1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. 小學三年級英語測試題目

        時間:2021-07-07 13:49:13 試題 我要投稿





          1.                               2.


         。    )1.A. ball pen B. pencil box C. books

          (    )2.A. blue B. black C. brown

         。    )3.A. telephone B. elephant C. tiger

         。    )4.A. window B. Walkman C. white

         。    )5.A. go home B. go to bed C. go to school

         。    )6.A. my B. I

          C. I’m

         。    )7.A. long B. short C. tall

          (    )8.A. morning B. afternoon C. evening

         。    )9.A. cinema B. car C. chair

          (    )10.A.tap B. tape C. tea

          三、聽錄音,判斷所聽內容與圖片是否相符。(6分) (用“√,×”表示)

          1.                     2.                          3.

          4.                       5.                        6.

         。       )               (       )             (       )


         。     )1.A. I’m Mike. B. Good morning.

          (     )2.A. Good afternoon. B. Nice to meet you.

         。     )3.A. Thank you. B. All right.

         。     )4.A. Yes, please. B. Yes, it is.

         。     )5.A. It’s smart. B. It’s pretty.


          1.              2.               3.            4.

          5.              6.               7.            8.



         。      )1. A. book B. cat C. tiger

         。      )2. A. sofa   B. chair C. banana

         。      )3. A. bike B. park C. plane

          (      )4. A. orange B. pencil C. peach

         。      )5. A. cake B. panda C. hamburger


          1. 一頭大象                2. 一只棕色的猴子

          3. 我的鋼筆                4. 打開電視機

          5. 一些紅色的蘋果

          6. get up                    7. not bad

          8. I’m sorry.                 9. a green fridge

          10. It’s time to say goodbye.


         。     )1. This is my           , Mr Li.

          A. sister                 B. mother          C. brother

          (     )2. Go to            , now. Good night.

          A. school                 B. home            C. bed

          (     )3 Nancy Black is          English girl.

          A. a                      B. an              C. /

         。     )4. What can you see ? I can see some

          A. peach                  B. peachs          C. peaches

         。     )5. — Let’s go to Xi’an.

          — Great,         ?

          — By plane.

          A. how                   B. how about        C. but how

         。     )6.             a new T-shirt.

          A. That’s               B. This             C. That

          (     )7. — ________ his shirt.

          — It’s smart.

          A. Look                  B. See              C. Look at

         。     )8. This is a coat. It’s         .

          A. tall                  B. big              C. Thank you


          (     )1. 你讓媽媽打開燈, 你會對她說

          A. Turn on the light, please. B. Open the light, please.

          C. Turn off the light.

          (     )2. 當你看見遠處有一件夾克衫時,你會說:

          A. What’s a jacket.         B. That’s a jacket.

          C. This is a jacket.

         。     )3.當你第一次見到某人時,你可以說:

          A. How are you?       B. Nice to meet you.     C. Oh, thank you.

         。     )4.當你生病時,別人詢問你的身體情況,你可以說:

          A. Not bad, thank you.  B. Not so good.

          C. I'm fine, thank you.

         。     )5.客人到你家,你詢問他要不要喝杯茶,你會說:

          A. A glass of juice?   B. A cup of tea?

          C. Some coffee?

          (     )6.奶奶請你幫她開門,她會怎么說:

          A .All right.         B.Open the door, please.    C.Thank you.


          1. and, you, fine, you, thank  ( , . ? )

          2. go, school, to, now, Mike   ( , . )

          3.light,turn off ,please ,the (.)

          4. to, meet, you, nice, too  ( , . )

          5.of , a , glass , juice ,orange (?)


          Hello, I’m Nancy, I’m nine. This is my brother, David. He is ten. We are all(都是) students. I get up at 7:00 in the morning. My brother gets up at 6:30. We go to school together(一起). After school, I go home at 3:00 in the afternoon. My brother goes home at 4:00. I go to bed at 8:00 and my brother goes to bed at 9:00.

          (    ) 1. How old is Nancy?

          A. Nine.                  B. Ten.

          (    ) 2. How old is David?

          A. Nine.                  B. Ten.

          (    ) 3. Nancy gets up at             .

          A. 7:00                   B. 6:30

          (    ) 4. David goes home at             .

          A. 3:00                   B. 4:00

          (    ) 5. David goes to bed at             .

          A. 8:00                   B. 9:00



          一、 聽錄音、圈出你所聽到的圖片。(6分)

          1. This is a desk.

          2. Two hamburgers,please.

          3. That is a fridge.

          4. A glass of juice ? Yes, please.

          5. Look at my dress.It’s preety.

          6. Let’s go to the zoo.

          二、 選出你聽到的單詞或短語,將序號填在括號內。(10分)

          1. ball pen

          2. black

          3. telephone

          4. Walkman

          5. go to bed

          6. my

          7. tall

          8. afternoon

          9. chair

          10. tap

          三、 聽錄音,判斷所聽內容與圖片是否相符。(6分) (用“√,×”表示)

          1.A cake ? Yes, please.

          2.There is a book in the desk.

          3.Hello,Liu Tao .This is my brother,Mike.

          Nice to meet you ,Mike.

          Nice to meet you,too.

          4.How are you ? Not so good.

          5.Let’s go to school.But how? By car.

          6.There are five rulers.


          1. What’s your name?

          2. Good afternoon.

          3. A glass of juice, please.

          4. A red T-shirt?

          5. Look at my bew dress.


          1.skirt   2. rubber  3.light  4. basket

          5.cinema  6.plane    7.thin   8.close











          1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>