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      2. 初中第七單元測(cè)試題及答案

        時(shí)間:2021-06-10 14:21:42 試題 我要投稿




          1.I want to buy a cake and some c________ for my birthday.

          2, My grandfather always water the f_________ every day.

          3, Today is May 21 st , and t________ is May 22 nd

          4. The road is only five meters w_________.

          5. I’m going to get a birthday p______ from my parents.

          6.Look. the monkey is eating a b_______.

          7. Maria can’t dance the d_____.

          8. Happy b_______ to you.

          9. I’ll give you a soccer as a p_________.

          10. I can’t s______ Japanese. What about you?


          1.I _______ my homework on Sunday.

          A. didn’t B. do do C. don’t D. don’t do

          2. He is going to _______ his homework this evening.

          A, doing B. do C. does D. did.

          3, I _____ at school yesterday. We ______ (not) on the farm last week.

          A. am, aren’t B. was, weren’t C, am ,are D. was , wasn’t

          4, Can you sing this song ______ English. A. in B, with C, on D, of

          5, Everyone is singing and dancing______.

          A. good B, fine C, happy D. happily

          6. Happy birthday ___ you.

          A. for B, to C. of D. with.

          7, _____ was the tea party yesterday? It’s very wonderful

          A. What B, Where C, When D, How

          8. Please have a rest, _____?

          A. do youB. don’t you C, will you D, can you

          9. The mother is taking her child _____ the hospital.

          A, into B, to C, in D, at

          10. _______children are there in your family?

          A, How much B, How many C, How often D. Which

          11, I can _____ English , but I can’t sing English songs .

          A. say B, speak C, speaks D, talk.

          12, Can you write _____

          A, well B. good. C, bad, D, talk.

          13, Everyone ______ here.

          A, is B, are C, like D, at.

          14. Li Lei _______ late in the evening,

          A. get B. is get C. return D. returns

          15. I am ______ a green skirt today.

          A. putting B, wear C. in D. put on

          16. We often ______ TV on Saturdays.

          A. see B. watch C. look at D. look

          17. Where is Kangkang ? He _______ over there.

          A. is running B, was running C. runs D. run

          18. I want ______ the room. Could you please______ me?

          A. to clean ,to help B. cleaning ,helping C. to clean , help D. clean , to help

          19.My grandfather_______ me a computer last year.

          A. buy B. buys C. buyed D. bought

          20. I don’t like math , but my little daughter _______.

          A. is B, does C. do D. don’t


          1,would you like ____ ( go) to the zoo with us?

          2.Monday is the ____ (two) day of the week.

          3, How about ___(play) football?

          4, Walk _____( cross) the bridge , you will see a hospital.

          5, Our teachers often tell us some ______(fun) stories

          6. Tom sits between ____(I) and Michael.

          7, Why _________(not see) a film?

          8, it’s time to get up. Most students______(put) on his clothes.

          9. He _____(not play) tennis. But he ______(play) volleyball now.

          10. We can use a dictionary______(look)up new words.


          A, Good morning . Can I help you?

          B. Yes, 1. I want to buy a skirt 2my daughter.

          A. What3does she like?

          B. Red or white

          A. Please look 4these skirts.

          B. I think this red5is very nice. How6is it?

          A, It’s about 100 yuan .

          B, Oh, it’s too7. I8have much money.

          A, what9the white one? It’s only 65 yuan .

          B,That’s OK. I’ll10it.

          五. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換

          1.Can you sing a song for her?

          Can you ____ ___ _____ ____ ?

          2.I think he is a student.(改為否定句)

          I __ ___ he ______ a student.

          3.It’s November 12 th today.( 對(duì)劃線部分提問)

          ____ the ____ today?

          4.My mother often makes cakes on Sundays.(用now 改寫句子)

          My mother _______ ____ _____now ?

          5, Put on your clothes.(改為否定句)

          _______ ____ ____ your clothes.

          6.Can you play it well? (作否定回答)

          ___ , I_____.

          7.I want to see a film this evening .(改為同義句)

          I ___ __ _____ see a film this evening .

