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      2. 五年級英語作文300字

        時間:2021-09-18 10:19:42 五年級英語作文 我要投稿




        五年級英語作文300字 篇1

          I have a best friend. He is a lovely boy. He has short black hair ,big black eyes and big ears. He has a bigmouth and a small nose. I think he is handsome. And he is strong and quiet. He likes sports very much. After class, we often play football, basket ball on the playground .He is a good player. He also likes to study. English and math are his favourite subjects. He helps me a lot.

        五年級英語作文300字 篇2

          Mrs White has two children. John is seven. Ann is only three. John is a good brother. He is always very nice to his sister. One day in the afternoon, Mrs White was cooking dinner in the kitchen, and the two children were playing games in the garden. Suddenly, Ann began to cry and she ran to her mum in the kitchen. Mrs White asked, “What’s wrong with you, Ann?” “John broke(弄壞了)my toy bear,” Ann answered sadly. “How did he do it?” mum asked. Ann stopped crying, and said, “I hit(打)his head with it.”

        五年級英語作文300字 篇3

          I have a good friend. Her name is Ann. Her Chinese name is Wang Xiaolan. She is from England. She is in Beijing now. She is in Yuying Primary School. She is in Class Four, Grade Six. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and yellow hair. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse. Her brother is five years old. She likes dancing, singing and watching TV. She is friendly and she likes to help others. What a good girl!


        五年級英語作文300字 篇4



          沈老師先教我們讀“sit down”和“stand up”,有些同學沒學過,讀出來總是怪怪的,好像舌頭打了結,我們都哈哈大笑。接下來沈老師有給我們玩了一個小游戲,老師喊“stand up”我們就要起立,喊“sit down”我們就要坐下,到最后,老師做手勢了,她說“stand up”卻做坐下的手勢。這下很多人都鬧笑話了,逗得大家哄堂大笑。很多同學都覺得記英語單詞雖然很難,但努力地學還是能夠學會的。最后,沈老師教我們讀字母,我們都學得非常認真。


        五年級英語作文300字 篇5

          I like being the comic relief of my friends and family!I like that I can easily makes people laugh,and make them happy is something I enjoy.

          I dislike that I find dificult to trust my problems,sadness to people.I prefer to keep my life kind of like a secret to others,I prefer to deal with my own problems opposite to talk with others and trying to figure out a solution.














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