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      2. 英語比賽演講稿

        時(shí)間:2022-11-26 17:29:46 英語演講稿 我要投稿





          Introduce myself

          Good morning!(Good afternoon) teachers! Today, I’m very happy to make a speech here. First, Let me introduce myself.


          My name is DingYihang. My English name is Tom. As you know , Tom is a naughty cat. Haha !(做貓咪的動作) .I’m ten years old. I come from The No. 1 attached Primary School of normal training college .I am in Grade 4. I am a lovely boy! 一只頑皮的貓,哈哈。我十歲了,我在師專一附小上學(xué),我4年級了,我是一個(gè)可愛的男孩。)

          I like playing football,(做踢球的動作)Because every boy likes playing it. My dream is to be a good football player. Potatoes are my favorite food, They’re tasty (做好吃狀)。My favorite color is blue , blue is a cold color, but I like it. Because sky is blue (指天空),sea is blue(作在大海里游泳的動作),I like sea very. Today I will make a speech about sea,I hope that you can like my speech.(我喜歡踢足球,因?yàn)槊總(gè)男孩子都會喜歡他,我的夢想是成為一名很棒的足球運(yùn)動員,土豆是我最愛的食物,因?yàn)樗娴暮贸,我最喜歡的顏色是藍(lán)色,雖然藍(lán)色是冷色,但我任然很喜歡它,因?yàn)榇蠛:吞炜斩际撬{(lán)色的。我很喜歡大海,我今天的演講就是關(guān)于大海的,希望你們會喜歡。)

          I like English very much! It’s fun. I like

          reading .Every weekend, I like to go to Da Zhong book mall . I can read books here. Thank you for listening.(我非常喜歡英語,我也喜歡閱讀,每個(gè)周末,我喜歡去大眾書局,在那里我可以看書,謝謝你們的傾聽。)

          Please remember me! Please support me! Thank you very much! (自己鼓掌,并鞠躬表示感謝!) 非常感謝)

          What animals are the sea?

          What animals are the sea? 什么動物在大海里?

          There are all kinds of animals in the sea. 這有很多很多的動物在大海里。 Look!,看!

          They are coming.他們來了。

          This is an octopus. The octopus is spraying ink. 這是一條章魚,章魚在噴墨。 This is a shark. The shark has sharp teeth. 這是一條鯊魚,鯊魚有銳利的牙齒。

          This is a whale. The whale shoots water into the air. 這是一只鯨魚,鯨把水噴射到空中。

          This is a sea turtle. The sea turtle has a hard shell. 這時(shí)一只海龜,海龜有堅(jiān)硬的殼。

          This is a starfish. The starfish has five legs. 這是一只海星,海星有五條腿。 This is a jellyfish. The jellyfish has a soft body. 這是一個(gè)水母,水母有一個(gè)柔軟的身體。

          They are different. But all of them live in the sea. 他們各不相同,但他們都居


          We need sea , We need sea animals. 我們需要大海,我們也需要海洋動物。 So let’s protect our sea and animals, please! 所以請我們保護(hù)我們大海和海里的動物。

          That’s all. Thank you! Please give me big hands and support me! 我的演講結(jié)束了,請給我掌聲,請支持我,謝謝。


          Mos popl would lik o b populr wih ohrs, bu no vryon cn chiv his ol. Wh is h scr o populriy? In fc, i is vry simpl. Th firs sp is o improv our pprnc. W should lwys mk sur h w sy in ood shp nd drss wll. Whn w r hlhy nd wll-roomd, w will no only look br bu lso fl br. In ddiion, w should smil nd ppr frindly. Afr ll, our fcil prssion is n imporn pr of our pprnc. If w cn do his, popl will b rcd o our ood looks nd imprssd by our confidnc.

          Anohr imporn sp is dvlopin mor considrion for ohrs. W should lwys pu ohrs firs nd plc hir inrss bfor our own. I's lso imporn o b ood lisnrs; in his wy popl will fl comforbl nouh o confid in us. Howvr, no mr wh w do, w mus no ossip. Abov ll, w mus rmmbr o b ourslvs, no phonis. Only by bin sincr nd rspcful of ohrs cn w rn hir rspc. If w cn do ll of h bov, I m sur populriy will com our wy.


