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      2. 五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯

        時間:2024-06-21 23:29:51 宇濤 英語演講稿 我要投稿
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          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 1


        Teacher and classmates:


          Youth Day was set up in May 4, 1919 to commemorate Chinese patriotic student movement festival.


          In November 11, 1918, the first World War lasted for 4 years in Britain, America, France and other countries and the victory of Germany, Austria and other countries ended in failure. In 1919 January, the victorious allies held a peace conference in Paris Palace of Versailles. Republic of China as a victorious nation to attend the meeting. The representative of the Republic of China at the proposed abolition of privileges in China and foreign countries, cancelled twenty-one legitimate demands were rejected. The meeting has decided to Japan took over Germanys privileges in china. To humiliate the country and forfeit its sovereignty of this treaty, the representative of the Republic of China was prepared to recognize the signature. When the news came out, the country burning, burning with indignation. Take the student as the pilot of the five four patriotic movement as the volcano erupted in general has begun.


          May 4th afternoon, Beijing more than 3000 young students shouting at them in front of the Tian an men demonstrations,: "I also Qingdao, outside the sovereignty dispute, in addition to traitor" and other slogans, calls for action, against the imperialist aggression, defend the Chinese territory and sovereignty. This campaign workers and all sectors of the solidarity and support, Shanghai, Nanjing and other places of the workers have held strikes and demonstrations. People in the country under pressure, the Beiyang government was forced to release the arrested students, and others recall Cao Rulins position, and ordered the Paris representatives attending the meeting refused to sign the peace treaty.


          In order to make the youth to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the May 4th Movement, 1939, the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region northwest Youth National Salvation Association Rules in May 4th as youth day. In December 23, 1949, the peoples government China government hospital official: May 4th to China youth day.

          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 2









          May Fourth Youth Day is a grand and solemn holiday that can inspire the enthusiasm of young people. Since May 4th, 1919, we have gone through many seasons in the blink of an eye. It is not a different day, but a day representing ourselves as Chinese youth.

          It always reminds me of the spirit of Chinese youth fighting for the fate of their country and people. The spirit of May Fourth, as I understand it, is freedom, democracy, patriotism, and a determination to forge ahead. These should be inherited and developed in any era. Although contemporary college students live in a vastly different era than before, these deeply ingrained traditions cannot be changed. Time flies and years flow like a stream. From 1919 in the last century to the present, the May Fourth Movement has passed for nearly a century.

          Time has passed for so many years, and within a blink of an eye, ashes fly and disappear. The footprints of history are forever frozen in that turbulent era. That era was full of darkness and cruelty, but that unforgettable history can only be left in the annals and peoples hearts.

          Whether it was being oppressed or our resistance, all of those things have passed. The past is worth commemorating, but more importantly, there is still a spirit that has been preserved - a spirit of bravery and strength, courage and progress, enthusiasm and ideals, indomitability and resistance brought about by the May Fourth Movement. This spirit should not fade with the passage of time, that spirit should not only stay in that era, and that spirit should not be just used for us to commemorate. I often think about this question: Is the May Fourth spirit that we so highly admire outdated? Or is it detached from the development of the modern 21st world? But what I want to say is that this spirit never solidifies, just as history never repeats itself.

          I remember someone once said that the united efforts to fight against SARS lasted until the Wenchuan earthquake in recent years, as well as the Yushu earthquake that only occurred a while ago. We still have the spirit of patriotism, and there are still difficulties for our country. As young people, we are the vanguard and appear for our country. Although it may not be the era of sacrificing our lives and shedding our blood in times of war, we still have the spirit of patriotism and contribute our humble efforts to the country. So this May Fourth spirit has not been forgotten by our young people today. However, we are continuing to strengthen this spirit.

          Years have passed, and generation after generation of people are interpreting this spirit with their youth. However, this spirit will not be forgotten by everyone over time. Because the spirit of the May Fourth Movement has been forever present in the hearts of us Chinese people.

          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 3









        Dear leaders and classmates

          Hello everyone!

          Today is May Fourth Youth Day, and we are here to celebrate this holiday that belongs to us young people. The May Fourth Movement was a great patriotic and democratic movement in modern Chinese history, marking the beginning of Chinas new cultural movement and an important milestone in Chinas modernization process. The spirit of the May Fourth Movement is not only the spirit of our era, but also the spirit that we young people should inherit and carry forward.

