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      2. 我的變化英語作文

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        我的變化英語作文 (精選58篇)


        我的變化英語作文 (精選58篇)

          我的變化英語作文 1

          I have changed a lot. I used to be short and had a large build. But now I am much taller and thinner. I was lazy before and I didnt like doing housework. But now I am a hardworking person and I often help my parents do some housework, such as, cleaning the room, washing the dishes, doing the shopping and so on. I think doing the housework can help me grow up and to be indepent. I work hard at my study so I can get better grade than before. I think I am becoming lovely, energetic and easy-going.


          我的變化英語作文 2

          Time flies, the twinkling of an eye I became a will soon enter high school pupil, in five years, I met a lot of friends, also learned a lot of independent ability, for example: making rice, fold the quilt, boil water, etc., should be in the original, I am too lazy to begin! I not only learned to be independent, but also learned how to make friends, how to forgive my friends, so that my friends will become more and more.

          People change thousands of times, so every day changes, and of course I am no exception. From small to big, the only thing I havent changed is my name, the others have changed, it seems that "change" is no one will spare.

          What a change in the world!

          Ive changed. What about you?





          我的變化英語作文 3

          I have changed a lot during the past few years. I used to be very short in the past, now I am tall. I used to be very shy, now I am active and outgoing. I used to like watching TV, now I like reading books. I didn’t used to get up early, now I get up early and do some morning exercise. I didn’t used to like English, now I like English. People sure change.


          我的變化英語作文 4

          There is a saying, A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood . I just had my eighteen years birthday. It s certain that I have grown much more beautiful now. My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind. I have become much more mature. I don t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on study. I start considering my future. I try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for me. I know I should filial my parents. What s more, I don t bully my younger sister and brother any more. I have changed a lot, because I have grown up.


          我的變化英語作文 5

          I have changed a lot. I used to be short when I was younger, but now I am tall.

          I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but now I have to study all the time.

          I used to be quiet, but now I’m outgoing and active.

          I often take part in all kinds of activities.

          I used to hate gym class, now it’s my favorite class. I used to walk to school, now I go to school by bike.

          Is it a good thing or bad? As we grow up, we can have a lot of changes.

          I really have changed a lot, and you?








          我的變化英語作文 6

          I will be in grade five next semester, and I have changed a lot.

          In the second and third grades, I had a problem, and I loved to care. If my classmates accidentally touch me, I will argue for a long time. My mother said to me, "We are trying to get rid of this bad habit. Boys should be generous and pregnant." I cant do it now, and I have learned to be considerate of others.

          Before, my skin was very white, but now I am tanned, and my mothers skin is not white, but I am darker than my mother. My mother laughed at me and said, "You are very different from when you were a child."

          Before, I listened to my mother, and I would wear whatever my mother said. But now, I like to choose my own clothes. Mom also agreed, "When you grow up, you can really choose your own clothes."

          Last year, my mother gave birth to a younger brother. I used to be impetuous, but now I have learned to take care of my younger brother. With patience, I am no longer impetuous.

          Compared with me before, I have changed a lot now.







          我的變化英語作文 7

          Since I was born, there have been many changes every day, including changes in academic performance, changes in appearance, and changes in personality ...

          In the past, I always got a hundred points in the unit exam in grade one. Because grade two is more difficult, I never got a hundred points in grade two, but I will work harder, listen carefully in class, take notes and review well after class.

          In addition to changes in academic performance, there are also changes in weight. I always eat steak during the winter vacation in grade one, weighing more than 60 kilograms at a time. Now I seldom eat steak, so I want to keep fit and increase exercise.

          Ive changed so much! Students, you also talk about your changes!





          我的變化英語作文 8

          Today, I got 100 points in the English test. Through this period of hard work, I got rid of my carelessness and got 100 points in several exams. I am very happy.

          I think my efforts in recent years are still very useful. I have discovered my changes, and my care has brought me many benefits. I will continue to work hard in the future. Everyone expects me to become better and better!



          我的變化英語作文 9

          The new semester has started, everything is changing, and so am I.

          In life, I found that I can eat more and more recently, and Im not picky about food, and Im taller and heavier. I have also become aware of my love for my parents. Every time I prepare for dinner, I take the initiative to help everyone set the dishes and chopsticks, and I compete to help my mother clear the table after dinner. My mother is happy to praise me for growing up.

          In terms of study, I found that I have also changed a lot. In the past, my parents had to call me several times to get up in the morning. Now, as soon as my parents called me in the morning, I immediately got out of bed, dressed, folded my quilt, washed my face, had dinner, put on my schoolbag and went to school by myself. When I was in the first grade, my parents sent me to school and picked me up after school. Now I have grown up and know the way home, so I dont need my parents to pick me up so hard.

          Now I listen more carefully in class, finish my homework on time, write the text silently for the first time at school, and I get a hundred points. Im so glad that the new semester has made a good start. I will work harder in the future and strive for more progress in my future study!





          我的變化英語作文 10

          A new semester begins and a new year comes. I have really changed a lot.

          Im no longer the child who thinks of himself first, then of himself, and of others. Im no longer the child who only cares about playing, is not sensible and obedient. Now I grow up, and when I grow up, I become sensible and obedient. When I meet some things, I learn to understand others thoughts and consider others feelings slowly. I dont have to decide everything myself. I have to learn a little knowledge from others languages and use it myself.

          I will study hard in the new semester. On campus, I wont quarrel with my classmates for some small things. I know that I will feel happy every day only if I unite with my classmates. Because there are no more quarrels. In the new year, I am one year older and taller. I should understand the truth of being a man and the philosophy of life more deeply, so that my knowledge will increase. In the new year, I become more and more fond of reading books. The world in books is like an endless ocean. It gives me happiness and knowledge, and my life becomes happy. From now on, I will keep it up. I believe I will get better and better in the future.

          I will work hard, I will make my tomorrow full of beauty, and I will make my future full of hope.





          我的變化英語作文 11

          Time flies. Looking back on the past and comparing with the present, I feel that I have changed a lot. When I was one year old, my face was white and chubby, my body was like a ball, and I was full of curiosity about things around me all day. When I was five years old, I could already say some simple words, such as mom, dad, hungry and so on. Sometimes I imitate my mothers appearance, which is really cute and naughty. If someone grabs my toy, my father will go up to help me see who it is and then teach him a lesson. I feel that my father is my solid backer.

          When I was ten years old, I was in the fourth grade, and my academic performance was average in my class. At that time, my personality was still the kind of crying. Whenever I met with difficulties, my teacher would stand up and help me, making me feel like a mother, helping me and protecting me all the time. Look at me now. I am much taller and more sensible. Now I no longer love to cry, and I can help my parents do some housework; In the face of difficulties, I will not run away, or want to rely on teachers, but face them independently and bravely, which is really a far cry from my past!



