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      2. 大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹

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        大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹(精選20篇)

          在平時(shí)的學(xué)習(xí)、工作或生活中,許多人都有過(guò)寫(xiě)作文的經(jīng)歷,對(duì)作文都不陌生吧,寫(xiě)作文可以鍛煉我們的獨(dú)處習(xí)慣,讓自己的心靜下來(lái),思考自己未來(lái)的方向。那么你有了解過(guò)作文嗎?以下是小編收集整理的大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹,歡迎閱讀與收藏。

        大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹(精選20篇)

          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 1

          For recent years, most cities in China are not allowed to light fireworks and crackers during New Year. Some people think this is good for them to get away from noise. Some people, however, don’t think this kind of action is acceptable. For me, I believe fireworks and crackers should be banned. Reasons are listed below.

          Firstly, fireworks and crackers can cause sound pollution. It is known to all that when fireworks and crackers are set off;they will make great sound which will disturb other people who want to have a rest. Especially at New Year’s Eve, we can’t go to sleep because there is too much noise outside.

          Secondly, fireworks and crackers will cause air pollution. When firework is set off, it will produce lots of sulfur dioxide which is harmful to our environment.

          Thirdly, fireworks and crackers can cause damage. Fireworks and crackers are very easy to explosive. When people light them, some accident will happen. It is happened quite often that some people get hurt by lighting it.

          All in all, fireworks and crackers do lots of harm to people so we shouldn’t set off fireworks and crackers. On the contrary, we can celebrate our holiday by other ways instead of setting off firework.






          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 2

          As college students, we often ponder over the question of whether fireworks and firecrackers should be prohibited. While these traditional celebrations bring joy and excitement to festivals, they also pose significant safety hazards. The noise pollution and air pollution caused by fireworks can disturb the peace and harm the environment. Moreover, the risk of fires and injuries is always looming, especially in densely populated areas.

          However, banning fireworks would deprive us of a cultural tradition that has been passed down for generations. It is a symbol of celebration and unity. Therefore, a balanced approach is needed. We can enforce stricter safety regulations, promote awareness of the risks involved, and encourage the use of eco-friendly alternatives. In conclusion, a complete ban may not be the best solution, but responsible and safe use of fireworks is essential.



          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 3

          As university students, we are often confronted with the question of whether the use of fireworks and firecrackers should be restricted. On one hand, these explosions of color and sound are deeply ingrained in our cultural celebrations, adding a sense of joy and excitement to special occasions.

          However, on the other hand, the use of fireworks and firecrackers poses significant risks. The noise they generate can be a nuisance, disturbing the peace and quiet of neighborhoods. Moreover, the smoke and particles they release contribute to air pollution, harming our environment. Most importantly, the risk of fire and injury is always present, especially when used irresponsibly.

          Therefore, a careful balance needs to be struck. Instead of a blanket ban, we should consider imposing certain restrictions. This could include limiting the times and places where fireworks can be used, enforcing stricter safety regulations, and promoting awareness of the potential hazards.

          In conclusion, while the use of fireworks and firecrackers adds to the festivities of our celebrations, we must also be mindful of the potential risks they pose. Responsible and safe use, along with necessary restrictions, is the key to enjoying these traditional celebrations while protecting our communities and the environment.





          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 4

          As college students, we are often called upon to evaluate traditions and practices in the context of modern society. One such tradition that frequently comes under scrutiny is the use of fireworks and firecrackers. While they add a spark of excitement to celebrations, their use also raises concerns about safety and environmental impact.

          The argument for restriction is compelling. The noise and air pollution caused by fireworks are a nuisance and can harm our health. Furthermore, the risk of fire and injury is significant, especially in densely populated areas. These hazards are unacceptable, especially when considering the safety of our communities and the sustainability of our environment.

          However, we must also acknowledge the cultural significance of fireworks and firecrackers. They have been a part of our celebrations for centuries and are deeply ingrained in our traditions. A complete ban might feel like a loss of an essential part of our cultural identity.

          Therefore, a balanced approach is needed. Instead of a blanket ban, we should consider imposing reasonable restrictions on the use of fireworks and firecrackers. This could include limiting their use to certain times and places, enforcing strict safety regulations, and promoting the use of eco-friendly alternatives.

