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      2. 我心中的校園英語作文

        時間:2022-03-26 12:09:15 我要投稿





          The campus in my heart is a city without walls, which makes us happy.

          現在的.學校或多或少的被什么東西保衛者,也許是欄桿,也許是墻,也許是樓房。每天清晨校門準時打開,學生們紛紛而至。這門又在之后的某一時間“啪”的一聲合上,仿佛是吞食著浮游生物的鯨突然閉上了嘴巴。接下來,我們被與世隔絕了。我們“一心只讀圣賢書,兩耳不聞窗外事。”祖國未來的希望全成了冰心筆下那朵在墻角孤芳自賞的花。一座沒有墻的城,通向四面八方,五湖四海也通向這里,這里是信息聚會的地方。于是,我們雀躍,在信息中飛向遠方。 我心中的校園,要有森林,森林讓我們成長。 有人說我們是溫室里的花朵,經不起風吹雨打。可那花兒可是自愿呆在溫室的嗎?不見得吧!一個小小的花盆,一捧缺乏養分的泥土,一點人工合成的營養液怎能滿足花兒不斷成所需的一切?!沒有強健的體魄,花兒如何經得起日曬雨淋?在森林里的,我們的腳下踩著黑色的泥土,我們的頭腦吸收著天降的甘霖,我們的雙手伸向燃燒的太陽。于是,我們成長,在逆境中傲然挺立。

          Now the school is more or less defended by something, maybe a railing, maybe a wall, maybe a building. Every morning the school gate opens on time, and the students come in succession. The door closed again at a later time, as if the whale devouring plankton suddenly closed its mouth. Next, we were cut off from the rest of the world. We "read only the books of sages and sages, but we don't hear anything out of the window." The hope of the future of the motherland has become the flower in the corner of the wall in Bing Xin's works. A city without walls, leading to all directions, all over the world also leads to here, this is the place for information gathering. So, we exult and fly away in the information. The campus in my heart, there should be forests, forests let us grow. Some people say that we are the flowers in the greenhouse and can't stand the wind and rain. But did the flower volunteer to stay in the greenhouse? Not necessarily! How can a small flowerpot, a handful of soil lacking nutrients, and a little synthetic nutrient solution satisfy all the needs of the flowers?! Without a strong body, how can flowers stand the sun and rain? In the forest, we step on the black soil under our feet, our brains absorb the rain from the sky, and our hands reach out to the burning sun. So, we grow up and stand up in adversity.


          The campus in my heart should have a sea, which makes people open-minded.


          Haizi once said, "facing the sea, spring is warm and flowers are blooming." The sea, it does not know how many vicissitudes of life it has experienced, how many ups and downs it has tasted, but it still flows, flows. The sand on the bottom of the sea drips from the fingertips like water. If trouble is rock, then the sea contains it with broad mind. Standing by the sea, looking out from afar, a big fire broke out in my heart, burning all the unhappiness. The sea contains a lot of knowledge, which impacts your heart all the time. Therefore, we roam and create in the sea of books.


          The campus in my heart should have all things, all things let imagination put wings.


          My heart of the campus, there must be heaven and earth, heaven and earth let us have freedom.


          The campus in my heart is so natural. I am in the city, and it seems to be outside the city. Enter the campus, then enter the world.












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