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      2. 去日本留學(xué)讀研究生的申請(qǐng)書

        時(shí)間:2021-10-11 18:40:24 申請(qǐng)書 我要投稿




        Dear xx,

          When in life can you truly say you enjoy what you do? Far too many timesyou hear people talking of ‘enduring’ their work, or ‘getting by’ in life, fartoo seldom do we actually hear of people savouring it, being enthused by it,enjoying it! This is what divides a good student from a passing student,actually enjoying what they do, and this is my aim not just for my studies butfor my working life as well, to find fulfilment in and actual relish my work –this may seem like a common aspiration, but so few ever achieve it!

          Both of my parents work and have always worked in the care industry, theyposses very select and specialised characteristics that allow them to be thebest at their jobs that they can be, so from an early age I have been seeped inan environment of complex psychology about mental ability, counselling andstigma, Their work and ways of thinking being imprinted into my socialisationfrom childhood. Please however don’t think for one moment that because of that Isee myself bound to a life of psychology, that I was raised in a shelteredenvironment manufactured into a psychology protégé by my parents. This for meIs, as much as it biologically can be, an individual choice. Based on my beliefsand experiences, judged by what I have been through in my life and whatInterests me.

          People are what interest me, what I cannot understand is when you find apsychology student that cannot stand people! For this reason I love doing groupwork, I love interacting with other people and I love completing tasks withthem, we were made to work in a pack, that is why we are social animals, weshould love being around other humans! One thing that is paramount isconfidence, not just the confidence to stand up in front of a room or hall ofpeople and give a presentation but the confidence in your own work and your ownability to do well, self belief.

          I would put such things here as: ‘hard working and vigilant’ but I believethat a passion and an enjoyment of your subject surmounts these things, andalmost makes it difficult to not be hard working and take a further interest inthe area you are looking at. Why sell yourself and each individual aspect of whoyou are if you can get across your natural enthusiasm and passion/drive forsomething which encompasses all those things and says so much about you as aperson than a check list of your individual skills and strengths.

          The whole reason why I chose to study this course, the whole reason whywere even here and the interrelationship between psychology and philosophy isanother thing that interest me greatly - I am intrigued by peoples beliefs,their morals and the rationale behind the things they do, that is one of themain reasons why I chose this course and this path in my life, to investigatewhat makes people different and I believe so far that what separates (and binds)people most is their philosophy. And so a look into the relationship between thescience of psychology and philosophy is a deep passion of mine.

          I however do not take the scientific side of psychology lightly at all, andfor the past year have been learning the ins and outs of the SPSS program andjust how important scientific enquiry, scientific reflection on your findingsand a scientific approach from the beginning are to the subject of psychology asa whole. I feel that I will be not only well versed but also ready to take onall aspects of psychology across the duration of the course and carry that onafter graduation also.

          Being passionate, self motivated and confident within yourself is somethingthat I believe to be one of the most important things not just for a student toposses but also for anyone to posses in life to get far and succeed andultimately, enjoy what they do.

          Yours sincerely,













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