          Time flies!Our freshmen have spent two months in our beautiful campus of xxx university. Every new beginning is a new can't expect anything to be the same as our erent envirenment is a new are always curious with the things gh we come from different placeswe have our own dream our own ambition our own the mankind is sometimes so fragile that it can't withstand outside lure.

          Many students are the first time to be so far away form come to a foreign city a foreign campus facing so many foreign but friendly ty of activities bring us fresh air and pleasant busy with study and work enriches our lifehelping preventing our homesick.

          Life in campus is different with that in elementary school and middle have much spare time dominated by our campus is just like another le from all corners of our country come together to form a big e are tears as well as have troubles but we are also learning to conquer become more and more brave and more and more are no longer the little baby that will never grow up in our parents are growing up day by day.

          I love the life in our university. We have a new starting point a new origin and a period of a brand new freshmen life is se wait and see our brilliant achievement!


          Goodafternoon,ladies and gentlemen,

          My name is__________,coming from school of Chengdu xishu

          experimental school.I am very glad to give my speech to you here, the topic of my speech is "Just Do It".

          "Just do it!"I think everybody is familiar to this sentense about Nike, a very famous company of shoes.

          In my opinion, it means that just do it if you want. Today I'm here, just want to do what I want to do, and just have a try.

          Just do it if you want.

          In fact, we have many things to do in a day, in a year and in all our lives, it depends on your choices .

          Just do it if you like.

          I was attracted by English on my first sight in primary school. My English teacher always had the class interesting and she has a nice voice,it's comfortable when I heard her singing songs. As the time flew I knew more English songs .

          Just do it no matter whether you can be successful.

          When I asked others that why they didn't join in the competition, was it the reason that they didn't like English or they had no time. To my surprise, they almost gave me the same answer, "even though I couldn't get a rank in it, I needn't to do that, what's more, I didn't want to lose my face because of failed."I really can't believe that in their dictionary there is only one word 'success'. Although I don’t know whether I can enter the final fighting or not, and maybe I will be out of the

          competition after this speech, I still come here, just do it, no matter how far I can walk.

          So as long as you want and like, just do it by heart, no matter whether you can succeed or be failed.

          That's all,

          Thank you!


        Ladies and Gentlemen,

          It’s an honor for me to be here to make a speech.. Hope you enjoy a wonderful time! First I want to say is here my topic, which is how to make my class active and interactive.

          Actually , when I stepped to the 3-foot platform to be an English teacher , I tried my best to make my students practice the patterns time after time , I hoped that they would get high marks in test .However , my students didn't care about it , they showed less attention to my class.

          Until one day, a student had a talk with me. He said : ”I’m learning many things that are boring, useless and not valuable. So I’m tired of studying. Miss Ma , can you understand me? ”At that time, I felt my class was lack of active and interactive patterns.

          Then I gradually found that make class active and interactive is from active learning to interactive teaching.

          First , we should be energetic and encouraging .Because our passion can make class want to learn English, they will act with nature and show more potential abilities. Also,we should praise in various ways. In our class we often say “good, very good”, the simple word not only make them active in class, but also foster their sense of achievement in future learing..

          Secondly, we should make class meaningful and creative. In class, we can use the short and simple sentence, use the body language to communicate with students .We should give students clear purpose and offer them opportunities to try, to create and allow them to fail. Make sure the class relaxing and interactive, be familiar to the feeling of English language.

          Coming up next is organizing games and activities .You know, activity is the key part of class. Including paired work, competitions, role play, guessing game, TPR activities, and so on. Whatever I use , I should often change the way. From students and I; student and student ;to students and students. Make all class.

          The last but not the least is helping the class feel comfortable with asking me questions and answering my questions. To do this, do not criticize any questions from students .This will insure that students will continue to ask questions. Do give more chance to students ask and answer , make students and ourselves learn interactively. So after class students can listen, read, write, think without force and pressure, keeping interests and motivation .

          This is my talk from my experience, sharing with you today . Thank you for your attention!


          20 years ago, Wang and Xiao, two passionate junior high students, dared to dream, dared to act. Wang loved Michael Jackson’s dancing, and Xiao was addicted to playing guitar.

          The two then formed a band, hoping that one day they could get on the stage and perform.

          However, the reality has always been unsatisfactory. On the path of realizing their dream, the two suffered countless setbacks---from the fickleness of the world to conservative ideas of the society, from employment pressure to marriage pressure, and worse still, the rising of prices.