          The May Fourth Movement was a great patriotic movement. At that time, China was in a semi colonial and semi feudal society, with foreign powers invading China, and the countrys independence and peoples happiness were far away. After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, a large number of young students rose up in rebellion, expressing their concerns about the fate of the country and their desire for national independence. They shouted, "Strive for sovereignty outside, eliminate traitors inside," and tirelessly strive for Chinas independence and liberation.

          The May Fourth Movement was a great democratic movement. At that time, the feudal ideology and system in Chinese society constrained peoples thoughts and actions, and the injustice and inequality in society caused people unbearable pain. After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, a large number of young students called for democracy and science, opposed feudalism and superstition, and worked tirelessly for Chinas modernization process.

          The spirit of the May Fourth Movement is the spirit of our era. In todays world, with the rapid development of technology, economic globalization, and cultural diversity, we are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. We young people should inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, be brave in innovation, dare to take responsibility, and work hard to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

          Finally, I would like to conclude my speech with a quote: "Inherit the spirit of May Fourth and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!" Lets work together for the spirit of May Fourth and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

          Thank you all!

          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 4










        Dear classmates

          Hello everyone!

          The theme of my speech today is "Youth in Prosperity, Struggle at the Right Time."

          Classmates, have you ever seen China decades ago? That was an era of ups and downs, with gunpowder and smoke rising everywhere, the earth littered with chaos, and mournful clouds everywhere. However, suffering can cause people to be displaced, but it cannot destroy the fervent souls of the descendants of Yan and Huang. It is the young people who have carried the banner of "new culture" and exchanged their lives for the rise of dawn in the midst of gunfire and bullets. It is the students of the May Fourth Movement who shouted the heroic words of "eliminating domestic thieves and fighting for sovereignty", giving China the confidence to hold its head high.

          A thousand years of smoke and clouds pass by in a hurry, and there is no end to them. Young people have high fighting spirit. After its establishment, New China still cannot do without the presence of young people. Children aspire to leave their hometowns, but if they fail to become famous, they will not repay their aspirations. The students of Southwest Associated University are willing to avoid difficulties and interpret a strong sense of homesickness. Countless ambitious individuals turn their youth into stars, illuminating the dark sky; Blooming the land with passion, nurturing new hope, this person has passed away, and youth endures forever.

          Youth is not a matter of peach face and red lips, but of firm will and unwavering passion for struggle. In this era of dawn and the growth of all things, we can still see with joy that young people are the source of reform and opening up, and the fresh blood of national rejuvenation. Academician Luo Jun has been guarding the cave for ten years and has measured the most accurate gravitational constant value to date; South Rendong has been guarding the Sky Eye for thirty years, building the worlds largest single aperture radio telescope. Their perseverance and innovation have written a fiery youth, illuminating the beacon of reform and opening up, and illuminating the vast world.

          Listen, xx shouts, "Heaven is not enough to fear, ancestors are not enough to learn, and peoples words are not enough to forgive.". If it were not for the continuous efforts of countless young workers on the revolutionary path, there would not be the current New China; If it werent for the surge of youth and innovation, we wouldnt be where we are today. Should we be greedy for comfort and sit back and enjoy the benefits? No, the pain is still there, the wind and rain are still there. Due to the chip being choked by the United States, the trade war is raging, and the economic containment is rampant... This is not only suffering, but also a spur. The success of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge tells us that only by daring to innovate and strive independently can young people break through the debate and stand undefeated in the modern ocean. And this is the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, which is the significance of commemorating the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement.

          Forty years of stunning waves crashing on the shore, and ninety thousand miles of wind and Peng soaring. In this era of thousands of boats competing and hundreds of boats competing, as young people, we should have the aspiration of nine days, and fireflies hope for the light of the sun and moon!

          Classmates, extend your hand. The flowing blood is the passion of youth and the spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation. Youth is in its prime, and striving is just right. Let us flourish in our youth and strive for our motherland! My speech is over, thank you all!

