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      2. 號召同學珍愛生命遠離煙草倡議書英文作文

        時間:2024-10-10 08:49:45 文圣 珍愛 我要投稿
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          號召同學珍愛生命遠離煙草倡議書英文作文 1

          This year’s observance of World No Tobacco Day focuses on “Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women”.

          Although fewer than 1 out of 10 women are smokers, that still adds up to an estimated 200 million women around the world. Moreover, that number could grow, since the tobacco industry is spending heavily on advertisements that target women and associate tobacco use with beauty and liberation.

          According to a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of girls and boys who smoked was about equal in half the 151 countries surveyed. This finding is even more worrisome since young people who smoke are likely to continue in adulthood.

          Evidence indicates that the prevalence rate of tobacco use among women is on the rise in some countries. Governments everywhere must take action to protect women from tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, as stipulated in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

          The Convention also calls on Governments to protect women from second-hand tobacco smoke — especially in countries where women feel powerless to protect themselves and their children. As WHO data show, of the 430,000 adults who die each year from second-hand smoke, nearly two thirds are women.

          Around the world, more than 1.5 million women die each year from tobacco use. Most of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Without concerted action, that number could rise to 2.5 million women by the year 2030.

          We must turn back the global tobacco epidemic. On World No Tobacco Day, I urge all Governments to address this public health threat. Tobacco use is not stylish or empowering. It is ugly and deadly.

          號召同學珍愛生命遠離煙草倡議書英文作文 2

        Dear friends:

          I am Li Ming, president of the Students’ Union. I am writing to call on you to give up smoking.

          Some students in our school have been caught smoking, which has become a cause of concern. Medical studies show that smoking is harmful to our health because of the poisonous chemicals produced when cigarettes are burning. Both smokers and non-smokers are affected by the poisonous matter. So the number of people who suffer from lung cancer and other breathing-related diseases has been on the increase. Therefore, smokers should give up this bad habit as soon as possible.

          Let’s develop a healthy lifestyle! Let’s take action from now on!

          號召同學珍愛生命遠離煙草倡議書英文作文 3

          The word smoke can be heard everywhere in daily life, and people are smoking more and more. When walking on the street and seeing ten people, at least four of them are smoking. This kind of cigarette is also so popular.

          Cigarettes are one of the super killers, endangering human life. Nicotine is the most harmful substance to human life. A cigarette contains over 1400 ingredients, and smoking a cigarette produces more than 40 carcinogenic substances. The book says: Nicotine from cigarettes can poison a mouse, 25 cigarettes can poison a cow, and 40 to 60 milligrams of nicotine can poison a person. When the cigarette is lit, a white clothed destroyer inhaled into the body follows the respiratory tract and begins a battle to grab the lungs. Smokers have a higher risk of developing various diseases than non-smokers.

          Smoking among teenagers is a more serious problem. We are a tobacco country with 320 million smokers, but smokers start from teenagers. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 5 million people worldwide die from smoking, and tobacco has become the second leading "killer" after hypertension. If left unchecked, the number of smoking deaths could double annually by 2020.

          A sound anti smoking management system should be established in public places, with obvious signs prohibiting smoking. Tobacco should not be sold to minors to effectively protect the physical and mental health of young people. Raising tobacco taxes to make it difficult for people to easily access tobacco, the increase in tobacco tax revenue is used to control tobacco programs and public education methods to help people quit smoking. Tobacco product sellers should stop selling cigarettes for one day on World No Tobacco Day on May 31st each year.

          In summary, cigarettes pose a significant threat to human health, and only by staying away from tobacco can we have a clean blue sky.

          號召同學珍愛生命遠離煙草倡議書英文作文 4

          Smoking is harmful to health, which is a fact that everyone knows. However, despite this, in todays society, there are still many people who cannot quit smoking, making it a hidden danger to their physical health.

          So what factors prevent people from quitting tobacco, which they all understand to be harmful to their health?

          One of the reasons is that tobacco contains a component called nicotine. When people first start smoking, they may feel some discomfort, such as dizziness and nausea. However, as people smoke for a longer period of time and the concentration of nicotine in their blood reaches a certain level, nicotine will exhibit the same effect as an anesthetic, repeatedly stimulating organs including the human brain to become dependent on nicotine. As a result, people become addicted to tobacco. At this time, if people want to quit smoking, they will feel irritable, insomnia and other discomforts. Those who cannot persist will find it difficult to quit.

          The second reason is social factors. In todays society, there is no good definition of smoking, and more and more teenagers believe that smoking is something worth showing off, so they try smoking too early. There are also other groups of people who cannot refuse the kind offers of cigarettes from friends, colleagues, bosses, etc., and become addicted to smoking out of helplessness. In addition, work pressure and life pressure have become excuses for smoking.

          Smoking is harmful to health. We hope that people can understand and make the right decisions, and we also hope that society can increase publicity to give people a deeper understanding.

          號召同學珍愛生命遠離煙草倡議書英文作文 5

          The term smoke can be heard everywhere in modern life, and there are countless people who smoke. When you walk on the street and meet ten people, at least four of them are smokers. It is precisely because of this that smoking is also so popular.

