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      2. 清明節(jié)習(xí)俗英語作文

        時(shí)間:2022-03-30 10:32:44 習(xí)俗 我要投稿





          Qingming is a day for us to remember our ancestors; Qingming is a festival shrouded in misty rain. Under the rain, people's faint sadness and deep memory and respect for the martyrs are hidden.

          Tomb Sweeping Day is a time to remember, nostalgic, lamentable and exciting. It contains many deeds of our ancestors. When they settle down, their story is over, and the rest is only to be remembered!

          Dear revolutionary martyrs, we admire your glorious achievements in fighting bravely for national liberation with your youth and life; The noble national spirit you left to future generations is the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation, which will always inspire us to forge ahead and make progress; The thought seeds you planted have taken root and sprouted in our hearts and become the banner leading us to a better tomorrow.

          Dear revolutionary martyrs, through your unremitting efforts and arduous and outstanding struggle, the Chinese people who were abused as "sick man of East Asia" by the imperialist powers have stood up. Today, we take over the baton passed from you and are determined to our ideas, expand our horizons, master our skills, comprehensively improve ourselves and contribute to the prosperity of the Chinese nation.

          Dear revolutionary martyrs, at this moment, we just want to use a small flower to express our sorrow, we just want to use a wreath to show our mind, and we just want to use a stone tablet to express our admiration... However, we understand that there is only one way, that is: inherit your will, carry forward your spirit, make our tomorrow more brilliant and make our motherland more prosperous and strong.

          "Red flowers laugh heartlessly at the east wind, and green mountains are lucky to be loyal." Dear revolutionary martyrs, you died for the interests of the people. Your death is more important than Mount Tai. You are with the green mountains and you are with the earth forever. You will always be a monument in our hearts. Rest in peace, dear revolutionary martyrs, your spirit will last forever! You will always live in our hearts!

          The thought is always high, the soul never kneels down, and the pace is always firm. This is our clank oath to the martyrs. We will be worthy of the great era, and we will forge ahead!


          In early spring, there is a thin rain and a hazy fog cover. Looking at it, it looks like a desolate fog capital and a quiet valley. It is facing the "rain in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". On the road, the car sped up, and what rolled up was no longer dust but sewage. I sat quietly in the car and looked out of the window. I couldn't calm down for a long time. What caused my infatuation and what caused my stupidity?

          When you wake up from sleep, you will see a picture of green mountains and trees. All familiar things come into view, which brings infinite sadness and makes your heart more and more heavy; Half an hour later, we finally got off and started a new journey.

          We followed the muddy path to the deep mountains. Although the mountains were cold and desolate, we did not reduce our enthusiasm at all. We laughed and laughed all the way. As for me, I didn't mean to speak. I just quietly followed everyone's footsteps and enjoyed the scenery. To tell the truth, I haven't been here for a long time. The last time was a few years ago. I was always reluctant to come because I was spoiled by mosquitoes and weeds. This time I was forced to come. In retrospect, the last time I was really embarrassed, either stabbed or bitten by mosquitoes, which made me almost cry, but this time it has completely changed. It used to be stuffy and uncomfortable, dry and thirsty, but now it is cool, dry and comfortable. Who could have thought that when I came here, I already liked it here. The grass here bent and stretched its roots and branches like crescent moon. On the delicate skin, a crystal tear glittered with dazzling light. The same is true of thousands of grass and thousands of trees. Their green is full of deep mountains and gives people a piece of peace. The sun and rain also kiss their cheeks one after another and give their gifts to let them grow up happily. Don't let this green forest disappear, because our ancestors and our relatives are buried under them. After crossing mountains and mountains and passing through graves, there will be a worship at each destination. The time is not very long. It takes about ten times to return. Looking back on the original road, the white paper dances and the lonely heart rises unconsciously. Only then can we know that it is farewell, the reluctance to give up before leaving. What we remember is eternal life. They will bless us all our lives and never separate!

          Qingming, remembering relatives, is to repay them.

          Remember, Qingming is going home.


          It's raining and rustling. Qingming is coming again.

          This drizzle is scattered from the sky. It surrounds the world of mortals and talks about light sadness. Perhaps only at this time can people show their sadness and recall in the embrace of the drizzle.

          Perhaps, this sad drizzle is full of people's thoughts, so smart. Every plant and tree watered by this drizzle is full of spirituality. Listen to people's thousands of words and inner thoughts in this Qingming Festival.

          Watching the hazy fog outside the window devour the city bit by bit, listening to the rustling rain on the eaves surrounding the house, my heart also took that kind of sadness. These rain and dew seem to have come from thousands of years ago, so delicate, so light and beautiful.

          I extended my hand to welcome their arrival. At the moment of embracing my fingertips, it seemed to have fulfilled its wish and turned into a drop of water flowing in my heart.

          The drizzle of Qingming is continuous. Unlike the summer storm, it disappeared soon after exposure. It is thin and long, dense and soft. It's like the trickle from a spring. Although it's a trickle, it won't end. It is also women's fine green silk, with unlimited emotion and strong love.

          Look, it's still falling there. Looking at the sky, it fell from the sky that day. I know the end is to embrace the earth, but I don't know where it came from. Maybe it's the incarnation of the person we miss, turning into the drizzle all over the sky. Come and have a look at us again.

          Every drizzle is beautiful and transparent. They come from the sky. Let's begin to recall, miss, sigh and cry. How long will it rain from Qingming? Maybe God will see the joys and sorrows in the world of mortals leave and start. He will look at people's hurried figures, tell the voice of his heart to the people who miss and frown gently. In his wet eyes, a few tears will fall and turn into the light rain of Qingming

          People's missing people, whether in this drizzle with our affectionate relative? Qingming rain comes from Qingming's sadness, missing and people's distant memory.