          In conclusion, while the use of fireworks and firecrackers brings joy and excitement to our celebrations, we must also be mindful of the potential risks and impacts they pose. A balanced approach that combines cultural respect with safety and environmental considerations is the best way forward.






          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 5

          Every year, every family will set off fireworks to celebrate the New Year, but this year it is banned, I think it is right. The main component of fireworks is gunpowder, which is easy to cause fire and great harm. Discharge will produce air pollution, noise pollution, cause fire and injury accidents, waste resources, resulting in human burden.

          As a student we should consciously protect the environment, do not buy fireworks, do not set off fireworks. And also supervise Mom and dad and surrounding relatives and friends, do not buy. Now is a new era, to lead the new fashion, we can use electronic firecrackers, hanging lanterns and other safe, environmentally friendly, low-carbon ways to express our joy of the New Year. Firecrackers are silent for a year, and the spring breeze is still in Tu Su.

          Lets start from now, start from us, shake hands with civilization, say goodbye to fireworks, develop a low-carbon, green, civilized and healthy lifestyle, and strive to be civilized residents to contribute to the Winter Olympics! Lets have a safe and comfortable living environment together, a clear blue sky.




          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 6

          Fireworks are everywhere in our life, fireworks are angels, it represents luck; Fireworks are also devils, they are full of disasters.

          Fireworks is a big celebrity, whenever the New Year, we should invite fireworks to support. Fireworks shot into the sky one by one, so the sky opened a blossoming of auspicious flowers. Firecracker with its loud voice to tell everyone: "The New Year is coming". The brothers have been a big help.

          Because of this, fireworks become murderers. Those naughty children in the process of playing with firecrackers, due to the strong power of firecrackers, accidentally may hurt eyes, hurt fingers and so on. This is about the future of the child!

          Not only that, in a series of explosions, fireworks were to blame.

          Fireworks can also pollute the environment, scientists have determined that the gas emitted when fireworks are set off is poisonous, it can pollute the air, if it goes on like this, the earth will perish sooner or later. I believe that as long as we minimize setting off fireworks, the earth will be less burdened and the world will be a better place.

          Protect the environment, start from me.







          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 7

          At present, air pollution is serious, haze continues to appear, environmental deterioration, seriously affecting our lives and health! Therefore, the state advocates less fireworks and firecrackers to reduce pollution as much as possible.

          On the first day of the New Year, we went up the mountain to "worship the grave" to mourn the ancestors, although we can still hear the sparse "crackling" firecrackers, but obviously less than last year. Yes, we can use other ways to remember the ancestors, the stall on the bright chrysanthemum is not a symbol of our ancestors? Buy a bunch of flowers, point three fragrance, the same expression of our missing feelings!

          Although the sound of firecrackers is not much, the mountain is still smoke curl around, but also with the smell of gunpowder, and the fresh air on the mountain is incompatible. You know what? A fireworks will produce sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and other highly toxic gases, these are invisible "killers", unknowingly, the toxin flows in our blood, endangering our health, deprived of our right to longevity! In fact, no firecrackers, will not lose the New Year, the New Years breath we can still smell; We can also hear the footsteps of the New Year!

          For our own sake, please set off less fireworks and firecrackers, and strive to be civilized Chongde Yuyao people!





          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 8

          Fireworks are a symbol of happiness in China. But now fireworks may be doing more harm than good.

          First, there are countless fires or massive explosions caused by fireworks every year, and there are countless lives left this world forever because of fireworks.

          Second, the harm of fireworks to the air is also immeasurable. Today, for example, just as I was getting out of the car to go home, a puff of smoke came over my face and I quickly hid in the car. Looking out from the car, it is like the fog, stretching on and on, invading everyones respiratory system. According to statistics, peoples chances of respiratory disease will increase several times during the New Year!

          Third, fireworks are such a waste of money. A fireworks, fleeting, but the cost is dozens or even hundreds of dollars. Wouldnt it be better to use that money to build us a basketball hoop or some sports equipment?

          Therefore, I would like to call on everyone here, we should put an end to fireworks as soon as possible, to the environment, safety and common people to make a small but not negligible contribution!






          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 9

          When I woke up this morning, the Windows were all gray. The sun is blocked behind the clouds, and the beautiful scenery of the morning is ruined by the culprit: the haze. The city of Ningbo is shrouded in this gray.

