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      2. 加拿大留學(xué)商科碩士申請書

        時間:2021-11-11 12:32:11 申請書 我要投稿




          Dear x,

          “Get out of here and never come back!” Forcefully pushed out of the pub, Isat down against a nearby wall to scrub the dust off my shoes and regain mycomposure. My pride was wounded, not because of the way they treated me, butbecause they did not believe what I told them. It was the second time I had beenforced out of this particular pub, a place for gay gathering. This is part of myresearch project “Health education model of preventing HIV/AIDS based onemployer-employee relationships”, which I was working on. I believed that inorder to effectively prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, employers, who are on thetop of business pyramid, should be first in line to know the disease well,because they can leverage the sufficient resources necessary to exert greatinfluence on the disease prevention within their enterprises. This approach fitsthe circumstances in China particularly well.

          In face of this frustration, I didn’t give up trying. Before the start ofthe project, the local center for disease control and prevention had alreadycounted the fifth reported case of AIDS virus infection, who later acknowledgedthat he had once provided sex service in that club or dated his homosexualpartner. The devastating consequences if no intervention would be taken obligedme to try other means. Working as a team, three friends joined my endeavor andwe handed out brochures outside the pub that introduced HIV/AIDS preventivemeasures with the elaborately-designed slogan “We understand you by showing ourcare to you!” Eventually, our persistence had been well paid off. Our respect oftheir personal choice melted the toughness of the owner of the club and heagreed to give a hand in sending the information to his employees andclients.

          My name is Yuan, Chen. I grew up in a Nanjing family, where my mother is asenior experimentalist at the Key Lab of Reproductive Medicine of JiangsuProvince. Because of her profession, our daily communication inevitably touchedon health-related issues like health care, disease control and prevention. Sheshowed me the importance of public health and its impact on all aspects of humanwell-being. I was so intrigued by what my mother had devoted her life to that Imade up my mind to follow her footprint. My aspirations eventually led me to theSchool of Public Health at Nanjing Medical University.

          During my years of college study, I was recognized for my academicperformance and awarded with scholarships multiple times. Driven by curiosityand a desire to enrich myself, I have come out top in my undergraduate class forfour straight years. Absolutely, college study is not only a matter of gettingperfect scores in the class, as I understand. Since my sophomore year, I beganto work on research projects at the Key Lab of Modern Toxicology of Ministry ofEducation, which consists mainly of graduate students. I detected the effects ofpyrethroids (permethrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate) and their major metabolite3-phenoxybenzoic acid on rat sperm motility in vitro with a computer-assistedsperm analysis (CASA) system and then published two papers in English. Theresearch work proved to be especially rewarding. It provided an opportunity forme to apply what I had learned in the classroom so that I gained a deeperunderstanding of it. But it also armed me with strong computer skills andlaboratory techniques.

          The direct impact of public health on our society makes it not only anacademic subject, but also a social issue. Instilling a healthy life styleconcept in the community through promotion of healthy habits is as important asconducting research. Upon this comprehension, I took part in the Red Ribbon PeerAssociation of my university, an organization which aims to bring HIV/AIDS peereducation to the public, and to help find treatment for those in need.

          AIDS is a very sensitive topic that people are very reluctant to publiclydiscuss in China, due to the innate conservatism of Chinese culture. Governmentalso avoids talking about it by blaming lack of information. Gradually, thedisease has become a forbidden zone full of controversy and misunderstanding inthe public eye. People have either not heard about it, or just do not know whatto do with it. Some are so scared of it that they do not want to have anyphysical contact with infected people. Even in the health care industry, manypeople do not have sufficient knowledge of it, according to our surveys.However, in sharp contrast to the public’s ignorance are the brutal facts thatwe can no longer turn a blind eye. It is estimated that in China, there are740,000 people living with HIV/AIDS, and the number is still climbing rapidlyyear by year. Each year, nearly half of the new reported cases are undertwenty-five.

          As a group highlighting this sensitive issue in the face of people’straditional views, we met with much doubts, disbelief and resistance. Manypeople openly mocked and shunned us. “AIDS is a western disease. How can itappear here?” “I do not want to talk to AIDS patients because I do not want tobe infected.” “How is it possible for AIDS to be transmitted between man andman?” “AIDS is an immoral disease, and as long as I do not have sex with peoplewho are immoral, I will be safe.” Faced with such benightedness, we used realstories, persuasive data, and vivid pictures with scientific relevance to helpour “students” understand the disease, and we encouraged those concerned withthe issue to join our organization. Gradually, people started paying attentionand we gained some credibility within some special groups. For one of ourevents, “Tell the truth”, we invited AIDS experts, patients, and healthofficials on the same stage, discussing the issue face to face with the pubic.This event gained so much attention after some high profile media reported itthat inquiries about our project flooded our mail boxes from all over thecountry. During this windfall, we received funding support from businesses andgovernment, helping raise our project to a new level. Subsequently, we spent ourschool breaks and vacations in holding exhibitions, hosting seminars, visitingcommunities, and conducting surveys.

          Undoubtedly, fighting against HIV/AIDS is an arduous task and the road islong due to the traits of the virus—its variability and immune suppression. Butthen, “even a journey of ten thousand miles is started with your first step”, asan old Chinese saying goes, and I volunteer to become even an inch of whatbuilds up this first step. In recent years, China has made some progress onHIV/AIDS prevention and control, but a lack of advanced concepts and expertiseposes a bottleneck problem to major breakthroughs. This is the reason why I turnto developed countries like the United States. I am eager to receive systemicand more advanced training in epidemiology in USA and aspire to futureleadership in public health in China. This has led my decision to apply for theEpidemiology M.P.H. program in the School of Public Health at the University ofMichigan. Holding the belief that one’s ability is not limited by what healready knows but what he is willing to learn and do, I am ready to become morethan just a professional in the field of public health, but in fact aprofessional leader.

          Yours sincerely,








































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