          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 5





          這里出現(xiàn)了幾個“應當”,我們老師的.“應當”是什么?我們都知道老師的工作是一分良心活,是自己的良知和喚醒他人良知相輔相成的工作,“學校無小事,到處皆教化”, “老師無小節(jié),事事皆楷模”我們的責任充盈在學校的每一個角落,反應在學校的每一個學生的身上:學生行為規(guī)范,學生的思想品質,學生的學習習慣,校內的環(huán)境衛(wèi)生,學校的文化建設等等,哪一樣不與責任相連,哪一樣與責任無關?慶幸的是:我們勇于把這些責任擔當。你看,我校領導領先垂范,團結進取,具向心力,有凝合力。




        Dear leaders and colleagues

          Good afternoon everyone!

          The topic of my speech today is "My Responsibility for the Rise and Fall of a School". When we hear this topic, we will definitely think of: Responsibility, Master. Yes, from the first day we worked at Xinyi School, we became his master. We were the masters of the school, and many of us from the same school formed this big family. For the survival and development of this family, for the prosperity and prosperity of this family, batches of teachers let their youth shine here, batches of teachers let their sweat flow freely here, from boredom to maturity, from green hair to white hair. We have put in too much emotion and love here, because there is our beloved career and pursuit in life. As a member of this school, we are proud because I have a leadership team full of vitality, innovative spirit, and continuous progress. We have a group of teachers who are special to endure hardship, special to dedicate, special to intelligence, and approachable and respectable. We have a group of sunny, lovely, moral, intellectual, physical, beautiful, and admirable teachers. Children who are fully developed in labor. More importantly, we still have the heavy trust that many parents have given us.

          We are from Huami because we are from the same school. We are enjoying the glory that the same school brings us, and at the same time, we are also proud because we share the responsibility of the same school here. The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of every individual, and the rise and fall of a school is the responsibility of each and every one of us. When it comes to responsibility, some people may feel solemn and heavy. Opening the dictionary, I have obtained the most accurate description of responsibility: responsibility is the task that should be done within ones scope, that is, taking on the tasks that should be undertaken, completing the missions that should be completed, and doing the work that should be done well.

          How many "should" appear here, what is our teachers "should"? We all know that the job of a teacher is a conscientious one, a work that complements ones own conscience and awakens the conscience of others. "There are no small things in school, and education is everywhere." "Teachers have no small details, and everything is a role model." Our responsibility is filled in every corner of the school, reflected in every student in the school: student behavior norms, student ideological qualities, student study habits, school environmental hygiene, school cultural construction, and so on. Which is not connected to responsibility, which is not related to responsibility? Fortunately, we have the courage to take on these responsibilities. You see, our school leaders are leading by example, united and enterprising, with centripetal force and cohesion.

          Our teachers in our school are dedicated, strict with the law, loved by students, and trusted by parents. Our students have achieved outstanding graduation results, performed excellently in large-scale events such as urban areas, and won many honors for our school... All of this proves that we are taking on our responsibilities and fulfilling our obligations.

          Dear colleagues, with the reform of education and the fact that our schools objective conditions cannot be changed, our school is now facing many development crises. However, we must firmly believe that as long as everyone works together, promotes the spirit of unity and hard work, and takes the initiative to take on their own responsibilities, our schools tomorrow will be even more beautiful.

          Thank you all!

          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 6


















        Dear leaders, teachers, comrades, and classmates

          When we step into the flower sea of May, when we sing the beautiful youth and the hot era, we will never forget the tragic and magnificent scene that happened on the land of China in 1919. The May Fourth Movement was the first to shout out the slogan of "fighting for national power externally and punishing traitors internally", sounded the horn of battle, and raised the banner of advanced culture on the land of China!

          Time is like smoke, flowing like water. The spirit torch of "patriotism, progress, and science" contained in the May Fourth Movement has been passed down through generations of benevolent and righteous individuals, and is moving forward with the times on the path of the new century.

          We know that todays good situation was not easy won, it was the result of our predecessors sacrificing their lives and pouring their blood. I also deeply know that in the journey of building our motherland today, some people are guarding the door of our motherland with their youth; Some people are silently dedicating themselves in the depths of the desert, on the border of grasslands, and at the grassroots level; Some people are bravely climbing to the forefront of technology and have made extraordinary achievements in the construction of the country; Some people have won high praise from the Party and the people for serving society and dedicating love.