          After 20 years’ torment, they compromised to the reality---Wang is now a barber, and Xiao is a wedding host.

          Yet one day, they got to know that there was a talent show Happy Idol. They could not stop thinking of their original dreams of performing on the stage. And eventually they decided to participate.

          This time, the two old boys, realized their dream. Once again, Wang played the guitar and sang. Xiao danced with preoccupation. The song they sang is a beautiful elegy to youth, a lament for all the things the post 80’s have lost along the way.

          As was sung in the song, “dreams are always out of reach. Should I just give up? Have you realized your original dream? Or can we only mourn he present circumstances? Life is like a heartless chisel, changing our appearances. Must I wither before we blossom? I used to have a dream.”

          This is the story in a hot online movie named The Old Boys. The movie has touched the hearts of almost all Chinese netizens, especially the post 80’s and 90’s. It makes them realize that, from the very beginning, we should choose to follow our heart, and follow our dream.

          Robert frost wrote in his famous poem The Road Not Taken, “two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”.

          In our life journey, we sooner or later will have to face the two spurroads. One leads to dream. The other leads to reality. Wanting wear, the dream road is grassy yet winding. The reality road, however, has been terribly trodden.


          It’s because people are always struggling for the reality, having no time to fight for their dream.

          Take the post 80’s generation as an example.

          If you ask what their dreams are when they were kids. They might give you answers like becoming a scientist, a politician, or a great businessman. However, if you ask them now what their dreams are. They would tell you that they want to buy a house, a car; they want to have a secure job, a moderate income.

          I got a question: where is their original dream now?

          Actually, in face of the huge pressure from the reality, they have set aside their dreams.

          Confronted with the college entrance exams, they spent 12 years in the ocean of papers. At last still not everyone could be admitted to their ideal university.

          Confronted with the rising of house price, they will have to spend almost their whole life to earn a house.

          Confronted with the pressure of raising family, they strive on their post day and night. When they go back home, tired with fatigue, they have no energy at all to think more about their original dreams.

          It takes young people their whole life to fight with the reality. Meanwhile, their original dream fades out as well. Even if they have the passion, it still would be worn down by the pressure from the reality.

          Living such a fail-fail life, how could one possibly get the real happiness?

          How should we do then?

          The dream road and the reality road diverge at the very beginning, and as the two roads extend to the distance, they would become even farther apart from each other.

          Thus we need to make our choice at the very beginning: to dream, or to struggle with the reality.

          I would say to young people that, it’s time for us to discard the pressure from the reality and follow our dream. It’s time for is to unburden our load and go to our Walden Ponds. It’s time for us to undertake the career that we have been dreaming of.

          The housing price is high. So what? We could still choose Dwelling Narrowness.

          College entrance exams are cruel. So what? If it really unfits you, then skip it and establish your own business.

          Your girlfriend refuses to marry you simply because you have no money to buy a house. So what? I would say that she’s not the one deserves your love.

          Stop hesitating, young people. If today is the last day of your life. You’ll know what to do! For the sake of not letting yourself regret when you grow older; for the sake of not letting yourself regret that the pain you have suffered does not pay you back any true happiness, please choose to follow your dream.

          Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I-I took the dream road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.














          There are many sayings in our life.But have you ever realized that some of them may be truth and some of them may be ridiculous rumors?Let's welcome Chen Yongsi and Chen Haiying to help us find out the truth behind it.WELCOME!!! Chen Peishan(15): Failure is the mother of success.We know Thomas Edison almost failed 8,000 times in inventing the light bulb.But as we all know,after his hard work,he finally changed the whole world.After reading about famous musician Beethoven's story,Chen Peishan from Class 15 has something to say as well.Let's welcome her! Luo Shumeng(16): Are you good at learning English?What's the secret of your success ?Well, Luo Shumeng from Class 16 today may give us some clues about it.So let's welcome him to make us a speech!WELCOME!! Xiao Xingrui(16): Have you watched the movie 'The Pursuit of Happiness'

          during this winter holiday? I can still remember what Chris said to his son,it really impressed me though.'You got a dream,you gotta protect it.'That's what he said.So what do you think about this movie?Let's welcome Xiao Xingrui from Class 16 to talk about his impression to this film.Big hands!! Peng Tailing(16): Wow,the next topic may make you crazy.I hope that you've heard about the iWatch .Because the next speaker is going to talk about something like that.Remember that we talked about the advantages and disadvantages about computers last term.So what will Peng Tailing From Class 16 bring us next?Let's welcome him on the stage!


