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      2. 英語作文300字

        時間:2024-05-01 18:47:05 其他類英語作文 我要投稿
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        英語作文300字 篇1

          最近,章老師用了一個妙招把我們班那些上課不認真的,不聽課的同學(xué)全都改頭換面,讓他們上課認真。 課上,章老師對大家說:“我告訴你們,我報到名的以下同學(xué)都給我上課認真聽,如果下課后能把上課的內(nèi)容全都說出來,我就獎勵誰,禮物你們自己說,但可是,如果在我的課上吵!那吵的.人就來負責(zé)禮物,好嗎?”大家沉默了一會兒,歡呼起來“好!”果然,大家都贊同這個意見。接下來,老師開始報名,有些人因為報到而開心;而有些人因為沒報到而沒有獲禮物的而傷心——失落。 接著就開始上課。章老師說了幾個表示“上,下,左,右……”的單詞,她準備讓3位同學(xué)來表示,2位同學(xué)來聽另一位同學(xué)的“命令”來做動作。到最后,沒想到章老師居然把吳浩和楊一翔叫了上講臺。一位同學(xué)說了一聲“on”只見吳浩他倆立刻把受傷的書放在頭頂。大家都很興奮地笑起來,他們居然能聽懂。 果然,章老師的辦法很管用,在這個星期內(nèi),不僅今天這節(jié)課大家很認真,整個星期的三節(jié)課都很認真,我也好喜歡這個新的英語課!


        英語作文300字 篇2

          I Like Running

          I like running,because I think it's a funny and easy sport. I can do it by myself. I was notvery healthy when I was a little child. So my father took me running with him. Hesaid it's good for me. At first, I didn't like it at all. But after a fewweeks, I felt great when I was running. Therefore, I go to running every threedays. Now, some of my classmates run with me. We always talk to each other. I likethis sport.

        英語作文300字 篇3

          My mother is an engineer. She works from Monday to Saturday. She’s busy everyday. My mother is pretty. She has short hair, a round face, two big eyes, a big nose and a big mouth.

          My mother watches TV everyday, because she likes watching TV very much. She likes math, too. She always teaches me math at night.

          She usually gets up at 6:40. Then she cooks breakfast for me. It is very delicious. She goes to work at 7:35. She goes to work by car.

          This is my mother. I love her forever.

        英語作文300字 篇4

          My uncle has been in America for quite a few years. He used to live in Pudong. He wanted to come back to his homeland very much. Iast summer he came to Shanghai and I took him to visit Pudong. He said the streets became wider and the buildings became higher.

          I told him, "Many people have moved into new and big flats. It is very convenient to go shopping here." He couldn't find his old house. He said, "What GREat changes!" He decided to stay and spend the rest of his life in Shanghai.

        英語作文300字 篇5

          Hello, My mame is Ada. I am 11 years old. I am a quiet girl. I study in Lin Pu No.1 Primary School. My favourite food is ice cream. It’s sour. My favourite teacher is art teacher.

          My favourite class is art class. My favourite animal is squirrels. My favourite drink is juice. My favourite fruit is strawberries, because it’s sour.

          Can you be my friend ?

          你好,我的媽媽是阿達。 我11歲。 我是一個安靜的'女孩。 我在林浦一中小學(xué)讀書。 我最喜歡的食物是冰淇淋。 這很酸。 我最喜歡的老師是藝術(shù)老師。

          我最喜歡的課是藝術(shù)課。 我最喜歡的動物是松鼠。 我最喜歡的飲料是果汁。 我最喜歡的水果是草莓,因為它酸。

          可以跟你作個朋友嗎 ?

        英語作文300字 篇6

          Dear Mr. John,

          How are things going with you in Beijing?

          I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much.

          I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news. In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it.

          All the best.

          Yours,Liu Jie

        英語作文300字 篇7

          It is 4,000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea.

          There’re many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world.

          Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china.

          Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories.
















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