          They all embody the positive and enterprising spirit of contemporary youth, especially in their practical actions of caring for society, being eager to learn and learn, and serving the motherland. They have distinct characteristics of the times, laying a foundation for our future learning and setting life goals, and pointing out the direction.

          Youth is beautiful through struggle. In order to meet the requirements of the times, accept the test and selection of the motherland, on behalf of all the Communist Youth League members and young people present, I am determined to persist in achieving:

          One is to firmly uphold ideals and beliefs.

          High ideals and firm beliefs are the cornerstone for us to realize our life values, the beacon of progress, and the driving force for continuous struggle. We must always firmly uphold the correct leadership of the Party, firmly believe in our cause, maintain a clear and firm stance in the face of storms, and always adhere to the Partys words and follow its path.

          The second is to become a knowledgeable person.

          Persisting in diligent learning and continuously improving ones own qualities is not only a necessity for achieving ones own goals, but also a practical requirement for the cause of the Party. Cherish time, maintain a positive attitude towards learning, pay attention to learning methods, learn how to learn, master advanced scientific knowledge, and be competent for future job positions. Be good at thinking, strengthen cultivation, strive to exercise oneself, and strive to become a talented person.

          The third is to pursue truth and demand progress.

          Caring for society and benefiting humanity is the common aspiration of every member of the Communist Youth League and young people. The patriotic tradition and spirit of the May Fourth Movement are not only deeply rooted in the soil of history, but also organically integrated with our values, outlook on life, and worldview.

          Adhering to rules and regulations, obeying leadership, loving the motherland, loving the people, loving science, and loving labor, taking the world as our own responsibility, and willing to stand up in the face of critical moments of life and death for our country and nation. These are the excellent qualities and spiritual outlook that we must always possess. Fourthly, we must adhere to the principle of dedication. Inheriting and promoting the spirit of the May Fourth Movement is not a simple slogan.

          The value of life lies in dedication. Only by dedicating ones youth, passion, and wisdom can one gain social recognition. Dedication means striving. Without striving, one cannot grow, without striving, one cannot move forward, and without striving, one cannot reflect their own value. Only through struggle and dedication can we truly become the masters of the new era.

          In the 21st century, the challenges faced by contemporary China are exactly those faced by Chinese youth. The new situation and tasks are waiting for us to depict and achieve. We can only truly live up to this great era by firmly adhering to our ideals and beliefs, studying diligently, honing ourselves, strengthening our training, and constantly transforming ourselves.

          The new generation of Communist Youth League members and young people with lofty ideals and far-reaching goals will surely face challenges and win the future with their excellent qualities and abilities!

          My speech ends here, thank you all!

          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 7










        Dear leaders and teachers

          Hello everyone!

          I am delighted to speak on behalf of the young teacher who participated in work in xx year, and I am very anxious in my heart! Why are you so nervous? Because I always feel that I am not doing well enough, that all the teachers present here are doing better than me, and that there is still a long way to go. The road is long and winding, and I will search up and down. Yes! The old teacher always advises us that your career has just begun, and we have all worked for a lifetime, so you must endure loneliness and poverty. The words "loneliness and poverty" were already with us when we first chose this profession, so we cannot avoid them. We are destined to be with it, to be with it, to be with it.

          Young people do not know the taste of sorrow, but they forcefully express it in new words, and they are even less aware of the taste of loneliness. When I stepped into college, where did I finally feel what true loneliness is? Bored and unable to find anything worth doing at hand. I lost a fulfilling life and even had the idea of dropping out of school. Time flies, and now I am pursuing my dream career. I am fulfilling and proud! Whenever I walk on the bumpy road of school, I often think: isnt the path of life exactly like this bumpy road? The ups and downs are the most exciting; Whenever I hold a basketball in my hand and look at the court on the surface of the moon, I always think how great it would be to be on the moon, to break free from Earths gravity and dunk freely; Whenever I stand alone in the teaching building, listening to the wind and rain, I can let my thoughts soar; Whenever its quiet at night, and I hold a red pen, grading homework, crisscrossing through it, why talk about loneliness at this moment? I said to myself, since I have chosen a teacher, lets be a happy top!

