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      2. 知識(shí)就是財(cái)富作文歸納

        時(shí)間:2021-07-02 13:32:53 知識(shí) 我要投稿


          導(dǎo)語(yǔ):知識(shí)可以豐富我們的精神生活,使我們變的充實(shí)。知識(shí)也是財(cái)富,有了知識(shí),就可以擁有財(cái)富。世界首富比爾蓋茨之所以富有, 是靠他的天賦和知識(shí),才創(chuàng)造財(cái)富。以下是小編整理知識(shí)就是財(cái)富作文的資料,歡迎閱讀參考。



          My wealth is no substitute for money. I have three great wealth in my life, which are all priceless! I locked them in my little safe. Not at all. You don't have to say I'm a cheapskate. Now I want to introduce you to the most important wealth in my life.

          The third great wealth is friendship. Although I have just come to school, I have a lot of friends. "Friend" is not just to talk about the righteous man, but to help each other, to advance and retreat together. The bridge of friendship will be immortal and impregnable.

          In my life, I have the company of these three treasures, which will be colorful. Now you know why I see these three fortunes so important! Because they are part of my growth path! It's an indispensable part of my life!


          Last night at dinner, my son suddenly said, "mom, how much money do we have?" I didn't know what he was talking about. I ignored him, and for a moment he asked, "there's a new car in the family's yard, you see?" I just realized that the kid was comparing. "Mom, we have a couple of weeks in our class," he said. "some children say they came from the countryside and they are very poor." I had no intention of discussing it with him on this subject, but, he asked, I thought he might have had his head in his head again.

          After supper, I did my homework. I began to talk to my son about what he called "chatting."

          "The amount of money that mom and dad make in the morning doesn't mean you're going to have a life in the future. Of course, a good life is what people yearn for, a good car, a big house. You are now learning, and one day knowledge will become wealth in your hands. I explained to my son that he seemed to have an Epiphany.

          "You should learn from them about those weeks."

          "Why? The child clearly didn't quite understand me.

          "They live in zhoutoban, which means they are far away from school, and they choose a school far away from home in order to learn more and better knowledge. Without the help of my parents, I learned to take care of myself and learn to be independent as a child. Shouldn't you learn from them?

          "Yes, my deskmate is a student of zhouto. I think he is very careful in his studies." The son replied.

          "Mom, I went to school." "Said the son, walking to his desk.

          He raised the question, and I deliberately avoided the topic of money, so simply to explain it, not knowing whether he really understood it. Maybe you need to understand it slowly.


          Some people ask, what is knowledge? What does knowledge mean?

          Knowledge can enrich our spiritual life and enrich us. Knowledge is also wealth, and with knowledge you can have wealth. The richest man in the world, Bill Gates, is rich by his talent and knowledge.

          What is knowledge? Knowledge is power, and Helen of the United States lost sight and hearing when she was young, but she did not give in to fate. Finally, knowledge made her strong.

          The ancients cloud: the book has the gold house, the book has its own yan ruyu. Yes, learned knowledge, everything will have.

          Now we are the golden age of life. In this golden age, if you don't take advantage of it, you will regret it.

          I think: most of the people I said above know, the key is oneself, do not be enticed by any material, now we need to know is, study is the most important. Knowledge is everything, if it is a waste of time, insouciance, in the end, will accomplish nothing, regretful!


          Some people think that wealth is money, that is vulgar. Some people think that wealth is an opponent, kinship, quality, perception, etc., that is noble.

          Writing is the wealth of yu qiuyu. Painting is the wealth of wu dao zi. Not only people have wealth, but even animals have wealth. Monkey's wealth is banana, and the wealth of cats is fish and so on. Wealth is not necessarily material, some of it is intangible, such as family.

          Three more lights and five more chickens, it is men's reading. Black hair do not know diligent early, the white first party regret to read!

          Knowledge is very important, it is also my wealth! As the saying goes: read a book and write a book. We learn knowledge not only to survive, but also to improve our vision! Knowledge can change our fate, knowledge is our good teacher and good friend. Helen Keller was a disabled person, but she persevered and persevered in her studies and succeeded! Sometimes when a person's mood is very low, he will read, from the inside to get enlightenment. When we are immersed in the sea of knowledge, we will be happy. I love knowledge.

          I think: wealth is not money, she is a spirit, she is a feeling, she is an emotion and so on. She can live with us all our lives, and keep us moving forward without fear until the end of our lives!


          Everyone needs wealth. Everyone has wealth. In our family, father has the wealth of father, mother has the wealth of mother, I have the knowledge wealth.

