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      2. 感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文

        時(shí)間:2024-05-20 18:11:38 賽賽 事件類英語(yǔ)作文 我要投稿




          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 1

          There are a lot of things happing around us every day,every year.But there must be one thing we have never forget in our life.Now let me share a story between a stranger and me with you.


          One day,I just got on a crowded bus back home after school.A woman behind me pushed me hard forward,and shouted loudly," Go,Go,Go inside.Dont stand at the dood.It is so crowded." I was so angry and thought she was a bored woman.But I went inside.After a while,the moman went up to me and said in a low voice," someone put his hand into your bag.I really wanted to help you.I checked my bag and all the things were inside.I felt so ashamed that I only said," I am so sorry,but thank you."


          I even didnt know the womans name.But this thing will be left in my mind forever.I know sometimes someone did a little thing,maybe it is nothing to her,but for another one,it means a lot.


          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 2

          Yesterday afternoon I went to the Yuexiu Park. It happened that I saw a touching event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake. Among them was perhaps a happy family. They were taking photos when suddenly the girl fell off the boat into the water. She was struggling and her parents cried out, "Help!Help !" It was obvious that they could not swim at all. From nearby a young man immediately rushed to the lake. Without taking off his clothes, he jumped into the water and quickly swam towards the girl l who was already tired out. At last he carried her to the lake side. She was saved!

          How happy the parents were! Before they thought of thanking the Young man, he had disappeared!

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 3

          Today I and mother have gone to Hanzheng Street together, there has many people. Some are eating the thing, some are buying clothes, but also some are chatting. After I and mother finished eating the lunch, then together bought clothes. There has the attractive clothes and the pants. Finally mother has bought a coat and a shoe for me, has bought a woolen sweater and pants for her. I very happy, because I might put on the new clothes!

          Today is my good friends birthday, she invites me to go to the Zhongshan Park to play. We have played the roller coaster in that big octopus and so on. Noon, we eat oneself belts bread and between-meal snack. In afternoon, we have gone to four beautiful ponds together. Our ice skating, eats the ice cream together.

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 4

          In the long river of my memory, many big and small things have happened. Some make you happy and some make you sad; Some make you excited and some make you angry. The one thing that makes me remember most is the one that moved me very much.

          On a sunny afternoon, Im going to buy some books at Boku bookstore. I went to the door of the community and looked around. It seemed that I had to take the bus today. I stood in front of the bus stop, waiting for bus No. 41. Finally, the long-awaited No. 41 bus came.

          I got on the bus happily, but there were so many people on the bus, almost toes next to heels and shoulders squeezing shoulders. I thought: Hey, bear it. There are only three stops anyway. I tried to avoid the crowd and tried to move towards the back door. But the last thing I wanted to happen happened. Suddenly, a man rushed towards me. I had no time to escape. My body involuntarily ran into me. Ah! It hurts! I immediately straightened up and angrily wanted to find that person to comment. Suddenly, an old woman came out in front of me. Her face was wrinkled, but she had a pair of kind eyes. She smiled and said to me, "little sister, Ill make this position for you." I was stunned, and then my face became natural, "no, no, grandma, you sit down." I said. The old lady waved her hand and still smiled and said, "youd better sit down. If you hit it again, the bone will break, and Ill be there next." "well, thank you." I relaxed and sat down.

          She walked hard to the railing and looked out of the window with tired eyes. Finally, at the next stop, she walked slowly to the door and got out of the car. Look at her weak body. She can give up her seat for a stranger in such an environment. Isnt this spirit worth learning?

          Although this is just a trivial matter, it makes me very moved. The old lady let me know how beautiful the world would be if everyone could give some love!

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 5

          Time passed in a hurry, a lot of memory with the disappearance of the day and has faded. But one thing, let me remember, deeply touched-that a depth of a mothers love.

          That morning I was just about to go to school, back schoolbag mother handed me an umbrella, said: "bobo, the weather forecast today have rain, or take your umbrella with you." I looked up at the sky, the clear sky, how can it rains? I threw out the door to run away and disappear, an umbrella.

