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      2. 七年級英語外研版期中試題

        時(shí)間:2023-10-30 17:20:08 試題 我要投稿
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          1.I live farthest ________ that police station.

          A.to      B.of      C.from     D.for

          2.一 ________does your brother go to school every day?

          一 By bike.

          A.When     B.Where     C.How      D.What

          3.一 ________is the park?

          一It’s about ten kilometres.

          A.How long    B.How far    C.How many    D.How much

          4.I have a nice dog ________ two big eyes.

          A.in      B.a(chǎn)t      C.with        D.of

          5.I ________ born ________ l999.Im old enough to go to school.

          A.a(chǎn)m;in    B.was;in    C.a(chǎn)m;on     D.was;on

          6.He ________ to Dezhou yesterday.

          A.go      B.goes     C.went      D.wents

          7.The apple is on the floor,you had better ________ and give it to the girl.

          A.pick up it    B.pick it up    C.pick up them   D.pick them up

          8.He was ________ in the forest yesterday.

          A.lose      B.losed     C.losing      D.lost

          9.We knocked ________ the door,________nobody answered.

          A.on;and    B.on;but    C.a(chǎn)t;and     D.to;but

          10.December 25th is ________.

          A.Teachers Day  B.National Day   C.Spring Festival  D.Christmas Day

          11.We’ll decide ________ the meeting.

          A.to      B.before     C.what      D.where

          12. He started to go to school ________6.

          A. at age of   B. in age of    C. at the age of   D. in the age of

          13. He ________ a theatre company and became a actor.

          A. joins     B. joins in     C. joined    D. joined in

          14. Go ________ the door on the left and close it behind you.

          A. pass     B. in     C. through    D. on

          15. Amy ________ Shanghai last night.

          A. arrives     B. arrived    C. reaces    D. reached

          16. They ________ a long time at sea.

          A. took     B. paid     C. cost      D. spent

          17. There is a railroad ________ train between Dezhou and Jinan.

          A. of     B. for     C. about    D. on

          18. Jim is a ________ student.

          A. 16 years old          B. 16 year old

          C. 16 - years - old         D. 16 - year - old

          19. It took us one year ________ the bridge.

          A. build     B. building    C. to build    D. to building

          20.If you don’t want to go out.I won’t ________.

          A.too      B.a(chǎn)lso      C.either      D.neither



          How Do They Go?

          Tony goes to school by bus. He lives farthest from the school, so he has the longest journey. But he thinks its the best way to travel to school.

          Daming goes to school by bicycle. Going by bicycle is the easiest way to travel. Sometimes its the fastest way. But its also the most dangerous.

          Bettys father usually goes to work by taxi. Going by taxi is the most comfortable way to travel in Beijing. But its also the most expensive.


          21.Who lives farthest from the school?


          22.Who travels by bicycle?


          23.Who has the longest journey to school in our class?


          24、Who thinks going by bus is the best way to travel?


          25.How does Betty’s father usually go to work?


          26.Are taxis the cheapest and the most uncomfortable way to travel?



          Mark Twains Life

          Samuel Lanhorne Clemens, better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was a famous and popular American humourist, writer and lecturer. Mark Twain was born on November 30, 1835 in. Florida, the third of four children.

          While be was still a baby, the family moved to the river town of Hannibal. After his father died in 1847, Twain became at, occasional writer and he also travelled to other cities to earn a living as a printer.

          During the Civil War, he escaped to a silver-mining town and worked as a miner. Then he wrote for newspapers and move again to San Francisco in 1864.

          In 1865, Twain had his first literary success. He wrote a successful humourous story. Then he was invited to lecture in public and his first lecture was a wild success. He traveled across the state and gave lectures everywhere. Soon he became famous.

          Twain got married in 1870 and moved to New York. His works became more and more popular, and soon he became a rich man.

          But in his later life, he lost a tot of money in his business. He became very sad after his wife and three of his tour children died.His health got worse, too.He died suddenly in New York on April 21,1910.


          27. Twain got married anti moved to New York. (  )

          28. Twain worked as a miner. (  )

          29. Twains family moved to Hannibal.      (  )

          30. Twain lived by working as a printer.     (  )

          31. Twain gave lectures all over the country.   (  )

          32. Twain lost a lot of money in his business.   (  )



          Alan: I liked that story about Goldilocks.

          Chloe: Yes, but she was naughty. She decided to go into the house when no one was there, and she finished the baby beats bowl of food.

          Alan: She knocked on the door first.

          Chloe: But no one answered it. You cant walk into peoples houses and sleep in their beds.

          Alan: No, but it is a fairy story. She was lost. She knocked and no one answered. She pushed the door. It opened and she entered. She was hungry. There was food. She finished it. She was tired, noticed a bed and jumped onto it.