          Haze has caused great inconvenience to our life, and travel has been forced to reduce; Wear a mask when you go out, and the number of people suffering from respiratory infections in hospitals has increased significantly; Students ask for leave one after another, which seriously affects the teaching order. Ningbo is in a state of "haze on all sides, cough cannot be eased".

          Approaching the Spring Festival, it is a climax of fireworks and firecrackers, fireworks, will increase the impact of fog and haze on air quality? Therefore, in the class team class this week, the students of our class had a discussion on whether to set off fireworks during the Spring Festival in the hazy days.

          "Of course there are fireworks! Otherwise, how can it have the flavor of the Spring Festival?" A student spoke first.

          The students talked about fireworks, some people think that fireworks should be set off, and some people think that it can be set off properly. But most students think that setting off fireworks does more harm than good. In addition to easy to cause fire, it will seriously pollute the air, making our originally not optimistic air environment "worse". Is it just for the sake of a momentary bustle that PM2.5 goes off the charts? We can spend the Spring Festival happily in other ways and ways.

          Finally, we reached a consensus: this years Spring Festival, do not set off fireworks, we have to be the guardian of the protection of the environment! We have the responsibility to contribute to the control of smog!







          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 10

          Now, the Spring Festival is coming soon, everywhere is a happy and peaceful atmosphere, all the time, setting off fireworks is a traditional custom in our country, it is "the sound of firecrackers in the New Year, the spring breeze to warm into Tu Su", but setting off fireworks will pollute the air, produce noise, cause fire, causing casualties and property losses and many other drawbacks. So I think as students of the new era, we should actively respond to the call of the school and say "NO" to setting off fireworks.

          Spring Festival is our most solemn festival, family reunion, talk about parents, talk about the past and the future. But every year, the sound of firecrackers rises one after another, a wave is higher than a wave, which continues until late at night, and sometimes it will continue until the next morning, the Spring Festival Gala can not be heard, and the morning sleep is not sweet. Do not set off firecrackers, we can sit together as a family, eat the New Years dinner, watch the Spring Festival Gala together, happy, happy and warm. I am a girl, every New Year when I hear firecrackers, I am a little afraid. When I was a child, I hurt my fingers and burned my clothes. If there are no fireworks, then the air will not be bad, there will be no fires, no peoples cars will be blown up, and no innocent passers-by and children will be injured, and our New Year will be happier and safer.

          Now, we have made a decision not to set off fireworks here, I think we can also do couplets, hang lanterns, dumplings and other interesting things, do not set off fireworks, the same can have a good year, the same strong flavor. I am looking forward to a quiet and safe New Year.




          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 11

          A few days ago, I learned from the news that there was an air pollution incident in Beijing. Fireworks were partly to blame. After reading it, I cant help but wonder about the topic: Is it true that setting off fireworks will harm the environment?

          However, after the experience of fireworks at night, I understand why fireworks will pollute the environment. My sister and I wanted to set off fireworks this evening. So I took the firework out, I lit the fuse first, and then the exit of the firework emitted a colorful halo. At the end of the fireworks, many small orange particles of light burst out of the outlet, giving off a dazzling light in the gray sky. But when the fireworks are over, you will find an amazing scene, this only pencil holder fireworks, actually released a room as big as the smoke, very pungent, not easy to disperse for a long time. Another time, I put a bunch of slender fireworks in the living room, but when I finished, I found that under the lighting, the air in the whole room became light blue, especially choking, I hurriedly opened the door and all the Windows, waiting for more than an hour, this strong smoke slowly dispersed. Thus, I not only think of the topic in the news: how serious is the pollution of fireworks to the environment.

          If everyone of us plays with fireworks, then how much harm is done to the earth, if the earth is destroyed, then we will no longer have the possibility of living. Because theres no planet for us anymore.




          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 12

          Every year, we have to set off fireworks and firecrackers, there is a festive atmosphere in the New Year, but do you know that setting off fireworks and firecrackers may cause great harm?

          Fireworks contain a lot of harmful substances such as carbon dioxide, when set off, these substances will pollute the air, make the PM2.5 index rise, people breathe this air, will cause some diseases.