          While at noon of time, suddenly school, thunder and lightning flash storm under a rush. The rain gear with the students went home, others have been parents picked up. My father taught school in the field, never coming home at noon. Just right, mom this few days a high fever under drip. I dont think someone will come to meet me. I sit in the classroom, again nasty and hungry, was looking out the window of the heavy rain, hua hua straight I couldnt help crying.

          At this time, the heavy rain in appeared a familiar figure. Oh, mom!!!! Gale heavy rain seems to be swallowed up the mother like. Mom struggled hard to me about.

          "Bobo, come here, wear a raincoat." Mother, talking and take off on the raincoat over my body. At this time, it was raining harder and harder. My mothers hair, on the face, body all under the rain thoroughly. Looking at the "rat" like mother, looking at her pale face, I cant help but cry up......

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 6

          Time, such as water, the general rush away, a lot of memory has disappeared with the days of fading. But one thing, let me vividly, moved endless - that a deep maternal love.

          That morning, I was going to school with my bag, and my mother handed me an umbrella and said, "My son, the weather is forecasting rain today, or the umbrella is good." I looked up at the sky, What? I left the umbrella and ran away.

          Just when the school at noon, suddenly thunder and lightning, an instant rain suddenly. With the rain gear of the students are home, and other people are also one by one by the parents picked up. My dad taught in a field school and never went home at noon. Just now, my mother is carrying a high fever these days, bit by bit. I do not think anyone will pick me up. I am sitting alone in the classroom, anxious and hungry, looking out the window under the rushing rain, I could not help but cry up.

          At this time, the rain appeared in a familiar figure. Oh, its mom! The wind is like a heavy rain like a mother engulfed like. Mom struggled to come to me hard.

          "Jingjing, come over, put on a raincoat." Mom said while taking off the body of the raincoat draped over me. At this point, the rain is getting bigger and bigger. Moms hair, his face, the body was raining rain. Looking at the "drowned chicken" like the mother, looking at her pale face, I can not help but cry up ... ...

          An umbrella hold up a day, my mother loves the umbrella to give me happiness and happiness. Although things have passed for a long time, but it always touched me, taught me a good man, a good study.







          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 7

          All kinds of different things often happen in life, and this thing is something that moves me.

          Last May, the school organized a "fox hunting" activity. Captain Xu Mengze led us to find four "Foxes" soon. I jumped down from the chair in the park happily. As a result, I lost control of my body and fell to the ground. I suddenly felt that my right arm was very painful. I looked down and saw that I had scratched a big piece of skin and blood.

          Xu Mengze immediately ran over to check my injury and turned the bag. There was no medical cotton swab and Iodophor in it, only band aids. He was quick witted and poured mineral water on my arm for disinfection. Then he managed to stick up my big wound with several band aids, but the wound couldnt be protected. He wrapped my arm firmly in several layers with a clean paper towel.

          I reluctantly followed everyone to continue looking for "Fox" in the park. Suddenly saw our school doctor sitting in front of us, Miss Wang, and hurried to her for help. When she saw my arms wrapped like this, she quickly helped me unload them all, disinfected them again, and carefully wrapped them up with a piece of gauze. Mr. Wang told me several more words, and then I thanked Mr. Wang and continued to participate in the activities. However, my nervous mood eased a lot.

          After returning to school, I felt the wound was less painful, but it was a little stuffy. I couldnt help tearing off the gauze. I was hanging my injured arm. Zhou jiaran saw it and said anxiously, "dont do this. Its easy to get infected." he quickly pulled out a small bottle of Yunnan Baiyao from his schoolbag. Sprinkle the powder carefully on the wound. "Ah! It hurts!" I couldnt help shouting. Zhou jiaran comforted me and said, "its OK. Its anti-inflammatory." then he took two band aids as adhesive tape and pasted the gauze on the wound again.

          My wound was treated by three people before and after. It was really like a love relay, which made me feel warm when my heart was fragile. Later, the wound recovered as before, but this matter was deeply imprinted in my heart and moved me from time to time.