          "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the southern mountains." The leisurely and contented style of Tao Yuanming was once what I dreamed of. Perhaps you would laugh at me, a young man, because in this era of rampant materialism, soaring housing prices, and rising prices, can Tao Yuanming still "not bow down for five dou meters"? Can we be proud of our poverty when we look at housing prices and lament with our meager wages? Who will pay for your house? Who will pay for your daily necessities? Who will come to pay for your poverty again? Do we have to settle for the status quo, wait for relief, and not strive for progress?

          "Poverty leads to change". The Chinese nation has never risen from poverty and backwardness. Therefore, it is destined that we will not be content with the status quo and will be forced to strive for progress. Is this not good? Since we are still young, we have the capital to fight and the opportunity to strive for a better life, but we must work hard, strive, sing in loneliness, and achieve self prosperity in poverty.

          Self abundance does not refer to material self satisfaction, but to spiritual wealth. I dont expect you to be rich and talented, I only require you to play less mahjong and cards in your leisure time, set up fewer banquets and read more books. As the saying goes, "You are never too old to learn." Lian Po is not yet old, but we rely on old age to sell our old age. Using books as friends and books as companions is the effective way to achieve self prosperity.

          Loneliness and poverty will continue to accompany us, but we can accompany books, sing in loneliness, and achieve self prosperity in poverty. My speech only represents myself. If there are any similarities, I am not responsible. If there are any shortcomings in my speech, please give me your guidance!

          Thank you all!

          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 8











        Dear leaders and friends

          May Fourth Youth Day is a holiday for our youth, but it is not just a standard holiday, but also a good opportunity to strengthen the excellent qualities and cultivate the sentiment of young students. In todays society, young people are always the elites of the times and the hope of the future. From any perspective, young people always need to possess passion, intelligence, responsibility, and innovative abilities. Young people now have the right to make independent choices and have to take on corresponding responsibilities. We cannot just lie on the sunflower grass basking in the sun, because we have to bear the process of lifting our heads brick by brick in the building of the future of our nation.

          In our youth, there are many golden resources that can be utilized, and we can fully utilize our talents and abilities to achieve success. The May Fourth Spirit advocates science and democracy, and advocates creative thinking. So, we need to learn scientific knowledge and master the elements of the current era, learn to innovate independently, and make better contributions to the needs of the times.

          As the hope and future of todays society, youth should bear the responsibility of the future. When we consume our youth, we must not disappoint the generous donations of the times, because this era requires us to show courage and wisdom, and create our own unique value.

          Finally, I wish us endless youth, our hearts towards the sea, towards a brighter future, and to pursue our dreams. And on this special day, I wish everyone a happy May Fourth Youth Day! Youth is the future of society, and their performance largely depends on the level of education and cultural literacy they receive. As contemporary youth, we not only need to have patriotic sentiments, but also a pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Only in this way can we become qualified citizens. Therefore, the spirit of the May Fourth Movement should become a guide for our lives, studies, and work.

          Firstly, we need to inherit and carry forward the patriotic spirit of the May Fourth Movement. In this era, we must carry forward patriotism, never forget national shame, and aspire to become a strong country. While cultivating our own moral values and sense of responsibility, we should also focus on national development and international competition, reduce external dependence, improve quality and technological level, and promote national prosperity and development.

          Secondly, we should continue to carry out the scientific and cultural movement. Science and culture is another important aspect of the May Fourth Movement, which emphasizes the pursuit of knowledge and the spirit of innovation. Therefore, we should strengthen talent cultivation and technological innovation through extensive academic exchanges and scientific research, and play the role of knowledge economy in national economic development.

          In addition, we should adhere to democracy and equality. Democracy and equality are important components of the May Fourth spirit, and are important conditions for achieving stability and development of the country and society. We should strengthen civic education, enhance citizens self-awareness and self-discipline, and prepare for the ultimate realization of legitimate democratic rights and the comprehensive promotion of the rule of law to form a reasonable and orderly development environment.

          Finally, we should actively participate in social activities. The cultural background of the May Fourth Movement is public interest. By delving into society, understanding social consciousness, connecting with social forces, better understanding social needs and issues, actively participating in social services and investment, and making due contributions to building social harmony.