          There are many other accidents caused by firecrackers. At 11:23 PM on February 12, a flight at Wenzhou Yongqiang Airport circled in the air for nearly 20 minutes due to fireworks interference before landing. When firecrackers go off, the animals can hardly find a quiet place. During the Spring Festival, four white tigers and one African lion were born in the Shanghai Wild Animal Park one after another, but these newborn animals and the animal mother in confinement fell ill due to the festival firecrackers, panic and irritability, and the mother could not feed the tiger and lion normally. Alin, a 15-year-old boy from Hangzhou, has had trouble with his ears since he and his cousin set off fireworks for more than two hours on the second day of the New Year, especially in his left ear. The parents were anxious and took him to the hospital only to find that Alins left eardrum had been perforated. In addition to the firecrackers themselves injured, the sound of firecrackers to sleep restless things also abound. Mr. Yan, who lives in Daxing, Beijing, complained that after bursts of firecrackers went off, car alarms in his neighborhood went off. On the night of the first day of the Chinese New Year, a Jetta car alarm went off for half an hour, and the elderly and children in his family did not have a good rest.

          So, many cities across the country have begun to ban the setting off of fireworks regulations, lets work together to make the city clean.



          鞭炮造成的'意外事件還有很多。2月12日晚11時(shí)23分,溫州永強(qiáng)機(jī)場(chǎng)一架航班因?yàn)闊熁ǜ蓴_,在空中盤(pán)旋了近20分,才得以著陸。 鞭炮響起時(shí),動(dòng)物們都難覓清靜之地。春節(jié)期間,上海野生動(dòng)物園有4頭小白虎、1頭非洲獅相繼出生,但這些新生的小動(dòng)物和坐月子的動(dòng)物媽媽卻因節(jié)日的鞭炮而患病了,驚慌、煩躁不安,母親無(wú)法正常哺育小虎、小獅。杭州的15歲少年阿林自從年初二那天和堂兄放了兩個(gè)多小時(shí)煙花后耳朵就不對(duì)勁了,尤其是左耳,聽(tīng)不見(jiàn)一點(diǎn)聲音。父母急了,把他送到醫(yī)院后才發(fā)現(xiàn)阿林的左耳鼓膜已經(jīng)穿孔。 除了放鞭炮者自己受傷外,被鞭炮聲吵得睡不安寧的事情也比比皆是。家住北京大興的閻先生抱怨說(shuō),陣陣鞭炮響過(guò)后,停放在小區(qū)里的車的報(bào)警器也跟著叫起來(lái),大年初一晚上,他家樓下有輛捷達(dá)車的報(bào)警器響了半個(gè)小時(shí),家里的老人和孩子都休息不好。


          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 13

          "The sound of firecrackers in a New Year, the spring breeze into the warmth of Tu Su..." Setting off firecrackers to welcome the New Year is a traditional custom of our Chinese nation. Whenever the New Year comes, people will buy all kinds of firecrackers to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. This used to be a very happy thing, but you know what? In fact, firecrackers are particularly harmful to peoples health and the environment. Lets listen to my introduction first.

          When setting off fireworks, it will release a lot of smoke containing carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide and other harmful substances. If these harmful substances exceed a certain amount, it will reduce peoples visibility and form one of our common harmful weather -- haze. Haze is composed of hundreds of atmospheric particles. Among them, the main harm to human health is the aerosol particles with a diameter of less than 10 microns, which can directly enter and adhere to the upper and lower respiratory tract and lung lobe of the human body, causing rhinitis, bronchitis and other diseases, long-term in this environment will also cause lung cancer! The sulfur dioxide released by fireworks can also be converted into acid rain to corrode industrial equipment, lead to the death of fish and shrimp, and kill forests and crops.

          When setting off fireworks, if the noise generated by the explosion exceeds 135 decibels, it will cause peoples hearing damage and dull hearing. If people absorb harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, it will cause serious damage to the human respiratory system, nervous system and cardiovascular system. Among them, the damage to the nervous system will affect our normal sleep, but also make us irritable!

          After listening to my introduction, is everyone already aware of the original fireworks harm so great! In order to protect the environment of our earth, I hope you can set off firecrackers as little as possible in the future, it is best not to set off, let us do our part for the environment of the motherland!