          Tomb sweeping is the most popular custom of the Qingming Festival. For tomb sweeping, people need to bring some corresponding sacrifices to go up the mountain to the cemetery of their ancestors.

          On Tomb Sweeping Day, many people will hold flowers to worship our ancestors. On this day, there were many people in the cemetery. Everyone was dressed solemnly, and the expression on his face was also with a touch of sadness. Qingming Festival is originally a day that is easy to arouse people's yearning at the bottom of their hearts. In most cases, the Tomb Sweeping Day is mostly rainy, and the whole earth has a sense of moistening.

          The cypress trees planted in the cemetery have gathered a lot of rain. Cypress trees stand upright in the cemetery one by one. In front of the side-by-side graves, many cemeteries have been placed with flowers. These flowers are not only a kind of respect for our ancestors, but also a kind of missing.

          In the custom of Qingming Festival, tomb sweeping seems to be a must. After sweeping the tomb on the Qingming Festival, there are many other customs, such as outing, flying kites, ing willows and so on. After the Tomb Sweeping Day, my family will go for an outing in the countryside. Will go into nature and taste the hope of spring.

          The Qingming outing can also ease the reluctance and yearning of some future generations for their ancestors. Looking at this thriving world and the new life in nature, you know that tomorrow is beautiful and with new hope.

          In this year's Tomb Sweeping Day, my family took me to fly a kite for the first time. On the last day of Qingming Festival, there was a little shadow of sunshine in the sky, and the spring breeze kept blowing. This day was a good day for flying kites. So when my parents took me to the square, the colorful kites in the sky were flying, which was very beautiful.

          That day, I took a kite with my parents, and then compared it in the square to see whose kite took the lead and whose kite flew well. We ran together in the square and attracted many people to watch.


          Black crowing birds make noise and faint trees. Who cries at home when they eat cold food during the Qingming Festival. The wind blows in the wilderness, paper money flies, ancient tombs are built, and spring grass is green. Tangli flowers reflect white poplars, full of places where death and life are separated. The heavy spring is crying, and the rustling rain makes people return.

          In addition to banning fire and sweeping tombs, the customs of Qingming Festival also pay attention to outing, swinging, ing willows and so on. Tomb Sweeping Day in our hometown is a time to visit tombs. This is to worship dead ancestors or relatives. We usually prepare sacrifices, incense, candles, flower baskets, etc. in advance. In the past, we would take firecrackers up the mountain. Now we want to sweep tombs in a civilized way, and firecrackers are no longer used. In the past few days of Qingming Festival, there was drizzle, just as "it rained in succession during Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls." Worship in rainy days, stepping on muddy mountain roads, carefully protecting all kinds of sacrifices. For fear that they will get wet by a little rain.

          Every family has to make a kind of dumpling on Qingming Festival. It's not ordinary dumplings. The dumplings must be big enough. The dumplings must be green dipped in Wormwood Leaves. Why turn the white and fat dumplings into green? That's because green represents evergreen. The stuffing is also exquisite, but it is not wrapped in disorder. The dumplings are wrapped with xuelihong (that is, pickled vegetables), diced bamboo shoots, meat and dried strips. The process of making dumplings is simple to say, but difficult to do. It takes a long time and a certain amount of energy. This is AI dumplings. Qingtuan is also an essential food for Qingming Festival. If you want to make this delicious food, it's no easier than making AI dumplings! We need to prepare glutinous rice flour, green juice, salad oil and stuffing.

          In the traditional festival of Qingming, we cherish the memory of our ancestors, eat traditional Qingming food, go for an outing to the depths of the jungle, and stop and enjoy the beauty of nature. Feel the value of life and learn to be grateful.


          Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, a day to commemorate our ancestors and Jie Zitui. I can't help but think of a poem by Du Fu: "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls."

          Around 8 o'clock, my mother and grandpa set out from home. On the way, I kept thinking about the past. It seemed that I had never seen my wife's kind appearance, and there were no deeds related to my wife in my mind. What does she look like? Treat me well... A series of questions suddenly came to my mind. I asked my mother, "Mom, have I met my wife? Will you treat me well?" My mother said helplessly, "to tell you the truth, I haven't seen it. I should have died very early. So this..."

          After a long 20 minutes, we finally came to Shanglin lake, and suddenly there was a flower needle like rain in the sky. Park the car, take the tools and get ready to go up the mountain. Looking to the distance, there are too many people. It fills the whole aisle without any gap. With the crowd, we moved slowly. I found that some old people are very feudal and superstitious, with firecrackers, candles, paper money and so on. What if something happens?

          We followed the crowd up again, turned a corner, turned another corner, and went up the stairs. We found our wife's grave, as usual. This time I colored the words that have experienced a spring and autumn storm. I wrote these big characters one by one and thought how good it would be if my wife was still alive! Now I must have a happy chat with my wife... I smiled with relief at the thought.

          Mother and grandpa took a sickle and cleaned up the weeds and flowers next to the grave. I picked up the azaleas along the grave and quietly placed them behind my wife's monument. It looked like an ornament on her head. At this time, my mother and grandpa also cleaned up, and the whole grave looked much cleaner.

          After that, we carefully placed a column of fragrance, put sacrifices, prayed silently and gave us blessings.

          I turned around and looked at the blue lake. There were ripples on it. There were cruise ships on the lake. It drove away with people's blessings, people's prayers and people's hopes.












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