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      2. 優(yōu)秀學(xué)生赴日留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū)

        時(shí)間:2021-10-13 10:19:42 申請(qǐng)書(shū) 我要投稿




          Dear X,

          From an early age I have been fascinated by the workings of life. The humanbody is a remarkable machine with many diverse systems producing an organismthat could never be artificially reproduced. My love of science is just one ofmy reasons for choosing medicine. I enjoy a challenge particularly towards arewarding objective and although medicine is a tough career it can be enormouslygratifying, highlighted by the doctors I have spoken to during my experience andon a personal level.

          To further my insight into the medical field I participated in a workshadowing week at a GP surgery. I gained a valuable understanding of theworkings of the surgery, with opportunities to observe and speak to the doctorsregarding a medical career. I arranged another placement week myself at a localhospital, which was a superb opportunity to observe medicine from another pointof view. I observed the ward rounds, an MRI scan, a skin biopsy and an endosocpyclinic all which I found interesting. I spent the most time with the haematologyteam, responsible for patients with diseases such as Chronic MyelogenousLeukaemia (CML), haematology being one of my interests it was captivating that Icould see the specialty from a more complex side than the AS biology course. Forexample I was able to understand how the level of platelets affects bloodclotting. Throughout the week I expanded my confidence and communication skillsthrough speaking to patients and doctors. Although I enjoyed the week it was attimes extremely heart-rending, I was able to get close to many of the terminallyill patients helping and caring for them where I could, getting them tea or justtalking and empathising with them to build their spirits. I volunteered at alocal home for the elderly which was very rewarding as I built my caring skills,helping residents by making them tea or playing cards with them. At school Itook part in a paired reading scheme for 6 months where I was able to help youngchildren to read, speaking and listening to them to help their English. All myexperience has made me more determined to accomplish my ambition to be adoctor.

          My love of science and aspiration for a medical career is reflected in myA-Level choices where good time management, self motivated study skills andability to cope with stress and pressure are essential. Biology and chemistryhave helped me further my interest and develop my analytical skills, maths helpsmy problem solving skills helping me to work logically and ICT gives me avaluable insight into the rapidly developing technological world where computersare crucial. I believe all the qualities I have developed through my courses areessential for any good doctor. I have participated in the Duke of Edinburghaward scheme which enabled me to achieve a first aid certificate includingcardiopulmonary resuscitation training. I also enhanced my inter-personal,communication and team building abilities, valuable skills for any medicaloccupation, as I witnessed during my experience. For 2 years I have volunteeredat a local vet hospital observing and helping out 2 hours per week communicatingwith the public in a different environment. I enjoy reading, mainly factualbooks to expand my general knowledge. To relax, I enjoy sports includingfootball, and cricket for which I was captain of the school team and my localteam for the past 3 years improving my leadership skills. I also recentlyrekindled my childhood passion for golf, another pastime I enjoy even if it is alittle expensive!

          I am a self motivated, determined individual and I look forward to thesocial and academic challenges of university. I am aware of the demands of amedical career but my commitment and desire to become a doctor has only beenstrengthened through my experience and work in a voluntary capacity.

          Yours sincerely,












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