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      2. 英語作文600字

        時(shí)間:2023-08-07 17:31:52 其他類英語作文 我要投稿
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        英語作文600字 篇1

          I was born into a good and happy family. Besides my parents I have a grandfather and a grandmother. We love each other very dearly.

          We live in a flat of five rooms. Among them three are bed rooms. One is a kitchen. One is a toilet. Two of the bedrooms face south. All the rooms are clean and neat.

          My father is an office worker. My mother is a teacher of primary school. They are very busy very day. My grandmother works very hard at home to make it pleasant.

          After supper in the evening it is the happiest time in our family.My family is a happy one.




        英語作文600字 篇2

          i brought a big red bird-shaped kite and my two small cousins, aged four and tow, to national taiwan university campus. we found an open space away from telephone poles and lines and trees. it was 8 o’ clock in the morning and not very sunny; the wind was moderate. after the first few attempts to get the kite to fly i discovered how amateur i really was. i was at the to realize this was going to be a long trial-and- error process. by ten-thirty, at last i was at the height of my glory: the kite was sailing upward and away as far as my string could go. and both children were dancing, yelling, and clapping around me. i had gotten the kite up, but i did not steer it well and the wind blew it down toward the roof of a school building. finally my string broke, and we all went home.

        英語作文600字 篇3


          這一天終于來臨了,一走進(jìn)教室,只見老師穿著一件白色T恤衫和一條黑色牛仔褲,真是cool!不過他的皮膚真夠黑,像是涂了一層漆。他好像很喜歡我們這群可愛的中國孩子,一直對我們保持微笑,兩個(gè)深深的酒渦真好看,還有那一排排整齊的牙齒,在黑皮膚的襯托下顯得格外白。他對我們真的很友好!第一天上課就對我們說:“where are china,where are the best!”意思就是我們是中國人,我們是最棒的!我想老師的.意思大概是讓大家明白,做一個(gè)中國人感到很自豪!要努力!他上課真的很有趣!記得每節(jié)課他都會(huì)教我們一首兒歌,為了讓我們學(xué)得輕松,老師根據(jù)兒歌內(nèi)容自編了許多不同的動(dòng)作,有時(shí)撅屁股,有時(shí)扭扭腰,有時(shí)晃胳膊,有時(shí)抖動(dòng)腿,那時(shí)我們很興奮得跟他一起做,老師學(xué)生融為一體,他更像我們的大哥哥,真可愛!因?yàn)槲曳e極發(fā)言,老師很欣賞我,所以他經(jīng)常高高地豎起大拇指,露出他最燦爛的笑容,對我說:“good!”我開心極了!



        英語作文600字 篇4

          Last week, my friends asked me to spend the weekend in the house that near the lake. It is one of my friends’ house, where their families often spend the holiday together. Though the house was not big, the environment around was really beautiful. In the daytime, we walked around the lake and appreciated the beauty of nature. At night, we made some food and barbecued. It was such a happy time that we sung and danced. We talked about our future thoughts. Before we went to bed, we watched movies together and discussed the plot. This is the most wonderful moment for us. We share our happiness and have no annoyance.


        英語作文600字 篇5

          今天早上,爸爸和我一起回到周崗?fù)馄偶。我一到外婆家,就迫不及待到跑到那棵橘子樹旁,我看到橘子有黃的有綠的,我就摘了一個(gè)下來,剝了皮,吃了一片,又酸又甜,很好吃。我就喊爸爸來摘 橘子。

          This morning, dad and I went back to grandma Zhou Gang's house. As soon as I got to grandma's house, I couldn't wait to run to the orange tree. I saw that there were yellow and green oranges. I picked one, peeled the skin and ate one. It was sour and sweet. It was delicious. I called Dad to pick the oranges.


          When my father was picking oranges, I carefully observed that the outer skin of the oranges was yellow and green, and the pulp inside was yellow, full of white warp threads. I like eating oranges very much, but my father and I said that oranges are delicious, but I can't eat more. If I eat more, I will get angry and my tongue will blister.

        英語作文600字 篇6

          There are four seasons in a year.

          Spring is a delightful season. Many flowers bloom. The weather is always warm and rainy.We play on the

          green grass.The ski is blue. The cloudare white. And we can put on good sweater. I’m so happy. Beause the

          chilren can fly kites. And flowers have bright colors,too.I like spring very much.

          Summer is my favourite season. Because in summer we have summer vacation.In the summer vacation we can go to the beach and swim a long time. At home we use air-conditioner and eat very sweet and forzen ice-cream. Summer is so cool. The weather is hot and sunny. The sun is shiny. Summer is very super.

          In fall we can see farmers are busy. The air is clean. The Halloween and Thanksgiving are in fall. And leaves are colourful. It is suitable for going hiking. I like fall so much.

          Winter is too clod for me. We put on coat and gloves.But we are happy. Because we can make a snowman. And it is beautiful.

        英語作文600字 篇7

          There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, basketball,travelling and so on. However, my favorite sport is running.In my mind,it is a good activities for people to keep healthy and relieve the pressure. After busy studying,i usually run on the playground,and i think that's the most wonderful time in a day.I love this sport since i'm 4,but at that time i only run for fun without any purpose.It's different now.Running has become a essential part in my life.I love running,and i 'll keep running.


        英語作文600字 篇8

          In the initial Chinese people learn English, teachers usually remind students of English and Chinese Yuxu more "word sentence" is not true。 English and Chinese are the basic common Yuxu "main — that — pin—for — warrants" order, although there are 5,000 years of Chinese civilization。 However, grammar and punctuation are from the May 4th Movement of 1919, 1919。 It was developed in the light of Spanish grammar, not have research, but I think also, to a certain extent, Chinese grammar by English grammar impact。 Therefore, the English Yuxu also similarities。 In the voice of Chinese and English have v f, chi ci zi zhi tr densities of pronunciation, it makes Chinese people to learn English than South Korea from Japan were the two countries easier。 So many Korean think that the English voice, grammar similar to the Chinese people learn English easily。

        英語作文600字 篇9

          hobbies are very important to a person. without having any hobby, life wont be as colorful as it should be. i have a variety of hobbies, such as collecting stamps, playing musical instruments, reading, and doing sport activities. when i am free, i will spend time on my hobbies. when i am in a blue mood, i will also do my hobbies to cheer myself up. hobbies can help us improve our moods. many hobbies requires devotion. for eample, when you play a musical instrument, you have to practice over and over in order to perform good music. after a period if you still enjoy it, gradually it will become a hobby of yours. but, remember: a hobby is like gold under the ground; no hobby will come to you unless you dig it out yourself. if you can treat study as one of you hobbies, learning will be more enjoyable. i hope all of you can find your own hobbies and also have fun from them.

        英語作文600字 篇10

          母愛-Mothers Love


          I got up late this morning and went to school without feeding my cats。When I came home in the afternoon, the cats almost starved to death。 They circled around me and crying for food。 I took one fish out and threw it to the cats。 I wanted to see who was the first one to catch the fish。 Mother cat held it in her mouth and nm away quickly。 She didn't eat it, but put it down, then called her children there。 The four starving little cats began to devour the fish, but their mother just stayed there looking at them tenderly,without eating a little bit。 On seeing that, I thought of my mother。 She often does everything for me selflessly。 This is a mother's love, I think。





        My mother,我的媽媽英語作文英語作文-英語作文09-30

        Careful and Careless英語作文_英語作文09-18






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