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      2. 一帶一路英語作文

        時間:2024-04-25 09:36:32 志華 其他類英語作文 我要投稿
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          一帶一路英語作文 1

          There is no doubt that Road and Belt is the hottest issue recently. The media report the news all the time and we feel the power when we see our government holding the meetings. A lot of countries have joined the team and made this policy effective. Road and Belt brings great chances to China and other countries. Chinese government plays the important role, which shows its increasing power in the current situation. Since the 1990s, Chinese economy increased and opened the new chapter every ten years. The world sense the great market potential and many foreign companies come to China to seek for cooperation. Road and Belt opens the door for both sides, which is a win-win situation. In the future, China will become the first economy, which has been predicted by the experts. We are lucky to witness the change.


          一帶一路英語作文 2

          The Silk Road, regarded as the greatest East-West trade route, was first traveled by Zhang Qian when he was sent on a diplomatic1 task to the Western Regions in the Han dynasty2 (206 BC~AD 220).

          The Silk Road is not only the name of a number of roads of international trade between ancient China and other parts of the world, but also a bridge of culture between China and many other countries in history. It was named because of the Chinese silk, which was one of the most important goods in the trade.

          Usually, it can be divided into three roads. The Northern Silk Road on the land started from Chang’an (now Xi’an), an ancient capital of China, and went west to Europe. It is the most famous and we know it very well. The Southern Silk Road on the land usually started from Sichuan Province and went south to India. The Silk Road on the sea mainly started from Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Dengzhou, and then it went east to Korea, Japan and west to Europe and Africa.

          一帶一路英語作文 3

          Now, China is planning an“One Belt and One Road” program―the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime3 Silk Road.

          It will connect China with Europe through Central and Western Asia, and connect China with Southeast Asian countries, Africa and Europe. It’s welcomed by the Silk Road countries. In the past year, over 50 countries have joined in the program. We believe that it will help to realize the peace and development of this area.

          “One Belt” refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt, which extends into central Asian nations. “One Road” refers to the 21st century Maritime Silk Road, which seeks to extend China’s trading power and infrastructure4 investment5 into Southeast Asian nations and to south Asia and Africa.

          Great changes are taking place in the world. The world economy is recovering slowly and countries still have the hard time of their development. Building the Belt and Road is to help the poor countries along the road develop economy. It will improve world peace and development.






          一帶一路英語作文 4

          The Belt and Road Initiative, a visionary project launched by China, has transformed the global landscape, fostering unprecedented levels of connectivity and cooperation among nations. This initiative, which encompasses both the land-based Silk Road Economic Belt and the sea-based 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, aims to promote economic integration and mutual development through infrastructure investments, trade facilitation, and cultural exchanges.

          The Belt and Road Initiative has opened up new avenues for trade and investment, bridging the gaps between developed and developing economies. By investing in infrastructure projects such as roads, railways, and ports, it has enabled smoother flow of goods and services, boosting economic growth and creating job opportunities in participating countries. This has not only strengthened economic ties but has also fostered deeper cultural understanding and people-to-people contacts.

          Moreover, the Belt and Road Initiative has the potential to address some of the most pressing global challenges, including poverty, inequality, and climate change. By promoting sustainable development and green infrastructure, it can contribute to a more inclusive and environmentally friendly global economy.

          However, the success of the Belt and Road Initiative hinges on several key factors. It requires strong political will and commitment from participating countries, as well as effective coordination and cooperation among them. Additionally, it must prioritize transparency and accountability in its operations to ensure that resources are used efficiently and benefits are shared equitably.

          In conclusion, the Belt and Road Initiative represents a bold and ambitious effort to reshape the global economic landscape. By fostering connectivity, cooperation, and mutual development, it has the potential to bring about lasting changes that will benefit people across the globe. However, its success will depend on the ability of participating countries to work together, adhere to principles of transparency and accountability, and prioritize sustainable development.

          一帶一路英語作文 5

          Up to now, 29 heads of state and government and three leaders of major international organizations, including the secretary-general of the United Nations, will attend the Leaders Roundtable and other activities. Around 1,500 guests from over 130 countries will attend the forum as official representatives, and over 4,000 journalists around the world have registered to cover this forum, all of which are unprecedented.

          The forum will provide various activities, including the Opening Session, Leaders Roundtable and High-level Dialogue. On the morning of May 14, President Xi Jinping will attend the Opening Session and deliver a keynote speech. After that, there will be the high-level plenary. On the afternoon of May 14, there will be six thematic sessions on five types of connectivity and think tank exchanges. On May 15, President Xi will preside over the roundtable, which includes two sessions and a working lunch. After that, President Xi will meet the press to talk about the major outcomes of the forum.

