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      2. 《小王子》英語讀后感

        時間:2024-08-12 23:39:42 煒亮 英語讀后感 我要投稿




          《小王子》英語讀后感 1

          Over the course of this semester, I read a moving book:THE LITTLE PRINCE.It impressed me a lot, especially, the pure but deep emotion(love) between the characters such as the pilot and the little prince, the rose and the little prince, the fox and the little prince.The book remind me of the pure and nice emotion only found in childhood.

          The main character our little prince live on a planet named B612 accompany with there volcanoes an a rose who falls in love with him but can not understand each other.Consequencely, he leave his planet and his endless travelling.During this period, he come across a diversity of people. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Then he enter earth and found thousands of roses alike.The little prince discovers that his rose is not the only , plenty of her kind are everywhere, but then he realizes that his rose is special because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen . Then he fall across the fox.She

          teaches the prince It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye

          What impresses me the most is the fox’s words.love is a strange stuff.Sometimes we see it but can’t grasp it.Yet, true love may be, to some extent, invisible in surface but may last permanent.Apart from love, others as well.Indeed, sometimes what we consider right turn out to be wrong, what we consider real proves fictitious, what we confused may just turn out to be the truth.The path In searching for truth may long and time-consuming, we should harbour conviction, b will and high hope.No matter what barriade in front of us, we ought to be couragous and face up to the challenge.

          《小王子》英語讀后感 2

          “The Little Prince” is a clear book, as clear as the water. Its writes for adults, teenagers and children. It is a book about life and the lives of the fable. As the book said, the water on the heart is beneficial. And “Little Prince” can make people feel warm and fresh.

          The story is about a boy. He lives on a small planet. He is the only person of the planet. He is a lonely prince. Fortunately, a beautiful rose came in his life. They loved each other. But a little argument separated them. He left the planet which he lives, starts traveling. He went to many planets and met many different people. He likes to watch the sunset when he was sad. He found that people wanted happiness, but always pushed away happiness rudely.

          At last, he understood how to love each other. Love and life is a veryImportant thing. He is very regret. He wanted to return to the planet which he lives. But he didnt know the road. He chose to drank snake venom end his life because he thought it will be able to cast off his bulky body to go back.

          Every time, when I read “The Little Prince”, I always moved about it. In real life, we often busy in the whole day, such as a fly without soul. The passage of time, childhood away, we grew up and took away a lot of memories, but we also have an oasis in the heart.

          Because ‘The Little Prince story, we live in quiet, the heart has a hope and love, have touched on the responsibility of the life.







          《小王子》英語讀后感 3

          During the summer vacation, I read a beautiful fairy tale book, the little prince.

          The story tells of a little prince who is curious about the unknown and has a little sadness. He left the little planet where he grew up, visited six asteroids, met the king, the drunkard, the vain man, the lamplighter and the geographer, and finally came to earth. During the trip, the little prince gained a lot and learned how to love. And I learned a little bit by reading this book.

          In fact, in our life, there are the light people in the story. For example, the sanitation workers who have been working hard day after day, their work is dirty and tired, but they have not complained. And the policemen who repeat the same command and action in the hot sun every day, though sweating like rain, still insist on doing their work meticulously and carefully. Maybe some of them ever complained, but when you see people walking down the street from the heart smile, and will be forgotten before all sorts of blame, again into their boring work.

          “You can see only with your heart.” Yeah! The little fox said this very well. My father rides to and from the big sun every day. When it rains, I always have my umbrella on my side, afraid to get me wet... This little thing may seem trivial and obvious, but if we try to understand it, you will find that it is our parents love for us.

          Last summer, I repeated the book several times, each time I saw different harvest and feelings. Students, you can also go to read this book, I believe there will be some harvest.






          《小王子》英語讀后感 4

          A few days ago, my mother bought me a book “Little Prince”. I like this book very much, so long as I get home, I will read it whenever I have time. After reading the book “Little Prince”, I got a lot of inspiration from it.

          The whole book is like this: once a little prince lived on a planet that was only one of him, watering his roses every day. Later, the little prince left the planet to travel, and saw a lot of other strange stars on other planets. He came to the earth and saw a pilot in a desert. The little prince had deep friendship with the pilot, but he missed his rose very much. In order to leave the earth, the little prince was bitten by a snake, then the pilots have never seen him.