          燃放煙花爆竹時(shí),會(huì)釋放出許多含有二氧化碳,二氧化硫,三氧化硫等有害物質(zhì)的煙霧,這些有害物質(zhì)如果超出一定的數(shù)量,就會(huì)使人們的可見(jiàn)度下降,形成我們常見(jiàn)的有害天氣之一—— 霧霾,霧霾是由數(shù)百種大氣顆粒物組成的,其中危害人體健康的主要是直徑小于10微米的氣溶膠粒子,它能直接進(jìn)入并粘附在人體上下呼吸道和肺葉中,引起鼻炎,支氣管炎等病癥,長(zhǎng)期處于這種環(huán)境還會(huì)引發(fā)肺癌呢!燃放煙花爆竹時(shí)釋放出的'二氧化硫還會(huì)轉(zhuǎn)化成酸雨腐蝕工業(yè)設(shè)備,導(dǎo)制魚(yú)蝦死亡,還會(huì)使森林,農(nóng)作物死亡。

          在燃放煙花爆竹時(shí),如果爆炸產(chǎn)生的噪聲超過(guò)135分貝,就會(huì)使人們的聽(tīng)力受損,聽(tīng)覺(jué)遲鈍。如果人們吸收了二氧化碳等有害氣體,就會(huì)使人體的呼吸系統(tǒng),神經(jīng)系統(tǒng),心血管造成嚴(yán)重的損害。 其中,神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)的傷害會(huì)影響我們的正常睡眠,而且還會(huì)使我們變得急躁易怒哩!


          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 14

          "The sound of firecrackers in one year, the spring breeze into the warmth of Tu Su. Thousands of households are always very happy every day, always put the new peach for the old." When the footsteps of the Spring Festival approach gently, there will be such a familiar picture into the eye: "crackling" the sound of firecrackers one after another, competing to shout, lingering ears; Colorful fireworks, to the deep night added a brilliant color. The festive fireworks add a strong flavor to the land of China.

          It is a traditional custom of our country to set off firecrackers during the New Year. Since the invention and application of fireworks, due to traditional customs and merchants for profit reasons, varieties and colors are increasingly diverse, and its application is more and more extensive. When people happily set off fireworks, how many people will pay attention to the hidden danger behind this beauty?

          On the morning of the sixth day of this year, a little boy covered a firecracker with a can and lit the firecracker after the can exploded, injuring the boys eyes and severely damaging the corners of his eyes. In Guiyang City, a long lady walking on the street, was injured by firecrackers falling from the sky, the right ear was damaged by firecrackers, and the eardrum appeared temporarily deaf. Last year, fireworks caused 551 injuries, five deaths and 378 fires, according to authorities. What a staggering figure!

          Setting off fireworks will not only bring harm to our body and mind, make property suffer losses, but also bring air pollution, noise pollution, solid waste pollutants. Therefore, on the eve of the Spring Festival, the municipal government stipulated that fireworks could not be set off in the second ring road this year, except for the Lunar New Years Eve, the first day of the first month and the fifteenth day of the first month. We should abide by the regulations of the government and resolutely resist setting off fireworks, so that the laughter of the holiday can accompany us every moment.

          For the safety of our lives and property, for the cleanliness and beauty of our city, for our country and a better future, let us inherit the traditional culture at the same time, with the fire of civilization, etiquette flowers to replace the fireworks. In this way, we can have a safe and comfortable living environment, can have a clear blue sky!






          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 15

          Many people like setting off of firecrackers and fireworks in the festival. but in part of people especially the middle-aged and elderly, argue that playing with firecrackers during the Spring Festival . Others, usually younger people, claim that it brings about too much noise, air pollution and even danger to haman bodies.For example,New Years Eve in the news that night a van in the road on fire, blasting the power of endless fireworks, firefighters can not close until 20 minutes to fight with the conflagration, the van left the wreckage.In my opinion, setting fireworks should be limited to certain areas and time.I don’t like setting off fireworks at random at any time and any places, because it is noisy and dangerous to kids. I think the best way is the government or some related organization setting off fireworks at certain place at certain time.


          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 16

          Is the so-called sound of firecrackers a year away, the spring breeze into the warmth of Tu Su. Setting off fireworks and firecrackers is a traditional custom in our country. But do you know, although fireworks have a beautiful appearance, but its harm is more than we expect.

