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      2. 小學牛津英語期中測試題

        時間:2021-06-11 17:24:44 試題 我要投稿


          筆試部分 70’



          問一些問題 2.拍照片



          5. 在四月四日


          7.pick up the flowers

          8 a VCD of Chinese cartoons

          9. different things _________

          10. point to a sign____________

          11.take off his costume

          12. the candles on the cake


          ( )1. I can’t find my notebook? A. That’s all right.

          ( ) 2.where are my chopsticks? B. No, it isn’t.

          ( ) 3. Thank you very much. C. It’s near the pencil-box.

          ( ) 4. Is your birthday in February? D. Yes, it does.

          ( ) 5. Does it means “No smoking” ? E. Sorry, I don’t know.

          三、選擇正確的介詞填空。(as, of, with, on, about, for,)10’

          1.I like playing table tennis my friends.

          2. There are a lot of signs the grass.

          3. He does not want bread breakfast.

          4. What would you like a birthday present?

          5. They are talking the running race.


          ( )1. –Hi, Jim! ___________? –Let me see. It’s about four thirty.

          A. How old are you? B. What’s the time? C. What’s the date?

          ( )2. The books are on the desk. Can you see________?

          A. it B. they C. them

          ( )3. There are many apples ________ the tree.

          A. in B. of C. on

          ( )4. There_______ a pair of glasses and some________ on the table.

          A. is; watches B. is; watchs C. are; watching

          ( )5. --Where are your films?

          -- I can’t find them, they ______ here just now.

          A .are B. was C. were

          ( )6. David is playing ______ basketball in the playground.

          A .a B. the C.

          ( )7. In the evenings, we like books.

          A. reading B. watching C. looking

          ( )8. .I’d like a cake _______ lots of __________.

          A. have; grapes B. has; grapes C. with; grapes

          ( )9.They often go home together after school.

          A. the B. to C.

          ( )10.The running race is very .

          A. excited B. exciting C. excite

          ( ) 11. My CD Walkman isn’t here now. So I’m it.

          A. looking at B. looking for C. looking around

          ( ) 12.It says‘NO EATING OR DRING.. FINE ¥10 .’Here ‘FINE’means .

          A.很好 B.獎勵 C. 罰款

          ( ) 13. Who would like “Aladdin”?

          A. to watch B. watch C. watching

          ( ) 14. There are months( 月) in a year and days in a week.

          A. seventh, twelveB. twelve, seven C. twelfth, seventh

          ( ) 15. Look, Su Yang is helping .

          A. her B. she C. he


          1. on the bird’s, The sign, is interesting, cage (.)


          2. comes up, to him, keeper, A park (.)


          3. a birthday party, Do you, have, usually (?)


          4. a birthday present, a puppet, as, Would you like(?)


          5. just know, were, there, They (.)




          Today is Sandy’s mother’s birthday. Sandy wants to buy something for his mother. What does he buy? He doesn’t buy a card and a cake as usual (通常) and he doesn’t buy some flowers because (因為)his father often buys them. Look! He buys a VCD. He says it can help his mother learn English.


          ( ) 1. Sandy wants to do some shopping with his mother on his mother’s birthday.

          ( ) 2. He doesn’t buy a cake for his mother.

          ( ) 3. Sandy’s father often buys flowers for his wife(妻子).

          ( ) 4. Sandy buys a VCD for his mother.

          ( ) 5. The VCD is for learning computer.


          A young man is sitting in a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him. The young man stands up. The woman pushes (推) him back into his seat and says, “Don’t stand up. I don’t want to sit down.”

          The bus stops then. The man stands up again. The woman pushes him down and says, “You don’t have to give me your seat. I like to stand.”

          The bus stops again. The man stands up for the third time. The woman tries to push him down again. The man shouts (喊叫) , “Don’t push me, please. I have to get off the bus!”


          ( ) 1. The young man is in a bus and the woman is in the bus.

          A. sitting, standing B. standing, sitting C. standing, standing

          ( ) 2. The young man is the old woman.

          A. in front of B. behind C. under

          ( ) 3. The young man stands up for times, but the woman pushes him down.

          A. one B. two C. three

          ( ) 4. The young man stands up again and again, because .

          A. He wants to get off the bus.

          B. He likes standing.

          C. He wants to give the seat to the woman.

          ( ) 5. At last, the young man is very .

          A. happy B. angry C. nice











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