          After reading this book, I finally understood what a pure mind is. The little prince loved his rose deeply, so he asked the pilot to bring the mask to the sheep so that the flowers could not be eaten. For him, his rose is different from all the roses on the earth. If the flowers are gone, it is as if all the stars have lost their radiance. I really like the little prince in the book, because he has snow and pure soul. What a sincere feeling this is!

          I like this book very much, this book teaches me a lot of people, in fact, sometimes the big people do a lot of stupid things, their practice is not always right. I think in our growth process, as long as we keep a pure heart forever, we will find what we are really looking for.





          《小王子》英語讀后感 5

          I read the book the little prince this week, and I think it makes a lot of sense.

          This book is a pilot tells he met a prince in the Sahara desert, the little prince and pilots about him from an asteroid, he wanted to go out to travel, so the little prince went to seven star, he saw the king of vanity, industrialists, drunkard, lamps, and geographers, came to the earth, he is worried about the lamb eat their flowers, I also dont know if he have to go back to his planet.

          The little prince took good care of the little flower, so he loved his flowers.


          這本書是一個飛行員講述他在撒哈拉沙漠中遇到了一位王子,小王子和飛行員圍繞著他從一顆小行星上出發,他想出去旅行,于是小王子去了七星,他看到了虛榮的'國王、實業家、酒鬼、燈具和地理學家,來到地球,他擔心羔羊吃他們的花, 我也不知道他是否必須回到他的星球。


          《小王子》英語讀后感 6

          Today I finished reading "the little prince" this book, this book is primarily concerned with in a small call b612 planet lived a sad little prince, the little prince has a rose, he watering roses every day, he and rose make some contradictions, so he left his own planet to travel, he went to a total of seven stars, saw all sorts of strange people, in the end, he came to the earth and the fox met snakes.

          At last the little prince returned to his planet and continued to look after his roses.

          今天我讀完了《小王子》這本書,這本書主要講述的是在一個小小的.b612星球上住著一個悲傷的小王子,小王子有一朵玫瑰,他每天都給玫瑰澆水,他和玫瑰有些矛盾,于是他離開了自己的星球去旅行,他去了總共七顆星星, 看到各種奇怪的人,最后,他來到了人間,狐貍遇到了蛇。


          《小王子》英語讀后感 7

          In my eyes, the little prince is not a pure fairy tale, but a metaphysical primer. The words are simple, but profound meaning, each chapter a few words of white space, such as spring, always can feel more meaning in the text, just touched but couldnt say for sure what it is, or is said a lot but still feel express.

          Demonstrate a variety of life in the book, all kinds of human nature, all kinds of interaction, all kinds of relations, all kinds of values, all kinds of cognition, and it is precisely this all sorts of all sorts of everyone in the life experience, and everyone has to face the problem: death. To understand: life is not the same as death. The little prince is a book full of beauty and philosophy!



          《小王子》英語讀后感 8

          Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince. This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth. Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose. So he leaves there and travels into space.

          He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox. The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet. This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot. I like little price adventures. He teaches me to be honest and love others. All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood.



          《小王子》英語讀后感 9

          Just received the "little prince" hardback edition. He began to look.

          Children of the world is like that, how much they think things, that the matter how, even the adults look very trivial things, even adults think it makes no sense, but the child will think, "just because I spent time on my roses, this makes her become so valuable."

          This is the child, I think children and adults are completely different, standing in the adult world to see children, that is prejudice, standing in the childrens world to see adults, that is confused. If you can, be a child, not an adult.




          《小王子》英語讀后感 10

          After reading , I was moved by the true love and friendship. In that little world, everything is full of love and beauty.Like the rose, she loved the Little Prince, she was beatific, because she could be cared.

          In the reality, we are the same. We love our parents, and they just like the Little Prince who take care of us.Thank you, my dear parents, Ill love you forever.

          As for friends, I can never forget the fox.Her sincere and help made the Little Prince hopeful and glad. Facing all my friends, Ill be the fox, Ill bring hope and happy to all the people beside me.Ill never let them disappointed.

          Thank you, Little Prince. You have taught me a lot. Ill learn from you.Maybe youre now in a pure and happy place, believe me, all the roses will bloom, only for you!





          《小王子》英語讀后感 11

          The protagonist in the little prince has a pure heart which no one can change.

