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      2. 描寫鄰居的英語作文

        時(shí)間:2022-09-26 20:13:41 人物類英語作文 我要投稿
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          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇1

          I have lots of neighbours but I like Aunt Huang best. She is in her forties. She is slim and pretty with a round face. She is a medium heght with a pair of glasses on her small nose. She is friendly and helpful. When we have troubles, she always helps us. She likes traveling and reading books. She often tells us the places she has been and the stories. She also likes animals and she has a dog named Diandian and she often walks her dog. She sometimes play badminton with her husband. She is so kind that we all love her very much.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇2

          We are all in the neighbouring countries. A good neighbor is better than a distant relative. It is common that we may meet with difficulties. When we are good neighbors, they will always come to help you. Neighbors should be in with each other.

          My neighbor, have a daughter. We are of the same age, but we don ~ T study in the same school. We always do homework together in the evening. She is good at maths, I am good at English. Therefore, we often help each other from the network.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇3

          We have moved into this apartment for nineteen months. Our neighbors are an assorted group including merchants, teachers, grocers and government employees. Once I went hurriedly to work and forgot to turn off the faucet connected by a hose to the washing machine. It was only when I got to my office that I remembered what I neglected to do. Anxious and uneasy, I called up one of my neighbors, a Mrs. Lin, to ask her to take care of the faucet. She was obliging enough to do what she was told to do and I was so grateful. According to an old Chinese saying, a distant relative is less likely to help you out than a near neighbor. There is certainly a ring of truth in this. There are, however, neighbors and neighbors. Although our neighbors are generally friendly and always ready to help us, there are some who tend to do something unpleasant. They scatter their garbage where it is not supposed to be scattered and a couple living on the floor just above us often quarrel and fight around midnight with so much noise that I simply cannot have a good sleep at all.

          The Bible says, "Love thy neighbor." Well said, but I would like to add: Make yourself lovable before you expect to be loved by others. I really hope all of my neighbors will love each other. Only under such circumstances can we find our hours at home enjoyable.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇4

          My neighbor is a lonely elderly.In life, I have tried to give my best to help him.For example, the laundry, sweeping, cooking, etc.


          In fact, the most elderly of a fifty years old,best hope is that other people care


          So, I hope that not noly care in their daily lives,but also emotionally,we can care what they want.


          Therefore, to regularly communicate with old people is the most important.To do more listening and speaking,


          For the elderly to he most comprehensive care.


          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇5

          the loud rock music, and the noisy argument happen in your net door, and you just want to read your favorite book or even to have a good sleep. how do you feel your neighbor in this situation? after you have lived for one year, one day, your friends ask your neighbor’s name; however, you may see them only several times in a year. are they good neighbors? although these situations are in imagination, in reality, they eist. good neighbors can create safe and warm living sphere. people can’t help ask what is a good neighbor? there is a board and vague question, but, in my opinion, good neighbor should be characteristics of basic conditions: concerned about other’s feelings, and helping each other.

          the sense of concern about others plays a fundamental role in the harmony of the neighborhood. residents enjoy their family time in their own home. however, the outsiders, neighbors those have their happy moment by yielding noises, for eample, loud music, and kala ok at midnight, or by shouting at home during hockey game, can disrupt such sweet time. in addition, the etent of concern about the backyard also creates the problems between neighbors. the garbage scatters everywhere, attracting mosquitoes that may be bring infectious virus such west nile bird virus, and neighbors do not shovel the snow on the house side-road, leading to inconvenience to the disable people who ride wheels. the concern forces neighbor to turn down volumes and clear their living environment, and hence retain the harmony in the neighborhood. such concern about others can avoid the conflicts between neighbors, but helping each other can result in a safe and warm neighborhood. your neighbors shovel the snow on your side-road when they do for themselves. they take care of your pets when you are not at home. they watch strangers when they see them roaming around the neighborhood. in turn, you do the same thing for your neighbors when you are in that situation. accordingly, the neighborhood becomes more and more safe and warm. the help will etend out of the neighborhood. last month, the battery of my landlady’s truck was dead in the parking lord. i though that she would call some friends or mechanists for help; however, half and hour later, her neighbor brought a battery for her.

          therefore, the judgment of a good neighbor does not depend on the reputation that purports the first impression but on their attitudes to others, including the sense of concern about others, and the etent of helping each other. such characteristics can bring about a safe and warm neighborhood and eliminate the conflicts between neighbors

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇6

          My mother in our eyes is a beatiful woman.she has rounds eyes,long hair,white cheeks,long eyelash,and black eyebrowns.she works in a school.after works she take us from school and we go back to home together,after this my mother will busy with cooking,cleaning the house and washing dishes and check my home work.I think every day my mother is very tired,but she never said a word.althought sometimes we do not listen,she will be carefully to teach us.

