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      2. 尖子生西班牙名校留學申請書

        時間:2021-10-11 18:36:09 申請書 我要投稿




        Dear xxx,

          I have completed my four year Bachelor of Technology program at the IndianInstitute of Technology, Bombay. I graduated in July 1998 with a degree inMechanical Engineering. Many of my courses and research activities in the finalyear were in the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research with astrong focus on production and operations management. I am presently working inTata Technologies India Ltd., an information technology firm that is involved inthe areas of enterprise integration and CAD/CAM. I am applying for admission andfinancial aid to the Ph.D. program in Operations Management at the KrannertGraduate School of Management, Purdue University. Detailed information about myacademic record and my research and other experience is attached to thisstatement.

          I was introduced to mathematics and the physical sciences while at schooland it was in high school that I considered a career in this area. The desire tostudy the applied physical sciences and mathematics prompted me to take theJoint Entrance Examination (JEE) for admission to the Indian Institutes ofTechnology. I was ranked in the top 0.25 % of the nearly 1,00,000 students whotook the examination.

          My undergraduate education at IIT Bombay has not only given me a certainset of skills but has also helped me understand my fields of interest and myacademic strengths and weaknesses. This understanding has made me realize thatthough the applied physical sciences appeal to me, my strengths lie in appliedmathematics and in abstractions of reality. In particular, I am interested inthe managerial aspects of industrial and technological systems. This interestdeveloped during my junior year seminar titled ‘Productivity Management’ inwhich I explored the relationship between manufacturing strategy andproductivity improvement. I continued further research in this area through mysenior year project titled ‘Decision Support System for Quality Control’ whichsought to investigate various decision making mechanisms in the quality functionand provide corresponding computer support. The project also enabled me toappreciate the interaction between manufacturing and the other functions of thefirm especially information systems. The reading of certain outstanding booksduring the course of my research such as Skinner’s ‘Manufacturing in theCorporate Strategy’, Deming’s ‘Out of the Crisis’ and Goldratt’s ‘The Goal’finally convinced me to pursue a Ph.D. in operations management and an academiccareer thereafter.

          My past work in the area of industrial engineering and operations researchwas characterised by a dichotomy of approaches. The courses that I took in thisarea dealt with various operational and tactical issues. The basic aim was tounderstand a specific problem, model the problem appropriately and find anoptimal or reasonably optimal solution using the techniques of operationsresearch. This has given me a good background in issues related to methodology,modelling, and heuristic solutions. On the other hand, my research has beenoriented towards strategic issues. The basic thrust of my junior year seminarand senior year project has been ‘integrative’. Through my future researchefforts I would like to understand this dichotomy better. Initially, I want tostudy rigorous model-based methods and do research on operational and tacticaltopics. After gaining a thorough grounding in these topics, I am interested inapplying the same methodologies and techniques to strategic topics in operationsmanagement.

          I believe that I have the qualities to be a good researcher and teacher. Iam a creative person and often think in a contemplative way about various issuesof practical importance. Being able to identify patterns and relationships thatare not obvious to others is perhaps my greatest strength. This will prove veryvaluable because an integral part of being a researcher and teacher is toperceive the balance between theory and practice, analytical rigor andintuition. My communication skills are good and I like expressing ideas andconcepts both in oral and written form - an ideal platform for the disseminationof knowledge in my chosen field of specialization.

          The Krannert Graduate School of Management is one of the best schools ofmanagement in the world with a strong orientation towards research. Thediversity of research interests in the operations management group is ofparticular interest to me. The eminent faculty and the individualized nature ofthe doctoral program will definitely bring out the best in me. I would like toreiterate that I possess the background, the ability and the motivation to makea significant contribution to Operations Management. I hope you will take afavorable decision regarding my admission to the Ph.D. program and I lookforward to joining the Krannert Graduate School of Management and PurdueUniversity.

          Yours sincerely,






        世界杯之 再見,西班牙07-26







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