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 8

          It was a Friday, pouring rain dripping down, and I do not listen to Mom and Dads advice at noon, no umbrella. Now God with me against, but why this time from the rain, "Dad did not come back today, my mother had 5 pm in the get off work, how to do it?" I whispered muttered, "hateful old days, no time, no less than play , But why this time, how do you? "I have complained. At this time, a student and I did not take the umbrella of the illegal use of bad luck, which I am more happy, for a companion, I was just going to ask her, where you live, just listen to "mother you come! The original is the classmates mother came.

          I faint, finally have a companion, and gone. I have a stomach of the bitter water had to go to the stomach swallow. I can only stand in front of the classroom, hoping to see the arrival of her mother. "Hey, what are you doing, stay here?" I looked forward, the original is my table, "to you be ah" I deliberately look to the distant, unhappy to say. "Hey, no umbrella it" at the same table a look of laughter, "This is not your be" I am still in the mouth. "I sent you home," hesitated at the same table, said. "You send me home?" I look unrealistic. "YES" nodded slightly at the same table.

          On the way home, I felt as if it did not rain, and looked at the head, a deep red, to the same table over there, only a small place covered her, I put the umbrella to the table Pushed the push, umbrella and I have to let me let the rain ... ... rain still enjoy the next, but my heart, but it is so warm ... ...

          I was touched by this.

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 9

          I remember that at noon on a Wednesday, I went home with my classmates as usual. Unfortunately, when crossing the road, an oncoming bicycle to me to hit a four feet, the natural injury must not light. I gently touched my head, ah! bleeding! I sat down on the ground all of a sudden, scared at a loss. Just then, a young uncle came, he saw my badly beaten, immediately hit a taxi and sent me to Yijishan Hospital.

          Along the way, I could not sleep open eyes, and loudly shouting, the uncle kept comforting me, take care of me. To the hospital, I was pushed into the operating room, I saw more than a dozen lights of the operation of the light came to me, so I fell asleep. Unconsciously, surgery done, and I did not feel a little pain. After a while, I suddenly remembered the mother, kept shouting: "Mom, Mom!" The uncle asked my home phone number, I quickly told him, want him to call my father and mother. At this time, I feel a little hungry, the uncle know, and immediately downstairs to buy me. I soon fell asleep again.

          When I woke up, the uncle, father, mother, teacher and classmate are surrounded by me. I was so touched that the scene was so touching. I bitter my lips, trying to restrain myself from tears. But in the end, the big tears of beans or from my eyes poured out. This is a touch of tears, but also the tears of friendship!




          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 10

          In my memory of the river, there are many things I have forgotten. But, when I think of that touching scene, can not help but shed tears.

          Remember that thing happened in the summer day, my mother took me to pay electricity. At this time, a blind grandmother also came there, she leaned on a crutch step by step toward the counter. She trembled from the body to work out a small cloth, slowly open, gently handed the staff, said: "I want to install a street lamp at the door." "Installed lights, but you." The staff know this Is a blind man. "Yes, I am, there is no need to install any street lights, but when I sit in the house, I often hear the sound of walking around the night walker, so I want to install a street lamp at the door." Staff stunned The. "Comrade, this is all my savings, you see enough!" Everything around the behavior of the grandmother was touched, and even the air seems to solidify. When the staff recovered, the blind grandmother had left on crutches. Look at the grandmother away from the figure, my eyes filled with tears.

          Although the blind grandmother can not see the natural light, but have full of sunshine. She turned this sun into a street lamp, illuminating our hearts, so that passers-by no longer dark, so that the world forever bright! How awesome it is!

          Let us like the blind old grandmother, with their own care, to light up around the heart of each lamp it!





          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 11

          Whenever I think of that thing, I will think of that unreserved postman uncle.

          That was last summer, one day. The sky was gloomy, dark clouds, like to rain. Sure enough, after a while, it began to pour down the rain. I can not go out to play, at home muffled reading. Pound a knock on the door, I think who is this time? I hurried to the door and opened the door. A wet, uncle, leaned on a bike and stood at the door. He said kindly to me, "Little girl, this is your letter.