          Once upon a time, there was a mouse father. He wanted to marry his daughter to the greatestperson in the world.


          But, who was the greatest person in the world? Oh! The sun! He must be the greatest personin the world. The mouse father went to talk to the sun.


          “Hello! Mr. Sun. I know you are the greatest person in the world. Would you marry mydaughter?”


          “What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the cloud. If he comesout1, I’ll be covered.”


          The mouse father went to talk to the cloud.


          “Hello! Mr. Cloud. I know you are the greatest person in the world. Would you marry mydaughter?”


          “What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the wind. If he comesout, I’ll be blown away2.”


          The mouse father went to talk to the wind.


          “Hello! Mr. Wind. I know you are the greatest person in the world. Would you marry mydaughter?”


          “What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the wall. If he comesout, I’ll be stopped.”


          The mouse father went to talk to the wall.


          “Hello! Mr. Wall. I know you are the greatest person in the world. Would you marry mydaughter?”


          “What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is YOU, the mouse.”


          “The greatest person in the world is … mouse?”


          “Yes, the greatest person in the world is mouse. See?3 If mouse comes out, I’ll be bit!”


          The mouse father was very happy. He finally knew mouse was the greatest person in the world.He would marry his daughter to the handsome mouse next door.



          Welcome to Guangdong

          Ladies and Gentlemen, Honorable Judges, Good afternoon.

          I come from one of the most lovely and attractive areas of China, the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province and I'd love to say a few words about this area that is so dear to my heart.

          Guangdong Province is a magically beautiful wonderland, with endless natural treasures. The lush and green mountains are inhabited by songbirds and exotic animals; the farm land is fertile and productive, providing all of its people with wonderfully nutritious grains and all the fruits they need to be healthy and strong. The Pearl River meanders through the province and eventually comes to our beautiful seashore with crystal clear blue water, flourishing with all kinds of different fish and sea creatures. All these natural advantages help to boost the ever-expanding economy of Guangdong and increase the welfare of its people.

          Guangdong is privileged to have such a beautiful landscape, with hundreds of historical sites and places of great interest to local people and foreigners alike. Our capital city, Guangzhou, is also known as "the city of flowers". Everywhere you look you will see flourishing plants and blossoming flowers overflowing with vigor.

          The people of Guagdong are very friendly to visitors from anywhere. Whoever you are and wherever you come from, Guangdong people will greet you with the only language---Guangdong dialect.

          Guangdong is also known as the Chinese capital of delicious food. There is an old saying that "The only best delicacies are in Guangdong.” Food from this province is internationally famous. Its variety of tastes, shapes and colors can satisfy even the most refined palette. I'm sure, the moment you seat yourself at a Cantonese banquet, your appetite will naturally become keen and eager to taste all the numerous delicacies of the region. Here are but a few I will mention in passing: steamed fish in ginger sauce, seasoned chicken, drunken shrimp, dance fish balls, fried jellyfish, roast suckling pig or duck, braised crispy chicken or squab, shark fin soup, moon cakes, refreshments and desert, and so many more. My mouth is watering just at the sound of these wonderful dishes.

          I would like you all to know that there is truly nowhere in the world I would rather live and I invite you all to come discover the hidden treasures of my hometown. I would be glad to serve as your personal guide.

          Thank you all.










          Good morning, teachers! Today, I`m very happy to make a speech here. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Fang

          Zhuojian. I`m 12. I come from Class2 Grade 6 of HengXi Primary School. I`m an active boy. I like playing basketball. Because I think it`s very interesting. I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty. My favourite colour is green. And I like math best. It`s fun. On weekend, I like reading books in my room. I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong. My mother is hard-working and tall, too. My brother is smart. And I`m a good student. My dream is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor children in the future. Thank you for listening! Please remember me!

