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      2. 保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文

        時(shí)間:2022-02-08 10:14:38 事件類英語作文 我要投稿




        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇1






        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇2

          My hometown is Changle,it's a really interesting city with a very colorful history.我家鄉(xiāng)是長(zhǎng)樂,它是一個(gè)擁有著十分燦爛歷史的城市.Long long ago,here is really beautiful,the sky is blue ,the river is clean and the trees are green .很久以前,這里十分秀麗,天空是藍(lán)藍(lán)的,河流清澈,樹木蒼翠.But now ,becase of the more and more factories ,the natrue was polluted.但是現(xiàn)在,由于越來越多的工廠,自然環(huán)境受到了破壞.The sky wasen't blue anymore,the river became dirty and there was fewer and fewer trees.天空不再藍(lán),河水變的臟了,這里的植物也越來越少.So ,the people in my hometown felt very sad.因此,我家鄉(xiāng)的人們感覺十分悲傷.We all want to have a beatiful environment .Includes clean air ,clean river!我們都希望擁有一個(gè)美麗的環(huán)境.包括干凈的空氣及水.However,what should we do?然而,我們應(yīng)該怎么做呢?So ,we must protect the natrue.We shoulden't throw wastes in the river or on the road.所以,我們必須保護(hù)大自然.不能往水里或路上扔垃圾.Of couse ,we also shuld ask a part of the so many factories to move to other areas.當(dāng)然了,我們也必須要求那么多的其中一部分的工廠搬離到其他地區(qū).After that we should plant more trees,clean the road and the river.在這之后,我們應(yīng)該種更多的樹,疏浚河流還要打掃公路.In my opionion ,as a intellectual,we also should tell other people to protect our hometown!在我看來,作為一個(gè)知識(shí)分子,我們還學(xué)要告訴其他人一起來保護(hù)環(huán)境.I hope our city could be more and more beautiful!The sky could be blue again,the river cluld be clean again ,the trees could be green again!我希望我們的`城市可以變得越來越美!天空可以重新變藍(lán),河流可以重新變得清澈,樹木可以重新變得蒼翠欲滴!

        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇3

          With the development of science and technology, the living standard of people is becoming more and more high, the problem of environment is becoming more and more serious, have you found?

          Let's say water polluted problem! Gas stations and other factory always put the water into the river without purification treatment, lead to small fish have no home. Our country with fifty-one percent of people are unable to use clean water, the Numbers don't scary? So saving water is imminent, are you still in waste?

          We say the trees reduced problem again! We are now a lot of trees are cut down le, so dust storm came, the flood came, and the nature to revenge us. We all know that the use of disposable chopsticks are made from trees, if each of us can use a pair of disposable chopsticks less every day, a year can keep millions of trees, see this, are you still in their own familiar behavior?

          We take a look at the sky, blue sky has disappeared, white cloud also hid themselves, it is not the true? No, they just is the smoke from the factory to "protect".

          These are the result of the water? Are we human beings themselves, if not disorderly cut down trees, trash, reasonable emission purification of sewage, we believe that our earth will be very beautiful. Everybody is responsible for protecting the earth, let us together to protect the environment!

        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇4

          "We only have one earth, and the environment should start from ourselves..." Every time I hear the familiar voice, my heart seems to have a voice calling, "protect the environment, everyone is responsible!"

          Our classroom is a spacious and bright classroom on the fourth floor of the fifth primary school. It is different from other classrooms. It is a computer classroom. Every time I enter here, its clean, spacious, bright light attracts me. Recently, however, has some unpleasant things happened, some students don't care for the environment, old to throw waste paper on the ground, make our classroom becomes more and more dirty, more and more disorderly, some classmate see dirty place no matter, the classroom becomes an environment of indecent: nobody windowsill dust brush, shoe ark nobody set out, also don't pick up a paper on the ground, more don't wipe the blackboard dirty. From then on, I stepped into the classroom, the feeling was not, those who replace is dirty, messy, at that time, I seem to hear the classroom in crying sadly, I feel the heart in a dull ache. How I wanted to make the classroom look like it was!

          The environment is the most important factor in our lives. What will we face if we don't have an environment? The greenhouse effect? Is dirty? Is acid rain? Is dark? No, it is not, it is not to exist on the earth, now come back to think, no good environment is so terrible! So we should start from ourselves and protect the environment.

          Protect the environment first should start from oneself, oneself be done, then correct others. Besides, don't throw waste paper, spit everywhere, see the waste paper to be picked up, so that our motherland is built more beautiful!

          Ah! No good environment is so terrible, so I'm here to tell people around the world: "everyone is responsible for protecting the environment!"

        保護(hù)環(huán)境英語作文 篇5

          As you know , theres no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of water. In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living. So theres nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts . Its time that we must do something useful to protect our environment. We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save the water and ask our parents to do so. We cant throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling. If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.

          如你所知,也沒有足夠的清潔飲水的人。他們中的很多人喪失了生命,因?yàn)樗。在很多?guó)家,人民必須砍樹的生活。所以沒有什么可以阻隔水逃跑。我們還污染了土地,河流和空氣中。因此,我們必須面對(duì)越來越多的洪水和干旱。現(xiàn)在是時(shí)候,我們必須做一些有益的保護(hù)我們的環(huán)境。我們可以種樹,照顧好他們。我們可以節(jié)省的水,并要求我們的父母這樣做。我們不能扔任何垃圾在地上,我們應(yīng)該收集回收。如果我們照顧好我們的地球今天,這將是更加美好的明天。 環(huán)境保護(hù)問題是中考熱門話題,出現(xiàn)頻率高,難度較大,必須掌握。












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