          我的變化英語作文 12

          I have found that I have changed a lot in recent years.

          I became "crazy". I have changed from a good girl to a "crazy" girl who fights outside all day. I laugh and laugh outside every day, and my mother cant control me playing outside. I thought, "This may be because when I was a child, I was a little afraid of the outside world and didnt dare to play with everyone." Because in my impression, I was a little lonely when I was a child. Now I am different. I have made a large group of intimate friends who accompany me to laugh and laugh. With them, I am no longer lonely.

          I became bold. I used to see ants trying to escape, but now Im beating cockroaches with slippers. I used to almost faint when I saw mice, but now I have several hamsters at home. I didnt dare to play trampoline before, but now its a small case to play pirate ships. I became confident. I used to answer questions coyly and coyly, and I was very shy. I didnt know where to put my hands, lest I should answer wrong. Now, I will confidently say the answer.

          These are all my changes. I think these should be changes with age. I will change every year, and I sincerely hope that I will get better and better.





          我的變化英語作文 13

          When I was a child, I loved listening to my mothers stories and playing coquetry. Sometimes I would drag my mother on the bed when I slept, tell me one unfathomable fairy tale after another, and ask my mother to sing me one beautiful song after another. Singing accompanied by moonlight made me fall asleep quickly.

          Now, I am a primary school student who is about to graduate. Too much homework makes people "difficult to breathe". Sometimes I worry about not knowing how to write a composition, and sometimes I cry. Now I am not a spoiled little girl in the past, but a girl who knows a lot of things; In the past, I didnt have to go to school, and my mother accompanied me every day. I didnt have to listen to my teacher every day, and I didnt know much, so I wouldnt worry, and I could feel the happiness and warmth of my family every day. But now, I have more worries and little time to fly freely, and most of them are learning machines. When I was a child, I didnt understand the colorful life. When I grew up, I knew that the world was a colorful paradise. the old me ......

          I am very different from my former self. I had both advantages and disadvantages. This is my change!




          我的變化英語作文 14

          Trees are sprouting and flowers are blooming. Of course, I am also changing. The pictures I used to draw were always in a mess. Now I draw much better pictures than before. Now I can draw mountains, houses, people and plants. When I was a child, my handwriting was like a group of ants crawling on the ground, but now my handwriting is clean.

          I hated reading when I was a child, because I thought there were too many words and no pictures in the book. What about now? Hehe, reading seems to be a part of my life. I read every time I finish my homework, and sometimes I even read it when I go to the toilet. Now all the books I have read can be piled up into a hill.

          When I was in the first grade, the biggest headache for me was the diary. Every time Teacher Xing asks us to keep a diary, my head is two times as big. Now, all I have to do is move and a colorful log will come out.

          In the first grade, I couldnt recite the multiplication formula no matter how I recited it. Now as long as you say the multiplication formula, I can recite it by heart. You can also take one of them to test me. I can do this, too!

          This is my change. I have been changing since I was a child. Have you noticed that?






          我的變化英語作文 15

          I have changed as many as the stars in the sky, and I cant count them. The brightest one is my learning attitude.

          When I was in the first grade, I had a bad attitude towards learning, that is, I had to cope with my homework. At that time, my mother didnt pick me up until five oclock. I was always playing with other children in the school cafeteria and didnt do any homework. After I go home at night, I dont do my homework at all. I dont start doing my homework until after dinner at night.

          At first, I wrote my homework slowly, but I didnt get bored. I wrote it for less than ten minutes, and when I met a problem I couldnt, I began to get bored. By the last ten oclock, I couldnt finish my homework. Sometimes I stay up until about one oclock in the morning.

          So day after day, year after year, with more and more homework, I get more and more bored every night. However, once in a while, after school, I remembered a famous saying: a persons value is determined at the moment of being tempted! I was going to play, but I took out my pencil bag, my homework and did it seriously.

          When I get home, I dont have to be with the heavy psychological pressure of not finishing my homework, but with relaxation and freedom.

          In the third grade, I must write my homework faster and better!







          我的變化英語作文 16

          As I grow up. Are there really many changes in my body? Some changes in the body. Some changes in personality. What else is there? Today, let me take you to my small garden for a walk!

          I think my biggest change is the change in my soul. For example, my temper may explode at any time. When arguing with someone, I always throw things. Shout loudly, now I have changed. This is my biggest change. I remember one time, the weather was clear and sunny, and the sun was really comfortable shining on people. My mind whirled around and came up with a good idea. Why dont we go for a spring outing. So I quickly cleaned up myself. I changed my shoes and ran out to call my friends. In less than five minutes, I have already made many friends. I think its almost enough. We talked and laughed together and went to the park. We each thought of a game. I chose the most suitable one. Everyone has understood the rules of the game. But halfway through the game. Someone actually said I didnt follow the rules of the game. My temper cells burst out in an instant. Im not following the rules of the game anymore, shouting at them. I have always followed the rules of the game very well. I pointed to one of them and said, especially since the beginning of the game, you have been criticizing me. Show me some of you who have the ability to play perfectly.

          My dad threw something at them and said you were really deceiving people too much. Ouch, Im so angry that I cant even speak. Now think about this matter, I really regret it. I shouldnt have been so angry with my good friend. If it were for now, I would definitely not have done such a foolish thing.

          These are not the only changes I have made. There are still many, but this incident left the deepest impression on me.





          我的變化英語作文 17

          Time is changing, I am changing. I gradually grew up as a child in kindergarten and became a primary school student. Along the way, I went from being playful and mischievous to becoming a sensible child.

          When I was in first grade, I felt very unfamiliar. I didnt have the playmates I used to have in kindergarten around me. Seeing other classmates walking together, I felt very lonely. The new semester has been over for a week now, and I dont want to be without friends, so I want to change myself, actively talk to my classmates, help them, and gradually, I finally have new friends and playmates after class.

          After school, I no longer sit in front of the TV with my backpack thrown away. As my grandparents grow old, I take the initiative to go to the small vegetable garden with them to pick vegetables. I weave the plot from the animated film into a story and tell it to my grandparents. Previously, I used to do homework in order to complete tasks as soon as possible and have time to play computer games. Gradually, my academic performance deteriorated, and my parents became more strict with me. After school, I had to lock the door when I got home, and I couldnt go out until I finished my homework. Gradually, I became more rebellious and had a bad attitude towards my parents. In order to have time to play, I worked harder to cope with my homework, and my exam scores gradually deteriorated, Mom is also a bit disappointed with me.

          I saw my mothers unhappiness and thought that my parents were working hard for my growth. I couldnt let them down. This semester, I formed a study group with six classmates and went back to the classroom to review every day after lunch. I consulted classmates who didnt understand, actively wrote homework at home, and read aloud the articles I learned every day to my mother. I used up all my knowledge in the exam and finally my score improved.