          Good morning, teachers! My name is ZhangShengdong. I`m 12 now. I`m from Class2 Grade 6 of HengXi Primary School. My English teacher is Miss Qian. She`s quiet and kind. She`s short and young. My good friend is Fang Zhuojian. He`s 12. He is strong and super. We`re in the same class. We both like English very much. I like painting , listening to music, playing computer games and

          reading books. My favourite food is chicken. It`s delicious.I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. This is me. Please remember ZhangShengdong. Thank you very much!

          Goodafternoon, teachers! My name is . I`m 12. I come from Class2Grade 6 of HengXi Primary School. There are 4 people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is pretty.My sister has a long hair. And I`m a good student. However, my home is near the school, I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school, I like playing computer games and reading books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English, music, computer and P.E. on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is so much fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English, too. This is me. An active boy. Please remember . Thank you very much!


          As a student,we have experienced many exam. In this in,not failure and success. Facing the two completely different results,what should we do?

          In fact,for success,this only represent the past,we should not be proud,people to front,the well now,hold the result,don't make now in the next test defeat. Faced with it,depression is completely unnecessary and draw lessons,to reflect on,still not night,try to start all over again,I believe in the correct understand the reasons,not only will return after success,still can accumulate experience,and know some ways to face setbacks,make oneself become stronger. In a word,whether success or failure,the most important is mentality,put calm,let it go.

          There are many students afraid of exam,that,after this I believe the exam for them,not of fear,but the challenge!


          The story with English and me

          Hello everyone,it is glad to meet you,my name is Nong Yanxing,you can also call me Virita, It’s my English name. I am a Howell School’s girl and I am an outgoing girl too, so I like playing jokes with others.

          I am fourteen years old and I have learnt English for six years now I’ve loved English since the first time,? I’ve heard it from a tape. The voice from the tape was very wonderful and the language was so nice .That time I thought,how wonderful the language is!? And if I can speak English as well as the speaker in the tape,that will be amazing! So I asked my mum:“Can I learn English? I really love it!” “Of course you can,but are you sure about it? Can you insist on it?” She was a bit excited. “Of course I can,mum. I love it very much,I want to learn it. ”I said confidently,“Oh,my good kid,you are very good,I am so excited about you are interested in English. ”She gave me a sweet hug. We laughed together. Then,I’ve started my English learning way.

          At the beginning,I loved English because it sounds comfortable ,but I can’t believe that how difficult to learn English grammar. Then I felt tired, and I really want to give it up. Buton that main time,my English teacher found me was a bit strange,“What wrong with you,Virita?You look a bit strange.” “Nothing, I just think English grammar is so difficult. It is boring,I don’t want to learn it anymore!”? “Why?You can’t give it up,Virita. I can help you just trust me.”“Really?” “Of course!” Then she helped me with my English grammar after class everyday. She told me how to find a good way for my own to learn English grammar. How to find a good way to remember the English new words. She told me try to love English!? Interests is the best teacher! So my English marks improve very fast. And in the finally exam,I got the best marks at school. I was so happy .But my English teacher warned me again “Don’t be proud of it. Hasty climbers have the sudden falls. You should come on!”

          I also like watching Holly Wood movies, for example, The Green Man in the Avengers is very strong and V in V of vendetta is very cool. Most of actors and actresses speak English in the film, and I really want to understand the whole meaning about a film without any caption one day. Itis difficult for me to make it come true. I should work harder.

          English is a very beautiful language .And itis my friend,a real friend. Although I can’t feel it with my hands, but I can feel it with my heart. English brought me a lot and I have a big dream about English. To make it come true ,I should work harder and learn more Western culture. We’ll love each other more and more.

          This is the story with English and me.

          Thanks for listening.


          Ladies and gentlemen,I'm Choco,from 14CPA Canada.I'm here today not just for winning the speech contest,which is amazing enough,but more importantly,the topic fascinates me so much.As a member of AIESEC,an international organization for university students famous for global citizen program,I'm proud to help lots of students go out of their countries to be global volunteers,to make friends with peers all around the world,to experience other culture,to make a little change in local society,above all,to develop a sense of global citizenship.We all have firm belief that there shouldn't be walls between nations.Conflicts occur because people know little about each other,misunderstand each other.If human society has a bright future in peace,there have to be more people with the sense of global citizenship,to share the natural rights together and take responsibility together. Because this is one minute for self-introduction,I just briefly introduce myself in this way: I am a global citizen.China is my bedroom where I usually live,the world is my real home.