          Crackle, crackle, as the sound of firecrackers sounded, the atmosphere became lively. Although firecrackers can liven up the atmosphere, its bright golden voice will inevitably disturb others. At the same time, the smoke from the fireworks will pollute the air, make the blue sky and white clouds dim, destroy the ecological environment of nature, and bring serious harm to peoples health. Firecrackers are noisy, pollute the air, but also easy to cause fire and casualties, as long as you are not careful, they will ignite the dead branches and rotten leaves around, so that they are trapped in the fire.

          Similarly, fireworks do great harm to people. Most of the fireworks are rushed into the sky, to be placed on a flat ground, otherwise, fireworks will fall because of the vibration, thus sending sparks to people. There was once a video of a family setting off fireworks: They found a random ramp, lit the firework, and stood around silently watching. But just fine, the fireworks fell sideways, people were startled, see the dazzling sparks hit them. The family was hospitalized with serious injuries. Therefore, some people say that fireworks are harmful and nothing good.

          Around 1994, bans were issued across the country, such as Beijings "Regulations on the Prohibition of fireworks." However, according to the CCTV news report at the time, the more than 700 square kilometers of Beijings forbidden zone on New Years Eve were all covered by fire and smoke. The message said people did not think fireworks were dangerous and were not cooperating with the government.

          As a student, we start from ourselves, take care of the environment, do not play fireworks, do not play firecrackers. We should act together and call on people to respect the governments decision and not to set off fireworks any more. We have to use their own practical actions for adults to set an example, tell them to set off fireworks more harmful, do not despise!

          正所謂 炮竹聲中一歲除,春風(fēng)送暖入屠蘇。放煙花,放爆竹是我們國(guó)家的傳統(tǒng)習(xí)俗?墒谴蠹抑绬幔瑹熁ū耠m然具有美麗的外表,但是,它的壞處卻是我們意想不到的多。





          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 17

          Our class held a debate in the form of a group. The question our group aimed at was "whether to set off fireworks or not".

          Each group of four people, respectively play four roles: ordinary citizens, firefighters, sanitation workers, firecracker factory workers, I played the firefighter. Ordinary citizens speak first: "Of course the Spring Festival to set off fireworks, firecrackers, this is the traditional custom of the Chinese nation, can bring a thick festive atmosphere, of course to set off fireworks."

          As a firefighter, I spoke: "Setting off fireworks is of course good, but there are great safety risks, will ignite the flammable materials around, such as: trees, paper, cloth, causing fire, resulting in unnecessary casualties and property damage, so I think you can not set off fireworks."

          A sanitation worker also said, "I dont agree with setting off fireworks, because the place where fireworks are set off in a large area always smells bad, and there is always a lot of garbage in the place where fireworks are set off, which smells bad and is not easy to clean up, and also endangers our health, so I dont agree with it."

          Ordinary citizens also said, If there is a possibility of a fire, we can prepare soil and water in advance. If there is a fire, we can handle it ourselves, and we will clean up the garbage ourselves.

          I also spoke and said, "It is easier said than done. If there is a real fire, there is time to prepare water and soil. Even if prepared in advance, a little water and soil can not resist the rapid development of the fire, and regular firefighting equipment is needed."

          Ordinary citizens seem to want to say something, but the firecracker factory workers spoke first: "I do not agree, because the production of firecrackers is very complicated, but also very dangerous, if not careful may cause casualties, I hope to ban fireworks, to protect our personal safety."

          Ordinary citizens whispered: "So, setting off fireworks does more harm than good, then dont set off, to prevent danger." The moderator announced, "The result of our debate this time is to ban fireworks."

          This debate is really meaningful and I hope there will be more such debates in the future.










          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 18

          "Firecrackers say goodbye to the old year and welcome the New Year with joy!" During the Spring Festival, setting off fireworks has become a habit of many families. In waves of fireworks and firecrackers to spend the New Year, is lively and festive. But behind the lively and festive, there are also many unsatisfactory places. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of setting off fireworks during the Spring Festival?

          Lets talk about profit first. The Spring Festival fireworks, have the old year and welcome the new and lively festive meaning. Setting off fireworks and firecrackers adds to the festive atmosphere, as if the New Year flavor is more intense. Standing on the top of the building looking up at the fireworks in the sky, and then looking down at the firecrackers being set off on the ground, it will add some beauty in our childrens hearts, but also let us immerse in the happiness of the festival.