          The protagonist: the little prince lives on a small planet on her own, watering her roses every day. Then the little prince left the planet to travel and saw a lot of strange asteroids. Until he came to the earth, he met the bad pilot of the plane in the desert. They had a deep friendship, but the prince missed his roses very much. In order to leave the ball, the little prince was bitten by a poisonous snake. After that, the prince was bitten by a poisonous snake. After that, the prince was bitten by a poisonous snake. The pilot didnt see the little prince again.

          After reading this book, I know more about being a man. We can always keep a pure heart in the process of growing up.




          《小王子》英語讀后感 12

          Finally, I had a chance to see the little prince, and I couldnt wait to open it. After reading it, I was deeply moved by it and immersed in the book for a long time.

          The book focuses on the little prince living on a distant planet with a rose on the planet. The little prince was a very simple, kind little boy with golden hair, and the little prince had a fox, and he had a rose. In order to pursue the truth and beauty of life, he can disregard his precious life. He took great care of his roses and reminded them of love and responsibility in their lives.

          Although the book has some sad colors, I still feel pretty good. After reading this endorsement, let me understand that friendship is indispensable. It can make one forget the monotony of life and make life colorful.




          《小王子》英語讀后感 13

          The little prince is a love and responsibility fable.

          The little prince, a little kindness he always melancholy and moody, and compassionate, he comes from a small planet. One day, he wanted to visit other planets. So the little prince began his tour of the star. During the journey, he met the proud and lonely king, the vain man, the strange drunkard, the busy industrialist, the punctual light - light, the big geographers, and finally came to the earth to meet the hero. A lot of stories have happened between them, showing us that there should be some love and responsibility between people.

          After reading this book, I know a truth: man can only observe and feel with his heart. You know, it is impossible to see the essence of things by the naked eye, and we must know that we cannot only be ourselves, but be responsible.




          《小王子》英語讀后感 14

          Finally, I have the chance to see the book "Little Prince". I cant wait to turn it on. After reading it, I was deeply moved by it and immersed in this book for a long time.

          This book mainly tells that the little prince lives on a distant planet, and there is a rose on the planet. The little prince is a very simple and kind boy. He has a golden hair. The little prince raises a fox, and he has a rose. He can ignore his precious life in pursuit of lifes truth, goodness and beauty. He carefully take care of it rose, a reminder of life love and responsibility.

          Though the book has some sad colors, I still feel pretty good. After reading the endorsement, it is clear to me that friendship is indispensable. It can make people forget the monotony of life and make life colorful.




          《小王子》英語讀后感 15

          “The little Prince” is France writer Antoine de Saint.-Exupéry was written in 1942. It is a famous childrens literature novel.Reading rate second only to the "Bible" .

          This book mainly tells us. The little prince left his planet sadly. Then visited six planets, finally came to earth. After all sorts of things, the little prince in the Sahara desert and distress of pilots became good friends. Finally, the little prince learned the true meaning of love. And then die in the desert, and it could be thought that he returned to his planet.



          《小王子》英語讀后感 16

          This week, I read a book called little prince.

          This story is both interesting and interesting, simple form, beautiful text, and I like it very much.

          A pilot flew off the Sahara desert. The pilot met the little prince in the desert. He lived on the B612 asteroid. Later, the little prince went on a trip. He came to seven asteroids living with different characters, a kings asteroid, a vain asteroid, a drunkard star, a businessmans asteroid, and an asteroid. There was an asteroid who lived in the lighted house. Later, the little prince came to the earth and found that the pilot had repaired the aircraft, so he went back.

          I like the little prince because he is kind and funny. I also like pilots, because he let the little prince know the earth.

          I like the little prince.






          《小王子》英語讀后感 17

          The book The Little Prince can cleanse our souls. The Little Prince once said, Water is good for the soul. And this book is as pure as spring water, making people feel fresh and pleasant.

          Six years ago in the Sahara Desert, "I" was forced to land due to a plane malfunction. During this period, "I" met the Little Prince from asteroid B612 and spent a happy time with him. In just one week, "I" gained many life philosophies. In the end, the Little Prince left me and returned to his planet.

          The most touching part of this book for me is the friendship between the Little Prince and the Rose. In order to return to his own planet and receive forgiveness from the Rose, the Little Prince spared no expense and returned to his own planet to shelter her from wind and rain. This is the responsibility of love. Although the rose has an arrogant attitude towards the Little Prince, and loves vanity, arrogance, and lying, this rose is unique to the Little Prince because he has tamed her and still loves her. The Little Prince is a cute and mysterious child. He symbolizes hope and love, and he also possesses a childlike wisdom buried deep in our hearts. Although he has met many people, he is always missing his rose.