          Moreover, China and participants to the roundtable will issue a joint communique, which will reflect their consensus on building the Belt and Road. During the forum, participants will synergize development strategies and work for a series of cooperation outcomes. A number of cooperation documents will be signed at that time.

          In addition to the Leaders Roundtable, there will also be a High-Level Dialogue and six parallel panel discussions on the connectivity of policy, infrastructure, trade, finance and people.

          The Belt and Road is Chinas initiative, but it belongs to the world. The idea came from China, but the benefits will flow to all countries. In the over three years since President Xi announced the initiative, the idea has caught on and cooperation has flourished. It has become the most popular public good and the international cooperation platform with the brightest prospects. The Belt and Road Initiative has been so successful because it meets the partner countries urgent desire for more mutually beneficial cooperation and follows the open and inclusive principle of planning together, building together and benefiting together. With protectionism and unilateralism on the rise, the Belt and Road Initiative is a common cause where the participating countries roll up their sleeves and pitch in together. The initiative will help to rebalance economic globalization and make it more inclusive and equitable. It also represents an important attempt at building a community of shared future for all humankind.

          We hope the forum will accomplish three things. First, review and build consensus, enhance the complementarity of countries development strategies and set the goal of combining their strengths and achieving common prosperity. Second, examine key areas of cooperation and identify a number of major projects concerning physical connectivity, trade and investment, financial support and people-to-people exchange. Third, announce medium- to long-term initiatives, explore the establishment of an effective cooperation mechanism and build a closer and result-oriented network of partnerships.

          一帶一路英語作文 6

          "Vision of China, the world peoples expectations and the Gospel" "for regional development along the historic opportunity" to choose a suitable text book "is helpful for us to achieve common prosperity" countries along the thumb up, have a strong support, also has a good look.

          This is the path of open cooperation

          All the way to build "area" to the world multi-polarization and economic globalization, cultural diversity, the trend of social informatization, holding an open regional cooperation spirit, committed to maintaining the global free trade system and the open world economy. Since the One Belt And One Road, it has received positive responses from over 60 countries and international organizations. Whether all the way "area" construction, or the preparation of investment Banks, Chinas attitude has always been open, welcome along the countries and Asian countries to actively participate in, not only is the participation with open arms to welcome friends five continents. "Area" all the way to construct one body two wings "of Chinas new round of opening to the outside world, enhance the level of" east "open at the same time, to speed up the pace of" open to the west ", fueled by opening up to the border area inland toward the edge of front, and as a whole, the land and sea each other aid, open new pattern for the world.

          This is a path of harmony and inclusiveness

          Ancient silk road is from country to country, the crystallization of human interaction, from Chinese silk, tea, porcelain, and the four great inventions, the western spices, jewelry, medicine, blood horse, they are connected not only the commodity trade, east and west two civilization. "Area along the inheritance and carry forward the" silk road friendly cooperation spirit, extensive exchange of cultural and academic exchanges, personnel, media cooperation, youth and womens association, volunteer service, etc., to deepen multilateral cooperation laying solid foundation of public opinion. Countries along the China each year to provide 10000 government scholarships, along the line between countries hosting the culture year, art festival, festival, activities such as television and book fair, collaboration of radio, film and television creation and translation, high-quality goods jointly apply for world cultural heritage, in the combination of world heritage protection to choose a suitable text book "neighbourhood" all the way beyond the nation, across time and space, to strengthen the dialogue between different civilizations, seeking common ground while putting aside differences, eclecticism, peaceful coexistence, coexistence and co-prosperity.

          This is a path of mutual benefit

          The countries along the One Belt And One Road have different endowments, different levels of development, different advantages and strong complementarities. Over the next five years, China will import more than $10 trillion of goods, invest more than $500 billion in foreign direct investment and make more than 500 million outbound tourists. Construction of countries along the "area" all the way to China and further play their respective comparative advantages, create new comparative advantage and competitive advantage, promote orderly flow freely, the resources area

          Efficient allocation and market depth fusion, the impetus of economic complementarity into development, produce "one plus one is greater than two" superposition effect, complementary good situation of mutual benefit and reciprocity.

          "One Belt And One Road" is a grand system project that covers a wide range of times, spans over time, and builds a task. "China is not a solo, but along the countrys chorus", in order to build "One Belt And One Road" as an opportunity, along the country and China will go together, equal consultation, balancing the interests of all parties, reflect the parties appeal, promote a wider, higher level, the deeper big open, communication and integration. With the development of the One Belt And One Road, we will bring tangible and tangible benefits to people along the belt and road.