          My mother loves us and we also love our mother.



          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇7

          My nighbour, Uncl Wang, is a tachr. H tachs P. in No. 8 Middl School. It is on of th ky schools in Shanghai.H has taught thr for 4 yars.His taching ishighly apprciatd and h is lovd by all his studnts. H oftn tlls his studnts to pay attntion to thir halth.Somtims h plays football with thm aftr school. In summr, h always taks us to th swimming pool. H's a good tachr.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇8

          I‘m living in a beautiful and quiet neighbourhood.I have lived there for ten years.There is a big and beautiful park near my neighbourhood.We often go to the park to play.It has a lake in it.And there are many fishes.They're interesting.A lot of boys like playing football in the park.My neighbourhood is only two blocks away from the main shopping centre.I like to go shopping with my mother.There is a bookstore in my neighbourhood,too.I'm a regular customer there.It has so many good things to read.People in my neighbourhood is all very friendly.I love it very much.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇9

          Next to us lives is a math teacher,he is about fourty years old and look very fact,he is very kind.

          He always gets up very early,And he always goes to work very early,class,he is very a student makes a noise,he is very always tells his student:“It’s have math class now,isn’t ’t make a noise!Ok?”

          But class over,is very kind and always says jokes with his students always very use the joke is vey interesting and funny.

          Sometimes help me with my a word,is very kind,I respect him so much.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇10


          我的'鄰居,有一個(gè)女兒。我們是同齡,但我們不要? T研究在同一所學(xué)校。晚上我們總是一起做功課。她擅長數(shù)學(xué),我很擅長英語。因此,我們經(jīng)常互相幫助。

          We all have neighbours. A good neighbour is better than a distant relative. It is mon that we may meet with difficulties.When we have igood neighbours, they will always e to help you. Neighbours should get on well with each other.

          My neighbour has a daughter. We are of the same age but we don~t study in the same school. In the evening we always do homework together. She is good at maths and I am good at English. So we often help each other.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇11

          My neighbour, Uncle Wang, is a teacher. He teaches P. E in No. 8 Middle School. It is one of the key schools in Shanghai.He has taught there for 4 years.His teaching ishighly appreciated and he is loved by all his students. He often tells his students to pay attention to their health.Sometimes he plays football with them after school. In summer, he always takes us to the swimming pool. He's a good teacher.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇12

          Uncle Wang, is a retired policeman, more than 60 years old, like an old child, all day happy, what if there is no trouble, one of my favorite childhood and Uncle Wang to play, he was very good to me, tease me happy all day long, told me when he was in police affairs.

          He always said ‘ ’ this man must behave like a kite, the line is pulled, will not fly very high, if not that a line pulling the kite, will not be truly free, but will the earth. ‘ ’ I Sidongfeidong nodded.

          Once, my mother gave me something, entrusted to Uncle Wang, Wang uncle as usual take me to walk, walk on the asphalt road, the road on both sides of the tree clang float, the road full of leaves, to the asphalt road covered with a layer of carpet, in the setting sun, the golden light sparkling, Uncle Wang held my hands, and I walk slowly, walking a long way, he pulled me sitting under a tree, telling his police career.

          Uncle Wang said is full of it, heard a noise not far away, there are many onlookers, Wang Dabo and I hurried past, turned out to be one of the lost money, grabbed the man's clothes on, like the man took money to someone, that person may have. Don't admit. Uncle Wang stood in the midst of the crowd, trying to control the situation, to the masses of ‘ ’ everybody listen to me, whether or not he took the money, we have to figure out...... ‘ ’ but they disdain said ‘ ’ this is where the crazy old man ran out, in the what nonsense. ‘ ’ Wang uncle saw the situation can not control, and then took me to the annex police station.

          The police uncle Li know Uncle Wang, see Uncle Wang like the breath, hurriedly asked Uncle Wang how, Uncle Wang put things in detail to tell Lee uncle, Uncle Li after listening, let us take him to the place of the incident, arrived at the site, Uncle Li began to solve the case, and I will be in Uncle Wang while quietly watching.

          I looked at Wang uncle, as if to see the once or the police uncle Wang, the quality of his body, not exactly what we want to learn?.

          Although Uncle Wang is old, he is always young in my heart.









