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      2. 清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿

        時(shí)間:2024-03-25 20:49:55 煒亮 英語(yǔ)演講稿 我要投稿
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          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 1


          Dear colleagues


          Hello everyone!


          Today, the Qingming Festival "Remembering Revolutionary Martyrs and Promoting Red Volunteers" activity was grandly held at the Sanheba Monument in Dapu. At this moment, as we stand in front of the monument, we mourn, we read, and we remember. We mourn the countless heroes who bravely sacrificed their lives for the liberation and prosperity of the Chinese people; Appreciate the faith, steadfastness, nobility, and immortality of revolutionary martyrs; Remember the long-standing and indomitable national spirit.


          Time always passes, faith remains unchanged. For many years, the great achievements of revolutionary martyrs have been passed down by people. No matter how the times change, the noble character of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives and sacrificed their lives, and worked tirelessly for the happiness of others, should not be forgotten. Their meaningless and selfless spirit will endure forever.


          Facing this sleepless monument! Let us always remember to cherish life, cherish family ties, truly love all the beautiful things in life, and bring happiness to others. This is the true essence of volunteer learning, heroes, and martyrs!


          Volunteers, to enhance the overall quality of the Chinese nation and the height of the countrys future and destiny, this requires us to start from volunteer activities, promote and cultivate the great national spirit with patriotism as the core; Starting from establishing lofty ideals, establish and cultivate correct ideal beliefs; Starting from standardizing behavior habits, cultivate good moral qualities and civilized behavior; Starting from improving our basic qualities and promoting our comprehensive development, we hold a grand Qingming cleaning activity, hoping that volunteers can learn from the touching stories of revolutionary martyrs while paying tribute to them, so as to grow into qualified builders and successors with noble ideological qualities and good moral cultivation.


          Being an excellent volunteer, steadfastly preparing for a positive and happy life, and bravely accumulating strength to serve and contribute to society is our regretless choice. Let us integrate the noble sentiment of patriotism and love for the nation into concrete actions of loving others and loving the collective. Let small things baptize our souls, and let heroes witness our growth!


          Today, we stand in front of the Monument to Revolutionary Martyrs, commemorating the great achievements of revolutionary martyrs; We are well aware that this hard-earned happy life was exchanged with the blood of revolutionary martyrs. As young volunteers, we will not disappoint the martyrs wishes, let us bravely move forward in their footsteps!


          Now, all volunteers, please raise your right hand and clench your fists with me to swear:


          Putting the People First and the Motherland First


          Honesty, bravery, self-discipline, and self-improvement


          Make an oath to be a pillar of strength and make progress


          Revitalize China and rebuild brilliance!

          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 2


          Dear teachers and students


          Hello everyone!


          Today, it is a traditional ethnic festival in China, one of the 24 solar terms, the Qingming Festival. During the Qingming Festival every year, everyone visits graves to worship ancestors, mourn and remember their ancestors. Our task is to commemorate revolutionary martyrs and pay tribute to their graves.


          The revolutionary martyrs shed blood and sacrificed for the new China, fearless of difficulties and risking their lives. Our hearts will always remember them. Starting from the first shot on the Lugou Bridge, the Japanese surrendered, and how many Chinese people lost their precious lives? How many revolutionary heroes are there in the pool of blood from the Xinhai Revolution to the three major battles? It cannot be calculated. Huang Jiguang, who blocked the muzzle, Liu Hulan, who died heroically, and Dong Cunrui, who sacrificed his life to bomb the bunker. Countless heroes have selflessly sacrificed themselves. Revolutionary heroes are immortal, let us always remember them.


          As the children of the new generation and the Young Pioneers of 21st century China, we should always remember the revolutionary heroes and the saying: never forget the teachers of the past. Learn from the selfless and fearless spirit of revolutionary martyrs, fight for the motherland on the battlefield, and die bravely. Let us mourn the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the new China on this Qingming Festival.


          Let us remember these revolutionary heroes, remember the heroes who bravely sacrificed themselves and the revolutionary martyrs in our hearts forever!

          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 3


          Dear teachers and students


          Good morning everyone. The annual Qingming Festival is here again. We arrived at the Martyrs Cemetery with heavy steps and infinite respect for the martyrs. Dust off the martyrs who sacrificed themselves for justice, mourn their heroes, and remember their great achievements.