          Then I knew he was a postman. I received the letter and found that the letter was not wet. In such a big rain, people will pour into the chicken, the letter will not wet? Inadvertently, I found a bike filled with a bag covered with a raincoat. The original he in order not to let the wet, put his raincoat on top of their own timid wet. I can not help but admire. I said to the postman, "Uncle, come in a cup of tea." I thought he would agree, but he said: "Little girl, I have to send messenger." Said, they turn off the car, riding out, slow Slowly disappear in the vast rain. I looked at the piece to disappear in the back, the heart was very moved.

          Although this thing has passed for a long time, but I still remember, when the rain, the postman uncle braved the rain messenger scene immediately surfaced in my mind.





          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 12

          Moving is the dance of the soul, the flying of the soul, the shock of the heart, and the softest tremor in the heart. Moving is the inspiration of a better life. It is full of beauty and happiness, as well as emotion and sympathy. If it is not touched, the human soul will be dead, without any vivid feeling and vibration. Moving is a bridge, a bridge to the heart; Is the ladder, is the ladder of a successful life; Moving is a sincere call, a sincere call to awaken; Moving is the inner cry, the inner cry of the source of life and the end of life!

          It has been a year since I saw this. I believe many people know it! On October 13, 2013, there was continuous light rain. In Guangfo Hardware City, Huangqi, Foshan, Guangdong, a 2-year-old girl, Xiao Yueyue, walked slowly in the alley. More than 100 meters away from home, she was knocked down by a van and rolled over twice. A few minutes later, she was run over by a pickup truck from her legs. Under the tragic situation, none of the 18 passers-by who passed by xiaoyueyue successively helped. The poor little girl lay in a pool of blood for seven or eight minutes.

          Finally, when Chen XianMei, the 19th passer-bys scavenging grandmother, saw it, she held Xiao Yueyue half to the roadside and found her mother. How does the aunt know to save her? Are those 18 people blind? No one is willing to help her, such a little girl. Only the aunts kind charity.

          This is a test of Chinese conscience. I didnt think about it.

          After an autumn rain, flowers withered, and many, many died with the flowers.

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 13

          The sun shines on the earth. There is no white cloud in the sky. The birds are singing on the branches. Its another sunny day.

          I hummed, picked up my schoolbag and was about to go out of the house, but my mother stopped me: "wait first, take an umbrella out, so as not to rain later." I turned my mouth and thought: how can it rain on this sunny day! So I said, "no, the weather is so good today that it wont rain!"

          But my mother still came from behind, put an umbrella in my hand and said, "you are still young and not sensible. Your plan cant catch up with the change. You should be ready for everything..." I frowned and said, "are you bored? Nagging, I said I didnt take it!" then I left my umbrella and left.

          However, after school, the sky turned from sunny to overcast. The sun didnt know where to hide. The sky was full of terrible clouds, and the singing birds also flew back to their nests. Just as I was about to rush out of the classroom, it rained cats and dogs. Some students took their parents car home, while others walked home with their umbrellas. And I, who didnt bring an umbrella and went home by myself, was at a loss in the classroom.

          I was so anxious in the classroom that I regretted it: I should have listened to my mother and took an umbrella out! I try to think about Countermeasures: can I rush out directly in the heavy rain? No, Ill catch a cold in that case; Will someone pick me up? Its impossible. I went home by myself... Thinking, soybean tears ran across my face.

          Just then, a familiar figure appeared: it was the mother! She waved me out, then took my hand, walked out of the school gate and came to the battery car. I got into the car and she handed me the umbrella. I was very surprised and said, "no, youll get wet! She smiled and said," its okay, Im not afraid. "The car was driving in the heavy rain. Looking at my mother wet by the rain in front of me, I felt as if someone had stabbed me. It was very painful. Tears soaked my eyes, and I bowed my head and cried gently

          Since that day, I have been listening to my mother, because I know that it is the most affectionate word in the world.

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 14

          In my golden childhood, although there are many good memories, but there are many memories I have forgotten, only one thing deeply printed in my mind.