          【Main part】

          I'd like to use the answers to three questions,which is what,why and how, to deliver my speech today.First of all,what are global citizens? We are people who place our indentities with global community above our identities of a particular nation.In other words,we are not abandoning our nationalities or our hometowns,but we have stronger belongings to the globe.We are concerned about every global issue,never less than those in our own countries.

          There comes the second question.Many people will ask:" Why do you feel like that? Why do you think more people should feel like that?" Let's look through human's history and there lies the answer. From then to now,it's not difficult to find out that most civilizations have more things in common than differences.We all develop languages,complicated social structures,art,science,commerce,philosophy...Undeniably,we did have wars,but it turned out that there were no winners or losers.We all suffered from the same pain.Families died in battlefield,and houses were detroyed in shells.While in peace,all of us enjoy safe environment and economic growth.Our histories are linked,and so is our future. Everyone of us desires being well off,democracy,cultural prosperity,clean air and water.We all hope that our kids can grow up safe and sound,don't we? Since we share the same feelings,the same hope, humankind is essentially one.If you think that's too big.Let's come down to current situation.Economic globalization is the trend that no one can stop.Investment comes from every corner of the world,and different markets are tightly connected.Cooperation is needed if everyone wants to live better off.Moreover,issues of global level are more noticable than before:climate change,financial crisis,women's right,children's health...Without the sense of global citizenship, no one is willing to sit down and settle down the problems together.

          Now move to the last question: how to become a global citizen? As a saying goes:To see,to understand,then to change.One of my friend in AIESEC went to Karachi,Pakistan this winter.Never had she thought that she could see a MacDonald restaurant and hear songs of Taylor Swift right after getting off the plane.What she saw was people living their normal life in the so-called City of Death.Adults going to work,students going to school,just like what we're doing here,although a bullet may fly above their heads the next second.She was also impressed by youngsters in Pakistan,who showed courage,faith and confidence to create a bright future for their country.Not just panic and depress can survive there as the news reports,but also the seed of hope is sprouting.Another friend of mine in AIESEC is from India.His name is Kunal,and he regards himself as a global citizen.He joined AIESEC in India,where he met his lifelong lover,a blonde Russian girl in a local project.When he went to the university of Copenhagen,he joined the AIESEC committee there as well.Now,he is in Canada, running another AIESEC project called Green Power Now,giving advice to the government about environmental protection.Young people like Kunal are changing the world now,with their experience, ability, ambition and the name of global citizens.

          My speech is almost finished according to the three questions,but traditionally,speakers have to quote something so today I'd like quote a song by John Lennon.The name is Imagine.


          Long long ago, in a land far away, there lived a beautiful young girl.

          She was very sad. Because her mother had died and her father had married again. His new wife had two ugly daughters, Esmerelda and Griselda

          Soon after, her father also died and life immediately(立即) changed for the girl.

          "You will be our servant(仆人), "said her stepmother(繼母). "You will do everything we say."

          "You must sleep in the kitchens." said the stepsisters.

          There she had to do hard work from morning until evening, get up before daybreak(黎明), carry water, make the fires, cook, and wash. Besides(除了) this, the sisters did everything imaginable(可以想象) to hurt her. They made fun of her. In the evening when she had worked herself weary(厭倦), there was no bed for her. Instead she had to sleep by the hearth in the ashes(灰). And because she always looked dusty(塵土飛揚(yáng)) and dirty, they called her Cinderella.

          "There are cinders(煤渣) all over your clothes!" exclaimed(喊叫) the stepmother. " Cinderella. Thats your new name. Clear these things away, Cinderella."

          "Cinderella! Cinderella!" Esmerelda and Griselda said. "Oh, how clever you are, Mama!"

          One day, an invitation(邀請) arrived from the palace.

          "Girls, listen to this," said the stepmother. Cinderella was serving(準(zhǔn)備) the breakfast. She listened as her stepmother read the invitation.

          "The King is having a ball," she said excitedly(興奮). "He is looking for a wife for the Prince! Oh, my dears, this is wonderful. He will probably choose one of you, but it will be such a hard choice to make.

          "Am I invited too, stepmother?" asked Cinderella.

          "You! Certainly(當(dāng)然) not!" exclaimed(驚呼) her stepmother. "The thought of such a thing. A scruffy servant(破舊的仆人) going to a ball, when only beautiful ladies are invited!"