          Sima Qian said, "People are dead. They are either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." I think our martyrs, their bodies have passed away, but their precious and noble spirit is like a huge fire burning and will never be extinguished.


          In the past, in the long-term revolutionary struggle, we promoted many heroic sons and daughters who, for the liberation of the nation and the happiness of the people, shed their blood on the land of their hometowns and foreign lands. Some of them have left their names for eternity, while others do not even know their names. But they all came together for a common goal, which is to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation for a lifetime. For the sake of revolution, the martyrs sacrificed their lives and shed their blood, one after another, willing to die rather than surrender in front of the enemy, displaying a fearless heroic spirit and setting a glorious example for us future generations. They are the pride of our grace, and also the glory of our grace.


          They joined the battle with fiery passion, carrying the interests of the masses towards danger, defending the lives of others with their own blood. They always believed that when the country needed to block machine guns, they would learn from Huang Jiguang, when the country needed to bomb bunkers, they would learn from Dong Cunrui, and when the country needed to lay landmines, they would learn from Luo Guangxie, dedicating their lives to the revolution. They were not afraid of death. Just brush it off lightly like spider silk.


          The martyrs are not giant pine trees standing on high mountains, but a small grass on the vast plain - adding a touch of greenery to the earth.


          The martyr is not a tall stone figure standing in the center of the square, but a stone under an ordinary road - dedicating all his strength to the busy traffic.


          Martyrs are not petty individuals who cling to power and prestige, but gentlemen who strive to rise to the top - dedicating all their lives to their beloved motherland.


          When I was a child, my mother often said that our red scarves were dyed red with the blood of revolutionary martyrs. At that time, I didnt quite understand the meaning behind it. Now, as I grow up, I gradually understand that it is the martyrs who have exchanged their blood and lives for our happy life, and for todays peace and tranquility. We are able to learn happily and grow healthily in a comfortable environment. On these sunny days, although we are far away from the era of smoke and war, we may not be able to experience the hardships of that time, but we have understood that happiness is not easy to come by. We are the future and hope of our motherland, shouldering the heavy responsibility of building a new era for our country. Although there are also difficulties and difficulties, we will definitely learn from the indomitable spirit of our predecessors, study hard, and always face difficult challenges.


          Green mountains bury loyal bones, history records achievements, revolutionary martyrs rest in peace!


          We will always remember and praise the deeds of revolutionary martyrs, inherit their will, and contribute to the construction of our motherland.

          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 4


          Dear teachers and classmates


          Hello everyone!


          The topic of our speech today is "Remembering the Martyrs, Studying Hard, and Revitalizing China".


          When we come to this world, first of all, we should thank our parents for giving us precious lives; When we sit in a bright classroom reading, we should be grateful to our motherland. It is our motherland that has allowed us to grow up in a peaceful and peaceful home. But todays peace and tranquility are so hard won! It was exchanged with the blood of countless revolutionary martyrs!


          We cannot forget the astonishing feats of the five heroes of Langya Mountain; The rolling smoke of the Anti Japanese War; We cannot forget: the martyrs stood firm in the midst of gunfire and bullets; A deafening roar was emitted amidst the smoke of gunpowder; It is the martyrs who played a magnificent song of victory with their blood, and wrote a glorious chapter with their youthful flowers. Speaking of which, my mood has become somewhat heavy, but it is also difficult to express my longing for the heroes; Our emotions are sorrowful. If sorrow can bring us awakening, rejuvenate our strength, learn, strive, and strive forward, then the heroes will have a smile on their faces.


          Classmates, we cannot only think of revolutionary martyrs on Qingming Festival, but should always mourn them, inherit their will, hold high the great banner of building the Four Modernizations, study hard, work hard, and strive to build our country into a prosperous, democratic, and civilized socialist modernized country!


          Recalling the past, we cannot express our infinite respect for our martyrs; Looking at today, we cant finish our infinite longing for tomorrow! Classmates, we are the lucky ones of the 21st century and the hope for revitalizing the great cause of the Chinese nation. Let us start from now on, study hard, master our skills, and together create a brilliant tomorrow for the Chinese nation!


          Thank you all! My speech is over!

          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 5


          Teacher and classmates:


          Good morning!


          In April, everything is so green, everything is so beautiful!