          This semester, I took the initiative to participate in the schools basketball and football teams, and worked harder to learn. I wanted to prove to my mother that I had made a difference, strive to be a strong inner self, and defeat myself.






          我的變化英語作文 18

          When I was a little child,I used to play with my friends all day long. We found that almost anything could bring fun to us.

          But now,I am growing up,things seem to change gradually that I dont realize. I had a lot of time to play before,but now nearly all my time is spent on study and homework. I used to watch entertainment program but now I prefer news and English programs. Generally speaking,things turn better. Now,I am interested in reading and writing. I think that the more good books I read,the more knowledge I get. Writing is a good way to practice my thinking and improve my writing skills.

          Besides,I become more independent. I can deal with many problems by myself. I think its important change for me.




          我的變化英語作文 19

          Time past quickly.Ive changed a lot with the time going.

          When I was young,I only know the most interesting thing in the world is playing.I played games with my friends day and night.I wasted a lot of great time.But when I was a little older,I not only know playing.I realize learning is as important as playing,even much more important.

          I spent my whole day to study,study and study.but at that time,I do not know what "stress" means.Then,two years later,I understood.I was going to graduate from primary school and,I need to pass a special test for the entrance of junior high school.I have no time to play.I have no time to have fun with my good friends.After I had passed the examination,I felt more nervous than any time I was.Everybody was smart and I didnt have the great position.But I dont know what “give up" is.I spent more time on the subject I was not good at.So I won the first position later.

          Thats How Ive changed.My life bocomes harder and harder,but I am not scared.I try my best to let my life become more interesting.





          我的變化英語作文 20

          My life changed a lot in the last few years.My daily life is different and i used to like different thing when I was a child.

          For example,I didnt ues to like tests.Now,I dont mind them.I hate gym class.Now itsmy favorite class.I used to play every day after scool.Now,we just study.I used to walk to school.Now,i take the bus.



          我的變化英語作文 21

          Time flies, and I have grown up in a blink of an eye. On the road of growing up, there are many things that I miss.

          I still remember when I was 9 years old: I was all thumbs in the kitchen. The thick smell of burnt eggs lingers in the kitchen. It turned out that I poured the whole egg into the pot at random and made a "crackling" sound. I scrambled to get the eggshell out with chopsticks. Suddenly I forgot to wash my hands again and whispered, "Bad luck!" Just washed my hands. Then, cut the tomatoes. I was in no hurry to cut, and suddenly I smelled the burnt eggs. When I looked carefully, I forgot to turn off the fire when I cut the tomatoes! Fortunately, I found it in time. Finally, a plate of scrambled eggs with a strange smell of tomatoes came out. I forgot to put salt when I tasted it!

          And now I am only 11 years old, but I have become the chef of my family! Today, I cooked a dish for my mother. With the sound of broken eggs, egg yolk and Qing "slipped" into the pot like running water. Take out the cut meat and carrot slices, pour them into the pot, stir them gently, and then take out the shovel and stir them. Then, sprinkle half a spoonful of salt and pour in some vinegar, soy sauce and water. In a short time, the smell in the kitchen was fragrant. Make mom and dad drool. The vegetables are dancing happily in the pot, and the fragrance is getting bigger and bigger. The dish just jumped into the prepared plate. A fresh dish has come out ...

          Students, do you think I have changed a lot?





          我的變化英語作文 22

          Growing up, we often change, but this change is good and bad. My original handwriting was very good. After a long vacation, my handwriting was not good at all.

          I think its because I didnt practice calligraphy often during the holidays. Another possibility is that my handwriting is getting more and more ugly because I was so playful during the holiday that I forgot some writing requirements. Another possibility is that my fingers, because of too much writing, flatten the head of my second thumb. As soon as I write, it is very difficult and uncomfortable, and I feel that I dont have two or three millimeters of fingers.

          There is another change: I was the deputy head of the three groups last year, the year before last, and the previous years, and I have never been the leader. In this year, I finally became the leader of the three groups. Xiao Chao and I are a pair of small enemies in the class. Last semester, when we chose the leaders of the three groups of duty teams, we were a few votes apart. Because there were fewer girls and more boys in the three groups, the boys chose him and the girls chose me, so I didnt choose. But I didnt relax my demands on myself. I learned from excellent class cadres in all aspects.

          This semester, when choosing the leaders of three groups of study groups, we were small enemies, but I won the support of my classmates with my progress. This time, I got one more vote than him, and I was elected.

          The teacher said that I should find ways to make my good changes better and better, and stop the bad changes and turn to a good direction. This is the direction of my future efforts.






          我的變化英語作文 23

          The world is changing every day, and the environment in which we live, including everything around us, is constantly changing, even me.

          My body has changed a lot. When I was born, I weighed 8 kg and was 52 cm tall. The doctor said that I was the biggest baby delivered in the last month. After drinking my mothers milk, I grew very fast. I can roll in three months, sit in five months, crawl in seven months, walk in ten months and call my parents in thirteen months. Gradually, when I have teeth, I can eat a lot of food, and people become white and fat. Now, I am 10 years old, weighing 75 kg and 150 cm high. Look how much my body has changed!

          My body is changing, and so are my hobbies. When I was a child, I liked painting and took part in painting interest classes. Many paintings were displayed on the theme wall of kindergarten. In the first grade of primary school, I began to like playing chess. I went to my teachers house to learn chess every night and participated in the chess competition in Suzhou, and achieved good results. At the moment, I like the Olympic Mathematics again, like to challenge difficult problems, use my brains to overcome them and experience the fun of success. Usually, I like to play yo-yo at home. After a while, I like the Rubiks Cube again, and I can restore the six sides of the Rubiks Cube. I dont know from which day, I prefer to do manual work. I have a wide range of hobbies!

          Although I am changing your opinion, I have become better, from a young child to a sensible teenager.





          我的變化英語作文 24

          With the change of time and age, all of us have changed, but the changes are different, like my changes.

          Now, we are in adolescence, our bodies have grown taller, and we have become less carefree and less fond of fever.

          When I was young, I was always good-tempered, and I didnt get angry many times. I was also very anxious. Because of this, I was always careless and careless, and I was always careless. But now Im changed and angry, but I know that Im not the little naughty boy I used to be, and my temper is much slower and Im not as anxious as before. Because of my slow temper, I didnt do things so carelessly, and began to be organized. Also, because of the increase of subjects and homework, I became less careless and careless, and began to be careful. Not as careless as before.

