1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. 成長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)作文300字

        時(shí)間:2023-04-18 12:03:02 其他類(lèi)英語(yǔ)作文 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦




        成長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)作文300字 篇1

          I am ten years old, though I am not mature, I am on the way of growing up. Two years ago, I was very shy, I even couldn’t talk to the strangers.

          But now I have made progress, I can talk to the strangers and make friends with them. I am not the shy girl any more.

          I have grown up gradually, in the future, I will become more and more better.




        成長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)作文300字 篇2

          One possible version:

          Dear editor,

          My biggest problem is that I'm too busy. When I was young, I used to have so much free time, but these days I stay in school all day. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time watching my favourite tv programmes, but now i have to study. I love music, and my mother used to take me to concerts. These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts. I have to go to different classes at weekends.

          I'm very tired. I really miss the old days. I wish I wouldn't grow up.

          best wishes

          Rose Tang

        成長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)作文300字 篇3

          One day, my father taught me to fish at the river, I was so impatient, straight to my father said: "know, know." Dad sighed, quietly walked away.

          I took the fishing rod in the river for two hours, a fish did not catch up. Daddy it is coming up again and then fishing the note said again, I followed, the fish caught up.

          This is my mental growth process.




        成長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)作文300字 篇4

          We all want to grow up happily and healthily,and for this goal we must do several things. Firstly,we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly,we must study hard because knowledge is power.If we have the power,we can help to build our country and enjoy life better.In order to study well,we need to do sports so that we can keep fit.We can go running,play ball games or simply take a walk after a day’s study. If we do those things well,we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.

        成長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)作文300字 篇5


          通過(guò)認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí),我知道了掌握知識(shí)的快樂(lè)。我知道一個(gè)公式——學(xué)習(xí)=快樂(lè) 。當(dāng)你在取得好成績(jī)時(shí);當(dāng)你得到老師或家長(zhǎng)的稱贊時(shí);在你苦苦思索后,終于知道了一道題的正確答案;在你知道了許多你以前不知道的知識(shí)后,你是否感到了一種喜悅的感覺(jué)?對(duì),這就是學(xué)習(xí)的'快樂(lè)!在成長(zhǎng)中,我們天天都在學(xué)習(xí)。既然逃避不了,那就開(kāi)心的去面對(duì)吧!我們需要認(rèn)真上課,需要仔細(xì)按時(shí)完成家庭作業(yè),需要我們自覺(jué)的復(fù)習(xí)與預(yù)習(xí),需要一些適當(dāng)?shù)膽敉膺\(yùn)動(dòng),來(lái)保持健康的身體只要你做到了以上的幾點(diǎn),你就會(huì)驚奇的發(fā)現(xiàn)原來(lái)學(xué)習(xí)這么快樂(lè)!期末快到了,我們更應(yīng)到爭(zhēng)取每分每秒的光陰!各位同學(xué)們讓我們一起“快樂(lè)學(xué)習(xí),快樂(lè)成長(zhǎng)!”

        成長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)作文300字 篇6

          Sometimes I want to grow up quickly, so I can be an adult and enjoy their moment, but my parents tell me that being mature needs to pay some price. I sometimes will make my parents angry, because I make the mistake. They tell me that it is the price of growing up. Being mature means I have to learn from the mistake.



        成長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)作文300字 篇7

          Growth is a pain, but I don't want to let it leave scar. Growth is a metamorphosis, experienced hardships to break cocoon.

          In the growth of the road is often lonely, to learn in no one's time to give ourselves. Don't worry, fear brave, frankly, facing the growth of everything for yourself in the faith, encouragement, give yourself to yourself. In the growth of the journey, we need is calm, quiet, bravely facing.

        成長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)作文300字 篇8

          Everybody will learn to grow up, when they are small, they have to overcome all kinds of problems, because they are young, so they will take more time to grow up. The road to be mature is not easy, the kids should learn to be nice to other, be considerate and take care of others. Of course, it need time to be an adult, the road to grow up will be mixed with happiness and sorrow.













          1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>