          "Hah! Hah!" laughed the stepsisters. "Beautiful! That doesnt include you, Cinderella!"

          "You may help my two lovely girls to get ready," said her stepmother.

          "Oh," said Cinderella

          "We shall all have new dresses, girls, and we shall go shopping today. Clear away these things, Cinderella."

          Oh, I wish I could go to the ball, thought(認(rèn)為) Cinderella.

          The day of the ball arrived and the whole day was spent preparing Esmerelda and Griselda. Cinderella did her best to make the sisters look pretty, but it was an impossible task.

          Finally, the coach arrived to collect the girls and their mother.

          Cinderella was very tired and she wandered back to the kitchens.

          "Oh, I did so want to go," she sighed(嘆氣) as she sat down by the fire.

          "Whats to stop you?" asked a voice(聲音).

          "Whos that?" asked Cinderella, looking around.

          "Im here by the door." A strange woman walked up to Cinderella. "I heard you the other day, wishing you could go to the ball. Well, the ball is this evening, and youre going."

          "But how?" asked Cinderella. "What can you do?"

          "Anything I want to," said the woman. "Im your fairy(仙女) godmother, and Im here to send you to the ball.

          She sat down.

          "Come now," she said. "Dry those tears(擦干眼淚). We have work to do. I need a large pumpkin(南瓜), two mice(老鼠) and a frog. Can you find these?"

          "Yes," said Cinderella, mystified(迷惑) by the request(請求).

          "Off you go, then."

          When Cinderella found all the things, her fairy godmother took them all outside.

          "Now for the magic," she said. She waved(揮舞) her hands and the air began to twinkle(閃爍) and sparkle(閃光). The pumpkin began to grow and change, until standing there was a coach.

          The mice changed into two fine footmen(步兵), the frog into the driver, and the rats(老鼠) into two beautiful horses to pull the coach.

          Cinderella clapped(拍) her hands. "Its beautiful!" she cried.

          "In you get," said her fairy godmother.

          "But I cant go like this," said Cinderella.

          "Like what?" asked the fairy godmother. "You look lovely to me."

          Cinderella looked at herself. While the magic had been working on the pumpkin, it had also been working on her. Instead of her ragged(破爛) dress she wore a beautiful ball gown(晚禮服), with glass slippers(玻璃鞋) on her feet.

          "Oh, fairy godmother," said Cinderella. "Its lovely. How can I thank you?"

          "By going to the ball," said the fairy godmother. "Off you go, but remember, the magic stops working at midnight(午夜). Everything will change back then. Now go and enjoy yourself."

          "Good-bye, fairy godmother," called Cinderella, as the coach swept off.

          Cinderella arrived at the palace(皇宮) and walked into the ballroom. Everyone stopped and stared(看著).

          "Who is she?" people asked, including her stepmother and stepsisters.

          The Prince saw her, and had eyes for no one else for the rest of the evening. Cinderella danced only with the Prince(王子), and as the evening passed, he fell in love with her.

          A clock chiming(報(bào)時(shí)) reminded Cinderella of her fairy godmothers warning(警告). It must be eleven oclock, she thought(告知), but she asked the Prince. "What time is it?"

          "Almost midnight," he answered.

          "Oh, no!" cried Cinderella. "I must go!"

          "You cant. Not now," said the Prince.

          "I must." And Cinderella swept out of the room, and ran out of the palace. As she ran, the clock finished chiming. Cinderellas clothes changed back into rags(破布), and the coach and horses were nowhere to be seen.

          The Prince tried to follow, but he couldnt catch up. When he reached(走到) the door, all he found was one glass slipper. He ran to the main door.

          "Was a beautiful girl just driven(趕) out of here?" he asked the guard(士兵).

          "No, your Highness. Ive only seen a scruffy servant(邋遢的仆人) girl," the guard answered.

          "Ive lost her," said the Prince, and he returned sadly to the palace.

          The next morning, Cinderellas stepmother and stepsisters were talking about the ball.

          The Prince meanwhile(同時(shí)) decided to look for the mysterious(神秘) girl he had fallen in love with. He issued(發(fā)表) a proclamation(公告). "Whoever the glass shoe fits(合適), shall be wife to the Prince."