          When I was a child, I had many hobbies, such as playing with stones, playing hide-and-seek and so on. Although I didnt play well, I realized the fun. Now my hobby is painting, and I want to paint the places I have passed as a souvenir. There were a lot of fun when I was a child, but the fun when I was a child is no longer suitable for us. We should keep them in our most cherished childhood. Lets find our own fun from now on.

          Everyone changes differently, and growing up will change us. These changes will also change with our age. It will also make our life colorful!






          我的變化英語作文 25

          I found that I have changed! As I grow older, I find that I have changed! Not only have I changed, but the things I play, use and see around me are different!

          Once upon a time, the cupboard was filled with all kinds of plush toys: fat bear, curly lamb, Barbie in princess dress … pure and lovely! Now its replaced by a beautiful and fashionable Bibabu monkey and Sandy with a shiny hat.

          Look at the pen that I get along with day and night. Winnie the Bear and the White Rabbit are gone! Look at my pens now! There are skulls, beer bottles, Tusky and violent rabbits, and so on. Most of the colors are black, gray and blue. My pencil case has also changed from lean and slim to "paunchy" and "full of knowledge". And now I have as many as twenty-four pens. I can imagine why my pencil case is so heavy!

          The most important thing is my wardrobe, where you cant turn to the clothes printed with Hellokitty. You can only see black, gray and white just like watching black and white TV. Maybe you are lucky, and occasionally you will find a different color, which must be brown or dark green. Those pink and blue baby clothes are like "evaporation between clothes" and disappeared!

          I cant go back to my old self, but Im happy for my change! Because I dont want to stop growing, because I want a broader and more free world!






          我的變化英語作文 26

          Everyone will change in his life, just like butterflies and silkworms. Time and again, we will grow up gradually. We become more sensible day by day, our lives become richer, we learn new things every day, and we make progress every year.

          Growing up, I had many wishes. When I was a child, I didnt want to grow up, so I could have fun with my friends forever. Now I am not that six or seven-year-old girl, from that little girl who wants adults to cross the road hand in hand to such a fifth-grade pupil. Now my ideal is to be a good citizen who can serve the people in the future.

          My goal is to enrich my study and improve my knowledge in the future.

          Now, I have become more diligent in my study, and I have a feeling of "by going up one flight of stairs" in my study, trying to answer questions as quickly and accurately as a computer.

          Now, I have become more sensible. I wont keep holding my mothers hand and saying, "I want this, buy it for me." Never again, because now I have grown up. I wont buy toys again, because I know its not easy for my parents to make money; I wont lose my temper again, because I know how good my family is to me; I will not complain about the hard work of studying, because I know that studying is for the happiness of my future life.

          Yes, there will be many changes in everyones life, including changes in dreams and changes in learning, so they become more sensible!

          The road of life is long, and every change makes others see that I have really grown up!








          我的變化英語作文 27

          There must be many things changing in life, every day is different, everyone is different, and everything is different.

          In the past, when I was in kindergarten, I was carefree all day, laughing and laughing, and my life was very happy. There is plenty of time to play and fight every day. My parents love me very much, and I often bring happiness to my parents.

          Now, I am in the fourth grade of primary school, and I am busy all day. At 7: 30 in the evening, I just finished my homework. I have to play the piano for an hour and a half after drinking water, and I cant go to bed until ten oclock. I am almost busy every day, and I dont even have time to play on weekends. My parents either send me to cram school to make up lessons, or do homework with me after class.

          Once upon a time, when I was the only baby in the family, my mother was very kind to me. After work, I was so happy to see me jumping around on the carpet. In the evening, he often takes me to Fortune Plaza to buy things, eat ice cream and watch movies.

          Now, after I have a younger brother, my mother is busier. I take my younger brother to play in the community in the morning, coax him to take a nap in the afternoon, have a good dinner and push him to go away with a cart, but I can only stay in my room and do endless homework.

          Well, I am a far cry from what I used to be. I hope this change will bring me more happiness, and I hope that I can learn more knowledge and repay my parents in the constant change.







          我的變化英語作文 28

          After another year, some people will say that I am one year older, and some people will say that I have gained a lot. I would say that I have changed a lot. Ive grown taller. Im much taller than before. On the bus, I can never reach the handle-I can reach a little handle-I can reach the handle completely. When I reached the handle completely, I knew that I had grown taller.

          I became mature. At home, when I tidied up the bookcase, I accidentally saw some photos of my childhood. At that time, my smile was so brilliant, my childish expression and actions were so cute.

          When I saw these photos, I knew that I had grown up. I have become cheerful. When I was a child, I became quiet when I saw strangers, and there was always a sense of tension. Now, I have become a lot more cheerful, articulate and relaxed in front of strangers. I became bold. When I was a child, I was very cautious, so to speak. My mother never let me touch anything since I was a child. Now, I can cook a delicious meal.

          I like reading books, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, War and Peace and so on. When I was a child, I sat in front of the TV and watched it endlessly. In fact, everyone has their own changes, as long as careful observation, there will be gains.





          我的變化英語作文 29

          Two years ago, I was a bad child, I didn’t listen to what my parents told me, I do against what they expect me to do.

          One day, I go home very late, my mother is very angry, but she says nothing. At first, I feel happy, the next morning, she still ignores me, I begin to feel lonely, I cry and say sorry. My mother smiles and says I should change myself, since then, I become a good child.



          我的`變化英語作文 30

          I often used to eat a lot of fast food. KFC and Mcdonald‘s are my favorite places. As I eat so much junk food,I become fat. Other children sometimes will play jokes on me and I realize the problem,so I decide to lose weight.

          My mother cook the healthy food for me. After three months,I lose my weight and look like other guys. I am so happy and decide to keep the healthy diet.



          我的變化英語作文 31

          There is a saying,”A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood”.

          I just had my eighteen years birthday. It’s certain that I have grown much more beautiful now.(laugh) My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind.

          I have become much more mature. I don’t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on study.

          I start considering my future. I try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for me.

          I know I should filial my parents. What’s more, I don’t bully my younger sister and brother any more.

          I have changed a lot, because I have grown up.







          我的變化英語作文 32

          As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before.

          As for me, I want to learn more in school and be a good boy to make my parents happy. Now, I am more focused on lessons and finish my homework actively.

          I know that only by working hard in study can I get a bright future. At home, I often help my mother in housework. I want to be more independent so that I can take good care of myself.

          I don’t want my parents worry too much about me.

          Besides, I like reading now. I realize books can be my friend, too. It is really interesting.






          我的變化英語作文 33

          I have changed a lot. I used to be short and had a large build. But now I am much taller and thinner. I was lazy before and I didnt like doing housework. But now I am a hardworking person and I often help my parents do some housework, such as, cleaning the room, washing the dishes, doing the shopping and so on.

          I think doing the housework can help me grow up and to be indepent. I work hard at my study so I can get better grade than before. I think I am becoming lovely, energetic and easy-going.



