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      2. 小學(xué)三年級英語作文:How to Keep Healthy 如何保持健康

        時間:2021-08-08 08:33:36 三年級英語作文 我要投稿

        小學(xué)三年級英語作文:How to Keep Healthy 如何保持健康

          Here are my advices about how to keep healthy.

        小學(xué)三年級英語作文:How to Keep Healthy 如何保持健康


          Firstly, build normal daily routine and eat regularly. You should go to bed and get up early. Make sure you can have a good rest. Pay attention to your diets. Don’t eat too much meat and sugar. Eat more vegetables.

          首先,建立正常的作息,飲食規(guī)律。你應(yīng)該早睡早起,確保你能夠有良好的睡眠。注意你的 飲食,不要吃太多肉和糖,多吃蔬菜。

          Secondly, have a good mood towards life. A good mood will bring you a healthy body, too.


          Last, do some exercises. Exercises help you build a strong and healthy body.

          最后,要多鍛煉。鍛煉能夠幫助 你建立強(qiáng)壯健康的身體。

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