          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇13

          My family moved to an old man last year, and everybody called him uncle li.

          When Uncle Li just moved in, the kids hated him, and I was one of them. Because he's very nosy, he's nagging all the time.

          One day, Ni Yanzhong and I at home eating apples while watching my MP5 when I look happy when my hand and waved, apple flew out of my hand, just hit on Ni Yanzhong's body. Unfortunately, Uncle Li just passed by here and saw this. He talked up: "you see you this child, do things recklessly, not attention? See you hit people." After listening to these words, my happy mood suddenly fell down. I bent down and picked up the black and black apples on the floor and walked indoors. He took one step, I heard Uncle Lee behind shouted: "you this child, hit people repeatedly won't say 'sorry'?" I Touyebuhui to say "sorry" and entered the room. Walking was also said: "well, this nosy old man, but not hit you, you so hard to do what."

          A few days later, my father and mother went to see my grandmother on the beach, leaving me alone at home. I wanted to show that I was a good kid, so I took my clothes out and hung them up. Feeling a person at home, not fun, go out with friends. Just play for a while, the sky blowing wind, rain like soybeans sprinkle down, hit my face again. I think the clothes home is still the clothesline, and started to run home. I panted out of the house, looked at the clothesline, and there was nothing on the clothesline, just a little water hanging on the rope. Well, some clothes was stolen by the thief, I was dumbfounded, mom and dad will come back to beat the crap out of my meal. The rain stopped, and I stood still in the yard, waiting for the end. At this moment, Uncle Li came to me with a pile of clothes and said, "boy, take your clothes back. It's time to look at the weather next time."." After hearing these words, my nose was acid and tears almost fell off. "Thank you, thank you," he said to uncle li!"

          After that, I changed my view of Uncle Li, and no matter how hard he talked, I wouldn't have an opinion, because I knew it was good for me.




          有一天,我在家門口和倪炎忠一邊吃蘋果一邊看我的 mp5 ,當(dāng)我看的高興的時(shí)候,我的手使勁一揮,蘋果從我的手里飛了出去,正好砸在了倪炎忠的身上。不巧,李大爺正好路過這里,看見了這事。他又嘮叨了起來:“你看看你這孩子,做事毛手毛腳的,就不能注意一下嗎?看你都砸到人了!甭犃诉@些話,我原本愉快的心情一下子低落了下來。我彎下腰,拾起地上這“遍體鱗傷”的蘋果就往屋里走。剛走一步,就聽見李大爺在身后叫道:“你這孩子,砸到人連聲‘對不起’都不會說啊?”我頭也不回地說了一聲“對不起”就進(jìn)屋了。邊走心里還罵道:“哼,這個(gè)多管閑事的老頭,又不是砸你身上,你那么認(rèn)真干什么。”



          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇14

          We all have neighbours. A good neighbour is better than a distant relative. It is common that we may meet with difficulties.When we have igood neighbours, they will always come to help you. Neighbours should get on well with each other.

          My neighbour has a daughter. We are of the same age but we don~t study in the same school. In the evening we always do homework together. She is good at maths and I am good at English. So we often help each other.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇15

          the loud rock music, and the noisy argument happen in your next door, and you just want to read your favorite book or even to have a good sleep. how do you feel your neighbor in this situation? after you have lived for one year, one day, your friends ask your neighbor’s name; however, you may see them only several times in a year. are they good neighbors? although these situations are in imagination, in reality, they exist. good neighbors can create safe and warm living sphere. people can’t help ask what is a good neighbor? there is a board and vague question, but, in my opinion, good neighbor should be characteristics of basic conditions: concerned about other’s feelings, and helping each other.

          the sense of concern about others plays a fundamental role in the harmony of the neighborhood. residents enjoy their family time in their own home. however, the outsiders, neighbors those have their happy moment by yielding noises, for example, loud music, and kala ok at midnight, or by shouting at home during hockey game, can disrupt such sweet time. in addition, the extent of concern about the backyard also creates the problems between neighbors. the garbage scatters everywhere, attracting mosquitoes that may be bring infectious virus such west nile bird virus, and neighbors do not shovel the snow on the house side-road, leading to inconvenience to the disable people who ride wheels. the concern forces neighbor to turn down volumes and clear their living environment, and hence retain the harmony in the neighborhood. such concern about others can avoid the conflicts between neighbors, but helping each other can result in a safe and warm neighborhood. your neighbors shovel the snow on your side-road when they do for themselves. they take care of your pets when you are not at home. they watch strangers when they see them roaming around the neighborhood. in turn, you do the same thing for your neighbors when you are in that situation. accordingly, the neighborhood becomes more and more safe and warm. the help will extend out of the neighborhood. last month, the battery of my landlady’s truck was dead in the parking lord. i though that she would call some friends or mechanists for help; however, half and hour later, her neighbor brought a battery for her.