          然而當(dāng)我們站在國(guó)旗下,仰望五星紅旗冉冉升起的時(shí)候,你的腦海中是否會(huì)想起那段戰(zhàn)火紛飛、硝煙彌漫的年代呢?你我是否會(huì)記得是那些可敬可愛(ài)的人,經(jīng)過(guò)浴血奮戰(zhàn)才換得我們今天來(lái)之不易的幸福與安定的生活呢? 同學(xué)們:先輩們?cè)谄D難困苦中,用青春和生命塑造的民族魂;我們沒(méi)有理由遺忘!對(duì)著槍口,寧可倒下來(lái)也不愿屈服的聞一多;手擎起炸藥包喊著“為新中國(guó)前進(jìn)”的董存瑞……有千千萬(wàn)萬(wàn)的英雄先烈為新中國(guó)而奮斗。

          However, when we stand under the national flag and look up at the rising five-star red flag, will your mind remember that era of war and smoke? Do you and I remember those admirable and lovely people who fought through blood and blood to obtain the hard won happiness and stability of our lives today? Classmates: The national soul shaped by the youth and life of our ancestors in difficult times; We have no reason to forget! Wen Yiduo, who would rather fall down than surrender at the muzzle of the gun; Dong Cunrui, holding up his explosive bag and shouting "Forward for the New China"... There are countless heroic martyrs fighting for the new China.


          Classmates! We are all fortunate to have grown up in a new era with a prosperous life and access to the latest information resources. The internet and games have become our hot topics. Perhaps this era has given us too much of a life of pleasure and freedom. Therefore, on this Qingming Festival, we have a responsibility to do what we should do well, which is to cherish the beautiful youth, remember our youth oath: study hard, understand honor and shame, pursue true knowledge, master skills, serve our country, and not disappoint the expectations of parents, teachers, and even the motherland.


          My speech is over, thank you all!

          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 6


          Dear family leaders, elders, peers, and juniors sitting here:


          Hello everyone!


          In this season of spring returning to the earth, everything revives, and the warm spring flowers bloom, we welcome the gathering of the Hu familys Qingming Festival. On behalf of the Hu familys wives, I am extremely happy to become a part of the Hu family.


          Today, we all come with a devout and sincere heart to pay tribute to our ancestors, to remember their virtues, to appreciate their teachings, to worship our ancestors, and to repay their nurturing and protection. As descendants of the Hu family standing here, we should promote the virtues of our ancestors, actively promote and deepen the friendship between our clans, cherish the bond of blood and blood, and think of the friendship of sharing the same ancestor. We must prioritize the interests of the entire ethnic group, without distinction between north and south, without branching, with clear etiquette and integrity, sincere unity, mutual exchange, integration of family members, mutual assistance, and common development. I think this is the important significance of paying tribute to our ancestors today.


          The development process of the Hu clan tells us that only by constantly striving for self-improvement can we grasp our destiny, only by keeping up with the times can we keep up with the times, only by being diligent and brave can we achieve great things, and only by working hard can we prosper the family. Let us join hands to remember the traditional virtues of our ancestors in work and life, be kind to others, live in harmony, and work diligently. Be a down-to-earth person. I believe that every daughter-in-law of the Hu family can hold up half of the sky of our Hu family, be a good helper for the family, establish a good image of a virtuous wife and mother, and add glory to the family.


          Finally, I hope that our ancestors will manifest their spirit in heaven under the Nine Springs, and bless all members of our Hu family with successful careers, harmonious families, health and happiness, good luck, and all the best.

          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 7


          Dear teachers and classmates


          Hello everyone!


          Its another Qingming Festival. The harsh winter fades in the spring breeze, and time fades away in struggle. Our entire school, teachers and students, came to the martyrs grave with an extremely heavy heart to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs. Looking at the martyrs monument in front of me and listening to the touching stories of the martyrs, my heart was filled with ups and downs, and my excited mood couldnt calm down for a long time. My heart is sore, my eyes are moist... The long river of history records how many heroes have sacrificed their precious lives to defend their country.


          How many revolutionary martyrs have sacrificed their lives and shed their blood for us? They have spared their lives to open up a vast sky for us, allowing us to fly freely without worry. But they lay quietly here, leaving us forever. The martyrs have made extraordinary feats. We praise them, their fearless spirit has paved the way for the glorious future of our generation; We remember them, their steadfast beliefs have shown us the true Chinese people. The revolutionary martyrs have paved a bright path for us, and they have created todays happy life for us. Do we have any reason not to repay the nurturing kindness of our motherland?