          However, smoking is harmful to human health. Survey data shows that on average, one million people in China die from smoking! The harm of smoke to the human body is countless, and the following are the two deadliest harms of smoke to the human body!

          Doctors have investigated the differences between the lungs of smokers and those of ordinary people. The survey results are not only unimaginable, but also shocking: when a nurse took out the lungs of a person who died from excessive smoking, it made everyone gasp for breath, and the smokers lungs turned completely black! The surface of the lungs is like coal! After careful research, it was found that smokers lungs are filled with cancer cells! What the hell is going on here? Why does a decent person experience such significant changes in their lungs after smoking? It turns out that several other chemical components contained in cigarettes are causing trouble again! Smoking contains some ammonia, which can cause severe damage to the alveoli! In addition, cigarettes also contain a large amount of arsenic, which can cause poisoning to the lungs and other internal organs of smokers, and some may form cancer cells, leading to the development of cancer! Not only that, cigarettes also contain a large amount of other toxic or chemical substances, which can seriously damage the internal organs and even cause them to lose function!

          And cigarettes are as attractive as drugs. Once you have smoked, you want to smoke again. The more you smoke, the more fragile your body becomes. Smoking, like drugs, erodes the body of smokers, making them increasingly unhealthy. However, dont think that non-smokers wont get this kind of disease! Through research, it has been found that the harm caused by smoking to those who inhale the gases emitted is no less than that of smokers! So, for the sake of your own health and the health of others, never smoke again!

          World No Tobacco Day is a holiday that exists for the health of the earth and for the benefit of humanity. On this special day of May 31st, let everyone do a healthy exercise!

          號召同學珍愛生命遠離煙草倡議書英文作文 6

          Tobacco is the worst thing for the human body. Smoking is harmful to health, as we all know, but we all enjoy smoking. Why not stay away from tobacco?

          Tobacco is known to be harmful in peoples hearts. It makes peoples living space unclear. Tobacco harms many people and their lives. Only by staying away from tobacco can we have a good body and a beautiful tomorrow.

          Tobacco is addictive and uncomfortable. Every time you smoke a cigarette, your life is reduced by several seconds. The harm of smoke to people is too great, and the harm of smoke to people is incomparable. How many people suffer from respiratory diseases and how many people suffer from illnesses caused by tobacco. Staying away from tobacco is approaching health, and staying away from tobacco is taking responsibility for oneself and others. How many people will feel uncomfortable because of your smoking while you are smoking, and how unclear the space will be while you are smoking. Without good air in the space, how can we have a good body. The poor air that people breathe is destined to lead to poor health. Staying away from tobacco is our only choice, it is the only choice for people. To make this living space clear, it is necessary to do so, to stay away decisively, without leaving any memories or regrets. Let tobacco no longer be associated with me, no longer be my enemy, invade my body, and invade my health. To be healthy, one must have the determination to quit smoking, which is the most harmful to ones life and body, in order to have a healthy body and a clear air space.

          Staying away from tobacco is close to health, making living space clear, and letting health surround us.

          號召同學珍愛生命遠離煙草倡議書英文作文 7

          The harm of tobacco is one of the most serious public health problems in the world today, and it is the biggest risk factor facing human health. The World Health Organization recently issued a statement stating that "tobacco has become the second largest killer in the world, and the damage caused by smoking is even more serious than SARS and the tsunami. If the current trend remains unchanged, by 2020, 10 million people will die prematurely from smoking every year." The World Health Organization has designated May 31st as World No Tobacco Day, aiming to warn people that smoking is harmful to health and call on them to give up tobacco.

          Since tobacco has such terrible harm, why are there still so many people smoking? One reason is that the nicotine contained in tobacco is addictive, making people dependent on it and difficult to quit. Another reason is that most people do not yet see smoking as an ugly behavior. On the contrary, many people consider it a very stylish and carefree thing. Therefore, smoking is like a snowball, and more and more people are becoming more and more dependent on it.

          Research has shown that children under the age of 10 generally have a strong aversion to smoking, believing that it is both pungent and unpleasant. It is not until the age of 11-13 that children gradually develop a curiosity about smoking and are eager to try it out. After the age of 15, they begin to consider smoking as a sign of their own growth. Therefore, it can be seen that the age of 11-15 is the most dangerous age for middle school students to develop a smoking habit.

          For teenagers, the harm of smoking is much greater than imagined. It not only leads to many diseases, but also affects the growth and development of bones. Teenagers are in the stage of physical development and have weak resistance to various toxic substances. The toxicity of smoke is deeper, and smoking may also cause teenagers to develop bad habits, induce bad behavior, and even lead to crime.

          When you light a cigarette and watch it slowly burn out, dont you think about your own health? Dont you think about your own life? Dont you consider that your health and life will burn shorter and shorter like this burning cigarette, dying out? When you smoke in public places, dont you consider those immature children? They didnt do anything, but because of your so-called carefree attitude, they have to bear the fault for you and pay a greater price than you. Why did you do this? Have you considered all of these?

          For the sake of our health and the future of our country, I call on all students to consciously stay away from cigarettes. Air without smoke will be fresher, and life without tobacco will be more brilliant!












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