          我的變化英語作文 34

          My life at weekends has changed a l ot since last year. In the past i had to get up at six at weekends. After breakfast i hurried to school. it was always busy my lessonsfour lessons inthe morning and four in tne afternoon. But now i dont have to go to school, of cuorse i neend get up so early. I can do what i like.

          For example, i can go out for a picnic with my friends, or play baketball. In the evening, i used to do my homework or go over my lessons, but now i can watch TV, surf the internet or do some reading, and so on. In the past, i didnt go to bed until half past ten, but now at half past nine. I have more free time than before!



          我的變化英語作文 35

          At the beginning of junior high school, I was shy, did not talk too much with my classmates, did not raise my hands in class, and did not take the initiative to learn.

          After a long time, the teacher also found out my situation and called me to talk. He told me the importance of communication, and told me to study hard. I thought about it carefully and thought that I shouldnt be independent and should make friends. So I changed a lot. Gradually, I became cheerful and enthusiastic. I could talk well with most of my classmates. Learning is getting better and better. Instead of being dazed in class, I am actively answering questions.

          In this way, great changes have taken place in my three years of junior high school life.




          我的變化英語作文 36

          Hello, everyone! Have you changed your life?Was it difficult or interesting?

          I’ve changed my life since I was 15. When I was a 15-year-old boy, I always spent all my time playing computer games. And I didn’t like to study at all. But one day, my Chinese teacher asked me to her office.She told me learning was more important than playing computer games and asked me not to waste my time on computer anymore.Since then, I started to cherish. I forgot the computer games and began to study hard. Now,I’ve already forgot the computer games nearly and I’ve already gotten good grades at the same time.

          I was so bad in the past.But in my Chinese teacher’s help,I’ve been a good student.Was it incredible?So this was my bad life in the past and I’ve changed it.How about you?




          我的變化英語作文 37

          AsI learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before. As for me, I wantto learn more in school and be a good boy to make my parents happy.

          Now, I ammore focused on lessons and finish my homework actively. I know that only byworking hard in can I get a bright future. At home, I often help mymother in housework. I want to be more independent so that I can take good careof myself. I don t want my parents worry too much about me. Besides, I likereading now. I realize books can be my friend, too. It is really interesting.



          我的變化英語作文 38

          Recently, I have found that I have become stronger, no longer the timid and timid I used to be.

          Before first grade, I slept in the same bed as my parents because I was afraid of having nightmares at night and couldnt sleep. Therefore, every time I slept, I hugged them tightly. But now, I no longer sleep in the same bed as them, and even when they call me over, I refuse. Sleeping in your bed is too crowded, its better for me to sleep alone in the same bed. They always smile and say, It seems that our precious daughter has really grown up. The reason why I have undergone such a big change is because I feel like a big girl no longer like I was when I was a child, Love stays in the adult bed, otherwise, if outsiders hear me sleeping in the same bed as my parents, I would be ashamed.

          I also found that I, who used to be shy, have become brave. Previously, every time I went to my dads office, I would hide behind him and dare not come out to say hello. Now, whenever I see an uncle or aunt, I generously say hello to them, and they also smile and answer me.

          As I grow up, I will definitely become more generous and brave!





          我的變化英語作文 39

          These days, mom and dad say Ive changed. I also feel that I have changed, from an immature child to a smart and sensible boy. Let me tell you about my changes today!

          Before entering third grade, I had my parents do everything for me. I dont use my mind or think at all. Even what I can do, I also want my parents to help me with it. For example, washing face, brushing teeth, organizing backpacks, sharpening pencils

          But now these things are all done by me, do you want to know why? Because I know that every time my mother comes home from work, she is very tired and cant take a break. She also has to check my homework for me. When I fall asleep, she still needs to send a message to the customer, its really hard! So I want to help my mother and let her rest more, even for a few minutes. In this way, I, who used to be lazy and ignorant, have now become diligent and know how to love my mother.

          Now, after finishing my homework every day, whenever I have time, I read stories to my mother. My mother is particularly happy to hear it and praises me for truly changing and growing up.

          Through these small and medium-sized things, I have learned that my biggest change is my love for my mother!






          我的變化英語作文 40

          I have changed a lot.

          My immune system has strengthened, and my mother no longer needs to worry about my illness. When I was young, I could easily catch a cold and get sick. What kind of stones did I have at the beginning of third grade? Now, Im not afraid of getting sick at all. Being sick has become a very rare occurrence in my family.

          My immune system has improved, but my vision has decreased. I have severe myopia and started wearing glasses. When I took my vision test in first grade, my vision was among the best in the class. Now, I have myopia of over 200 degrees in my left eye, around 250 degrees in my right eye, and astigmatism of 50 degrees in both eyes. Usually, what you can see at a glance, I can only see it when I am very close. Its sad!

          I also have a quirk - a wrench finger. Not pulling for a day feels uncomfortable. I pointed to the wrench because I watched a cool animated film. The protagonist suffered inhumane torture, became cold-blooded, and loved to wrench. After reading it, I also started learning to pull. At first, it was very painful, but later on, I felt very refreshed and comfortable. Thats it, I have such a quirk.





          我的變化英語作文 41

          Time flies so fast, we have undergone many changes.

          I have grown taller than before and also gained weight. My knowledge has increased a lot, which is my biggest change. Although gaining weight troubles me, I have learned a lot of knowledge and become more outgoing.

          There are also many changes in life. I can wake up on my own in the morning without my mother calling me. I also understand that my parents work hard and need to educate me. I also know that I should not disappoint them.

          Everyone will grow up, and I dont think I have grown up because I am very lazy now and unwilling to help my mother with some things. I always have a bad temper. I will gradually overcome these shortcomings.





          我的變化英語作文 42

          I am a constantly changing person.

          One year old me, a silly little girl. I saw a caterpillar and stood there giggling for a long time.

          I am two years old, a cute little girl. My grandmother took me shopping, and others pointed at me and said I was cute.

          At the age of three, I have already come into contact with the world, and my grandmother taught me how to know birds.

          I am four years old, an outgoing little girl. I was crying three minutes ago, but Im playing now!

          I am five years old, an excited little girl. Mom said I was about to start kindergarten, and I clapped my hands excitedly.

          After entering kindergarten, I have been laughing a lot, and the advantages of my childhood still exist today!

          Ten years old, I have become mature and steady.

          This is me, the changing me!










          我的變化英語作文 43

          Today, I submitted a manuscript on the website. When I confidently finished a long article, I pressed the submit button and it flashed and disappeared. Perhaps I forgot to log in!

