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      2. 保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文

        時(shí)間:2024-01-30 08:21:19 事件類英語作文 我要投稿




        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇1

          Protecting the environment,is everybody's business." Every time I go in the busy streets,always see some throw on the ground of dazzling things:the packing bag of brightly colored,the crush cigarette end,didn't chew clean apple and roll into a mass of waste paper.If everyone so don't speak hygiene,our beautiful home will become what look like?Spring outing,a lot of students litter the lawn or on the road.I asked them:"you didn't bring garbage bags?" They a face of vacant:"bag is used to hold snacks,why put on garbage?" Look at these throw away rubbish inside and many didn't eat "many fish","but beak","chips",I feel very distressed,parents pay for what they love to eat,so let them throw?Before lunch,I go to the bathroom,he found a faucet of the "huahua" alone flow "tears"!Is everyone who so careless?And forgot to turn off the tap.Have something says so:if it's not cherish water resources,then the earth up the last drops of water will is one of the eyes.Every time the water think about this sentence,will also have to forget to turn off the tap?"Protecting the environment,is everybody's business." Not only of an empty talk,but every little bit in our daily life.Never throw a waste paper to save every drop of water,the classmates,cheer,starts from me,from now to start,let us together to be the earth mother's environmental protection small guardians。


          “保護(hù)環(huán)境,人人有責(zé)! 我每次走在繁華的街道,總是看到令人眼花繚亂的事物地面扔一些:色彩鮮艷,美眉煙頭的包裝袋,沒有咀嚼干凈的蘋果和滾成了一團(tuán)廢paper.If大家如此?不講衛(wèi)生,我們美麗的家園會(huì)變成什么樣子春游,很多學(xué)生亂丟草坪上或road.I問他們:“你沒帶垃圾袋?” 他們一臉的空缺:“袋子是用來裝零食,為什么把垃圾?” 看看這里面扔掉的垃圾,很多都沒有吃“很多魚”,“但嘴”,“芯片”,我覺得很心疼,家長支付他們喜歡吃,所以讓他們?nèi)?午飯前,我去洗手間,他發(fā)現(xiàn)的“嘩嘩”流獨(dú)“眼淚”水龍頭是每個(gè)人誰這么不小心忘了關(guān)tap.Have東西是這么說的`:!?如果它不珍惜水資源,那么地球起來最后水珠意愿的eyes.Every時(shí)間水想想這句話的,也必須忘記關(guān)閉水龍頭?“保護(hù)環(huán)境,人人有責(zé)! 不僅是一句空話,但在我們?nèi)粘ife.Never一點(diǎn)一滴扔廢紙節(jié)約每一滴水,同學(xué)們,加油助威,從我做起,從現(xiàn)在開始,讓我們一起為地球母親的環(huán)保小衛(wèi)士.

        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇2

          Classmates, we are a member of the nature, our survival depends on the nature. All kinds of resources are interrelated in nature. We all live on the earth, the earth is our common home, dense forests, broad grassland, ocean, and a variety of biological, form the beauty of nature. Life is pleasure in the beauty of nature, have the fresh air, have a clear stream, with dense trees and flowers, have a lovely small animal.

          But, as a result of human for a long time on the nature of the destruction and pollution, caused harm to nature, dense forests have been cut down the birds have no home, the stream is polluted, the fish's life is threatened, wild animals have been killed and lost the best friend of human, did not have the fresh air, only the thick smell, make our home is not beautiful. (in the literature, www.wlxlqq.com)

          Now, we should protect the environment, more trees and flowers, to increase the green earth, make the earth more beautiful than ever, more lovely. The earth's environment is good or bad, about each one, if the air is polluted, we smell the bad smell will be sick, I get up in the morning drink the polluted water will be sick, so, protect the environment, from each one, to start everything, to protect their family environment, is contributing to the protection of the environment.

          Our primary school is the master of the 21st century. In order to our common homeland more beautiful, let's make environmental small guards, everyone start from the protection of the environment around, let our earth more more vitality than before. He starts from you and me, start from now.






        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇3

          henry ford didn’t always pay attention in school. one day ,he and a friend took a watch apart. angry and upset, the teacher told him both to stay after school. their punishment was to stay until they had fixed the watch. but the teacher did not know young ford’s genius. in ten minutes, this mechanical wizard had repaired the watch and was on this way home..

          ford was always interested in how things worked. he once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on the fire. then he waited to see what would happen. the water boiled and, of course, turned to steam. since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded. the explosion cracked a mirror and broke a window. the young inventor was badly scalded

          ford’s year of curiosity and tinkering paid off. he dreamed of a horseless carriage. when he built one, the world of transportation was changed forever.

        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇4

          Dear Editor,

          In the past, my hometown used to be a beautifulplace. It was surrounded by plenty of trees andcovered with green grass everywhere. Later, peopledestroyed many trees to turn for its into farmlandand a lot of water and soil was carried away down thehills. Thus, much farmland has became waste land. What's worst, this waste land is increasingand our village is suffering from storms. I think it's time for us to realize the importance ofprotecting the environment and to do something about it, such as planting trees,growinggrass and so on. I am sure that our hometown will become beautiful again in the fewyears time if we do so.

          Yours sincerely,


        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇5

          When you pass through the green belt you will see the "protection of green, everyone is responsible" logo. Whether it is in the district or park next to the open space will see "Do not just throw litter" "Do not spit thirsty spit" and other words, such signs in our lives everywhere, these signs And whether it is to remind you to pay attention to the surrounding environment, to do to protect the environment.

          As a citizen of a society, we do not do it on a large scale to make rubbish, but to minimize the manufacture of garbage.

