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      2. 大學(xué)英語作文:關(guān)注兒童問題 More Concern for Child

        時(shí)間:2022-08-10 18:25:31 英語作文 我要投稿

        大學(xué)英語作文:關(guān)注兒童問題 More Concern for Children Issue

          無論是在學(xué)校還是在社會(huì)中,大家都經(jīng)常接觸到作文吧,借助作文可以提高我們的語言組織能力。如何寫一篇有思想、有文采的'作文呢?下面是小編精心整理的大學(xué)英語作文:關(guān)注兒童問題 More Concern for Children Issue,希望對大家有所幫助。

        大學(xué)英語作文:關(guān)注兒童問題 More Concern for Children Issue

          suppose fudan is to choose the hottest newsmakers through public appraisal of the past year, two prodigies, man zhou and han han, will certainly stand beside the celebrities in scientific domain. still being controversy, however, their appearances in prestigious fudan challenge the conventional attitudes toward children cultivation.these two fortune's favorites eemplify some talents who successfully make their own decisions and achieve preliminary accomplishments.

          there is no skepticism that our society is eperiencing a profound reformation. as most sociologists indicate, children are a more sensitive and particular group that deserves intensive attention. people readily witness the construction development while the distinct shifts that children confront are neglected. decades ago, people usually need not, or to some etent, could not make their own decisions because the so called "screw spirit" was adrotated greatly. one has no choice but to conform and adjust to the arrangement. compared to their predecessors, present freedom and choices are more readily available to children. almost everythingranging from education to career, religion to marriageis up to one's own wills. as a consequence, more emphasis should be attached to cultivating children's ability to make their own decisions independently. in this way they will adjust

          better future's fierce competitions.

          given that children should be entitled to make decisions,there emerges another problemhow to make them efficiently.creativity and talent of children are not new. it is just that their personalities and characteristics are becoming more pronounced.unfortunately, it frequently happens that one born to be movie star who may probably win oscar award someday is ecluded in a drama club in school;an innate business elite is dismissed only in the name of violating the rules by selling christmas cards on campus; a more universal story is that the vast majority of children are merely ordinary people whose requests refer to leading a pacific life. how can parents or teachers impose their values of becoming someone on a child whose propensity is devouring a bestseller during spare time and going to movies with his or her spouse on weekends and refusing to working on additional hours in the unreasonable ecuse of a boss. although one is supposed to eert his utmost in some field, he also possesses the right to choose his or her own life style.

          the intricacy of children issue lies not only in the lack of decision making opportunities, but also in being overlooked their essencechildren, meaning naive and credulous.it grieves us that the rate of adolescent crimes has been spiraling continuously. the number of teenagers involved in illegal se, violent hooliganism and drug abuse is still shockingly spiraling. some people often boast that the new generation are the best one ever before, but few of them are aware of the tough situation.we should not be overoptimistic and it is high time we took some substantial actions to cope with it. it is not lawmakers'

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