          The hard work has disappeared, and I am also very sad, but what is the use of being sad? I secretly told myself that no matter how unjust I am, I am not as unjust as Sister Dou E, and no matter how bitter I am, I am not as bitter as Sister Chang E. Moreover, after thinking about it, I have lost my hard written manuscript, but I have also improved my writing skills. I have more opportunities to write! I also trained my typing speed, didnt I? So when doing anything, dont be too pessimistic. Everything has its two sides, and if there are drawbacks, its beneficial!

          I am no longer the little girl who used to cry. I have grown up and need to learn to take responsibility on my own! I am no longer the same person I used to be. Although I have not undergone any changes from birth to bone, I can still feel the gradual progress I have made.




          我的變化英語作文 44

          Time is like an arrow, the sun and moon are like a shuttle, and all things in the world are constantly changing. And I, it seems, have also undergone some changes.

          My mother said I have grown taller, my father said I have grown stronger, my grandfather said I have grown stronger, and my grandmother said I have not only changed in appearance, but also in other aspects.

          Im changing, Ive changed. Today, I am working hard to change my shortcomings. In the past, sometimes my movements were as slow as a snail, which not only wasted time but also delayed my studies. I try to complete everything as quickly as possible now. Gradually, I realized that my speed had increased.

          I have changed. What I want to tell everyone the most is that I have taken a new course called Computer Science. In this course, I learned the names of various computer components: the host, monitor, and mouse. I learned how to surf the internet, send emails, and draw pictures.

          I will gradually break my bad habits of watching TV and playing with my phone all day. At home, I also learned to do some household chores, such as cooking, washing dishes, and cleaning, often receiving praise from my mother. I also read a lot of extracurricular books, sometimes I even read the newspaper of the day to learn about social events, and sometimes I go to exercise with my grandmother.

          I am changing, as time goes by, I want to leverage my strengths and avoid my weaknesses, become positive, sunny, and happy! Lets wait and see!







          我的變化英語作文 45

          Looking back on my personal performance last semester, I found that I had unconsciously changed a lot. From not liking to talk to classmates before to actively talking to them now, from not liking to think about problems proactively to actively thinking about problems, I was particularly surprised by my change.

          In the past, when encountering difficulties in homework, I rarely took the initiative to think, and always asked my mother to help explain the answers. When the teacher talks about difficult problems in class, I ask my classmates to discuss them. I rarely participate in discussions and believe that it is impossible for me to solve these problems. In the past, writing essays was indiscriminate, lacking any hierarchy or structure. These are all previous performances, but now I am able to proactively think about difficult problems, complete assignments independently, actively participate in classroom discussions with classmates, and express my own opinions. Writing an essay has also made great progress. Before writing, I will think about the structure and arrangement of the essay, and use more vivid language to describe it.

          I used to dislike communicating with my classmates. After class, they went out in groups to play. I rarely participated and just sat in my seat reading. During physical education class, my classmates played football and skipped rope together, but I rarely participated. Therefore, the teacher rarely criticizes me and only asks me to answer some questions in class. And now I actively communicate with my classmates, often finding topics to chat with my desk mates. It turned out that communicating with my classmates was a simple and happy thing.

          Although I have made many changes, there is still one deficiency. I am a bit timid about the teachers questions and cannot boldly guess, think, and answer. In the new semester, I will do better!





          我的變化英語作文 46

          To change ones life, the first step is to change oneself. How can people who cannot adapt to this change lead a better life?

          There is a pair of twin brothers who, because their family is too poor, can only make a living by selling waste for their own education. After graduation, my brother decided to go to another province and explore his own world. But my brother stayed at home because he was afraid of the danger of society. Three years later, my brother achieved success in his career. He drove his luxury car home to pick up the elderly and enjoy a happy life in the city. However, my brother went door-to-door with his broken tricycle to pick up waste.

          A famous person once said, "Change comes with a price, and without paying the price, there will be no change! My brother must have suffered a lot in the past three years. When I failed, fell out, was stared at, and my parents were not comforted by my side; When you succeed, no one can share the joy in your heart. Staying at home alone at night, melancholic homesickness and loneliness welled up in my heart. During the day, pretend to be a social elite and try not to let others see your inner weakness. Being in a foreign land, missing loved ones. Only you know this pain, no matter how beautiful, enviable, or how much pain you have endured after returning home. But only in this way can you change your life.

          However, my brother has been staying in his hometown for many years. Picking up waste every day, riding a tricycle, worrying about food every day. In more than a decade, we will continue to live in the future. You cannot change your life just to protect yourself.

          Everyone wants to have a good life, but only by changing themselves can they truly change their lives.






          我的變化英語作文 47

          People are constantly changing, and I am also constantly changing. In the process of growing up, I have seen little by little changes and progress. Childlike and childish, like a sapling sprouting new buds, like a spring seeping out of rocks, like a star shimmering with faint light.

          I left my parents "big tree shade" for the first time, and in the kindergarten, I recited 123 while listening to the little swallow in my ear, thinking of playing on a swing. This is what happens every day: eating, drinking, playing, and sleeping. In school, I become a VIP, at home, I become a princess, and I spend all day: reaching out for clothes, opening my mouth for food, all relying on my parents. There is a commonly held feudal ideology among three year old children in my mind: with my parents, what am I still afraid of? I just need to be happy every day. I simply dont know how to understand my parents, which is to take myself as the core, take my own happiness as the purpose, and lead my own life.

          As I grew older, I gradually realized that the saplings had grown taller and had more leaves. The mountain spring flowed towards the mountain stream, and the stars were even brighter. In elementary school, it can be said that one has received a higher level of education. I read a o e, listened to the Three Character Classic, and thought about obtaining a certificate of commendation. He has become a frequent traveler at school and a happy fruit at home. Due to receiving higher education, I have also learned that when parents teach, one must listen attentively and the world is like a neighbor. In front of children, I can proudly show off that I can read the bright moon in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground. Being sensible and eager to learn, the saplings have become lush, the springs have flowed into the river, and the stars have become dazzling.

          I no longer have childish thoughts, can "listen to my mothers words, dont let her get hurt", can think from the perspective of my parents, and no longer forget about learning. Learning has become the main line of life, actively speaking, and working hard to learn. This is my change, and you?



          年少漸知,小樹苗長高了,葉子也多了,山泉以流向山溪,星星也更加明亮。到了小學,可以說是受到了更“高級”的教育。念的是a o e,聽的是三字經,想的是拿獎狀。在學校已成了常旅客,在家中成了開心果。由于收到的是“高等教育”,所以也懂得了“父母教,須敬聽”“天涯若比鄰”,在小朋友面前可以驕傲地炫耀我會讀“床前明月光,疑是地上霜”。懂事好學,小樹苗已枝繁葉茂,山泉已流入小河,星星也變得耀眼了。


          我的變化英語作文 48

          In the morning, the sun came out and white clouds floated in the sky. The weather is really nice today.