          "Close is strong, lonely is weak". Echoing the trend of cooperation and building the "One Belt And One Road", China is working with other countries along the belt and road to write an open and inclusive new China chapter and play the most vocal cooperation.

          一帶一路英語作文 7

          "Area" strategic goal is to establish a mutual political trust, economic integration and cultural tolerance, fate community and community responsibility, the interests of the community, in many countries, including Eurasia, to build a mutual benefit community of interests, fate and responsibility.

          "Area" is in the era of financial crisis, as the worlds economic growth engine of China, its production capacity, technology and capital advantages, experience and patterns into the market and the cooperation advantages, implement a great innovation of all-around opening up. Through the "One Belt And One Road", we will share the experience and lessons of Chinas reform and development and Chinas development. China will strive to push along to cooperation and dialogue between countries, establish a more equal and balanced new global development partnership, strengthen the basis of long-term and stable development of world economy.




          一帶一路英語作文 8

          The Silk Road, regarded as the greatest East-West trade route, was first traveled by Zhang Qian when he was sent on a diplomatic1 task to the Western Regions in the Han dynasty2 (206 BC~AD 220).

          The Silk Road is not only the name of a number of roads of international trade between ancient China and other parts of the world, but also a bridge of culture between China and many other countries in history. It was named because of the Chinese silk, which was one of the most important goods in the trade.

          Usually, it can be divided into three roads. The Northern Silk Road on the land started from Chang’an (now Xi’an), an ancient capital of China, and went west to Europe. It is the most famous and we know it very well. The Southern Silk Road on the land usually started from Sichuan Province and went south to India. The Silk Road on the sea mainly started from Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Dengzhou, and then it went east to Korea, Japan and west to Europe and Africa.





          一帶一路英語作文 9

          Watching the news today, heard the news, xi jinping, the general secretary is put forward to build the Chinese dream "" area, all the way, I dont understand, ran to ask dad, dad wanted to think, said to me:" in the tang dynasty in China, there is a road, starting from the tang dynasty, the capital chang an, through central Asia, west Asia to Europe, he is a famous "silk road", businessmen through the silk road to China along the silk, porcelain, etc) to sell to people of the country, let them put on beautiful clothes, with exquisite tableware, at the same time also brought all kinds of treasures in other countries. This way is the path of trade, and is also a cultural exchange ".

          I wanted to mean to say: "that can put the neighbourhood understanding all the way into the modern silk road, our China all kinds of household appliances, articles for daily use, to other countries, even to the laying of countries along the high-speed rail, build power plants, can also go to support African development of poor countries, such as construction, and then the rest of the oil, minerals, food etc. We need supplies home", the father nodded with a smile.

          President xis "One Belt And One Road" is a major strategic vision proposed by the Chinese dream of national prosperity, national rejuvenation and the peoples happiness. The promotion of One Belt And One Road will surely create new opportunities for the realization of the Chinese dream and will bring more new strength and new vitality to the world.

          I am Chinese, I have the "Chinese dream"!

          一帶一路英語作文 10

          The Belt and Road Initiative -- China’s proposal to build a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road in cooperation with related countries -- was unveiled by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visits to Central and Southeast Asia in September and October 2013.

          The initiative focuses on promoting policy coordination, connectivity of infrastructure and facilities, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and closer people-to-people ties through extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, with the goal of bringing benefits to all.

          By the end of 2016 over 100 countries and international and regional organizations had expressed an interest in participating, and more than 40 of them had signed cooperation agreements with China.

          Silk Road Economic Belt

          The proposed economic belt is considered the longest economic corridor in the world -- and potentially the most dynamic -- connecting the Asia-Pacific region in the east with developed European economies in the west.

          21st Century Maritime Silk Road

          Starting with the launch of individual projects that are expected to help spur a wider range of cooperative activities, it envisions a network of interconnected markets linking the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, South Asia, West Asia, North Africa, and Europe, and a strategic partnership for the South China Sea and the Pacific and Indian oceans.

          Spirit of the Silk Road

          Throughout the millennia, interaction along this route has shaped the Silk Road spirit, which is embodied in solidarity and mutual trust, equality and mutual benefit, inclusiveness, a disposition to learn from each other, and cooperation in finding win-win solutions.

          Silk Road Fund

          The Silk Road Fund was established in Beijing on December 29, 2014, following President Xi Jinping’s announcement on November 8 that China would contribute 40 billion US dollars for this purpose. The fund will support infrastructure and resource development and industrial cooperation in the countries along the land and sea Silk Roads.

          Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

          The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is a regional inter-governmental development institution focused on supporting infrastructure development. It is the first multinational financial institution sponsored by China. As of the end of March 2017, the bank’s membership had reached 70, second only to that of the World Bank.

          Steering Group for the Belt and Road Initiative

          A steering group for the Belt and Road Initiative has been established at the national level to study important issues related to planning, policy, and projects, and to provide guidance and coordination in the implementation of the initiative.

          Joining Hands to Build a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road -- Vision and Actions

          The document explains the background of the initiative, and outlines its guiding principles and broad objectives, and the priority areas and mechanisms for cooperation.

          Five-Pronged Approach

          In his speech at Kazakhstan’s Nazarbayev University on September 7, 2013, President Xi Jinping proposed building a Silk Road Economic Belt by promoting policy coordination, road connectivity, unimpeded trade, currency convertibility, and closer people-to-people ties.

          一帶一路英語作文 11

          Dear foreign friend: Hello! I am honored to have this opportunity to let you know China through writing, but I will never say that this article can "read China", because China has a long history, the extension is vast, and it is not impossible to make it. You "Read". To this end, I can only choose the two keywords "all the way" "Chinese food", which will hide the Chinese. China has had a sea and there are two silk roads on land. In addition to silk and porcelain, food has always been an important part of communication on the Silk Road. Zhang Yutongs western region, broughtting ingredients such as pepper, cousin and carrots for China;

          Ming Dynasty Yangbang, China introduced crops such as pepper, sweet potato, and pour. These introduced food ingredients have an important impact on Chinas crop planting structure and diet culture, and some are even more important to "not a day without this king". Take "pepper" as an example, its arrival is not only greatly enriched and satisfied with the desire of the Chinese people, and even has a profound impact on Chinas dishes, in the dishes of Sichuan, Hunan Cuisine, Cuisine, etc. Become a first-handed family.

          For example, after the Western Sea Specialty, the wine is introduced to China, and the development of history has been fully integrated into Chinas traditional wine culture. At the same time, the tea, wheat, such as the tea, wheat, etc. from China, also affect the "moisturizing silent", and constantly fill their dining table and diet culture. More than 800,000 Chinese restaurants along the way are all blooming everywhere, and they are loved by the people of their people. Gourmet, is undoubtedly a well-deserved "first-behaved" in human civilization. "A band all the way" is not a solo, it is a big chorus, not a single dance, is a collective dance. In the construction of "all the way", the exchange of food is multi-directional, and the exchange of food is an important part of cultural exchanges. In the long river in history, whether it is China or the people in all countries, it is the beneficiaries of such exchanges.

          The Chinese diet culture is profound, the source is long, the Chinese diet is "beautiful" words, this beauty refers to the perfect unity of Chinese food activities form and content, which means it brings to the aesthetic pleasure and spirit enjoyment. . Chinese people talk, not only three meals a day, thirst, hunger, it often contains Chinese people to know things, understand the philosophy of understanding things, Confucius said: "Eat is not tired, dont worry." Eating and drinking, you cant just see it, it is actually a medium that is emotional between people, is a different social activity.

          Eat, chat, you can do business, exchange information, interviews. Friends clutch, sent to us, people are accustomed to expressing farewell or welcoming mood on the dinner table, and people are often borrowed by wine. In the past teahouse, everyone sat down and drink tea, listening to books, giving a dragon gate or venting to the courts dissatisfaction, is an excellent psychological massage. "Rites · Gifts" said: "The birth of the husband, the beginning of the diet.

          Chinese food reflects a spirit, an intrinsic ethical spirit. Chinese food will not be estimated in international exchanges. Influence and role. A band all the way, the world is also. Chinas beauty, beauty in ChinaFood.Welcome to China to vivid and culturally profound food and culture.

          一帶一路英語作文 12

          Watching the news today, heard the news, xi jinping, the general secretary is put forward to build the Chinese dream "" area, all the way, I dont understand, ran to ask dad, dad wanted to think, said to me:" in the tang dynasty in China, there is a road, starting from the tang dynasty, the capital chang an, through central Asia, west Asia to Europe, he is a famous "silk road", businessmen through the silk road to China along the silk, porcelain, etc) to sell to people of the country, let them put on beautiful clothes, with exquisite tableware, at the same time also brought all kinds of treasures in other countries. This way is the path of trade, and is also a cultural exchange ".