          Remember my fourth grade when I had just finished surgery to hospital for a few days, my mother every day to come to me for dinner, have come to see me, and then you go to work. And you worry every day for my medication. Once you gave me a meal to me inadvertently found that you grow a lot of white hair, face crossed, his eyes covered with bloodshot, as if the night did not like eye. See my heart are painful, and can not help but shed tears of their own involuntary blame themselves: why should hospitalization, harm my mother for my no good days, I really damn, I do not really darling daughter! Mom sorry! You have to rush for me a few times a day, you have no complaints, and I always provoke you angry. This reflects the great maternal love, maternal love is so great, for children to give up everything, sacrifice everything. In this I offer you children must cherish the good love for our parents! Grow up to repay the parents of our parenting!

          This thing makes me very moved, I am also very proud of, because I have a love my mother, my mother I love you, grow up I will repay you on my parenting!

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 15

          In my memory of the Yellow River, there have been many things, there are emotions, so my childhood is full of fun, but one thing I can not forget a long time ......

          The sky has been dark, rolling clouds from the horizon overwhelming roll over, suddenly began to pour down the rain, Leigong like angry, lightning pay. That day, I just play classes, after school, I see other students are continually greeted by the parents sent the umbrella, only I stood alone at the door, waiting for mine quiet. When I hesitated, suddenly saw a familiar back to my eyes - mother. This is really timely ah!

          Mother holding umbrella, although there is an umbrella, but because the rain is too large, so the body was wet, my mother dragged the busy body, walked a heavy footsteps, step by step came to me, I suddenly touched, Eyes and wandering this tears, immediately rushed to hold the mother, "Mom, I love you." I hugged my mother wet the body, let me feel the cold mother, my mother sneeze, I marching a heavy pace Go home, because the umbrella is very small, so can only hold a person, my mother and I squeeze together, my mother often tilted the umbrella, I saw my mother had dry the shoulders wet, this knowledge of a small Action, but always deep in my mind. I once again cried, once again clinging to my mother, from the bottom of my heart, I love you.

          Home, mother in the room busy eating cold medicine, the father said: "You are all right!" Mom swallowed and said: "As long as the child do not get sick, we are relieved." Finished, and hit a yawn , I was moved to tears. The original mother is for me and was wet, this is maternal love ah!

          This thing makes me quite feel, is my memory of the most moving thing, let me know the great maternal love!

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 16

          In life, there are many wonderful things that have touched me, but as time goes on, some have been gradually forgotten, only such a beautiful lens deeply engraved in my mind, often think of.

          That morning, I hurried to school, that time always rain, making the original bumpy road, and accumulated a lot of dirty water.

          I just came from the left over, unfortunately, in front of a big puddle. At that moment, a brand-new red car came towards me, and I was stunned. It was terrible, and I went to the side of the road to hide myself for fear of being attacked by the car". Unexpectedly, the red car slowed down at once. Through the window, I saw a small bundle of colorful flowers slanting in the car, swaying gently. The driver was a beautiful aunt in the early twenty years. Perhaps the female drivers than men more careful! She firmly take the wheel, but also from time to time to take care of both sides of the pedestrian, let the wheel from the pool slowly rolling over, the road is not a bit dirty water splashed, I think he must be in order to protect her new car. Good save cleaning effort! However, the car is too large puddles after not immediately accelerated --- this is strange, there was no flood wa ah! When I saw the driver holding a steering wheel, a hand against the head of window, looking at the rear of the pedestrian, leaving a smile of satisfaction.

          Oh, what a beautiful moment it is! That smile is full of care, full of humility, so sweet, so charming. I stared at the "red" group floated away stood for a long time.

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 17

          There are many things that move us in life. Now I think of that thing, which I cant forget for a long time.