          Nowadays, as a new generation crossing the century, facing the future, the future of our motherland is infinitely bright and brilliant. We should have a patriotic spirit and establish a spirit of serving our country; As the successors of the new century, we must inherit the will of revolutionary martyrs, work hard to learn, strive for strength, start from ourselves, start from now! How can we not respect the towering monuments here today? They are the pride of our Chinese people for generations, worthy of our respect and love for generations to come! The heroic name and achievements of the martyrs will coexist with the rivers and shine with the sun and moon! Martyrs, please rest in peace! Although you have left us, the heavens are above, and the spirit of heroes endures forever. We will not forget our martyrs, we will not forget history! We must inherit the revolutionary tradition of our predecessors, carry forward the patriotic spirit of our predecessors, enrich ourselves with rich knowledge, work hard to learn for the construction of our hometown and the prosperity and strength of our motherland, and create a beautiful tomorrow for our motherland together!


          My speech is over! Thank you all!

          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 8


          Teachers and classmates:


          Good morning everyone!


          Listen, the cuckoo bird seems to be urging us one by one - "Study hard, dont let go of the beautiful spring." Yes, in this season of lifes jointing, small bamboo shoots are growing their aspirations, willows are weaving their ideals, and various flowers are blooming their dreams. What about you guys? Children, what are you busy with? Is it like a little bee shuttling through the ocean of knowledge, absorbing cultural essence, or is it like a little butterfly dancing in the river of time, only focused on playing?


          Oh, lets take a look at the life examples set by our predecessors as we mourn the upcoming Qingming Festival! The heroes who slept deeply in the martyrs tombs, in order to allow us descendants to enjoy a peaceful and peaceful learning environment, spared no expense in sacrificing their lives and shedding their blood. With their brief youth, they wrote a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese nation that is both admirable and inspiring. Their wish at that time was for us descendants to study tirelessly in a peaceful and peaceful environment, to revitalize China with cultural knowledge, and to make our Chinese nation stand tall among the worlds great powers forever. Come on! Children, look up at the five starred red flag flying above our heads, and see the red scarf dancing on our chests. Do you feel the vastness and selflessness surging in the blood of our revolutionary predecessors? Have you realized that todays happy life stems from the dedication and sacrifice of our revolutionary predecessors? Please let us pay tribute to these heroes in the deepest part of our hearts every day; Every day at the deepest level of the soul, give them a solemn salute. Let us also recall the hardships and efforts of the revolutionary martyrs in the deepest part of our hearts every day!


          Children, let us be grateful to those who have sacrificed everything for us in this vibrant season; Let us strive to learn and improve in this vibrant season, to repay those great and noble souls!


          My speech ends here. Thank you all!

          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 9


          Teachers and classmates:


          Another Qingming Festival, another day to commemorate the martyrs.


          Standing in front of the martyrs tomb, our hearts are filled with ups and downs, and our thoughts are full of thoughts. Some revolutionary martyrs sacrificed precious lives for the dignity of their nation and country; Some have bravely fought and sacrificed their lives in order to completely bury the old world and establish a socialist new China; Some also dedicate their youth and blood to the prosperity and strength of their motherland during the period of peace construction.


          Martyrs, at a critical moment of life and death for the Chinese nation, it was you who built the Great Wall of Steel with your own flesh and blood, fighting against the Japanese imperialist aggressors to the death. You have fallen, but thousands of "people who refuse to be slaves" have stood up, singing the "March of the Volunteers" to inherit your unfinished business; Martyrs, it is you who have turned your love for the country and the laboring masses into the spiritual strength to fight against the enemy in battle, not afraid of sacrifice, courageously advancing, and declaring the downfall of the Chiang family dynasty with a destructive force, establishing a new China where the people are the masters of the country; Martyrs, at the most crucial moment of socialist construction, it is you who have abandoned everything from your family and individuals, resolutely and bravely volunteered, selflessly dedicating your precious lives to the motherland and the people, and spreading your passionate blood all over the land of our motherland.