          I wanted to mean to say: "that can put the neighbourhood understanding all the way into the modern silk road, our China all kinds of household appliances, articles for daily use, to other countries, even to the laying of countries along the high-speed rail, build power plants, can also go to support African development of poor countries, such as construction, and then the rest of the oil, minerals, food etc. We need supplies home", the father nodded with a smile.

          President xis "One Belt And One Road" is a major strategic vision proposed by the Chinese dream of national prosperity, national rejuvenation and the peoples happiness. The promotion of One Belt And One Road will surely create new opportunities for the realization of the Chinese dream and will bring more new strength and new vitality to the world.

          I am Chinese, I have the "Chinese dream"!

          一帶一路英語作文 13

          The policy of Belt and Road has been the hot topic in the year of 2017, and many foreign countries have joined this plan. For the foreign students, they become more interested in Chinese and learn the culture, at the same time, Chinese students have faced the opportunity and challenge.


          This great policy provides the chance to do business between countries, so it is important to master the international language—English. Though many Chinese students have learned it for a long time, they can’t use it fluently because of the lack of chance to communicate with local people.


          At the same time, culture is the inevitable part during making connection with another countries, so it is important to learn the culture. For the students who want to work on the International company, they need to improve their language ability and the ability to make connection with foreigners.


          The policy of Belt and Road have won praise from people all around the world. They are expecting to seek for cooperation. In the future, more business chances will come. If you are ready for it, you will be ahead of others.


          一帶一路英語作文 14

          The Belt and Road Initiative, a visionary project proposed by China, has emerged as a pivotal force in shaping the global economic landscape. This ambitious undertaking, encompassing both the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, aims to promote economic integration and cooperation among countries along its vast network.

          The initiative is not just a physical infrastructure project; its a strategic framework that encourages policy coordination, connectivity of facilities, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and closer people-to-people ties. By investing in infrastructure such as roads, railways, and ports, the Belt and Road Initiative is enhancing connectivity and facilitating trade between participating countries. This, in turn, is expected to boost economic growth, create job opportunities, and reduce poverty in these regions.

          The significance of this initiative extends beyond economic benefits. It represents a platform for cultural exchange and mutual understanding, breaking down barriers and fostering a spirit of cooperation and shared prosperity. It also has the potential to enhance global stability by fostering stronger ties between participating countries.

          However, the Belt and Road Initiative is not without its challenges. Issues such as environmental sustainability, debt sustainability, and the distribution of benefits need to be carefully managed. Ensuring transparency and inclusivity in project implementation is crucial for its long-term success.

          Nonetheless, the Belt and Road Initiative remains a powerful symbol of Chinas commitment to international cooperation and development. It offers a unique opportunity for countries around the world to come together, share resources, and build a more interconnected and prosperous future. As we move forward, it is essential that we continue to work together to address the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by this remarkable initiative.

          一帶一路英語作文 15

          The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also known as One Belt, One Road, has emerged as a transformative strategy that aims to strengthen economic cooperation and cultural exchanges among nations. Initiated by China, it envisages the creation of a vast network of infrastructure projects, trade routes, and policy coordination that spans across Asia, Europe, and Africa.

          The BRI is centered on the ancient Silk Road trade routes, connecting China with the rest of the world through a modern-day infrastructure network. This includes the development of highways, railways, ports, and pipelines, as well as the promotion of energy and telecommunications cooperation. The initiative not only focuses on physical connectivity but also strives to enhance policy, financial, and people-to-people connections.

          The BRI holds significant potential for economic growth and development. It offers opportunities for participating countries to enhance their trade and investment flows, create jobs, and improve infrastructure. By leveraging Chinas economic strength and expertise, the initiative aims to promote balanced development in the regions it traverses, especially in developing and least developed countries.

          Moreover, the BRI serves as a platform for cultural exchanges and mutual understanding. It encourages people-to-people interactions, educational exchanges, and tourism, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. This cultural exchange can lead to greater cooperation and mutual trust among nations, contributing to global peace and stability.

          However, the BRI also faces challenges and criticisms. Some concerns have been raised regarding the sustainability of projects, the impact on local environments and communities, and the potential for debt traps in recipient countries. It is crucial for China and other participating nations to address these concerns through transparent and accountable practices, ensuring that BRI projects are beneficial to all stakeholders.

          In conclusion, the Belt and Road Initiative represents a bold vision for global connectivity and cooperation. It has the potential to transform economies, enhance cultural understanding, and promote shared prosperity. While challenges remain, the BRI offers a unique opportunity for nations to work together towards a more interconnected and prosperous world.











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