          The Prince and his footman(仆人) went from house to house of all the ladies invited to the ball.

          He finally arrived at the stepmothers house.

          "Its my shoe!" cried Esmerelda, trying desperately(穿) to pull the shoe on.

          "Please, miss!" said the footman. "Your foot is too big. you will break the slipper(玻璃鞋)."

          Griselda tried the shoe, but her toes were far too long.

          "Is there anyone else?" asked the Prince.

          "Theres only Cinderella, the maid(女仆)," said the stepmother. "But she wasnt even at the ball."

          "All the ladies in the kingdom(王國) must try the slipper," said the footman.

          Cinderella was called from the kitchen. Esmerelda and Griselda laughed when they saw how dirty she was. But their laughter turned to tears when they saw Cinderellas foot slide easily into the slipper.

          "Oh!" they cried. "It fits!"

          The Prince looked at Cinderella and realised that she was the girl that he had fallen in love with.

          Cinderella took the other slipper from her pocket(口袋) and put it on.

          The Prince was happy to have found her, and on a bright sunny day, he and Cinderella were married. They lived happily ever after.




          “你將是我們的仆人(仆人),說:”她的繼母(繼母)。 “你會做的一切,我們說的。”



          “有渣(煤渣)在你的衣服!”驚呼(喊叫)的繼母。 “灰姑娘。這就是你的新名稱。清除這些東西拿走,灰姑娘”。

          “灰姑娘!灰姑娘!” Esmerelda和Griselda說。 “哦,你真聰明,媽媽!”



          “國王是有一個(gè)球,”她興奮地說(興奮)。 “他的是一個(gè)王子的妻子看,噢,親愛的,這是美妙的。他可能會選擇一個(gè)你,但會這樣艱難的抉擇。


          “你!當(dāng)然(當(dāng)然)不!”驚呼(驚呼)她的繼母。 “本以為這樣的事情。一個(gè)破舊的仆人(破舊的仆人)去一個(gè)球,當(dāng)時(shí)只有漂亮的小姐是請!”

          “哈!哈!”姐姐笑著說。 “漂亮!這還不包括對自己的女兒!”











          “我的門了!币粋(gè)陌生的女人走到灰姑娘。 “我聽說你有一天,希望你能去參加舞會。好了,今天晚上的球,而你去!

          “怎么會呢?”問灰姑娘。 “你可以做什么?”

          “只要我想,”那個(gè)女人說。 “我是你的童話(仙女)教母,我是來送你到球。


          “來吧,”她說。 “擦干眼淚(擦干眼淚)。我們有工作要做。我需要一個(gè)大南瓜(南瓜),兩只老鼠(老鼠)和一只青蛙。你能找到這些?”






          灰姑娘拍手(拍)她的手。 “它真美!”她哭了。



          “像什么?”問仙女教母。 “你看上去可愛極了我!


          “哦,仙女教母,說:”灰姑娘。 “這是可愛。我該如何感謝你呢?”

          “通過進(jìn)入球”之稱的仙女教母。 “關(guān)你去,但要記住,神奇的停在午夜(午夜)工作。一切都將改變當(dāng)時(shí)的情況。現(xiàn)在去欣賞自己!





          一個(gè)時(shí)鐘報(bào)時(shí)(報(bào)時(shí))提醒她的仙女教母的警告(警告)灰姑娘。 這必須是十一時(shí),她的思想(告知),但她問便知。 “現(xiàn)在是什么時(shí)候?”


          “噢,不!”哭了灰姑娘。 “我必須去!”








          王子同時(shí)(同時(shí))決定尋找神秘(神秘)女孩,他已經(jīng)愛上了。他發(fā)表(發(fā)表)的公告(公告)。 “誰的玻璃鞋適合(合適),應(yīng)當(dāng)對王子的妻子!




          “請,小姐!”仆人說,。 “你的腳太大。您將打破拖鞋(玻璃鞋)。”



          “只有灰姑娘,女仆(女仆)”之稱的繼母。 “但是她甚至在球沒有!


          灰姑娘被稱為從廚房。 Esmerelda和Griselda笑了,他們看到她有多臟。但是,他們的笑聲變成了眼淚,當(dāng)他們看到灰姑娘到拖鞋的腳滑容易。

          “哦!”他們喊著。 “它適合!”















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