          Of course, the protection of the environment is not only a unilateral reduction in the manufacture of garbage can be, but also including water resources, land resources, and even can be said everywhere you need to cherish the resources. Installation of water-saving faucet, energy-saving lamps; with our Taomi Shui can then wash water and so on; in no one's time to turn off the lights ... .... Reduce the replacement of a pen and reduce unnecessary waste.

          According to statistics, if a ton of paper needs 17 trees if 1.2 billion people each waste a piece of paper will destroy about 6800000 trees; to disposable wooden chopsticks, for example, annual consumption of disposable wood chopsticks 45 billion pairs. 5000 pairs of wood processing disposable chopsticks to consume a 30-year growth of poplar, the country's daily production of disposable wooden chopsticks to consume 100 acres of forest, a year down a total of 3.6 million mu. "6800000", "3.6 million mu" that is a huge number. Reduce the use of plastic bags, disposable lunch boxes. If these are discarded after use, they will cause damage to the land, affect agricultural development, and pose a threat to animal survival. And the battery can not be used directly after the random throw, according to the measurement of a battery in the soil rotten, you can make a square meter of land loss of value; a button button can pollute 600,000 liters of water, the equivalent of a Person's drinking water.

          Sometimes we can contribute to the protection of our planet by doing the following.

          First, establish environmental knowledge.

          Second, know how to save resources. Do not waste water, do not waste food. To control the mining of mineral resources;

          Three, do not buy disposable chopsticks, bubble lunch boxes and white pollution items, to resist white pollution;

          Fourth, from childhood to establish the child's environmental awareness, do not readily throw garbage, so that they develop a good concept of environmental protection from an early age;

          Five, one day less car a day, more walking or just bike, so that both can reduce carbon monoxide emissions, but also exercise, enhance physical fitness;

          Six, a lot of community organizations to participate in environmental protection activities, to join them, we will understand the importance of environmental protection;

          Seven, in the district or home a variety of some green plants, beautify the environment. So that some small details can play a role in protecting the environment.

        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇6

          Environmental protection is the buzzword of our times is controversial, but at the same time is extremely important in protecting the environment, we how to do environmental protection, how to the environmental protection, how to just calculate environmental protection, in the following, we will know.

          Environmental protection is refers to the environmental protection. Environmental protection is refers to the humanity to solve realistic or potential problems, coordinate the relationship between the human and environment, guarantee the sustainable development of economic society and the floorboard of all sorts of action.

          Now, in our life, the most serious environmental problem is the soil is destroyed, climate change and energy waste. According to the reference news reports, 110 countries in less fertile arable land. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, as a result of the loss of forest vegetation, excessive development and pasture land overgrazing, bare land become fragile. The earth mother has become sallow and emaciated, please protect our mother earth! Some experts predict that sea levels will rise in the near future, many islands will be submerged.

          So how do we stop all this happen? Actually, protect the environment is not as difficult as I thought, as long as we start small, will make a new earth, for example: use more environmental protection bags, try to avoid using plastic bags; Take a bus as far as possible, as far as possible to reduce automobile exhaust emissions; Exercise more at ordinary times walk, ride a bike, and protect the environment... In addition, there are many, many, as long as we start small, many a mickle makes a muckle, and sand into the tower, also will let earth before the face of the.

          Let's struggle for the future of the earth!

        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇7

          In the last several decades, our earth has been extremely polluted, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and so on. In recent years, the extreme weather becomes more and more frequent. Winter gets colder and summer becomes hotter and it rains more frequently. All of these warn us that protecting the environment is a serious and emergent event.

          As our general people, we should build proper lifestyle. We should pay attention to water and light saving. When we go out, we should firstly choose the public transportation. The most important is that we must realize that we can do a lot of things to protect our environment. It's our duty to make our home better. Let’s change from ourselves.

        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇8

          "Green" the eternal topic, let us better to understand the importance of environmental protection.

          Green environmental protection is to make us live a happy life in a clean environment, however, the environment around us in a worse if we don't alarm, then, our motherland will be a mess in our hands! Green environmental protection starts from me. My dad used to drive his car to work, listen to my advice, to protect the environment, he ride a bike from now on, he thought that not only the exercise of his body, also for the green environmental protection.

          My mother began to contribute to the green environmental protection. Before she went to vegetable market to buy food, she used plastic bags, a village green environmental protection propaganda on TV, she understood the green environmental protection is sustainable, in order to we can have a better environment. In order to we live healthier lives, so mom from that moment on, every day go to vegetable market with the own basket, instead of plastic bags.

          As a new era of junior middle school students, and I will response to the green environmental protection call for, I had at school are all use one-off chopsticks, but now I can bring their own chopsticks to school. I think, though this is a small matter, but I do my responsibility.

          Happiness of life to let China land everyone be permeated with happy smile, rich products, long history, noble quality, the plot environment. Nowadays, the environment is polluted, the green environmental protection starts from me, let us together to protect the environment!






        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇9

          A larger and larger part of society is expressing its concern about environmental protection. Active in their concern, teachers and students hold specific meetings to discuss environmental protection. Also, city planners take environmental problems into serious consideration. And, though reducing pollution can be expensive, factories often take every possible measure to do their part. Many people are concerned and active because air and water pollution affects everyone and makes it difficult for cities to survive and businesses to make a profit.


        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇10

          Our environment is very important for our lives . We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on . In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees. Air pollution and water pollution are very serious . The environment around us becomes very terrible . We should protect our environment. First, we should plant many trees to keep water. Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.. Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags. Finally, we can ask more people to join us.













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