of this year as is the western valentines day, my family can be had a romantic new moon valentines day! Supper is upstairs I play computer, suddenly heard very noisy downstairs, pursuing. Dad, LaoJiu and old uncle, each with a bright rose a dagger in his hand. And then one knee, say: "I love you!" To the respective love! My eyes always stay in my mom and dad, I saw my father laugh, also saw the mothers smile, the in the mind very sweet! Mom, dad love to my mother had a such a romantic valentines day! See below scene, my heart is so moved, because of amusement mom and dad love, just let me have a loving home!


          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 17

          The Surprise on Valentine’s Day

          Valentine’s Day is coming soon, it is on February14. The day is a big day for the couple, they need to spend the special day with romance, the boys are always buying gifts to their girls, the most common thing is to buy flowers and have dinner, maybe they could do something more interesting. The boys can surprise their girlfriends, they can take the girls to the place where they get to know each other, wondering around for a while and remembering those beautiful days, just like they know for the first day, how romantic! This will give the love relationship something new, which can enhance their relationship. The girls can surprise their boys with some gifts they make by themselves. Girls are good at hand making, so they can make out some gifts instead of buying, because the boys will be moved by your heart. Valentine’s Day is romantic, are you ready?


          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 18

          It is known to all that Valentine’s Day is on February 14th, while another similar day called White Day is celebrated a month later. It is said that the day originated in the Roman Empire. A young couple was executed for breaking the rule, the emperor saved the couple on February 14th. Then a month later, the couple decided to stay together forever, so people named this day the White Day to in honor of the eternal relationship. White Day first get popular in Japan, in order to attract more customers, the manufacturers advocate the meaning of White Day. As a result, more and more young people buy chocolates and flowers then give them to the one they love. What’s more, the color white means pure emotion, the same with wedding dress.


          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 19

          every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine‘s Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine‘s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.

          One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine‘s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

          情人節(jié)英語作文300字 20

          Seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, commonly known as "the Tanabata", it is the traditional Chinese folk "Gregorian calendar day. Recently, also somebody called it "the Chinese valentines day".

          According to legend, the world the cowherd and heaven vega after marriage, male plow female weave, loves each other, having children, very happy. However, when the emperor known as earth, smell vega flew into a rage. On July 7th, "the heavenly queen" serve the decree with heavenly generals will, caught vega. The grief-stricken cowboy with the help of celestial cattle, carrying a pair of children with anecdotes overtook days. See will overtake, was the heavenly queen mother pulled out of gold zan row, his feet immediately appear a surfy tianhe. The GanChang grieved vega and cowherd a in hexi, one in hedong om seaborne qi. Crying touched magpies swamp countless magpie fly to the tianhe, put up a bridge in the cowherd and finally can meet on the Milky Way. The heavenly queen had no alterna












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