          Chloe: Then the bears returned. The baby hear was unhappy and cried.

          Alan: Where was his food? Why was his chair in pieces? Was there a robber in the house?

          Chloe: They stepped into the bedroom and there was a little girl with golden hair asleep.

          Alan: I think the baby hear wanted her as a friend to play with.

          Chloe: Were the bears angry? Bears eat people sometimes. It was quite exciting. Then she jumped up and hurried away.

          Alan: She hurried into the forest, but she was lost. What happened to her?

          Chloe: Maybe a tiger...


          33.Goldilocks had golden hair.( )

          34. Goldilocks walked in the forest. (  )

          35. Goldilocks knock6d on the door. (  )

          36. No one answered, but Goldilocks entered. (  )

          37. Goldilocks finished the baby bears food. (  )

          38. Goldilocks went into the bedroom. (  )

          39. The baby bear cried. (  )

          40. The baby bear liked Goldilocks. (  )

          a. That was good.

          b. He was unhappy.

          c. She was tired.

          d. She was hungry.

          e. That was bad.

          f. She was beautiful.

          g. He wanted a friend.

          h. She was lost.


          A Space Hero

          Good morning, everyone. Long just talked about Nell Armstrong, and Fang about Yang Liwei. I am going to talk about Yuri Gagarin, the Russian astronaut, the first man in space. Yuri Gagarin was born on a farm near Moscow in 1934. When he was a young man he loved aeroplanes and had lessons at a flying school He became a pilot for the government, working on a special project. He trained for many months. Then on April 12, 1961 Gagarin made his famous flight in Vostok 1. A rocket carded his spaceship, only big enough for one person, up to an altitude of 327, 000 metres and went round in an orbit of the earth at a speed of 28, 000 km per hour. The Vostok 1 and Yuri Gagarin returned to the earth after 108 minutes. Gagarin jumped out of the Vostok 1 7 km up, and then came down with a parachute. He landed on a farm and met an old woman with her granddaughter and cow.

          Gagarin was a hero. The next day every headline in every newspaper was about him. For years he travelled the world, waving to people and giving interviews, He died in 1968 in a plane accident.


          41. Gagarin was a farmer. (  )

          42. Gagarin was very interested in flight. (  )

          43. Nobody before bad been as high. above the earth as Gagarin. (  )

          44. Gagarin was the first man to reach the moon. (  )

          45. Vostok I was a big spacecraft. (  )

          46. Gagarin landed Vostok 1 safely. (  )

          47. Gagarin died when Vostok 1 landed badly. (  )

          48. Gagarin was in space for less than hours. (  )

          49. Gagarin landed on his own farm. (  )

          50. Gagarin was very popular. (  )



          Old Friends

          Laura was my best friend--like the sister I never had. We were (51)________ in the same hospital and on the same day. Laura was very nice and beautiful; he was (52)______ to everyone around her. We biked each other so much that we did everything together: dancing lessons, movies, swimming, and (53)________ to primary school. At primary school, we were both the teachers (54) _________ students, and we tried very hard to be(55) _________ in class. Laura was always the top student in our class, and I was so (56)_________ to be her best friend.

          I lived in a house with a big pond and a lovely garden. During the summer holiday, we often (57) ________ in the pond and then had a nap under a big tree in my garden.

          When I was ten years old, my family (58)________ away, because we bought a bigger house in this large city. Laura and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other during holidays when I went back to my old (59) _________. But we lost contact last summer, because Lauras family moved to somewhere else, too. I felt so sad for the first time in my life.

          She didnt send me any letters until one week ago. I finally (60) ________ from her. She will come and visit me next month! What a wonderful thing! I am looking forward to that time day and night. And I know, this time we wont lose each other again.


          61. __________ my last holiday, I went to Los Angeles.

          62. My aunt and uncle met me __________ the airport.

          63. We had dinner __________ a Chinese restaurant.

          64. Dad and Mum went __________ a walk in the park.

          65. I was happy at school, __________ lots of friends, and we had a good time.


          66.we traveled by ship.(對畫線部分提問)

          __________ you __________?

          67.They didn’t go back t0.Dezhou again.

          They didn’t __________ __________ Dezhou again.


          Who __________ your __________ teacher?

          69.She usually goes to work by cal".(改為同義句)

          She usually __________ __________ work.

          70.They had a meal of dumplings and meat.

          __________ they __________ a meal of dumplings and meat?


          同學(xué)們,你們邁入中學(xué)的大門已經(jīng)有一年多了,小學(xué)生活中肯定有值得你留戀的人或事,請以“My past school life”為題寫一篇短文,介紹一下你的小學(xué)生活。
















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