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      2. 英語作文600字

        時(shí)間:2023-04-16 12:25:53 其他類英語作文 我要投稿
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        英語作文600字 篇1

          Look at this photograph of my family. There are five people in it. The tallest one is my father. He is forty-eight years old. My mother is standing beside him. She is not as my father. She is three years younger than my father. Sitting in front of them are my grandparents. My grandfather is that fat one with a pair of glasses. My grandmother is as fat as he. This little one is me. I’m sitting between them. All of us love one anther. I have a happy family.

          I Made a New Friend

          This afternoon I joined in the English Corner at the Wuyi Square. There I met Tom, an American boy. He was tall and cute, with blue eyes and brown hair. He was as old as I. We talked with each other for two hours. He told me that his parents had come to China on business. It so happened that he was on holidays. So he came with them.

          He was glad to see that so many Chinese children like English, and we agreed to keep in touch with each other later on. How happy I am to have made a new friend!

        英語作文600字 篇2

          Sharing Housework

          Mother is always the greatest person in the family, because she takes care of everything, she does all the housework, though she is a housewife, what she is so heavy and great. I nearly help my mother to do the housework, when I go home after school, I always go out to play with my friend and then until the dinner, I will come back. Now as I grow up, I start to realize that I need to help my mother, I should share some housework, so that I can reduce her burden. Since I help my mother with the housework, she looks so happy, she will praise me in front of her friends. I feel proud of myself.

          媽媽總是家里面最偉大的人,因此她照料著家里的一切,她做了所有的'家務(wù),雖然她是一個(gè)家庭主婦,但是她所做的繁重而偉大。我?guī)缀醪辉趺磶退黾覄?wù),當(dāng)我放 學(xué)回家后,我總是出去和我的朋友玩,然后直到晚飯時(shí)間,我才回來,F(xiàn)在我長(zhǎng)大了,我開始意識(shí)到我需要幫助媽媽,我應(yīng)該分享家務(wù),這樣就能減少她的負(fù)擔(dān)。自 從我?guī)椭鷭寢屪黾覄?wù),她看起來很開心,她會(huì)在她朋友面前表?yè)P(yáng)我。我為自己感到自豪。

        英語作文600字 篇3

          Nowadays, English is the necessary language for Chinese students, most parents pay special attention to the English education, they believe that it can help their kids to have advantage over others. There is no doubt that English is of great importance, while Chinese is ignored. Actually, Chinese is the language that spoken by most people around the world. As Chinese economy develops so fast, the world is keeping their eyes on China. Many foreigners have already started to learn Chinese, they want to do business with Chinese people and seek for cooperation. Though Chinese is our mother tongue, we still need to master it well, or we will be kicked out.

          如今,對(duì)于中國(guó)學(xué)生來說, 英語是必要的學(xué)習(xí)語言,大多數(shù)家長(zhǎng)特別重視英語教育,他們認(rèn)為英語可以幫助他們的孩子比別人有優(yōu)勢(shì)。毫無疑問,英語是非常重要的,而中文卻被忽略。實(shí)際上,中文是世界上最多人講的`語言。由于中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展如此之快,全世界都在關(guān)注著中國(guó)。許多外國(guó)人已經(jīng)開始學(xué)習(xí)中文,他們想和中國(guó)人做生意,尋求合作。雖然漢語是我們的母語,我們?nèi)匀恍枰莆账?不然我們就會(huì)被淘汰。

        英語作文600字 篇4

          Water is the source of life, and the water is the source of all things, no water, no today creatures.

          Read many writers write water scenery, I couldn't help but enjoy them, naturally think of home of water. Hometown of water while not famous, but it to support more than 100 households, 300 multi-port person, in our eyes, it is our mother river.

          Hometown river fish, shrimp son crystal and traces of grain in water silk is visible. The tortoise also impressed by the beauty, it all thumbs climbed onto the shore, elongation neck, slightly narrowed eye, silently enjoying the scenery, look at this water this frolic fish. Sometimes, people went to its side, it was not aware, wait until found only when the "plop" is reluctant to jumped into the river, splash water ?

        英語作文600字 篇5

          With the approachment of life in university, choosing a suitable dorm becomes a hot topic among the freshmen.

          As far as I am concerned, renting a flat close to the university will be a smarter choice. Compared with school dorm, although the cost of 800 yuan per month is an extra load for the parents, it gives you more freedom as you live alone. Brave and independent as I am, I will be satisfied with this way of live. In addition, while the school dorm only provides one restroom on each floor, I can enjoy a comfortable bath in the flat. What comes last is that you will never bother anybody or be bothered by others. Since I am an early bird, I don’t want my reading in the morning to be a nightmare of my dormmates.

          In conclusion, renting a flat is my best choice. Of course you can make your own decision, and it all depends.

        英語作文600字 篇6

          The American popular female singer Lady Gaga is famous for creating the fashion. Of course, the fashion she created is not accepted by the old generation but is admired by the young people. They believe that it stands for their individuality. There is one thing that is neglected by so many people, which is Lady Gaga has great talent in music. Before she got famous, she wrote many songs and she was accepted by a first-class music school. The school only accepts very few excellent students ahead around the world. The reason that Lady Gaga becomes such successful lies in her talent and her individuality. We can’t see things in its surface.

          美國(guó)著名流行女歌手Lady Gaga因創(chuàng)造時(shí)尚而出名。當(dāng)然,她所創(chuàng)造的時(shí)尚并不被老一代人接受,但卻受到了年輕人的追捧。他們認(rèn)為這代表著個(gè)性。有一件事被很多人忽視,那就是Lady Gaga在音樂方面很有天賦。在她成名之前,她寫了許多歌曲,她被一間世界一流的音樂學(xué)校錄取。這間學(xué)校只在世界范圍內(nèi)預(yù)招少量的.優(yōu)秀學(xué)生。Lady Gaga之所以取得這樣的成功在于她的天賦和個(gè)性。我們看事情不能只看表面。







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