          therefore, the judgment of a good neighbor does not depend on the reputation that purports the first impression but on their attitudes to others, including the sense of concern about others, and the extent of helping each other. such characteristics can bring about a safe and warm neighborhood and eliminate the conflicts between neighbors

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇16

          Li Longfei and I are upstairs downstairs neighbor, is also a good friend. Although he is one year older than me, but we can talk together, always have a good time. Of course, good friends will also have contradiction occurs when. This not, two days ago, because of a very small things, we were at odds.

          In fact, it's very simple. That day, I just bought a pair of cards, like in the Li Longfei show. Sure enough, he was immediately attracted to my card, and immediately from home out of a crust of bread with me, I want to also did not want to promise.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇17

          My neighbors called Jing Sha, her this year ten years old, and I are the same age but is bigger than me half a year. Her hair is short, is a little higher than me. The skin is a little black, big eyes. She is the person diligent, metrics. Soon have the Spring Festival, my mother let me stick hanging. I was about to stick, static Shalai. She offered to help me out of the paste, then paste it also help me stick hanging. We spent more than an hour to put all of the hanging stick. Mom saw us stick hanging straight boast that we stick.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇18

          We have moved into this apartment for nineteen months. Our neighbors are an assorted group including merchants, teachers, grocers and government employees. Once I went hurriedly to work and forgot to turn off the faucet connected by a hose to the washing machine. It was only when I got to my office that I remembered what I neglected to do. Anxious and uneasy, I called up one of my neighbors, a Mrs. Lin, to ask her to take care of the faucet. She was obliging enough to do what she was told to do and I was so grateful. According to an old Chinese saying, a distant relative is less likely to help you out than a near neighbor. There is certainly a ring of truth in this. There are, however, neighbors and neighbors. Although our neighbors are generally friendly and always ready to help us, there are some who tend to do something unpleasant. They scatter their garbage where it is not supposed to be scattered and a couple living on the floor just above us often quarrel and fight around midnight with so much noise that I simply cannot have a good sleep at all. The Bible says, "Love thy neighbor." Well said, but I would like to add: Make yourself lovable before you expect to be loved by others. I really hope all of my neighbors will love each other. Only under such circumstances can we find our hours at home enjoyable.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇19

          Having long been living in this alley, I know almost everyone here. It is, however, the housewives that I usually see in the daytime, the rest being either out working as family providers or away in school. All these housewives are kind and considerate. My mother, for example, takes care of my sister's daughter even though she herself is busy with housekeeping' yet if she finds it necessary to go out shopping, she need not worry because there is always someone in the neighborhood coming over of her own will to help with our household chores. When suppertime is over, these housewives also like to gather at a certain place for a friendly chat about the daily goings-on in the alley or other things. They are also security-conscious, trying to keep each other out of harm's way. I is thanks to such mutual help and precaution against harm that we in the alley have lived so happy and so undisturbed a life.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇20

          I live in a rural area. As in most rural areas, this area has plenty of fresh air and luxuriant vegetation. What makes me even happier is the neighbors I have, all of them simple and honest folks. I don't think I can find the like of them in a city. In general, city dwellers, except in their own small circles of acquaintances, see each other as total strangers, and it is not unusual to find people living in the same apartment house brush past each other without showing any sign of recognition, not so much as a nodding of the head. Neighbors are usually compared to our close friends and as such they should help each other if help is sought. My neighbors are all farmers, who are rich, not in material possessions, but in hospitality, and their honesty to help are legendary. For reasons quite obvious, it is important to get along well with our neighbors and avoid quarreling with them over trivialities. I am a good neighbor to my neighbors, and so are they to me.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇21