          How can we not show respect in the face of you? Your brilliant achievements will shine in the annals of history and be remembered forever! Your English name will shine alongside the sun and moon, coexisting with rivers! We admire you, selfless heroes! It is precisely because of you, the majority of revolutionary martyrs, your nobility, and your selflessness that we have todays peaceful environment and the prosperity of our motherland.


          The years of struggle reflect the bravery and perseverance of the martyrs, and the peaceful and beautiful environment provides us with opportunities to learn, grow our talents, and become pillars. We have faith because we have role models! Classmates, we are the lucky ones of the times. We should understand that Huamis life is not easy to come by, and we should also understand the historical responsibility and mission we shoulder. We must love ourselves, and more importantly, our motherland. We must work hard to learn, add glory to her, and add color to her!

          清明節(jié)英語(yǔ)演講稿 10


          Dear teachers and classmates


          Hello everyone!


          During the Qingming Festival, rain falls one after another, and pedestrians on the road yearn to break their souls. The harsh winter fades away in the spring breeze, and time fades away in the struggle. In the embrace of spring, it is unknowingly another Qingming Festival.


          Qingming Festival is a traditional festival for people to mourn their loved ones, express their grief, be cautious in pursuing the future, and maintain harmony with their families. It is also to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs, carry forward fine traditions, study hard, and aspire to become successful.


          On this day, we come to the Martyrs Cemetery to pay homage to the fallen heroes. The distant scenes have been recorded in history, and their heroic feats have turned into an immortal statue! We gather in front of the Martyrs Memorial with reverence and solemnity, and the towering soldiers on the monument in the sunlight seem to be leading us to gaze into the distance. Does he want to remind us not to forget the indomitable struggle history of the Chinese nation in the past? Or should we look forward to a better future for the Chinese nation?


          However, while commemorating, we cannot forget that with the changes of the times, various parts of China are vigorously advocating civilized, environmentally friendly, and healthy ways of mourning. The feudal superstitions and bad customs of mourning are gradually fading away. We must commemorate those revolutionary martyrs and loved ones in a civilized and environmentally friendly way.


          Everyone can participate in the Qingming Festival ancestor worship activity with their parents. The Qingming Festival sacrifice is not a superstitious activity, but a familys remembrance of their deceased ancestors, commemorating their contributions to future generations, families, and society, inspiring them to learn from them and strive to do more meaningful things. The state has set a statutory holiday for the Qingming Festival, indicating that it is a traditional cultural activity in China that is worth promoting, participating in, and promoting!


          You can take advantage of this Qingming Festival sacrificial activity to enter the vast nature, embrace nature warmly, observe carefully, think carefully, and explore bravely. You will definitely learn knowledge that cannot be learned in the classroom. At the same time, you can feel the softness of the sun, the gentle breeze on your face, the singing of the stream, and the fragrance of flowers and plants with your heart, cultivate your own sentiment, and inspire feelings of love for nature and hometown.


          There are certain rules for celebrating Qingming Festival, and how should we celebrate it?


          Firstly, one can reflect on the Qingming Festival. Do we still remember how many heroic souls are silent and how many heroic heroes are swaying in the land of Xian. We propose to carry out ambitious activities such as singing red songs and sacrificing heroes and martyrs, and revisiting the oath of joining the Communist Party and the Communist Youth League through patriotic education bases, to praise the spirit of the martyrs, cultivate sentiments, and cultivate a healthy and scientific holiday lifestyle.


          Furthermore, it is about frugality over the Qingming Festival. Send a bouquet of flowers to express grief;


          Plant a green tree to express remembrance;


          Click on a song to express your true feelings;


          Leave a eulogy to write about our longing... We advocate for the elderly to have more filial children while alive, and to handle the funeral simple when the elderly pass away.


          The theme is green over Qingming. The Qingming Festival, also known as the "Spring outing Festival", not only pays homage to ancestors, but also has some customs such as flying kites, swinging on swings, and spring outings. When paying homage to ancestors and going out for outings, we should establish the concept of ecological protection, reduce firecrackers, burn incense and paper, do not throw coins, do not spit or litter, do not pick flowers and plants, and jointly maintain a clean and hygienic natural environment.


          Classmates, please share your gratitude to the country;


          The intention of repaying ancestors;


          Gratitude towards family members;


          Express it with your civilized behavior! Every bit of civilized behavior in life should start from the small things around us. Lets work together to create a civilized city and a green home!


          Thank you all!












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