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      2. 誠信的英語作文及譯文

        時間:2022-02-02 17:33:45 五年級英語作文 我要投稿





          The up and down five thousand years of civilization, since without integrity, feng yuxiang said that "for a person with good faith, people don't cheat me; to the matter by the good faith, the thing is

          On one occasion, and borrow books to your classmates, very not easy have borrowed, returned home, I couldn't put it down, just like the fish swim in the sea. At lunch I devoured a few mouth went again with relish reading a book, have the time to forget. Is going to go to school, I haven't finished, quickly put down the book and went to school, just sit in the seat, suddenly reminded of my classmates let me return the book to her in the afternoon. But when the book was still quietly lying on the desk in my house! I'm sure she will be very angry. Later, I used up all the sweet words to persuade her, also vowed the tomorrow will bring. Day after day passed, and book is so quiet lie in the place of this should not lie, her face is becoming more and more ugly. I thought to myself: volca erupted! Finally she got angry, fire emit three zhangs, loudly shouted to me. At this time, I felt very upset, very afflictive, really want to have a disappear. Back home, the first thing I put the book in the bag, afraid to forget again. When I returned the book to her, with indescribable smile on his face. But, still, not letting her temper, and vowed never to borrow my book! At this point, I very embarrassed, carefully say: "thank you"! Just fly ran out, the in the mind really not the taste.

          Credit is a kind of benefit life savings. This kind of savings, is a friend of your trust. Credit is a thick wall, again big also can resist the damage; Credit is a pillar, it can hold up a piece of beautiful blue sky. With the classic, with sage, the good faith with me happy growth.


          有一次,向同學(xué)借書,好不容易借來了,回到家里,我愛不釋手的看著,就像魚兒暢游在海洋中一樣。午飯的時候我狼吞虎咽的吃了幾口就又津津有味的看書去了,早把時間忘在腦后?煲蠈W(xué)了,我還沒有看完,急忙放下書,跑到學(xué)校,剛坐到座位上,突然間想起了同學(xué)讓我下午把書就還給她。可是那本書這時正在我家里的書桌上安安靜靜的躺著呢!我想她一定會很生氣的。后來,我用盡了甜言蜜語才說服她,還信誓旦旦的保證明天一定能帶來。一天一天又一天過去了,書還是那樣安靜的躺在那本不應(yīng)該躺的地方,她的臉色也越來越難看。我心想:“火山就要爆發(fā)了”!終于她生氣了,火冒三丈,大聲的向我吼著。此時,我心里忐忑不安,難受極了,真想有個地縫鉆進(jìn)去;氐郊依铮业谝患虑榫褪前褧旁诹藭,生怕再忘記了。當(dāng)我把書還給她里, 臉上堆滿了難以形容的微笑。但是,她的火氣還是沒有消,還發(fā)誓說再也不借我書了!此時,我十分尷尬的、小心翼翼的說了聲:“謝謝”!就飛似的跑了出去,心里真不是滋味。



          With a heart to push open the flower of honesty; A heart light point to look forward to sincere. If the sky is not blue shawl, might not be the bird's singing; If there is no honesty between people, the world will become desolate and barren.

          Maybe you are just one unknown grass, maybe is just a drop of water in the ocean, please don't upset, don't worry, your life and sincerity the friend, let it with you!

          When ice and snow, we need a fire to keep them warm. When the night boundless, we need starlight to lighting; In future the vast, we need a traffic lights to guide... Life is a long way, in the heart always has a few silk sorrow and loneliness, windy ridge ye, as some good faith give oneself!

          A man without letter not stand, countries no believe it or not. With integrity is our foundation, trust is the foundation of human interaction. Only to come to life, can foothold in society, without honesty is like a floating in the air dust, lonely and helpless. In the boundless huge crowd, lost the direction; Not trust's eyes, also do not know to where... Visible in the wealth of life, integrity cannot be abandoned. As long as have it, you are half the battle; As long as you have it, you have the ability to "fly". As long as have it, you have got a bosom friend.

          If the ideal is the tree, the good faith is the root. In a pot in life, knowledge is "fertile soil" such as "seed", sweat is "cultivation", but the most important thing is that it tastes _ integrity. Without it, the flowers will not bloom, dreams will not be able to fly! Let us now take the good faith as friend, believe that good faith will be gorgeous blossom in your life.

          捧一顆心去催開誠信之花;點一盞心燈去期待真誠 。如果天空沒有藍(lán)色的披肩,也許就不會鳥兒的漫天歌唱;如果人與人之間沒有誠信,世界就會變得蒼涼而荒蕪。


          當(dāng)冰雪覆蓋的時候,我們需要一團(tuán)火來取暖;當(dāng)暗夜無邊的時候,我們需要點點星光來照明;在前途茫茫時,我們需要一盞航燈來引導(dǎo)……人生漫漫長路 ,心中總有幾絲憂愁與孤寂,迎風(fēng)而立的你們 , 不如留些誠信給自己取暖吧!


          如果理想是大樹,誠信便是根 。在人生的花盆中,知識是“沃土”希望如“種子”,汗水是“耕耘”,但最重要的是它的內(nèi)質(zhì)_誠信。若沒有了它,花兒將無法綻放,夢想將無法飛翔!讓我們現(xiàn)在就以誠信為友,相信誠信將會在你的人生中絢麗綻放。


          "The good faith, the character of this also." The historic sayings handed down from generation to generation, is to tell people that we should be honest. Everyone has lied, I am no exception, but I have already corrected. We also have a look at my previous story.

          Language lesson that day, my deskmate bowen jiao to go to the toilet, but she didn't have paper towels, bad to the toilet, so, I'll help her to others borrow paper towels. I ask all the classmates around again, but none with paper towel. I asked Cao Qianrong at that time, but more far, she didn't hear. I'm try so hard, the, thrown to her, put his hand in the tape unbiased, it hit her. But the teacher saw, also ask who is smashed. I was afraid of the teacher training, so I didn't raise your hand. When the teacher asked students who hit, I reluctantly stood up. Class, the teacher for my communication once, I am ashamed of myself. I decided to later must do an honest boy. The teacher also cheer for me, hope I realize this desire.

          Another time, I finished writing homework in the afternoon, idle, just picked up the mother's cell phone to play for a while. After a while, the battery is low. I just picked up a charger, and suddenly a friend called me go out to play, regardless of the one I just ran out quickly, the charger fell to the ground, already falling apart. I didn't pay attention at first, but then returned home only to find that the charger broke. I was like a cat on hot bricks - around. What to do, my mother came back, will beat me. Sure enough, my mother will come back after a while. When mother saw the charger of the ground has been broken, angry and asked, "who broke?" Is I have to admit that I broke it. Mother did not blame me and say that after must be more careful, you also say I am an honest boy. I smiled happily.

          Honesty is so important, I must not lie again in the future. Like the season cloth, good.















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