          Our old home was located on a grassy plain and not far from it were wide farms and a big orchard. There was a dirt road running past our house and winding up a hill; along the road you could find a serpentine creek alive with fish and prawn as well as a big pond often cluttered with blooming lotuses. The grassy plain, wide farms, dirt road, crooked creek and the pond are the things I can hardly forget and also the things that often put me in mind of my days first as a child and then as an adolescent. But, alas, no traces are now left of the scene of my past. Our old house has given way to a high apartment building; the dirt road is now replaced by a smooth highway; the wide farms and that big orchard have long been converted into factory grounds. Though I have lived in that apartment building for a long time, I am not acquainted with my fellow occupants, not knowing who they are and what they are. I dislike this impersonal human relationship and also the surroundings of my present dwelling place. The old creek is still there but so heavily polluted by a near-by factory that neither fish nor humans can find its water drinkable. There is also no fresh air, no fragrance of the soil. I deplore the side-effects of a material civilization. If we do no try to solve the problems that plague our neighborhood, the quality our life will simply turn from bad to worse.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇22

          The Bible says, "Love thy neighbor." I agree with this view very much. I live in a rural area. As in most rural areas, this area has plenty of fresh air and luxuriant vegetation. What makes me even happier is the neighbors I have, all of them simple and honest folks. I don't think I can find the like of them in a city. In general, city dwellers, except in their own small circles of acquaintances, see each other as total strangers, and it is not unusual to find people living in the same apartment house brush past each other without showing any sign of recognition, not so much as a nodding of the head. Neighbors are usually compared to our close friends and as such they should help each other if help is sought. My neighbors are all farmers, who are rich, not in material possessions, but in hospitality, and their honesty to help are legendary. For reasons quite obvious, it is important to get along well with our neighbors and avoid quarreling with them over trivialities. I am a good neighbor to my neighbors, and so are they to me. I’m glad I have such good neighborhoods and I have lunch that feel the same as I do.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇23

          Next to us lives Mr.Lv.He is a math teacher,he is about fourty years old and look very strict.In fact,he is very kind. He always gets up very early,And he always goes to work very early,too.In class,he is very strict.If a student makes a noise,he is very angry.He always tells his student:“It’s have math class now,isn’t class.Don’t make a noise!Ok?” But class over,Mr.Lv is very kind and funny.He always says jokes with his students.His students always very happy.Because the joke is vey interesting and funny. Sometimes Mr.Lv help me with my math.In a word,Mr.Lv is very kind,I respect him so much.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇24


          There is a very cute little girl in the neighborhood. Her name is Fang Songzi. In Chaoshan dialect, it sounds like "squirrel". She is two years old.


          The skin of the little squirrel is very white, and there is a very thin, smooth, white and tender face. Her thin hair is standing up one by one, like soldiers on guard. Two big eyes are shining like bright beads.


          Every time I come home from school and finish my homework, I run to her house quickly. When she saw me, she waved her hands to welcome me, because I would play with her, push her car around, sometimes I would take a bottle to feed her when I was hungry. Everyone said that I took good care of her.


          I like this cute little squirrel.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇25

          in pioneer days, being a good neighbor was very important. neighbors helped one another raise a house, build a barn, and clear fields.families depended on one another for friendship and entertainment. but today in our cities and suburbs, neighboring is not common. a family may not even know the other families that live close by.

          we live in an age of machines, and each family may have its own car, tv set, and washing machine. people no longer depend on neighbors as much as they once did.

          machines keep people apart in other ways. in our grandparents time, women met while they hung out their washing, and men stopped and talked while they mowed their lawns. today, women stay in the house with their automatic dryers. the men cant hear anything above the roar of their

          power lawn mowers. and the children are inside watching their favorite tv show.

          is the idea of being neighborly old-fashioned? in 1965, a power failure hit new york city, and many thousands of people were left stranded. suddenly, everyone shared the same problem, and our largest city became a group of eight million neighbors. people with cars offered rides to those walking.other persons helped direct traffic. trapped in elevators,people played word games and helped keep each other in good spirits.

          in times of trouble, people still depend on one another.as time goes on, people may once again feel that being a good neighbor is important.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇26

          Next to us lives Mr.Lv.He is a math teacher,he is about fourty years old and look very strict.In fact,he is very kind.

          He always gets up very early,And he always goes to work very early,too.In class,he is very strict.If a student makes a noise,he is very angry.He always tells his student:“It’s have math class now,isn’t class.Don’t make a noise!Ok?”

          But class over,Mr.Lv is very kind and funny.He always says jokes with his students.His students always very happy.Because the joke is vey interesting.

          描寫鄰居的英語作文 篇27


          My family lives in a small courtyard in the countryside. There are people around. There are many neighbors, but I especially like Grandma Zhang who lives in my east courtyard.


          Granny Zhang is very good. She often gives snacks to our children and asks her granddaughter to help us with our lessons. He has a good character and temper. He never bothers us or scolds us.


          I like Grandma Zhang very much.











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