          "Good news!

          Not a biography of dad in a newspaper or a mother's paper on BBS. The news of the report blew up in class 281. The teacher smiled and the students were shocked. My "sky drawing board" was published on August 23, 2009 in taiyuan evening news, and the pen became printed. I was so excited that I couldn't get my mouth open, and my classmates congratulated me.

          It has been nearly a year and I still remember it. It is the second semester of grade five, a composition, teacher assigned a thesis topic, zhao asked the students to write a natural landscape, I immediately think of, day at dusk I stand on their balconies, to the northwest and fall has let I was shocked, the light of a setting sun, oblique landscape, northwest of the sky, the cloud, changing different color, orange for a while

          When I received from the taiyuan evening news "sky chart drawing board" offer letter, when I received the post office to send the payment, I involuntarily jumped up, after all, it is the first time I have published articles!

          When I calmed down, I realized that knowledge is a worthless treasure for students, but it can be turned into valuable wealth. From this, I understand why parents urge me to study hard, only to master the wealth of knowledge, in the future to serve the motherland and repay their parents' upbringing.


          How many times, with bitter tears, in the life lost direction... Is knowledge! Give me the dream, give me hope, let me swim freely in the study sea, absorb the essence.

          Knowledge, with its profound meaning, is as bright as a gem, as bright as gold. It is a key, open the door of learning, learn culture, understand the truth, can be a person; It is a lighthouse, guiding the explorer on the boundless sea, opening a new world; It is a dose of nutrition, which instill wealth and enrich life.

          Everyone is not so beautiful in their life, and the arrangement of heaven is no doubt that each of us can work hard and work hard to build a better life together. Knowledge is what we need to change our destiny and improve our lives. Yes, study, indeed is a painful thing, but learned deep, the heart, will realize the infinite joy!

          Believe me, knowledge changes fate, pay for success! The future is in the other shore, please take the dream boat, row the knowledge of the two OARS, from now, set sail!


          What is wealth? Many people may blurt out, "it's money!" Yes, money is one of wealth, but wealth is not necessarily money. Take my cousin, and his wealth is... Read the following little story and you will know it.

          I have a cousin in the sea salt of zhejiang province, the reform and opening of the spring breeze blowing green his hometown, also rich smart and hard-working cousin. This "May Day" holiday, the cousin invited us to go back to have a look, agreed to drive to pick us up. On the fourth of may, at nine o 'clock in the morning, my cousin called and said that the car was waiting for us downstairs. I went downstairs and looked, "wow, what a cool car!" A brand new three-door "Cadillac" car, this is a very upscale car! I blurted out, "you're rich, uncle!" The cousin smiled and said, "get in the car!"

          In the guest room, the cousin's daughter, tingting, was already waiting. She was about 20 years old, a metre and a half tall, wearing a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, her hair naturally draped over her shoulders, and her face wore no makeup. She looked very simple and young. Her cousin said she had been studying at sea salt, and although she had several cars at home, tingting still went to school and went home every day, still studying very hard. Junior high school grades also belongs to the medium, to the higher is the first, the class to all grades in senior 3 is the first, to attend the university entrance exam last year, third, in zhejiang province liberal arts scores into the highest institution of higher learning in Beijing university, the international finance! The more he talked, the more he told us that this was his greatest wealth.

          Now, you know what wealth is! Take this topic, I hope those students whose home economic conditions are favourable to like tingting sister, study hard and master the knowledge, later for the motherland and for the parents, to create more wealth for themselves!


          Ford said, "young friend! Invest your money in useful books first! You can learn more from books; As for saving, with sufficient capacity to become rich, there is still time to begin. Remember: money can't buy knowledge, but knowledge is the greatest wealth.

          When he was a teenager, he worked as a clerk in a mechanical shop, earning only two dollars a week. He was an avid learner, especially in mechanical books. Therefore, he spent two dollars and three cents a week to buy books, diligently studying, and never stopped. When he married miss brent is, in addition to a pile of a variety of mechanical magazines and books, other valuables had nothing, but he already had more precious than money, more valuable knowledge of machinery.

          A few years later, ford's father gave him a piece of land and a house. If he hadn't studied the mechanical aspects of magazine books, he might have been an ordinary farmer all his life. "Water flows downwards, man struggles upwards." Already rich in mechanical knowledge, ambitious ford, towards his long - looking mechanical world. At this point, the knowledge gained from books helped him to create a great career.

          After his success, ford said, "saving money is good, but for young people, learning the knowledge and skills necessary for future business is more important than making money."











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