          My brother and I are playing games in the park. Suddenly, there was a little cat and a big dog in front of me. They looked at me sullenly like lions, and then ran quickly behind me. I was scared and shouted while running. I ran behind a strange uncle, who covered me up. We were like playing with an eagle catching a chick.

          Later, my uncle scared the little cat and big dog away, and a few children mocked me from behind. When I heard this, I felt aggrieved and wanted to cry. At this moment, I found that the little cat and big dog were still following me. They wanted to catch me, so I shouted at them like my uncle did just now. The little cat and big dog were startled, and then a few more children came along to encourage and praise me, saying that I am great and brave! I heard it and felt happy in my heart.

          Later on, I thought to myself, if it werent for my uncles protection just now, I would have been teased by this little cat and big dog. If it werent for the ridicule and encouragement from those children, I wouldnt have become so brave. Now Im not afraid of little cats and big dogs anymore. Others say Im a real man.

          On my way home, I feel as if the sky is exceptionally blue and the sunlight is exceptionally bright. I cant forget today. I sincerely thank the little cat and big dog for helping me learn to be brave and become a true man!






          我的變化英語作文 49

          One day, I was watching TV and the people inside were riding a roller coaster, sliding down at a super fast speed, which reminded me of the time I spent visiting Zhuhai.

          That was summer vacation. We went to Zhuhai and it was already afternoon by plane. The next day, we took a yacht to the Ocean Park. My aunt said we would take a roller coaster first. I looked at it and was so scared. I asked her if she would fall off the roller coaster. She smiled and said, No, it wont.. I am still afraid, but my mother took my younger brother to see the Sea Lion Theater. My aunt said to be brave, so I had to give it a try first.

          I got on the roller coaster and didnt feel so scared anymore. Flying down from a height of more than ten floors felt so great. Originally, making a roller coaster was not as scary as imagined.

          Later, my aunt took us to take another roller coaster. I wanted to take it, but I was less than 1.4 meters tall and couldnt take it. Only my brother could. However, after my brother took the roller coaster, tears flowed down his face. It turned out that my brother was just as timid as before!

          With this experience, I am no longer so timid now. I have become even braver, and my learning has also improved. In life, if someone beats me, I wont be so timid anymore.






          我的變化英語作文 50

          The sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, and time flies. Everything in the world is changing all the time. And I, it seems, have changed a little.

          In this new semester, two new students and a new Chinese teacher have been transferred to our class. Although the Chinese teacher is very strict, she is very good in class and we all like her very much.

          In this semester, my grades have also been greatly improved. In the past, I always paid no attention to my study, and the score in the exam was often only eighty points. Now, I have changed, and I feel less when I get 95 points in the exam. Of course, this is all due to my own hard work and the careful teaching of my teacher.

          Besides these changes, I also learned a new skill! That is Chinas national sport-table tennis. On the first day of learning this skill, the teacher taught us to bounce the ball. I think its easy for the teacher to dance the ball, but its not like that when its my turn. Its really easy to see flowers but difficult to embroider! I either took the racket askew or threw the ball askew, and I couldnt bounce a ball. Finally, through my unremitting efforts, I finally learned this technology step by step.

          I am changing, I am changing. With the passage of time, I will definitely have greater changes. Lets wait and see! As the Monkey King said, "Look at me!"






          我的變化英語作文 51

          With the passage of time, I have also undergone some changes.

          Now Im becoming more and more extroverted. I didnt dare to talk to others before. Grandma said that before I saw my relatives who came to my house, they were so far away that they were afraid to talk to them. Most of them were hiding behind my grandmother. Now I dare to talk to my relatives who come to my home, and sometimes I take the initiative to sit and chat with them. However, chatting with elders is still very interesting. Every time I chat with them, I have to laugh for a while because they are very interesting and always make people laugh. In the past, I didnt dare to say hello to my teacher at school. Now I have to say hello to my teacher from far away.

          I didnt dare to take an injection before. When I was sick, I didnt take an injection when I could take medicine. Grandpa told me that I would get better if I got an injection. Even so, I firmly chose to take medicine. Now, I can have an injection with a straight face, and I wont feel afraid in my heart. Grandpa praised me for being braver.

          Before, I couldnt do housework, and I couldnt even help my grandparents with housework. Now, I have learned a lot of housework, and I will also help my grandparents do some housework during the holidays. My grandparents are very pleased and say that I have grown up.

          I will definitely have some changes in the future, and I hope those changes are pleasant.






          我的變化英語作文 52

          Time flies. As time goes by, everything changes slowly.

          I remember when I was three or four years old, I was still an innocent child, carefree. On a sunny day, my good friend and I are hee hee on the grass; On rainy days, I lie prone on the windowsill, watching the raindrops "tick-tock, tick-tock …" falling to the ground from the eaves, enjoying a beautiful life.

          Slowly, I grew up gradually. Becoming taller, heavier, irritable, complicated, is an independent individual.

          I remember that it was the winter vacation last year. My mother was ill and wanted to drink some rice congee. She said to me, "Baby, my mother wants to drink rice congee. Can you help me make it?" "Of course, mom, but ... what does rice congee do?" I asked my mother. She said: "First pour half a bowl of rice, add five or six times of water, and then simmer slowly." I ran to the kitchen and did as my mother said. First, I poured half a bowl of rice, then added five to six times of water, and then I started cooking. After about 40 minutes, "Done! Done! " I said excitedly to my mother. Holding a steaming bowl of rice congee, I came to my mother. Mother took a bite and said, "This is the most fragrant and sweet porridge I have ever tasted." I was puzzled and asked my mother, "Why?" My mother touched my head and said with a smile, "Because this bowl of porridge contains the babys deep love for her mother!" " My heart is full of joy, sweeter than eating honey. Suddenly, I found myself grown up and sensible.

          The world is changing, so am I.






          我的變化英語作文 53

          I am a girl. He is neither tall nor low. His black hair is ear-long, his nose is high, and under his shallow eyebrows are a pair of eyes with competitive eyes. Thin lips, never forgive people when talking. From my appearance, you should see that I am a naughty little girl.

          I am 13 years old this year. When I was 8 years old, I was really a naughty monkey. In front of my parents, I will become a naughty and stubborn "little emperor". I always go against them. My mother tells me to go east and I go west.

          One day, after cleaning the house, my mother cleaned the window and then swept the floor, but I sat comfortably on the kang and watched TV. Mom said, "You are eight years old. You should learn to do housework and wash the dishes." I casually replied, but I still sat still. After a while, my mother urged me to ask, "Why dont you wash the dishes?" I watched TV and said I knew. As a result, I forgot about washing dishes all afternoon. This is me when I was 8 years old.