          8.Let’s go shopping. (同義句)

          ___ _______ going shopping?

          9.Mike can play the guitar. (劃線提問)

          ___ ______ Mike ____?

          10.We can help people with English. (劃線提問)

          ______ can you help people_____ ?


          This is Mr. White’s 1.In his family there 2four people : Mr. White ,Mrs. White, their son Tom and their 3Alice.

          Mr. White is4in a chair. He is5a newspaper . Mrs. White is sitting at the desk. She is6a letter. Tom is standing near the window. He is reading a story—book. Alice is sitting7the floor. She is playing8her toys. What’s9the wall? There is a big window. What10beside the window? There is a photo of their family.

          1, A. home B. room C. family D. class

          2. A. are B. is C. am D, have

          3. A, son B. friend C. daughter D. mother

          4. A. sit B. sitting C. stand D. standing

          5 A. looking B. watching C. reading D, seeing

          6. A. drawing B. making C. doing D. writing

          7. A, in B. on C. under D. near

          8. A. with B. at C. by D. and

          9. A. on B. in C. next to D. in front of

          10. A. are B. is C. have D. has



          In 2050, we can fly like birds .Everyone can fly in the sky. There will be no cars, no trains , no planes and no bikes in the world. We can fly to our school. It is also in the sky. The school looks like a beautiful garden. There are many trees and flowers in it . We can fly to our school’s swimming pool . It is in the sky, too.

          We have four lessons in a day. Two are in the morning , and also two in the afternoon. We can study our subjects by the computer. Our school bag will be very light. We don’t need many books and exercise-books, because we can study and do exercises on the computer .

          Our earth will be a big happy family. We can go and play anywhere. We can go to another planet. It is a very beautiful place, too. There is a blue ocean and big forests on it. We are the happiest in the world.

          1. When can we fly like birds?

          A. never. B, 2050 C, 2005 D, 2010

          2. Where can we fly in 2050?

          A. In the China B. In the world C. In the sky D, NO where.

          3. How can we go to school in 2050?

          A. Flying B. Riding a bike .C. Driving a plane D. Walking

          4. We have ________lessonsin a day in 2050.

          A. eight B. ten C. four D. no

          5. Where is school’s swimming pool then?

          A. on the playground B. on the hill C. in the sea. D. in the sky.


          In England, it is a tradition(傳統(tǒng)) for a child to have a cake on his or her birthday. The cake has the number of candles as the child’s age. During the party, the candles will be lit(被點(diǎn)燃)and the birthday boy or girl blows the candles out with one blow(一口吹滅) 。 He or she can make a birthday wish. Then friends and family members sing the famous song “Happy Birthday” and eat birthday cakes. They give gifts to the birthday child . It is really nice to have a birthday party.


          () 1. It’s a tradition for a child to have ice-cream in birthday.

          () 2. The number of candles is the same as the child’s age.

          () 3. The child makes a wish after eating the cake.

          ()4, Friends and family members sing songs during the party.

          ().5. The birthday child gives the gifts to friends and family members

          八.寫一篇介紹Jim 十三歲生日情況的短文 。字?jǐn)?shù)不少于70字


          一.1.candles 2. flowers 3, tomorrow 4, wide 5, presents 6. banana 7. disco 8. birthday 9. present 10. speak

          二. 1-20。 DBBAD BDCBB BAADC BACDB

          三.1to go 2. second 3 playing 4, across 5. funny 6. me 7. not see 8. are putting 9. doesn’t play is playing 10. to look

          四.1. please 2 for 3 color 4.at 5. one 6. much 7. dear(expensive ) 8. don’t 9. about 10. take

          五.. 1. sing her a song 2. don’t think is 3. What’s date 4. is making cakes 5. don’t put on 6. Yes I can 7. would like to 8. What about 9. What can play 10. What with

          六. 1-5 CACBC . 6-10DBABB

          七.(A) 1-5 BCACD (B) 1-5 FTFTF












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