          I remember once after PE class, I flew out of the playground to go back to the classroom. While I was climbing the stairs, a man suddenly ran over from me and accidentally hit me. Suddenly, I fell to the ground with hatred, and I cried with pain. I wanted to get up and go to the infirmary and ask the teacher to help me deal with my injury, but because my injury was too serious, I really couldnt get up. When I was sad, a figure appeared in front of me. Ah - its her! My friend Yingying. She asked strangely, "Xiao Hong, whats the matter with you? Why are you bleeding?" I replied sadly, "I was knocked down by someone. It hurts so much!" she slowly helped me to the infirmary. At this time, there was no one in the infirmary. I got up in a hurry and said, "what should I do?" Yingying said: "Dont worry, my father taught me how to deal with the wound, and Ill help you deal with the wound." after listening to this sentence, my restless heart calmed down. She opened the drawer and took out alcohol, cotton swabs and Aloe Vera ointment from the medicine box. She first cleaned the place where I fell with cold water, and then disinfected it with alcohol. "Ah, it hurts!" I shouted. The wound was getting more and more painful, which made me cry. Yingying comforted me while helping me deal with the wound and said, "dont cry, dont cry, be strong. I cant stand the pain. How can you overcome more difficulties in the future? Itll be fine right away!" I listened and slowly wiped away my tears and endured the pain. "OK." As soon as I heard these two words, the big stone hanging in my heart finally fell to the ground.

          At this time, I was deeply moved by Yingyings behavior. It was he who helped me when I was in trouble. The friendship of this classmate moved me to tears! She has a helpful and loving heart like gold. Whenever I see the healed scar, I always think of this thing that moved me.

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 18

          From my childhood to now, I have experienced many things, including happy, sad, unforgettable and interesting... But these things have not touched me. Only one thing about the relationship between teachers and students has touched me.

          It was a hot summer. We were three minutes away from class. Suddenly, a large dark yellow cloud came to us from the west of the sky. Sure enough, rain drops the size of soybeans immediately fell, followed by a cool northwest wind. Nature, you are changing rapidly. You have changed from hot to cold. Wearing thin clothes, I cant help feeling cold. There are more and more parents outside the classroom. They are crowded. I really hope my mother will pick me up. With expectation, I looked out of the window. My mother didnt pick me up. I had to go back to my seat in frustration. I didnt bring an umbrella. I cant go until the rain stops. "Yin Shangchen, Im leaving. Bye." Sun Mingyang left and was picked up by her mother. The students in the class ranged from more than 60 to 10. The students were successively picked up by their parents, and from 10 to one. This person is me. Ten minutes later, my stomach growled, so I took a bag of noodles from my schoolbag and ate it with relish. After about five minutes, I heard a burst of high heels falling on the ground and making a "Dangdang" sound. The voice is getting louder and louder. Ah, its Miss Zhang. Miss Zhang came to me with a bowl of boiled eggs in her hand. Her kind face was wet with rain. She came to me, touched my head and said, "I saw you eating flat noodles just now, so I went home and boiled some eggs for you. Eat quickly. I also brought an umbrella. You can go home with an umbrella later!" I ate some eggs, He took an umbrella and went home.

          This matter deeply moved me. I will never forget it!

          感動(dòng)的一件事英語(yǔ)作文 19

          You will often be some ordinary ordinary deeds, will be touched by some small things? I will.

          I have seen such a thing on a street. That day the north wind whistled, street pedestrians are not many, there is a big man selling windmills in the sale, there is a foreign woman walked up, hand strokes, meaning to buy this windmill. Grandpa though read, but he did not know how to say how much money a foreign woman. I saw the grandfather stretched out two fingers, meaning two dollars. But foreign women kept shaking their heads. So foreign women took out a stack of money, which has 1 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan and 50 yuan. Crowd of people more and more, suddenly I do not know who said a sentence, take that goes 50 yuan.

          The foreign woman seemed to understand it, and took out a $ 50 for him. We are staring at the grandfather, do not know how he did. I saw the grandfather will be back to 50 yuan for foreign women, from a stack of money out of a 5 yuan, but also find him 3 yuan. The crowd on the grandfather shouted: "You old man has trouble, money does not earn, really stupid." But the grandfather indifferent, as did not hear like. Suddenly, I think the grandfather becomes more and more tall, he is sitting there in dignity, the whole body seems to emit a kind of light, a kind of light ... ...

          On the long road of life, it is very important to be honest and honest. Often there are many people who are lost in the direction of life here. But the grandfather who sold the windmill, though his job was inferior, but his lofty spiritual quality was a lot of "nobility". Some people may be rich, but he lacks something very important in life - honesty. Some people are poor, but others are poor and poor, never expect a small cheap, has been conscientious, books division, this is the most precious wealth.












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