          Only with our hearts can we experience love. Some small things that we consider insignificant actually contain love. If we use our hearts to experience these loves and responsibilities, we will know how to accept love and give love.

          The fox in the book once said, Take full responsibility for everything you have tamed. As long as we take on the responsibility of love, we can make the unique rose in our hearts even more beautiful.






          《小王子》英語讀后感 18

          On Sunday, the book The Little Prince on the bookshelf once again caught my attention and became my good companion in my leisure time. The Little Prince lives on a small planet where he is the only one. He owns a small house, a rose, and a lamb. Later, the Little Prince left his planet to travel and met many strange people on the asteroids. Finally, he came to Earth and met a pilot whose plane had broken down in the desert. The Little Prince and the pilot formed a deep friendship.

          During the days spent with The Little Prince, I have come to understand what a pure heart truly means. The Little Prince deeply loved his rose, and in order to prevent it from being eaten by the sheep, he asked the pilot to paint a mask for the sheep. For him, his rose is different from all the roses on Earth. If the flowers were gone, it would be like all the planets had lost their radiance. Love - what a sincere emotion! His interaction with the fox helped the fox find friendship and also made him understand that precious things cannot be seen with the eyes. It was his pure and invisible soul that helped the pilot out of the desert.

          During the days spent with The Little Prince, I have learned many truths about being a good person: one should not deceive oneself or others, nor should one be arrogant; Dont waste time on meaningless things; Be loyal to your duties, take responsibility seriously... The most important thing is to always maintain a pure heart in order to find what we truly seek!




          《小王子》英語讀后感 19

          A small planet, a red rose, a lonely silhouette.

          The Little Prince "is a work by Mr. Anthony. The whole article tells the story of life, life, friendship, love, death and other aspects from the perspective of children, which is not only interesting but also shows us the world of adults. Each plot represents an adult who is selfish, vain, and seeks excuses for their mistakes, allowing us to understand the principles of being a good person while studying.

          My favorite part of it is the scene where the Little Prince and the King are together: the Little Prince arrives on planet 325, where he meets a king wearing a long robe and sitting on a throne, looking very majestic. But what the Little Prince didnt know was that in the eyes of this king, the world was simple and everyone was his subjects, but in reality there was only the Little Prince and an old mouse.

          The Little Prince is innocent and lovely from beginning to end, and my favorite passage inside is: If you say to the adults, I see a beautiful house made of rose colored bricks, with sunflowers blooming in the windows and pigeons nesting on the roof! They cant imagine how good this kind of house is. You can only say to them like this: I saw a house worth 100000 francs! Then they will scream in shock: Oh, is that true! What a beautiful house it would be! Adults always seem to think that profit is the most important.

          My insight is: Dont set aside what you truly love and want to do just because of external factors. Not only will you achieve nothing, but you will also make life meaningless.






          《小王子》英語讀后感 20

          I have actually heard of The Little Prince before, but I find it too childish, so I am unwilling to pick it up and read it. So, the first time I read it was already in junior high school.

          We are just a group of high school students who pretend to be mature and wear bulky school uniforms all day long. Everything we experience is logical, so learning is not that important to us.

          The Little Prince is indeed a boring book, just a fairy tale story without any romantic elements. Its just that the Little Prince has his own planet, two active volcanoes, and one dormant volcano. He meets a fox and trains it.

          Theres only so much I can remember, and I really dont want to remember too many of these dull stories.

          I spend my time on more meaningful things: shopping with friends, singing, sleeping on the school lawn, catching a red beetle... I enjoy these things endlessly.

          But being alone, such days are really boring. I will think of the Little Prince, his rose, and his fox.

          After failing an exam, I went to my elementary school teacher to complain: "Junior high school is really boring! But everyone around me seems busy, and only I dont know what I want to do!" "Isnt it good to find a goal and strive for it

          Find a goal and strive for it

          After all, we are still children. When we grow up, will the rules of the game in this world change? Perhaps life is meant to be interesting, to make oneself do something and make it successful.

          Just like the Little Prince, he has his planet, his rose, the only and unique rose, his fox, watching over love and freedom.

          And we have our ideals and our pursuits.

          To understand the Little Prince and life is to find a goal and strive for it.
























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