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      2. 九年級上冊英語第七單元測試題

        時間:2021-06-11 09:01:54 試題 我要投稿


           初三 (上) 7單元測試 (A卷)


          Ⅰ. 語音知識 (12%)

          A)從A、B、C、D 中找出劃線部分與所給單詞劃線部分讀

          音相同的選項(xiàng),九年級 (上) 7單元測試 (A卷)。

         。 ]1. who A. where B. whole C. when D. what

          [ ]2. popular A. warm B. similar C. party D. star

         。 ]3. cloudy A. touch B. enough C. dangerous D. mouth

          [ ]4. problem A. remember B. then C. pen D. September


          [ ]5. [fil] A. feel B. full C. fall D. fill

         。 ]6. [swi:t] A. sweep B. sweet C. swim D. sweater

         。 ]7. [breik] A. break B. bread C. bright D. bring

          [ ]8. ['p#+r+nt] A. parent B. present C. pocket D. practise

         、. 詞匯知識 (8%)


          1. spend (過去式) _________ 2. bike (另一種拼寫形式) ______

          3. noisy (副詞) ___________ 4. forget (形容詞) _____________

         、. 詞語替換 (20%)


         。 ]1. It was quite late when I arrived at the village.

          A. came B. went to C. got to D. got

         。 ]2. I got all the things on the shopping list.

          A. gave B. sold C. took D. bought

          [ ]3. When did he reach Tianjin?

          A. arrive in B. arrive at C. got to D. come

         。 ]4. You draw the house and I'll put in the tree.

          A. live in B. fill in C. put up D. put on

         。 ]5. A young person is waiting for you. He looks worried.

          A. people B. man C. woman D. child

          Ⅳ. 單項(xiàng)選擇 (40%)

          從A、B、C、D 四個選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的正確答案。

         。 ]1. Phone is ______ telephone.

          A. short than B. short for

          C. shorter for D. shorter then

         。 ]2. This film is as ______ that one.

          A. interested as B. interest as

          C. interested than D. interesting as

         。 ]3. Han Meimei is ______ singer in our class.

          A. a good B. a best

          C. the best D. a better

         。 ]4. Did it rain ______ last night?

          A. heavy B. heavier

          C. heavily D. more heavily

         。 ]5. Here is your English book, Mary. You ______ it on the


          A. forgot B. left

          C. have lost D. have left

          [ ]6. I wasn't ______ to the radio at seven yesterday evening.

          A. listening B. hear

          C. listen D. hearing

         。 ]7. It was snowing hard when he ______ home last night.

          A. got to B. reached

          C. arrived in D. arrived at

         。 ]8. What ______ the bike?

          I've just mended it.

          A. do you do for B. did you do for

          C. have you do with D. have you done with

         。 ]9. Basketball is very popular in our school ______.

          A. at that time B. at the moment

          C. from now on D. in a minute

          [ ]10. I ______ my glasses on the floor and broke it.

          A. dropped B. fell

          C. put D. saw

         、. 閱讀理解 (20%)

          先閱讀下列短文,然后根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容,從A、B、C、D 四

          個選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的正確答案,英語試題《九年級 (上) 7單元測試 (A卷)》。

          One day, my wife and I went shopping. We took the car as we had a lot of things to buy because my brother and his family were going to spend the weekend with us. We stopped the car in front of the shop. An hour later we came back to the car with a lot of things. Then the trouble started. We could not open the car door. "Oh, dear," said my wife. "What are we going to do?" "Let's ask that policeman," I said. The policeman was very kind and glad to help us. Soon he got the door open. Just at that moment an angry man came up and shouted. "What are you doing with my car?" We looked at the number of the car, and our faces turned very red.

          [ ]1. The husband and the wife went shopping ______.

          A. by bus B. in their car

          C. by bike D. on foot

         。 ]2. They spent ______ in the shop doing their shopping.

          A. half an hour B. four hours

          C. one hour D. eight hours

          [ ]3. The ______ opened the car door in the end.

          A. husband B. wife

          C. policeman D. owner of the car

         。 ]4. The owner of the car was very angry to see ______.

          A. someone had opened his car door

          B. the policeman standing by the car

          C. his car was not there

          D. that there was a trouble

         。 ]5. They didn't know it was the wrong car until they looked

          at the ______ of the car.

          A. colour B. owner

          C. door D. number











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