          In short, young people are the future and hope of our country. We should inherit the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, choose our own direction, maintain enthusiasm and enthusiasm, assume social responsibility and obligations, and contribute our efforts to building a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious society with our practical actions and creative thinking.

          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 9







        Dear teacher, dear students:

          Everybody is good!

          The title of my speech today is "the torch of youth".

          May spring breeze warm meaning, may flowers and flush, and spring tides occur, with Xia Yun, in flowers and dazzling season, we celebrated the xx anniversary of the "May 4th" movement.

          Idle away ones, the human race has swept into the 21st century, in the long years, the China beat the decline, to prosper; From the humiliation, to rise. China is with a new gesture to show the power of the dragon. However, people will never forget that the cross time of "may fourth movement" of the national patriotic movement, will not forget that lifted the national emblem of pioneers of creating national independence and national revitalization of the new era, and wont forget the revolutionary war of fire smoke, more wont forget the heroes who shed their blood for the truth. Today, our country has entered a new historical period, the responsibility of the revitalization of the Chinese, have fall on our shoulders. "May 4th" the torch has been glorious reached our hands, our shoulders although young, but our heart, has a brilliant sun!

          Life, not just a trickle of blood, it is eager to burning passion; Youth is not merely the frequent praise, it has the mission and strive for it

          五四青年節(jié)英語演講稿帶翻譯 10










        Dear teachers and students

          Hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Youth without Regret".

          What is growth and what is maturity? Writer Liu Yong told his daughter this.

          "Growth and maturity are a gradual process of moving from the parents side to the outside world. It involves the little princess at home and the talented girl at school entering society, integrating into it, and becoming a screw or gear in the social machinery."

          Yes, as young people, we always aspire for excellence, but often overlook it. In fact, we are just a small screw in the big machine of society. It is precisely because we have the dream of a small screw that our youth is full of vitality and perseverance. It is precisely because we have the dream of a small screw that we have regretless youth!

          Youth is a small screws dream, my dream is no longer earth shattering. Everyone has their own dreams, but reality often goes against them. Ordinary life, ordinary me, can only gradually hide behind the scenes, supporting the stage of dazzling stars. As a small person, there seem to be too few things worth mentioning that one has no regrets in their youth. We always find that opportunities do not favor ourselves. Some people surpass me in learning, some are better than me in life, some are better than me in activities, and even often, I am not inferior to those who are favored by opportunities. However, I can only serve as the screw under the stage, and that is the dream of the little screw. Even if my youth is always in vain, I will still stick to my persistent dream.

          Youth is the longing of a small screw. On the stage of the art festival, students perform passionately, while the props that support the stage carry a desire for screws. I have also thought about stepping onto that stage, and I have stayed up late and passionately designed programs that can be performed, but in the end, watching it gradually be forgotten to a corner, it is a kind of tears flowing in the dark river. During rehearsal, I followed another choreographer to see the approval process, and their efforts became a brilliant achievement on stage. On the other end, standing under the stage with the program d, I have no lights, and the longing in my heart has not disappeared. Yes, how many small screw desires are carried in my youth!

          Youth is the power of small screws. A bright stage is not my world. I actively walked behind the scenes, supported the award-winning program of the class, played tricks, and helped small things become compulsory courses. There were few props in the production team, and I was eager to find them. I changed clothes and rehearsed, and I followed to carry my bags. That morning, in order to help a crew find suitable clothing, they traveled a long distance. Seeing the completion of the crews program, various flavors surged in my heart. Stepping out of the shadow of failure, I will find that the world is so beautiful. Not all disappointment means no longer having it. When I marvel at the sunset in front of me, I always find that the sunrise is rising behind me. During the performance, I sat under the stage and supported every star on stage like countless classmates. I also felt the power of small screws!

          At this point, I realized that youth has tears, tears are the solvent of youth, and youth is strong under the dissolution of tears! Youth has sweat, sweat is the nourishment of youth, youth is full due to the soaking of sweat! As long as I have persistence in victory, confidence in myself, and unremitting efforts, even this small screw of mine can shed tears before maturity, but the name of those tears must be called - Youth without Regret!












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