          Now I am 13 years old, and I have learned to do housework, and I often help my mother do something that I can. At school, I am a clever student and listen to the teacher. I can help my classmates and meet my elders, and I will also greet them very warmly. Im never proud of my studies, and Im very modest, so Im obedient enough.

          I was very naughty at the age of 8, and now I am very obedient. This is my change.






          我的變化英語作文 54

          There is a tall poplar tree in front of my window. It is taller than five stories, and it is about twenty years old. On this lush tree, there live a pair of magpies, and I like them very much.

          Mom said that when I was one year old, I often stood on the windowsill, stuck my head out of the window and stared at the magpies jumping around the branches. I was also happy to keep jumping around on the windowsill. Later, I grew up and went to school. Whenever I was tired of studying, I would involuntarily go to the window to see the big trees and the green leaves and thick branches of the old poplars, but I wanted to see the diligent magpie father feeding the baby and repairing the house, which was particularly interesting. If I want to sleep in one weekend, I will be awakened by the loud singing of magpies. Even so, I still love them, because they add endless fun to my life!

          The most terrible thing happened. One day after school, I came home and saw the empty window. Oh, my God! The old poplar is lying on the ground, and the magpie is gone! Who cut down the big tree? My tears burst out. Who is so hateful? Why hurt them?

          From then on, I became lonely and my life was monotonous. As soon as I walk to the window, my eyes will be moist, and I will never see the old poplar and those lovely elves again! The earth is the common home of human beings, animals and plants. Why should human beings mercilessly deprive them of their rights?

          Through this incident, I have changed and become a child who loves flowers, trees and nature!






          我的變化英語作文 55

          Change, everything is changing, and I have a lot of changes. Im bigger, Im smarter, Im capable, Im ...

          When I was in the first grade of primary school at the age of seven, when it was time to write with a pen, at first I couldnt hold a pen, let alone write, or calculate math problems. At that time, I was at a loss. I was scared and worried. Later, I summoned up my courage, faced it seriously, studied carefully and practiced patiently. After my hard work, everything pays off. I finally learned to write and do math problems. I was very happy, and I did well. I was often praised by my teacher. I changed, and I became very capable. I really changed ...

          Another time, in class. The teacher suddenly told me to stand up and answer the teachers questions. I panicked and didnt know what to do. My heart was very timid, my face was red, and I stood stupidly. When I watched the teacher become speechless, my classmates laughed. My heart was very sad, and my tears fell down. The teacher said, "Dont be nervous, think slowly, and you should be brave to answer questions. The teacher believes you." Encouraged by the teacher, I stopped my tears. Finally, I answered the question, and all my classmates gave me approval and encouragement. I succeeded, and I will make persistent efforts when I succeed.

          At this time, I am full of hope and strength. From the past to the present, it has made me weak and strong, from childish to mature, from failure to success.





          我的變化英語作文 56

          From kindergarten to now, I have changed a lot in many places.

          The first obvious change is that I will eat spicy food. Before the big class, I didnt eat spicy food at all. My mother bought boiled fish and these spicy dishes, so I pretended not to see them. But in the winter vacation of the second grade, I went to Chengdu for a trip. There are almost all spicy dishes there. I told the people in the shop not to put spicy food, but their pot is spicy, and it becomes spicy after frying the dishes. In the first few days, I only ate a little spicy food, so I could only fill my stomach with rice. But later, I found that spicy food was delicious, and I ate more and more slowly. Back in Wenzhou, I like spicy food. As long as my mother buys spicy food, I eat a lot. I know spicy food will get angry, but I cant help it. Now Im addicted and I cant change my habit of eating spicy food.

          I have another big change, that is, I have grown a lot. At that time, I was the shortest person in our senior class four. When playing the game Eagle Catches Chickens, my classmates often ask me to be an eagle to catch chickens because of my height, which makes me very unhappy. Sometimes I come back to the classroom crying, but they are laughing. I was very angry and decided to grow taller quickly. Sure enough, in the summer vacation of my freshman year, I learned to swim and grew a lot, sitting in the third row. I was so happy that from then on, no classmates laughed at me for being small.

          In the meantime, I still have many changes, but only these two big changes have surprised me a little, even some cant believe it.





          我的變化英語作文 57

          Everything in the world, everything in the world, changes all the time. Of course, people are no exception, and they are changing every minute.

          When I was a child, I was willful and ignorant. I didnt know that my parents did everything for us. I never understood others and didnt listen to them. Now that I am sensible, I will be filial to my parents. When my parents are tired, I will bring a glass of water and beat their backs. Try to do what my father tells me, but my mothers words dont go in one ear and out the other.

          I am changing and becoming strong. I am no longer the "little princess" I used to be. Now I will not run away from difficulties and will not be as timid as I used to be. I lost a lot before, but I am no longer so pessimistic and depressed. I will not go back when I encounter setbacks, and I will not cry when I criticize my elders.

          I used to play some interesting games, but now I think its childish in retrospect. Whenever I do my homework at home, read books and study, I find myself studying hard. Look! I became conscious.

          When I was a child, I was chubby, like a little pig. As the saying goes, "A girl is eighteen years old." Look at me now, am I not pretty?

          Yes! Unconsciously, I also found myself changing, and what is around me is also changing! As the Monkey King said: Look at my seventy-two changes!







          我的變化英語作文 58

          "The flowers are like flowers every year, and people are different every year." Everything in the world will change, everyone will change, and I am no exception.

          I remember when I was in grade one or two, I was very timid. Scare me, from screaming "ah-ah" to crying, and I wont stop for ten minutes. But one thing completely changed my timidity.

          I remember that time, my mother went on a business trip and entrusted me to my grandmother. Grandmas house is very big, and she arranged me in a spacious room. Before going to bed, my grandmother told me, "Knock on my door if you need anything. I left you a nightlight. Sweet dreams! "

          The light went out, and after I lay down, I looked at the room with only one nightlight smeared by Wuqi, and I couldnt help shivering. At this time, there was a gust of wind blowing, which scared me to shrink my head into the quilt. Suddenly, I remembered the vampire and murderer that my cousin threatened me, and I remembered my mother. Now I am the only one in this room, and my tears fall down. But I warned myself: "Dont shed tears, although there is no mother, shedding tears is the behavior of the weak, and you cant shed tears!" " I dried my tears and put myself to sleep by counting sheep. "One, two, ... 100, 101 ..." Counting, I fell asleep.

          The next day, I found that I was still in the guest room. I successfully conquered my fear last night! I can do it!

          Since then, I am no longer timid, natural and graceful, confident and mature.

          Everyone grows in change, changes in growth, and I, too, will strive to advance in the direction of self-reliance and self-reliance.












        我的變化My Changes英語作文(精選23篇)10-08






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