          Lets talk about the cons. Many people think that setting off fireworks is not illegal, there are no rules to follow, and you can set them off however you want. As everyone knows, everything has two sides. Setting off fireworks, bring us joy at the same time, but also bring a lot of trouble. Many children will be injured and even killed when setting off accidentally. Moreover, when fireworks burn, they will not only release some gases harmful to human health, but also pollute the air. In addition, after fireworks are set off, a lot of garbage will be left behind, which brings pollution to the environment. Some people even set off fireworks after the dead of night to wake up people who have just fallen asleep and disturb others rest.

          Therefore, I think the Spring Festival fireworks, should abide by certain rules, choose a public safety place to focus on the best. At the same time, every family should raise awareness, enhance the sense of responsibility of caring for the environment and protecting the environment, try to put as little as possible, it is best not to put, and make due contributions to creating a clean, health and environmental protection environment.





          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 19

          In the black night, fireworks like blossoming marigolds, but also like the majestic golden dragon straight into the sky, but also like groups of heaven in the scattering of flowers, more like a colorful fountain in the surging......

          The happiness that fireworks bring to me stops at my cognition of "haze". During that time, my mother bought masks for her family like a great enemy, and repeatedly told me that I did not love masks and did not want to be bound: "We must wear them outdoors!"

          In the next haze days, despite my mothers advice, I still do not want to wear a mask, suddenly cough, nasal congestion and runny nose, the whole person no mention how uncomfortable. After going to the hospital for diagnosis, the doctor told me that this is the upper respiratory tract infection caused by the haze weather, and if it is serious, it will lead to bronchitis and asthma. I took medicine on time, insisted on wearing a mask, and soon recovered.

          With this experience, I have a new understanding of haze, environmental pollution, and green environmental protection. Especially after learning science class, I know that the carbon dioxide, metal particles and other substances produced by setting off fireworks will seriously exceed the air pollution index, and people will breathe the polluted air for a long time, which will cause bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema and other diseases. Grandma also told me that the noise from firecrackers and fireworks will damage peoples health, especially for some elderly people suffering from cerebral thrombosis and heart disease. I also often read in the newspaper about the deaths and injuries caused by setting off fireworks and causing fires. Im not clamoring for fireworks anymore.

          The Spring Festival is coming soon, please say "no" to fireworks.






          大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹 20

          In my memory, every Spring Festival, there will often be "crackling" firecrackers into the ear. When the New Year bell is about to ring, every household will set off fireworks and firecrackers. The sound of explosions was one after another.

          New Years Eve bell sounded, the dark night sky was filled with different colors of fireworks, blooming colorful flowers. But the dazzling light disappeared in an instant, as if there had never been such a glorious moment in the endless night sky. Each bouquet of fireworks can only have a moment of beauty, can not get rid of the fleeting outcome.

          After the overwhelming sound of explosions subsided, the New Years morning came with the acrid smell of gunpowder. The fireworks and firecrackers go off with a bang, but the end is not happy, the smoke is annoying, and the shredded paper strewn across the floor adds to the work of the cleaning workers.

          Later, in order to reduce environmental pollution, many areas have carried out the work of banning fireworks. On New Years Eve, the night becomes quiet and everyone can enjoy TV shows and express their feelings without Shouting.

          Even when the fireworks are wonderful, they are destined to pollute the environment and sometimes cause harm to peoples health. The cases of firecrackers wounding people are continuous. Whats the point of celebrating the New Year in such a way as setting off fireworks? Just like some vanity projects for the sake of political achievements, sacrificing long-term interests for the sake of temporary superficial glory, it seems satisfactory, but the truth will only cause public accusations. The wonderful moment is not the real civilization, the long flow of water is the form of sustainable development.

          Rather than vigorous, Wenwen Mingming. We need a quiet and clean environment, not a polluted New Year. Electronic firecrackers can also bring the sound of "firecrackers in the New Year", virtual reality technology can also simulate no smoke fireworks, why use gunpowder to pollute the environment, with a moment of enjoyment in exchange for long-term problems? I applaud the ban on fireworks! It makes everyones life more peaceful.







        【大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)作文: 是否應(yīng)該禁止燃放煙花爆竹】相關(guān)文章:










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