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      2. 小學(xué)二年級上冊英語第一單元試卷

        時間:2022-10-19 10:50:47 試題 我要投稿




          小學(xué)二年級上冊英語第一單元試卷 篇1


          1. A. chair B. father C. mother

          2. A. girl B. boy C. classroom

          3. A. teacher B. engineer C. family

          4. A. window B. door C. brother

          5. A. ruler B. pencil case C. sister


          1. br_ther A. a B o C i

          2. wh A. ara B ire C ere

          3. t_ _ cher A. ea B ie C eo

          4. f_mily A. i B e C a

          5.engin_ _ _ A. a ao B u i e C eer


          A. She is at home. B. Thank you. C. He is my teacher. D. It’s on your desk .

          1. Who’s he?

          2. Where is your sister?

          3. Where is my ruler ?

          4. An apple for you.


          1. 你的好朋友送你一份春天的禮物,你要說:

          A. Thanks a lot.

          B. Here you are.

          2. 告訴同學(xué)你的爸爸是位工程師,你要說:

          A. My father is a doctor.

          B. My father is an engineer.

          3. 有人問你她是誰?你要回答:

          A. She is my sister.

          B. She is a policeman.

          4. 向老師介紹你的爺爺,應(yīng)該說:

          A.. This is my grandpa.

          B. He is a doctor.

          5. 想問爸爸姐姐在哪里?你要說:

          A.Where is my sister?

          B. Where is my brother?

          小學(xué)二年級上冊英語第一單元試卷 篇2

          Listening Part

          I. 聽音,根據(jù)你聽到的'字母順序為下列字母標(biāo)號(第個字母讀兩遍12%)

          ( ) ( ) ( )

          ( ) ( ) ( )

          II. 聽音,補全單詞(每個單詞讀兩遍,8%)

          Sc en e

          M__ __ic

          w__ __m

          c__ l__

          III. 聽音,判斷下列圖片與你聽到的內(nèi)容是(T)否(F)相符(每小題讀兩遍,10%)

          ( ) ( )

          ( ) ( )

          IV. 聽音,根據(jù)你聽到的問句選擇答句:(每個句子讀兩遍,10%)

          ( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does.

          ( )2. A. I walk to school. B. I go by plane.

          ( )3. A. We wear T-shirts. B. We wear sweater.

          ( )4. A. I watch TV, B. I go to school.

          Writing Part

          I. 朋友,用線條連接相應(yīng)的大、小字母。(20%)



          II. 將下列每項組字母重新排列,組成單詞,并與圖片連線:(20%)

          1. okbo

          2. eywlol

          3. ioln

          4. npe

          5. ratni

          III. 選詞填空:(20%)

          A.sweaters B.T-shirts C.gloves D.sunglasses E.coats

          F.jackets G.by bike H.walk I.By train

          1. In spring, we wear _____.

          2. In summer, we wear_____and_____.

          3. In autumn, we wear _____.

          4. In winter, we wear _____and_____.

          5. I_____to school.

          6. My father goes to school_____.

          7. We go to Beijing_____.


          I 。 1. Pp 2. Jj 3. Ll 4. Mm 5. Qq 6. Kk

          II. 1. Music 2. Science 3. Warm 4. cold

          III 1. In spring , it`s cold. ( F ) 2. In summer, it`s hot. ( T )

          3. In autumn, it`s cool. ( T ) 4. In winter, it`s warm. ( F )

          IV. 1. Does your father go to work by bike? ( B )

          2. How do you go to Shanghai? ( B )

          3. What do you wear in summer ? ( A )

          4.What do you do at the weekend? ( A)

          小學(xué)二年級上冊英語第一單元試卷 篇3


          ()1.A.run B.read C.swim D.lamp

          ()2.A.book B.bus C.ruler D.rubber

          ()3.A.apple B.pear C.bear D.peach

          ()4.A.eight B.cow C.four D.five

          ()5.A.noodles B.gloves C.dress D.socks

          ()6.A.desk B.door C.table D.cold


          ()1.I____to sing.

          A.am B.can C.like

          ()2.______do you live?

          A.What B.Where C.Who

          ()3.May I_______some Coke?

          A.has B.have C.have got


          A.an B.a C.some

          ()5.Do you like to dance? Yes,____________.

          A.I can B.I do C.I am

          ()6.Winter is______cold.

          A.the B.an C./

          ()7.Draw a bird________the ground.。

          A.on B.to C.under

          ()8.What__________is it? It's green.

          A./ B.colour C.animal

          ()9.“Oink,Oink”。What do you_____?

          A.have B.hear C.look

          ()10.It's cold.____________your coat.。

          A.Put on B.Take off C.Look at

          ()11.How do you go to the park?__________

          A.Get in the car. B.By car. C.Get off the car.

          ()12.Have a biscuit,please._________.

          A.I can. B.I like. C.Thank you.

          ()13.Listen_____the clock.

          A.to B.in C.on

          ()14.Green light! We can go_______.

          A.stop B.fast C.slow

          ()15.Is it on the tree?Yes,_________.

          A.it not B.it is C.it is not


          A.there B.here C.where


          ()1.What do you hear? A.We can draw.

          ()2.What can you do? B.He's my friend.

          ()3.What do you see? C.I need new shoes.

          ()4.Who is your friend? D.I hear ‘Moo,moo’。

          ()5.What do you need? E.I see a yellow tiger.


          Hello,I'm May and I'm a girl.I___1___in Shanghai.I've got a bedroom._____2_____it,please,the lamp is____3____the desk.I love my bedroom and my family.

          I can do many things.I can clean the window,____4___the floor,read books and write.Today(今天),I want to(想要)go to a farm,but(但是)it is cold,the wind blows,blow sand blows.So(所以)I____5___a coat,a hat and gloves to put on.My friend ask(問) me:“_____6_____do you go to the farm?”I reply(回答):“____7____van.”I_____8_____some hens,chicks,ducks,pigs,cows and sheep on the farm.I am very happy.

          ()1.A.like B.love C.live

          ()2.A.Look at B.Find C.Listen to

          ()3.A.in B.under C.on

          ()4.A.sleep B.sweep C.swim

          ()5.A.am B.need C.do

          ()6.A.How B.Where C.What

          ()7.A.To B.Off C.By

          ()8.A.listen B.see C.look
















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